Sunday, July 26, 2015 | By: rudi butt

Chinese Terms Of The Officers And Departments Of The Government Of Hong Kong

Updated July 26, 2015

The Government Notification #210 published in the Government Gazette of January 2, 1875 specified for the first time Chinese equivalent terms of government officers and departments. Here its is.

The Governor督憲大人Tuk Hin
The Lieutenant-Governor副督憲大人Fu Tuk Hin
Executive Council議政局I Ching Kuk
Legislative Council定例局Teng Lai Kuk
Colonial Secretary輔政司大人Fu Ching Si
Colonial Treasurer庫務司大人Fu Mo Si
Auditor General考數司大人Hou Sho Si
Surveyor General工務司大老爺Kung Mo Si
Postmaster General驛務司大老爺Yik Mo Si
Registrar General華民政務司大老爺Wa Man Ching Mo Si
Harbor Master船政廳大老爺Shun Ching Teng
Captain Superintendent of Police巡捕官大老爺Tsun Po Kun
Superintendent of Gaol司獄官大老爺Si Yuk Kun
Chief Justice按察司大人On Chat Si
Puisne Judge副臬司大人Fu Nip Si
Registrar of Supreme Court掌案司大老爺Cheung On Si
Attorney General國家律政司大人Kwok Ka Lui Ching Si
Crown Solicitor國家狀司老爺Kwok Ka Chong Si
Police Magistrate巡理府大老爺Tsun Li Fu
Coroner騐屍官大老爺im Shi Kun
Sheriff傳票官老爺Chun Piu Kun
Colonial Surgeon國家大醫師大老爺Kwok Ka Tai I Si
Inspector of Schools監督學院大老爺Kam Tuk Hok Un
Colonial Chaplain國家牧師大老爺Kwok Ka Muk Si
Justices of the Peace紳士Shan Si
Superintendent of the Fire Brigade滅火官大老爺Mit Fo Kun
Superintendent of Civil Hospital醫院醫師I Un I Si
Government House督憲府第Tuk Hin Fu Tai
Government Offices總憲署Tsung Hin Shu
The Treasury庫務署Fu Mo Shu
The Post Office書信館Shu Sun Kun
The Stamp Office印捐局Yan Kun Kuk
The Harbor Master's Office船政廳Shun Ching Teng
The Supreme Court臬署Nip Shu
The Central School大書院Tai Shu Un
The Government Civil Hospital國家醫院Kwok Ka I Un
The Police Court巡理廳Tsun Li Teng
The Central Police Station巡捕廳Tsun Po Teng
The Gaol監房Kam Fong
The Fire Brigade Station大水車館Tai Shui Che Kun