
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Notable Doctors From The First 100 Years

 N.B. The information I've gathered has outgrown the capacity of a single post. That and my wish to put this dictionary in a more organized format, I have started a completely new blog on this very subject – Biographical Dictionary of Medical Practitioners in Hong Kong, 1841-1941. The web address is: I hope you'll enjoy the new blog. Please also note that I have stopped updating this post since July 25, 2013.

Updated (partial) on May 5, 2013

By the first 100 years, I mean the years beginning 1841 and ending 1941. This actually covers 101 years, but I thought the inclusion of the year 1941 would make complete the period in question, which will now start from the year when British troops landed in Hong Kong to take possession of the Island and end in the year when Hong Kong fell to the hands of the Japanese during the Pacific War.

I found no record that shows who was the first physician to practice in Hong Kong, that aside, the first record breakers are plentiful:

1855 - Kuan Huang became the first Chinese inhabitant to study abroad in a university, the first to qualify as a physician with the MB Qualification (1855) and a MD  (1857)
1879 - Ho Kai became the first Hong Kong-born man to read medicine in a university and attained the MB, CM qualifications
1880s - Herbert Poate became the first dentist to practice in Hong Kong
1892 - Sun Yat-sen and Kong Ying-wah became the first licentiates of Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese (HKCMC)
1893 - Kwan Sun-yin became the first locally-trained doctor to practice in Hong Kong
1901 - Chaun Moon-Hung became the first university-trained (University of Pennsylvania) Chinese dentist
1904 - Alice Deborah Sibree became the first woman doctor (obstetrician) to practice in Hong Kong
1912 - George H. Thomas became the first non-Chinese student and licentiate of HKCMC (1912), he was also the first M.D. graduate of the University of Hong Kong (1920) and the first locally born acting Director of Medical Services (1947)
1921 - Lai Po-cheun became the first woman student admitted to the Faculty of Medicine, HKU
1927 - Chau Sik-nin became the first Chinese Otolaryngologist to practice in Hong Kong
1927 - Eva Ho Tung, daughter of Robert Ho Tung, became the first woman graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, HKU
1952 - Sze Tsung-sing became the first Chinese appointed a WHO Medical Officer
1952 - K.C. Yeo became the first Chinese appointed to the medical post in the government - Director of Medical and Health Services

Early Government's Contribution to Medical Service (or the Lack of it)

The early colonial government contributed almost nothing to introducing medical services to Hong Kong despite the fact that an acting Colonial Surgeon [1] was appointed in 1841, one year ahead of the formal establishment of a provisional colonial government. The chief reasons were three, I believe.

First of all, frequent changes in officeholders of the medical chief. Henry Holgate, who was the acting Colonial Surgeon I mentioned just now, held the office for only 16 months. Charles Alexander Winchester was assistant Colonial Surgeon for 20 months from the beginning of 1842. Alexander Anderson was appointed Hong Kong's first Colonial Surgeon in October 1843, a job he kept for less than a year. Francis Dill succeeded Anderson but died in October 1846. Peter Young after having succeeded Dill gave up the post in less than a year so that it could be filled by William Morrison, who was the first UK appointed Colonial Surgeon. Morrison died in 1853. An army doctor, James Carroll Dempster, was installed as Colonial Surgeon after the death of Morrison. Dempster left Hong Kong with his  troops to India in 1857. William Aurelius Harland was then appointed but he died in 1858 only months after the appointment. T.A. Chaldecutt was then made acting Colonial Surgeon until the following year when John Ivoy Murray took the office of Colonial Surgeon; he retired in 1872. Robert McCoy succeeded Murray but died the following year. Then came Philip Bernard Chenery Ayres in 1873 who would become the longest serving Colonial Surgeon. He retired in 1897 after 24 years in office. Between 1841 and 1873, there were 11 medical chiefs. During the same period of time, there were only four Chiefs of Police.

Secondly, during the early years, the role of the medical chief was nothing more than that of a government doctor, i.e. he took care of people in the civil service when they became sick, and from 1844 onward he took care also of inmates kept in the gaol.

Thirdly and the most critical one, serious shortage of resources. The single most troubling issue that the early colonial government had to tackle was to make ends meet. Whitehall was against almost all public spending as it remained skeptical about the worthiness of keeping Hong Kong as a colony. To support itself, the colonial government initiated money raising measures which were nothing but controversial. In 1841 it sold 34 lots of land on the island in the name of the Crown, only Hong Kong wasn't established as a British Crown Colony until April 1843. In 1844, it legalized the retailing of opium, and went on to license the running of public opium divans in the next following year. Tax generated from opium licenses would make up to more than 20% of all government revenue in the following decades. Prostitution was regulated in 1857 and gambling in 1868, both became good contributors of government funds. All early medical chiefs, including William Morrison, who was a London appointee, were allowed to carry on their own private practices on the side. Simply, the government could not afford the payment of full salary. In a more extreme case, Morrison was actually accused of ignoring his official duties, who instead gave all his attention to wealthy clients of his private practice. I took notes of the amount of salaries paid to several Colonial Surgeons: Dill was paid GBP600 a year in 1844, and due to further budget constraint he got GBP100 less the following year. Dempster only received GBP200 because he was an army secondment. Might this be extra bonus he was getting for the additional duty? Ayres was paid GBP600 in 1875 while the Postmaster General got GBP900. The postal service, I suppose, generated some, if not good, income, whilst the medical service generated nothing except overheads. The Director of Health is getting $2.4 million in 2012, not counting benefits and perks, and the Postmaster General $2.3 million.

In the absence of a civil health care policy, the government quite willingly shirked on its responsibilities and let things take its course [2]. The military took care of their own, so did the British East India Co., or simply the Company as it was commonly referred to, as they all had their own physicians and surgeons. Rich Westerners went to see private practitioners in Macau or Canton (Guangzhou) 廣州, or Company doctors if they were well-connected. The others, i.e. the non-Company seamen, poor Westerners and the Chinese inhabitants, as their number continued to multiply satisfying the new colony's ever increasing need for laborers, were ruled by Scotland, Christendom and drug money.
[1] The position of Colonial Surgeon had been renamed (or at times reorganized) several times: Principal Civil Medical Officer (1897), Director of Medical and Sanitary Services (1929), Director of Medical Services (1936), Director of Medical and Health Services (1950), and Director of Health (1989 to present).

[2] The first deed of the government in providing medical services was the opening of the Government Civil Hospital in 1849, which was housed in a poorly constructed-and-maintained two-storied bungalow. It had no residents and was serviced entirely by outside volunteers. The hospital was completely destroyed by a typhoon in 1874.
Scotland, Christendom and Drug Money
(Updated on October 25, 2012)

The Medical Missionary Society of Canton was founded on February 21, 1838. Its stated objective was to encourage medical doctors from the West to go to China and practice gratuitously among the Chinese. The Society would act as a patron providing financially support to such medical practitioners on the premise that they observe strictly the general regulations for the management of the Society, and committed a diligent study of some one dialect of the Chinese tongue. Funding of the Society came from membership subscriptions, viz., member: $15 a year, life member: $100 at one time, life director: $500 at one time. The founders were a mixed bag of opium smugglers, clergymen, government officials, and I suppose they were all good Christians, practicing or otherwise. I found 19 names.

NamePlace of OriginProfessionAffiliations / Remarks
Alexander AndersonSelkirk, ScotlandsurgeonRoyal Navy surgeon; later Hong Kong's first Colonial Surgeon
Joseph ArcherPhiladelphiamerchant; opium smugglerpartner of Wetmore & Co.
Elijah Coleman Bridgman 裨治文Belchertown, Massachusetts missionaryb.1801-d.1861; first American Protestant missionary in China
H.M. Clarkemerchantmerchant; Canton agent for the British East India Company; responsible for financial affairs in Canton
Thomas Richardson Colledge 郭雷樞Scotlandsurgeon; missionaryb.1796-d.1879; Canton based surgeon of the Company; later head surgeon of the first British Superintendent of Trade in China; later founder of Macao dispensary 
John Cleve GreenNew Jerseymerchant; opium smuggler
John HineScotlandship captain; merchant; bankercaptain of the ship “Earl of Balcarres” owned by the Company; a protégé of William Jardine and a director of the Chartered Bank of Asia, in which Jardine was chairman
Robert Hugh InglisScotlandmerchant; opium smugglerpartner of the #2 rank opium firm Dent & Co; his father was a director of the Company
William JardineScotlandsurgeon; merchant; opium smugglerformer ship surgeon of the Company; co-founder of the formost opium firm, Jardine, Matheson & Co.
Charkes William Kingmerhcantnew partner of Olyphant and Co. (1837)
George Tradescant Lay 李太郭Kent, Englandnaturalist; missionary; diplomatb.1799-d.1845; well-known naturalist (Layia was named after him); agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society for Eastern Asia (1836-1839); first British Consul in Canton (1843), and Amoy (1844) and Foochow (1845); he named his son, who was born in Amoy, Amoy Lay (b.1843-d.1911) 李明良; another son was diplomat Horatio Nelson Lay 李泰國 [1]
Temple Hillyard LaytonLondonmerchant; opium smuggler; naturalistb.unk.-d.1850, Amoy; formely tea inspector (taster) for the Company; tea inspector for free traders; later British Consul at Amoy (1846-1850); born to James Layton and Kezia Maria Layton
A.C. MacleanScotland
Alexander MathesonScotlandmerchant; opium smugglerpartner of Jardine, Matheson & Co; nephew of James Matheson
James MathesonScotlandmerchant; opium smugglerco-founder of Jardine, Matheson & Co.
Edmund Moller 慕勒newspapaer publisher; opium smugglerfounder of the Canton Press (1835)
John Robert Morrison 馬儒翰Scotlandgovernment officialson of Robert Morrison 馬禮遜 (first Protestant missionary in China); translator for the British trade envoy; member of the Legislative Council; acting Colonial Secretary; publisher of Hong Kong's first newspaper, the Hong Kong Gazette
Peter Parker
Richard TurnerScotlandmerchant; opium smugglerproprietor of prominent opium firm Turner & Co; he died in Macau on March 28, 1839
[1] Horatio Nelson Lay 李泰國 (b.1832-d.1898) studied Chinese under the Rev. Karl Gützlaff 郭士立. Lay was the first Inspector General of the Imperial Maritime Customs Service in China. In 1862, he was commissioned by the Qing government to raise a flotilla from England for the chief purpose to storm and repossess Nanking which was held by the Taiping Rebels. The fleet of 7 steam cruisers arrived in China in February 1863, its commander, captain Sherard Osborn 阿思本, who was hired by Lay, however refused to take any orders unless they came directly from the Emperor via Lay. Such was not acceptable by Qing, the flotilla was disbanded, the war ships returned, and Lay fired.
Notable Doctors Existed in Hong Kong between 1841 and 1941
(Updated on May 5, 2013)
Note: The year written in the brackets that follows the name of the doctor in each entry is the year in which his/her name first appeared in any record of Hong Kong. For example, it could be the date of arrival to Hong Kong, or the date when the doctor was appointed to certain position, etc.

I was able to find 543 doctors, dentists including, and here they are:
Adams, William Stanley /1850s*
Addison, Joseph B. /1920s
Ainslie, David Hunter /1900s*
Alderton, Roland Maitland /1930s
Ali, Shaikh Saadat /1910s
Allan, James Cyril Dalmahoy /1900s
Alvares, Renato Emilio /1930s
Anderson, Alexander /1840s*
Anderson, James William /1920s
Anderson, John /1920s
Anderson, R.A. /1930s*
Arelli, Hassan el /1910s
Ashton, Frank Richard /1920s
Asjoe, Salomon Ho /1920s
Atienza, Vicente Nicolas /1920s
Atkinson, John Mitford /1880s*
Au King 區警 /1920s*
Au Sz-cham 區斯湛 /1920s*
Aubrey, George E.
Ayres, Philip Bernard Chenery /1870s*
Balean, Geofrey Terrell /1930s
Balean, Herman /1920s
Balfour, George /1840s*
Bankier, Robert Austin /1840s
Barnes, Joseph William / 1930s
Barnett, Bertram Leeds Thomas /1900s*
Barrow, [ ] /1890s
Barton, George K. /1840s*
Barwell, A.H. /1930s
Basto, Roberto Alexandre de Castro /1920s
Bau Tsu-zung /1920s
Beck, Monica
Bee Hoat-teck 馬發德 /1930s
Begbie, Ralph Stockman /1930s
Belilios, Raphael Aaron /1900s*
Bell, John /1880s*
Black, George Duncan Ralph /1930s*
Blackburn, H. /1890s
Boone, S. /1840s
Browne, F. /1900s
Burniston, Hugh Somerville /1920s*
Bunje, Frederick /1920s*
Burton, Cyril Herbert /1920s
Burton, T.J. /1890s*
Byrne, G.T. /1920s
Campbell, John Miller /1860s
Canaval, Gustav /1930s*
Canaval, Helene Lili /1930s*
Cantlie, James /1850s
Carvalho de, A.P. /1890s
Chaldecutt, T.A. /1850s
Chak Chiu-hang /1910s*
Chan Chin-kwong 陳覲光 /1930s
Chan Chung-kwong /1930s
Chan Chung-san 陳宗燊 /1910s
Chan Fai-kwong /1900s
Chan Fook 陳福 /1930s
Chan, H.C. /1940s*
Chan Hin-fan 陳衍芬/1930s*
Chan Pak-chue 陳伯賜 /1930s*
Chan, Ping-in /1930s*
Chan Ping-kwok /1940s
Chan Shek-yuen 陳錫元 /1930s
Chan Shing-chue 陳聖柱 /1930s*
Chan Shui-yee 陳瑞儀 /1930s
Chan Sui-yee 陳獸儀 /1910s
Chan Tse-kau, Hilda /1940s
Chan Tsun-kon 陳俊幹 /1890s
Chan Wah 陳華 /1930s
Chandra, Abinash de /1910s
Chau Moon-hung 周夢熊/ 1900s*
Chau Sik-nin 周錫年 /1920s*
Chau Wai-cheung 周懐璋 /1920s*
Chau Woon-nin 周煥年
Chen, Foong K. 陳鴻康 /1920s
Chen Hin-fun /1900s*
Chen Li-tsieh 陳禮節 /1930s
Cheng Hung-yue 鄭杏如 /1930s
Cheng Kung-chen /1920s
Cheng See-yan 鄭斯恩 /1930s
Cheng Siu-yue 鄭兆如 /1930s
Cheng Wing-kwai 鄭榮桂 /1930s
Cheung Kung-leung 張恭良 /1930s
Cheung Shiu-fan 張紹勳 /1930s
Cheung Siu-cheong 張兆祥 /1930s
Cheung Wing-tai 張榮棣 /1910s
Chew Poh-heng 周寶衡 /1930s
Chik Hing-wan /1920s
Chiu Chu-san 趙柱臣 /1920s
Chiu Hin-yeung 趙顯揚 /1910s
Chiu Put-po 趙不波 /1930s
Choong Ka-khey 鍾家駒 /1930s
Chow Cham-lau /1940s
Chow Tin-cham 周天湛 /1920s
Chu, Barbara 徐季璇 /1930s
Chu Wai-kong 朱惠康 /1930s
Chung Boon-chor /1890s
Chung Hon-kwan 鐘漢群 /1930s
Chung Yik-sun 鍾奕順 /1900s
Clark, Francis William /1890s*
Clerjon, N.M. /1840s*
Clift, Harry Lechmere /1920s
Connell, John Taylor /1910s*
Cowie, Alexander Mitchell
Crago, John M. /1900s*
Crook, A.H.
Crow, W.E. /1880s
Curry, Emerson G. /1900s
Curti, Luigi /1920s
Danenberg, Vicente /1880s*
Davis, L.J. /1930s*
Dawson-Grove, Antony Warren /1930s
de Sousa, Antonio Bernardo /1910s
de Sousa, Eugene L. /1900s
de Sousa, Isidoro Olinto Elvino /1930s
Dempster, James C. /1850s*
Dickson, Walter G. /1880s*
Digby, Kenelm Hutchison /1910s*
Dill, Francis /1840s*
Dods, G. /1870s*
Dollman, [ ] /1860s*
Dovey, Agnes Lilias Jenkins /1920s
Drew, [ ] /1870s*
Durran, John /1920s
Earle, Herbert Gastineau 安爾 /1910s*
Enscoe, John /1860s*
Esler, A.R. /1920s
Fawcett, Hugh Alderson /1920s*
Fehily, Lydia /1930s*
Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald Gabbett /1920s*
Fitzwilliams, Gerald Hall Lloyd /1900s*
Fok Wing-kan 霍永根 /1920s
Foo Chee-guan 符致遠 /1920s
Ford, C. /1880s
Forsyth, Charles /1880s*
Fowler, John Bueknill /1890s*
Franklin, Arthur C. /1900s*
Frommer, Iram /1930s
Frommer, Jean E. /1930s
Fung, Arthur /1930s
Gale, Daisy Annabella Murdoc /1910s*
Gell, George H. /1930s*
Gerlach, Johann Gerhard Heinrich /1880s*
Gerrard, William Innes /1920s*
Gibson Robert McLean /1880s*
Gilbert, J. /1840s*
Gill, Donald Hope /1930s
Gill, Ralph Ekin /1930s
Gill, Ralph S. /1920s
Gilmore, R.T. /1890s
Gosano, Eduardo Liberato /1930s
Gourdin, Allston /1920s
Gray, John Macfarlane /1940s
Greaves, Aubrey Vernon /1930s
Gregg, A.
Grone (Grove), Friedrich P. /1900s*
Gung, Edward Basil /1920s
Guterres, Antonio Paulo /1920s
Ha Yut-wah 夏日華 /1930s
Hager, Charles R. /1880s
Haobing, Martha /1930s
Hara, Suegoro /1930s
Harland, William A. /1840s*
Harston, George Montagu /1900s*
Hartley, John Whittam /1900s*
Heanley, Charles Montague 韓義理 /1900s*
Heng, William 王偉禮 /1930s
Herklots, Geoffrey Alton Craig /1930s
Hirschberg, Henry J. /1840s*
Ho Kai /1850s
Ho Ko-tsun 何高俊 /1900s*
Ho Nai-hop 何乃合 /1890s*
Ho Nai-tsun 何乃全 /1910s
Ho Suk-yee 何叔彝 /1930s
Ho-tung, Eva 何嫻姿 /1930s*
Hoahing, Martha Hunter 何顯 /1910s
Hoashoo, Yit-hou /1910s
Hobson, Benjamin /1840s*
Hobson, H.G. /1900s
Hoch, Karl /1900s*
Holgate, Henry /1840s*
Home, William
Honeywell, L.J. /1930s
Hua Tse-jen 華則仁 /1920s*
Hui Luk-yip 許綠葉 /1930s
Humphreys, John David /1850s
Hung Men-sau 洪明修 /1930s
Hunt, Arthur /1850s
Hunter, L.O. /1930s
Hunter, William /1900s*
Im U-lun 嚴汝麟 /1910s
Ing, Moeuy-chun 吳君[ ] /1930s*
Ip Ching-yu 葉靜宇 /1930s*
Ip Kam-wah 葉錦華 /1920s
Ip Kung-chiu 葉孔昭 /1930s*
Itoh, Martin Peter Motoi /1930s*
James, M.E.R. /1890s
Jeu Hawk 趙學/1900s*
Johnson, Taylor C.
Jones, Edward E. /1900s*
Jones, Richard /1840s
Jordan, Gregory P. /1880s*
Jungo, Munehiro /1930s
Justi, Carol /1900s*
Kan Lai-to 簡禮陶 /1930s
Karanjai, Navel Pestonji /1920s
Kauffman, Harold von /1850s
Kelly, P.J. /1900s
Kennedy, Kenneth McK /1840s*
Kennedy, T.F. /1930s*
Kew, Frederick H. /1900s*
Keyt, Frederick Theobald /1900s*
Kho Han-po 許漢波 /1930s
Kho Khongkha-Xien 許裕昌 /1930s
Kho Pek-po 許百保 /1940s
Khoo Keng-wah 邱景華 /1930s
King, Gordon /1940s
Kirk, Edward Wilfred /1900s*
Kirkby-Gomes, Sidney Gerald /1900s
Kiyoshi, Keisho /1920s*
Ko Jing-fan 高景芬 /1920s
Ko Kit-tak /1930s
Koch, Wilfred Vincent Miller /1900s*
Koe Kheng-loke 高慶祿 /1930s
Kohn, Kalman /1930s
Kong Sau-yui 江秀銳 /1930s
Kong Ying-wah 江英華 /1890s
Krieg, Paul /1890s
Ku Hsueh-chin /1920s
Kwan Siu-yee /1930s
Kwan Sum-yin (Kwan King-leung) 關景良 /1890s*
Kwok Ying-kong 郭應剛 /1920s
Kwok Yu-kong 郭豫恭 /1930s
Lai Fook, William 黎光賢 /1930s
Lai Po-cheun 賴寶川 /1930s*
Lai Tsui-lan 黎叙蘭 /1930s
Laing, Douglas 梁德基 /1920s*
Lam Chi-wei 林志緯 /1930s
Lam Kow-cheong 林球璋 /1930s
Lam Shing-kup 林聖級 /1910s
Lam Shiu-chun 林肇眞 /1930s
Lam Shiu-kwong /1920s
Lam Tsui-fung 林子峰 /1910s
Lam Yun-hae 林閏羲 /1910s
Lau Lai 劉禮 /1890s
Lau Man-hin 劉文軒 /1930s
Lau Nam-chu 柳南柱 /1930s
Lau Po-hei /1940s
Lau Yong-boon 劉永文 /1930s
Law, Edward /1910s
Law, Nai-koey 羅乃琚 /1930s
Lambelle, F.W. /1900s
Lee Ching-Iu /1940s
Lee Ching-wa 李清華 /1930s
Lee Fung-joe 李奉藻 /1910s
Lee, George /1920s
Lee, George Gouiney /1930s
Lee Ho-ching 李可楨 /1910s
Lee Ho-tin 李浩田 /1930s
Lee Hua-ngak 李華嶽 /1930s
Lee, Raymond Harry Shoon 李有璇 /1930s
Lee Shiu-kee 李兆基 /1930s
Lee Ten-yu 李天祐 /1930s
Lee Yin-sze 李賢士 /1900s
Lee Ying-chuen 李應存 /1910s
Lee Ying-yau 李應由 /1910s
Lemis, George T. /1900s*
Leung Chik-fan 梁植芬 /1910s
Leung Chum-ha 梁枕霞 /1930s
Leong Lean-sang /1940s
Leung Kam-leng 梁金齡 /1930s
Leung King-hon 梁景漢 /1930s
Leung Tin-sun 梁田新 /1930s
Leung Tin-yin 梁天然 /1940s*
Leung Yuk-foo /1870s*
Lew Khoon-shin 劉坤盛 /1930s
Li, Kuang-yu /1920s*
Li Ping-sum 李炳森 /1920s

* biographical information available below

Li Sheung-po /1930*
Li Shu-fan 李樹芬 /1910s*
Li Shu-pui 李樹培 /1930s*
Li Sung 李崧 /1920s
Li Tim-chih 李添枝 /1930s
Li Tsoo-yiu /1930s*
Liang, Douglas /1920s
Lien, Tsoong-kya 連忠介 /1930s
Lim, C.E. 林宗揚/1910s*
Lim, Ek-quee 林益貴 /1930s
Lim Eng-hae /1920s
Lim Nget-siew 林粵秀 /1930s
Lim Poh-thye 林寶泰 /1920s
Lim Shin-thwin 林賢端 /1890s
Ling Ke-dieh 林開第 /1930s*
Ling Sing-hang/1940s
Little, John Llewellyn /1930s
Liu Hung-ngan /1920s
Liu Yan-tak 廖恩德 /1930s
Lo Chi-fai 羅致徽 /1930s
Lo Chong-fie 盧松輝 /1930s
Lobb, Edward Leslie Martyn /1910s*
Loh Seng-poh 羅承寶 /1930s
Loke Kam-thong 陸錦棠 /1930s
Low, Eugene Wilfred /1930s
Lowson, James A. /1890s*
Luk Chuen-hsuen 陸存煊 /1910s
Ma Luk 馬祿臣 /1920s*
Ma Chiu-ki 馬超奇 /1910s
Ma Wai-man /1920s
Macaulay, Hugh Mpntagu Cameron /1910s*
Macdonnell, Joseph William
Macfarlane, Harold /1900s*
Macgown, John C. /1920s
Mackie, John Beveridge /1930s
Mackay, George /1860s*
MacLeod, Nicol Campbell /1930s
Mah Sau-shan /1930s
Mahan Singh, Harbans / 1930s
Mak Kai-cham 麥啟湛 /1930s
Malcolmson, G.M.
Manson, Patrick /1850s
Marjoribanks, Samuel /1840s*
Majorie [ ]
Mar, Roy 馬汝莊 /1930s
Marques, Lourenco P. /1880s*
Marriott, Oswald /1900s*
Matthews, Henry Delahunt /1900s
Mellon, Bagenal Harvey /1920s*
McCoy, Robert /1870s*
McKenny, Charles William /1910s*
McLeod, N.C. /1940s*
Menzies, Edward /1850s
Minett, Edward Pigott /1920s*
Mok Hing-fai 莫慶輝 /1930s
Mok, Tai-tim /1920s*
Monteith, Hugh Glencairn /1910s*
Montgomery, John Howard /1902s
Morrison, William /1840s*
Moore, Philip (alias Mao Wen-cee) /1930s*
Moore, William Brownlow Ashe /1900s*
Muller, Oscar /1900s*
Munehiro, Jungo /1910s
Murray, John I. /1850s*
Naidu, Pala Dora Raj /1910s
Naidu, Pala Raj Timothy /1930s
Nash, Gwendolyn Ruth /1920s
Nelson-Jones, Arehibald /1930s
Newbolt, K. /1850s*
Ng Tin-fong 吳天放 /1930s
Ng Yeok-kin 吳鋈堅 /1930s
Nicolson, Murdo /1920s
Nixon, William Charles Wallace /1930s
Noble, Joseph W. /1880s*
Oh Syun-mei 翁俊明 /1930s
Ong Ewe-hin 王有興 /1930s
Ong Hian-pitt /1940s
Ooi Kee-wan 黄基遠 /1930s*
Orloff, E.N. /1940s
Ozirio, F.M.G.
Ozorio, Horacio Percy Luis /1930s*
Pan Tsoh-chen 潘作琴 /1920s
Pang Hok-ko 彭學高 /1930s*
Pang Iu-ki 彭耀基 /1930s
Pang Teng-cheung 彭定祥 /1940s*
Parker, Henry B.
Pau Choi-chue, Lily /1930s
Paulun, Erich H. /1890s*
Pearse, Wilfred William /1900s*
Penny, H.L. /1890s
Petrovsky, Constantine Constantinovich /1930s
Pfister, Freidrich Otto Maximiliam /1910s
Pfister, M.O. /1930s
Phoon Seck-quai /1930s
Phoon Seck-wah 潘錫華 /1920s*
Phoon Seck-weng /1920s
Pillai, Dorasamy Kumara-Samy /1930s
Poate, Herbert /1880s*
Pope, G.W. / 1930s
Pope-Hennessy, John /1870s*
Quek Cheng-kim 郭振金 /1930s
Quincey Wong, Peter 王文[ ] /1900s
Rankin /1900s*
Reel, Leidy R. /1900s*
Rennie, A. /1890s
Ribeiro, Germano Antonio Vieira /1930s
Rice, John R. /1850s*
Ride, Lindasy Tasman /1920s
Rigby, John /1920s
Robertson, Robert, C. /1930s*
Rodrigues, Alberto Marie /1930s
Rogers, [ ] /1877*
Rowan, George Evan 劉榮志 /1920s
Roza, Carlos Francisco Xavier da /1920s
Rutonjee, Parrin /1930s
Sanders, James H.
Satchell, James /1840s*
Scanlan /1870s*
Scott, H.H. /1920s*
Scott, John Spence Hardy /1930s
Scully, Gerald Sharpe /1930s
Sepher, Sheik Abdool Majid /1920s
Selwyn-Clarke, Peter S. /1930s*
Shannon, Russell Glover /1930s
Shellshear, Joseph Lexden /1920s
Sherry, John Joseph Aloysius /1890s
Shi Man-wai 施文蔚 /1920s
Shin Kwai-shang 單季生 /1920s
Shin Lok-shang /1900s
Shore, L.R. /1930s
Shu, Hou-jen 舒厚仁 /1930s
Sibree, Alice Deborah /1900s*
Skertchley, S.B.I. /1890s
Skinn, Alfred John /1920s
Skinner, Alexander Hugh /1900s
Smalley, J.T. /1920s*
So Chik-ching 蘇淑貞 /1930s
So Ping-lun 蘇炳麟 /1910s
So Yee-ching 蘇儀貞 /1930s
Soares, Franciso de Paula  /1880s*
Song Chong-chai 宋俊才 /1910s
Soon Cheng-hoe /1940s
Stedman, Frederic O. /1890s*
Stout, [ ] /1877*
Stout, Alta Frances (nee Thompson) /1930s*
Stout, Edward William /1930s
Strahan, Stuart Seguin /1920s
Sun Jue-yow, Edward Wickham 孫潤焜 /1930s
Sun Yat-sen 孫逸仙 /1890s
Sung Sheung-hei 宋常熙 /1930s
Swan, [ ] /1890s
Sydenham, Annie /1920s
Sze Tsung-sing 施正信 /1930s*
Szeto Eng-kee 司徒榮基 /1930s
Tai, E.S. /1930s
Tai Hon-fan 戴翰芬 /1930s*
Tai Hon-hang 戴翰鏗 /1930s*
Tai Hon-sham 戴翰琛 /1930s*
Tai Tong-tam /1930s
Talbot, Harry /1920s
Tam Cheung-wa /1910s
Tam Tai-tong 譚大同 /1930s
Tan Hee-choo 陳希之 /1930s
Tan Tiong-lam 陳忠南 /1930s
Tang Yee-yuen /1920s
Tann Wee-han 陳維翰 /1930s
Teh Yok-chin 鄭玉清 /1920s
Teng Pin-hui 鄧炳輝 /1930s
Teo Soon-wan 張順遠 /1930s
Thomas, George Harold 譚嘉士 /1910s*
Thomson, John C. /1880s*
Tillinger, L. /1930s
Ting Sien /1910s*
To Coxion /1890s*
To Shiu-hung /1920s
To Ying-fan 杜應勳 /1930s
To Ying-kwan 杜應坤 /1910s
Todd, Lois /1930s
Tomlinson, S. /1930s
Tottenham, Richard E. /1920s
Tsai Ai-le 蔡愛禮 /1930s
Tsai Len-hwon 蔡聯歡 /1930s
Tsam Yau-nam 湛有南 /1940s*
Tsan Wei-chean 曾偉昌 /1930s
Tsang Hok-yuen 曾學元 /1940s*
Tsang Sze-ying 曾士英 /1940s*
Tseung, Fat-im 蔣法賢 /1920s*
Tseng Pin-hui /1930s
Tseng Wah-kiy /1930s
Tso Ta-ming 左達明 /1920s
Tso Wai-ming 左維明 /1930s
Tsoi Teng-ming /1930s
Tsoi Tsz-shek 蔡子碩 /1930s
Tucker, Alfred G.G. /1840s*
Tutcher, W.J. /1890s
Tuxford, Alfred Stanley /1910s
U I-kai /1890s*
Vargassoff, Vsevolod N. /1930s
Wan Chik-hing /1920s
Wan Man-kai 尹文楷 /1890s*
Wan Yik-shing /1910s
Wan Ying-shing /1920s
Wang Chung-ching 王寵慶 /1920s*
Wang Chungyi 王寵益/1920s*
Ware, Thomas Walter /1930s
Watson, Thomas B. /1850s*
Watson, W.M. /1890s
Watt Leung-ying 屈良瑛 /1910s
Wei Cheuk-sheng 韋爵生 /1930s
Wellington, Arthur Robartes /1920s*
Wezel, Theodore van /1910s*
Wharry, Charles John /1870s*
Wilkinson, Paul Biddulph /1930s
Winchester, Charles Alexander /1840s*
Wong, Augustus Dia (Wong Hung-tsun) 黄鴻進 /1920s
Wong, B.C. Benjamin 黃菖霖/1920s*
Wong, Cheong-lam William 黄鏘霖 /1910s
Wong Ching-kuen /1940s
Wong, David Marndell /1930s
Wong Kai-gee Herbert 黃啟智 /1930s
Wong Hok-nin 王鶴年 /1930s
Wong Kwok-kun 黃國權 /1910s
Wong Pak-fu 黄作符 /1890s
Wong, Reginald Jaep 黄仲敏 /1910s
Wong Sai-yan 黃細恩 /1890s*
Wong Shing-hang 王盛衡 /1930s
Wong Shun-fong 黄順芳 /1930s
Wong Sik-to 黄錫滔 /1910s
Wong Siong-cie 黄祥芝 / 1910s
Wong, Tsz-chuen 王子傳 /1920s*
Wong Tai-fong /1880s*
Wong Tung-ming 王通明 /1930s
Wong Wa-kwan 黄華君 /1930s
Wong Yan-kwong 黄恩光 /1920s
Wong Yu-lung 黄裕綸 /1930s
Woo Kai-fun 胡啟勳 /1930s
Woo Tin-pao 吳天保 /1920s*
Woo Wai-tak, Arthur 胡惠德 /1920s*
Woodman, W.J. /1920s*
Woosnam, Richard /1840s
Wu Hung-tak 胡雄德 /1930s
Wu Ki-lim 胡其廉 /1930s
Wu, Tai-piao /1930s*
Yamazaki, T /1910s*
Yang Ke 楊珂 /1930s*
Yang Pao-chang /1930s*
Yeang Cheng-hin 楊清添 /1930s
Yeo Kok-cheung 楊國璋/1920s*
Yeung Wun-in, Cissy (nee Wong) 楊黄蘊賢 /1930s
Yeung Tsaw-che 楊佐志 /1930s
Yip Keung-ki 葉强基 /1920s
Yip Tai-ching 葉大楨 / 1920s
Yip Yuet-fong 葉粵芳 /1930s
Yong Chong-chew /1930s
Yong Pung-fook 楊邦服 /1930s
Young, James H. /1840s*
Young, Peter F.H. /1840s*
Young, R. /1870s*
Young Tsze-sheung 楊子驤 /1930s
Young Tsze-tow 楊子韜 /1930s
Young, William /1850s*
Yu Ah-li (So Wah Cheung) 余亞莉 /1930s
Yu Chiu-kwong 余朝光 /1920s
Yu Siau-dong 虞小棠 /1930s*
Yuen Mo-yin, Hilda 阮慕賢 / 1930s
Yule, John A. /1860s*
Zia I-ding 謝一亭 /1920s
Selected Biographies
N.B.: I've stopped updating these biographies since July 12, 2013. For the updated versions, please visit a newer post, titled: Biographical Dictionary of Medical Practitioners in Hong Kong, 1841-1941.


Henry Holgate (1841) Hong Kong's first medical chief; merchant ship's surgeon; arrived China, 1830s; came to Hong Kong in 1841; acting Colonial Surgeon, August 1841

[ ] Lunn (1842) pathologist who preformed Hong Kong’s first autopsy

Alfred Green Gayton Tucker (1843) Surgeon of Hong Kong’s first hospital ship, HMS Minden; surgeon, RN, HMS Minden, 1841, came to Hong Kong in 1843, HMS Minden commissioned as hospital ship, the first in Hong Kong, 1843; founder, CMCS, 1845; died on board Minden, October, 1845

Charles Alexander Winchester (1842) Physician-turned-diplomat; b.unk, Aberdeen - d. July 10, 1883, London; MD, Aberdeen Univ.; assistant surgeon, British Royal Navy, 1841; arrived China, 1842; appointed Hong Kong's first assistant Colonial Surgeon, March 31, 1842; Committee of Public Health, 1843; surgeon, British legation, Amoy, 1843; British Consul, Amoy, 1850s (gave up medicine practice from then on and became a full time diplomat); British Consul, Nagasaki, 1862; British Consul, Yokohama, 1863; British Consul General, Shanghai, 1865; retirement, 1871; honor: naming of Winchester Road in Shanghai

Alexander Anderson (1843) The first Colonial Surgeon; b. April 16, 1809 (or 1810), Selkirk, Selkirk, Scotland – d. May 28, 1857, Jedburgh, Roxburgh; went to Macau with British first trade commissioner, William John Napier, 1843; founder and Recording Secretary, Medical Missionary Society in China, 1838; Macau agent for Seamen's Friend Association, China, 1839; came to Hong Kong in 1843; Colonial Surgeon, 1843; Hospital Surgeon to the Colony, 1844; returned to Scotland, continued to practice medicine, 1846; died, 1857

Benjamin Hobson 合信 (1843) Doctor who introduced smallpox vaccination to Hong Kong; came to Hong Kong before 1843; opened and ran the Medical Missionary Society's Hospital 傳道會醫院, June 6, 1843; first Secretary, CMCS; Lecturer at HKCMC, Practical Physiology and Pathology, 1909; produced textbooks to introduce Western medical knowledge to the Chinese; introduced smallpox vaccination into Hong Kong, 1844; left Hong Kong, June 1845.

James Satchell (1843) Doctor-turned-Newspaper-Editor, Died Quitting Opium; arrived Hong Kong before 1843; co-owned Victoria Hospital (with Richard Jones) 1843; second editor, Friend of China (vice James White who had gone to Shanghai) 1844; died from opium deprivation soon after taking over the newspaper

Samuel Marjoribanks (1843) b. New South Wales; Medical officer, British consulate, Canton April 1, 1843; came to Hong Kong and joined Victoria Dispensary 1843

Peter F.H. Young (1843) surgeon in the East India Company's iron steamship Nemesis; arrived Hong Kong, dt/unk.; head, Hong Kong Seamen's Hospital, 1843-46; Colonial Surgeon, 1846-47 [1]; related to James Young
[1] Young was requested by John Francis Davis, the 2nd governor, after the sudden death of Francis Dill, to gave up his medical practice and become Colonial Surgeon, the third in a row local recruit. Both Davis and Young were unaware of the fact that the Home Government had decreed that the Colonial Surgeon's post should be filled by a London appointee. Young had to step down ten months after he was appointed to make way for William Morrison who arrived Hong Kong in mid 1847 as London’s appointee to take over his job.

Francis Dill (1844) The first Colonial Surgeon to die in office; b.dt/unk.-d.1846, Hong Kong; came to Hong Kong before 1844; succeeded Alexander Anderson (as Hospital Surgeon to the Colony), 1844, but had position reinstated as Colonial Surgeon, however at a reduced salary of GBP600 p.a.; had experience working in China, also a locally filled positng as in the case of Anderson; primary responsibility was to look after policemen and prisoners in the goal; salary further cut back to GBP500/year in 1845; succeeded Alfred G.G. Tucker as the second president of CMCS in 1845; died suddently from liver complication (or malarial fever) in October 1846; two months before his death, Francis Dill proclaimed that Hong Kong was the healthiest British Colony in the Orient.

Kenneth McKenzie Kennedy (1845) b.dt/unk., Scotland; arrived Hong Kong, dt/unk.; joined Hong Kong Dispensary as a partner [1], 1845; remained in Hong Kong till at least 1848
[1] There were 3 partners, the other 2 were Peter Young and Samuel Majoribanks.
- An Anglo-Chinese Calendar for the Year 1845, Hong Kong: the Office of the Chinese Repository, 1845.
- The Chinese Repository, Vol. 17, January to December, 1848, Tokyo: Maruzen Co., Ltd., 1848.
- Janus: Jardine Matheson Archive [internet].

James Hume Young (1845) came to Hong Kong Hong Kong in or before 1845; junior partner, Victoria Dispensary; Treasurer, CMCS; resigned from the treasurer post and CMCS membership November 1845; married Margaret Hutchison

George K. Barton (1845) came to Hong Kong in or before 1845; secretary, CMCS (vice Benjamin Hobson) 1845; partner with Thomas Hunter, Victoria Dispensary

George Balfour (1846) came to Hong Kong in or before 1846; ran Seamen's Hospital 1846; succeeded by W.A. Haeland 1847

William Aurelius Harland (1846) Medical practitioner and natural scientist, performed Hong Kong's first practice chloroform anaesthesia

N.M. Clerjon (1840s) came to Hong Kong in the 1840s; address: Queen's Road

J. Gilbert (1840s) came to Hong Kong in the 1840s; surgeon; employed a Antonio da Silva; address: Queen's Road

Henry Julius Hirschberg (1847) b.1814, Prussian part of Poland - d.1874, England; a Jewish convert; LMSoc doctor sent to Hong Kong in July 1847; served at the London Medical Missionary Society Hospital 1847-53; went and work for LMSoc mission in Amoy (Xiamen) 1853; retired to England due to ill health 1858

William Morrison (1847) b.dt/unk. - d.1853, Hong Kong; private practice, England bef.1847; came to Hong Kong in 1847; Colonial Surgeon [1] 1847-53; died from an abscess of the liver (or of malarial fever), buried at the Hong Kong Cemetery in Happy Valley 1853
[1] Morrison was the first London appointed Colonial Surgeon. He was said to have a thriving medical practice in England before accepting the appointment in Hong Kong. The record showed that his salary was raised by GBP100 in 1848. The Colonial Surgeon in Hong Kong, at the time, was permitted to run his privare practice at the side simultaneously while holding the public office. Morrison was quite oftenly accused of ignoring the office of the Colonial Surgeon while focusing only in his very lucrative private practice.


 The actual plan (1853) of the tread wheel introduced by Demster
James Carroll Dempster (1853) b.dt/unk. - d. February 25, 1881; MD, Glasgow Univ., 1840; army staff surgeon; arrived Hong Kong, dt/unk.; Colonial Surgeon (vice William Morrison, who died in office; the appointment again switched back to local recruit), 1853-1857; annaul salary reduced to GBP200; introduced thetread wheel to prison in Hong Kong, 1853 [1]; ordered to India with his regiment, 1857; took part in the following campaigns: Hazara in India, 1857, Sebastopol in Crimea, Ferozepore in India, 1859, New Zealand, 1863-1865; promoted to Deputy-Inspector-General, Army, and later Deputy-Surgeon-General, Army (last held position)
[1] Dempster was more keen in punishing than healing with respect to his responsibility in the Goal, so much so that he introduced the tread wheel to the prison in Hong Kong as a punishment (1853-c.1861), the tread wheel had been purchased in England at the cost of GBP188.

K. Newbolt (1855) dentist; arrived Hong Kong, dt/unk.
Newbolt placed the following advertisement in the Hong Kong Government Gazette:
"Mr K. Newbolt, Surgeon Dentist, has just returned from London and Paris all the latest Improvements in supplying Arti[ ] Mineral, and in stopping Decayed, Teeth, to be consulted, personally or by letter, at [ ] Lapraik's. June 29, 1855"
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 29,1855.

Three Chinese figures by Thomas Watson
pen and ink and pencil
Thomas Boswell Watson (1856) How Watson's the Chemist began; b.1815-d.1860; Edinburgh Univ.; practiced in Macau, 1845; sold his practice to B. Kane, moved to Hong Kong, 1856; acquired interests in the Hong Kong Dispensary [1] in the same year; also held interests in Victoria Dispensary until its closure in 1857 due to lack of business; left Hong Kong for Scotland, 1859, due to ill health; died and left a sizeable estate,1860; notable amateur painter; close friend of famous Macau-based painter George Chinnery, till Chinnery's death in 1852
[1] Watson's nephew Alexander Skirving Watson joined the Hong Kong Dispensary as manager in 1858. After Watson died, A.S. Watson together with John David Humphreys and Arthur Hunt leased the dispensary for their operation, and from 1862 onwards the name A.S. Watson featured prominently at the Hong Kong Dispensary. In 1871, the Watson family leased the company to Drs. Humphreys and Hunt, and thenceforth the company is known as A.S. Watson and Co., where Watsons the Chemist became the trade name for the retail outlets.

T.A. Chaldecutt (1858)
MRCS, England; IAC; arrived Hong Kong, dt/unk.; appointed acting Colonial Surgeon (vice William Aurelius Harland who died on September 12, 1858), 1858
- Dennys, N.B., King, Charles and Mayers, William Fred., The Treaty Ports of China and Japan: a complete Guide to the Open Ports of those Countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao, Hong Kong: A. Shortrede & Co., 1867.

John I. Murray
John Ivoy Murray (1859) b.1825-d.unk.; MD, Aberdeen Univ., 1856; arrived Hong Kong, February 1859; Colonial Surgeon, 1859-1872; Justice of the Peace; father of William Alfred Murray, b. August 14, 1863 Hong Kong - d.unknown, MB, CM, Aberdeen Univ., 1890
Murray wrote the following in his Colonial Surgeon Report for the year 1860, " The hospital system has always appeared to me very inadequate to the population. In fact it may be broadly stated that there is no hospital for Chinese, who form such a vast majority of our population."

William Stanley Adams (1864) The Forefather of Anderson & Partners, the Medical Practice

William Young, All 3 of Them (1880s) There was a William Young who sat in a medical committee formed to oversee the staffing and running of the Alice Memorial Hospital. Sat at the committee, also, were Patrick Manson, James Cantile, William Hartigan and Gregory Jordon. The second William Young died on July 21, 1882 and was buried by his brother Richard Young, FRCS. A third Dr. William Young was from Canada. He was convenor for the project to establish the Alice Memorial Hospital, who returned to Canada in 1882.
- Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences Society, Plague, SARS, and the Story of Medicine in Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2006
- Inscriptions for Cemetery Sections 17-47, Gwulo: Old Hong Kong [internet].

John Roche Rice b.dt/unk., Tralee, Kerry, Ireland - d.dt/unk; MD, Glasgow Univ., 1843); ship's surgeon, P. & O. Co.; served on board hospital ship in Crimea and Mediterranean for 10 years; arrived Hong Kong, dt/unk.; surgeon superintendent of the Government Civil Hospital, unk.
- Dennys, N.B., King, Charles and Mayers, William Fred., The Treaty Ports of China and Japan: a complete Guide to the Open Ports of those Countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao, Hong Kong: A. Shortrede & Co., 1867.
-, Doctors List C 1860 [internet].
- Janus: Jardine Matheson Archive [internet].
- University of Glasgow [internet].


George Mackay A Gilbert Blane Gold Medal Recipient (1851)

John Enscoe Edinburgh Univ. 1833; MRCS, England 1833; practiced medicine in San Francisco (at 52 Montgomery Street) 1848-59; came to Hong Kong in 1860; resident surgeon, Seamen's Hospital 1860; died from cardiac arrest at the Hospital August 30, 1863 [1]
[1] The date of death was according to “The Treaty Ports of China” and “Japan and The Medical Times and Gazette”). “Europe in China” dated his death on September 30, 1863.
- Bancroft, Hubert Howe, History of California, Vol. VI 1848-1859, San Francisco: the History Company, 1888.
- Dennys, N.B., King, Charles and Mayers, William Fred., The Treaty Ports of China and Japan: a complete Guide to the Open Ports of those Countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao, Hong Kong: A. Shortrede & Co., 1867.
- Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 40, Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1833.
- Eitel, E.J., Europe in China, the History of Hongkong from the Beginning to the Year 1882, Hong Kong: Kelly & Walsh, 1895.
- Langley, Henry G., San Francisco 1858 Business Guide, San Francisco, 1858.
- Medical Register of the State of California (Revised for 1859), City and County of San Francisco.
- The Medical Times and Gazette: a Journal of Medical Science, Literature, Criticism, and News, Volume II, Medical News, November 14, 1863, London: John Churchill & Sons, 1863.
- Trask, John B. and Wooster, David (Ed.), Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. II, San Francisco, 1859.

[ ] Dollman (1864) came to Hong Kong in or before 1864; Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital till June 1864, Port Health Officer, and surgeon, Stone-cutters' Island gaol 1864
- Dennys, N.B., King, Charles and Mayers, William Fred., The Treaty Ports of China and Japan: a complete Guide to the Open Ports of those Countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao, Hong Kong: A. Shortrede & Co., 1867.

John Alexander Yule (1864) b.dt/unk., Edinburgh – d. April 10, 1866 at sea; FRCS, Edinburgh; assistant surgeon, RN October 20, 1859; came to Hong Kong in or before 1864; Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice [ ] Dollman who left the post to become Port Health Officer) June 1864; died on board the Euxine on the homeward passage from Hong Kong; son of John Yule, b.1851-d.dt/unk.
- Dennys, N.B., King, Charles and Mayers, William Fred., The Treaty Ports of China and Japan: a complete Guide to the Open Ports of those Countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao, Hong Kong: A. Shortrede & Co., 1867.
- The London and China Telegraph, August 15, 1864.
- The Medical Times and Gazette: A Journal of Medical Science, Literature, Criticism, and News, Vol.I for 1866, London: John Churchill & Sons, 1866.
- RN Surgeons [internet].

John Miller Campbell (1866) b. June 11, 1841, Kincardineshire – d. October 8, 1866, Hong Kong; MB, CM, Aberdeen Univ. 1865; surgeon, HMS Icarus [1]; came to Hong Kong in 1866; acting assistant Surgeon February 10, 1866; probably died of illness in the smae year, buried at the Hong Kong Cemetery in Happy Valley; son of Alexander C. Campbell of Nigg, Kincardineshire;
[1] HMS Icarus (1858-1875), the 11-gun sloop, was commanded by captain Samuel Philip Townsend and was a part of the RN China station.
- Peter John Anderson (ed.)(1900) Roll of Graduates 1860-1900, University of Aberdeen.
- William Loney RB - Victorian Naval Surgeon [internet].


Robert McCoy (1872) came to Hong Kong in or before 1872; Colonial Surgeon, 1872-73; died in office due to illness contracted in Hong Kong [1]
[1] The goverment paid the costs of passage to England of his widow and children totaling $874.5.
- The Hong Kong Gazette, February 21, 1874.;

R. Young (1872) came to Hong Kong before 1872; Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital dt/unk. - September 1872; address in 1872: Woodville, 7 Arbuthnot Road 亞畢諾道

[ ] Scanlan (1872) came to Hong Kong in around 1872; acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice R. Young), aft.1872-bef.1878

[ ] Drew (1872) came to Hong Kong around 1872; acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice [ ] Scanlan) aft.1872-bef.1878

G. Dods (1873) came to Hong Kong in or before 1873; acting Colonial Surgeon, April 10, 1873 – November 4, 1873

Philip Bernard Chenery Ayres (1873) The Last Colonial Surgeon (1873-1897)

Leung Yuk-foo (bef.1875)
dentist; died, 1875
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 4, 1875.

[ ] Stout (1877) private practitioner; place of practice: G/F, Hotel Del'Univers, hours: 8am-noon and 2-4pm
The China Mail, October 18, 1877.

[ ] Roger (1877) private practitioner; announced in newspaper on August 6, 1877 of his intention to visit Amoy and Foochow in September and October
The China Mail, October 18, 1877.

John Pope-Hennessy 軒尼詩 (1877) b.1831 Cork, Ireland - d.1891; MD, DCh, Queen’s Univ., Belfast; barrister, Inner Temple; came to Hong Kong in 1877 not to practice medicine, but to govern; 8th governor of Hong Kong, 1877-82; proposed a medical school for Hong Kong 1878; MP, Kilkenny 1890

Charles John Wharry (1878) b. February 9, 1848, Woolwich – d.dt/unk.; MB, CM, Aberdeen Univ. 1871; MD Aberdeen Univ. 1873; FRMCS, London 1882; came to Hong Kong in or before 1878; Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital [1] February 22, 1878 to at least 1884; son of army captain Charles W. Wharry and Euphemia McCallum (b.1821, Woolwich Kent – d.dt/unk.); brother of Robert Wharry [2] (b. November 12, 1853, Woolwich – d.dt/unk.), an Aberdeen Univ. graduate (MB, CM, 1875; MD, 1878); address in 1882: 14 Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey
[1] Wharry had taken ill in 1883 and, while on leave of absence, was stood in by Arthur Wharry. There was a record in the minutes of the Legislative Council for the approval of government expenses including a line item of payment of remuneration to Arthur Wharry of $78 ($6 per day x 13 days). The two Wharry(s) might be related, but unfortunately, I found no references to confirm that. A. Wharry gave an address in 1884 at Seymour Terrace, Seymour Road.
[2] There was a R. Wharry listed as an assistant physician at the Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest in 1879. Also, a Dr. R. Wharry gave his address as 6 Gordon Square, London in 1886.
- 20 Children of Royal Military Acaedemy Barracks Sergeant, Fishman, [internet].
- Ernest John Eitel (1895) Europe in China, the History of HongKong from the Begining to the Year 1882, Hong Kong: Kelly & Walsh.
- Medico-Chirurgical Transactions (Volume 49) 1884, London: The Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society.
- Minutes of the Legislative Council No.3, Wednesday, March 5, 1884.
- Peter John Anderson (ed.)(1900) Roll of Graduates 1860-1900, University of Aberdeen
- W.S. Church, Alfred Willett (ed.)(1877) Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Reports (Volume 13), London: Smith, Elder, & Co.


Walter George Dickson (1880s) b.dt/unk., Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland – d. bef. November 1895, #3 Royal Circus, Edinburgh; Edinburgh Univ.; military surgeon; came to Hong Kong in the 1880s; provided medical service to the Hong Kong Government; fellow, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland; publication: Gleaming from Japan (1923); Japan: Being a Sketch of the History, Government and Officers of the Empire (1869); son of Walter Dickson and Margaret Goldie [1].
[1] Dickson's father, Walter Dickson (b.1766-d.1855), was Writer to Signet in Edinburgh. His mother Margaret Goldie came from a very influential Scottish family; her grandfather, for instance, was John Goldie, chief Magistrate for Dumfries and Sheriff Substitute for Nithsdale district. Her earlier ancestors had included Thomas Goldie who was Writer to the Privy Seal (1733), and Alexander Goldie who was the Law Agent for the British Linen Bank.
- Janus: Jardine Matheson Archive [internet].
- Lee, T.A., Seekers of the Truth: the Scottish Founders of Modern Public Accountancy, Oxford: JAI Press, 2006.
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Hundred and Sixteenth Session, 1895-96.

John Christopher Thomson 譚臣 (1881) A devoted teacher; b. June 5, 1863 Lockerbie, Scotland - d.dt/unk.; MA, Edinburgh Univ. 1884, MB, CM, Edinburgh Univ. 1888, MD, Edinburgh Univ. 1892; CDTC, Edinburgh Univ. 1904; DPH, Edinburgh and Glasgow 1904; LMSoc medical missionary; came to Hong Kong in or before 1881; practiced at LMSoc clinic located at Po Yee Street, Sai Ying Pun 西營盤普義街, a colleague of William Young 楊威廉;Superintendent, Alice Memorial and Nethersole Hospitals 1889; resigned from LMSoc 1896; entered Hong Kong government service January 1897; assistant Colonial Surgeon 1897; Government Medical Officer and Medical Officer of Health to the Kowloon extension 1898; Justice of the Peace 1898; President, HKBMA 1899; office held at HKCMC: Secretary 1891-94, Treasury and Secretary 1895-1909, Director of Studies 1895-1902; lecturer, HKCMC in Chemistry 1896-97, Chemistry and Physics 1898-1901, Clinical Medicine 1909, Clinical Surgery 1892, Diseases of Tropical Climates 1901-09, Fever 1908, Materia Medica and Therapeutics 1892-96, Physiology 1895-96, Surgery 1896-97; publication: Reports on Malaria and on Hong Kong Mosquitoes, Government Gazette; membership: Hong Kong Club

Charles Robert Hager 喜嘉理 (1883) Dr. Sun Yat-sen's baptizer

Vicente Danenberg (1884) came to Hong Kong before 1884 to practice medicine; either failed or objected to register (in accordance with Ordinance #6 of 1884 of April 5, 1884); status recognized by Hong Kong Government 1897 [1]; address in 1897: #126, Wongnaich'ung
[1] On May 8, 1897, the government, under the name of the Colonial Secretary, J.H. Stewart Lockhart, posted a notice in the government gazette to recognize Danenberg's status as a registered medical practitioner. This is rather interesting, not only the government did not punish Danenberg for practicing without a license, but also it gave him a license without his applying for one.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1897, Notice #161.

Franciso de Paula Soares  (1884) b. January 4, 1825 - d. March 23, 1907; came to Hong Kong before 1884 to practice medicine; either failed or objected to registere (in accordance with Ordinance #6 of 1884 of April 5, 1884); status recognized by Hong Kong Government 1897; address in 1897: Oriental Dispensary, Victoria, Hong Kong; son of Francisco Soares and Angela Vicencia Ozorio; married Iria Joaquina da Silva, who was daughter of Eusebio Jose da Silva and Maria Theresa
[There is a question posted on the internet, asking if Soares went by the Chinese name of Lam Fai-wing, and whether he was the grandfather of a Edith Lo (as has been described in "A Memoir of Hong Kong's Governance 1950-1991: Social Sciences in Asia",  a book written by Eric Peter Ho 何鴻鑾, a former Secretary for Commerce and Industry. According to Annelise who posted to Geni: Lam was the son of Soares, and Edith Lo was the daughter of Lam.]
- Gwulo / Forums / 1946 – Harry Hyndman [internet].
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1897, Notice #161.

Johann Gerhard Heinrich Karl Gerlach (1884) Prussian State License; arrived Hong Kong, dt/unk.; qualified to practice in Hong Kong, 1884 [1]; Committee for the Foundation of HKCMC, 1887; Lecturer in Materia Medica and Therapeutics, HKCMC, 1887-1891
[1] Gerlach was one of the first nine doctors who registered as medical practitioners in Hong Kong immediately following the enactment of the “Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884” that required all doctors to be licensed before they could treat patients for monetary reward.

Gregory P. Jordan
Gregory Paul Jordan (1880s) b. February 6, 1858, Calcutta – d. December 4, 1921, London; MB, CM, Edinburgh Univ. 1880; MRCS, England 1884; studied in Vienna and Paris, and at St. Thomas’s Hospital; came to Hong Kong 1880s; entered partnership with W.S. Adams (the partnership would evolve eventually into Anderson & Partners); Port Health Officer of the Port and Inspector of Immigrants May 1, 1888; Consulting Surgeon, Alice Memorial Hospital; Surgeon-Superintendent of Police ca.1914-ca.1918; co-founder and inaugural Secretary, HKBMA (the other co-founders had included Patrick Manson and William Hartigan; Manson was elected the inaugural president) September 1886; Committee for the Foundation of HKCMC 1887; lecturer at HKCMC in Eye Diseases 1903-12; head of Surgical Department, HKCMC 1889-96; first professor, Tropical Medicine, HKU 1915-1921; held the folowing offices at HKU: first Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1913-1921, Acting Chancellor 1918-1912, life member, University Court since 1911, University Senate 1912; Hon.LLD, HKU 1921; honor: Jordan Road in Kowloon is name after him; nephew of Paul Chater (Hong Kong’s first property tycoon); first Grand Master, District Grand Lodge of Scottish Freemasonry, Hong Kong and South China November 3, 1904 till his death in 1921; membership: Hong Kong Club
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 2, 1911, Appointment #163.
- Mellor, Bernard, Lugard in Hong Kong: Empire, Education and A Governor at Work, 1907-1912, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1992.

Herbert Poate (1885) Hong Kong's First Dentist; DDS, Pennsylvania Univ.; came to Hong Kong in 1885; opened Hong Kong's first dental practice 1885
- The Straits Times, January 5, 1885, P.2, Advertisements

Joseph W. Noble (1887) Dentist-turned-Newspaper-Publisher; DDS, Pennsylvania Univ. 1883; came to Hong Kong 1887; joined dental practice of Herbert Poate in Hong Kong 1887 (their dental practice renamed Poate and Noble); provided free dental service at the Alice Memorial Hospital; member, HKCMC Court, involved in realizing the plan to incorporate the college into HKU; lecturer, HKCMC in Dental Surgery 1896-1912; bought controlling interest of the Hong Kong Telegraph from Robert Ho-tung, became its publisher, 1916

Robert McLean Gibson (1887) b. 1870 Scotland – d. June 30, 1936 Port Said, Egypt; MB 1896, MD 1900, Edinburgh Univ.; FRCS, Edinburgh 1912; LMSoc. doctor, sent to Hong Kong 1887; Medical Superintendent, Alice Memorial Hospital 1887-1918; Medical Superintendent, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital 1926-35; held following offices at HKCMC: Treasurer and Secretary, 1909-15, Director of Studies, 1902-09; lecturer, HKCMC in Anatomy 1902-12, Clinical Surgery 1909-12, Physiology 1899-1901, Practice of Medicine 1903-05; life member, University Court, HKU since 1911; life-long member, BMA; retired from LMSoc. 1935; honor: MBE 1936; R.M. Gibson Medal since 1965 [1]
[1] In 1965, in honor of Gibson's long and dedicated service, Dr. T.Y. Li of HKU presented the R.M. Gibson Gold Medal for award to the student gaining the best result in Paediatrics.

W.E. Crow (1887) came to Hong Kong, dt/unk.; Committee for the Foundation of HKCMC, 1887; Lecturer in Chemistry, HKCMC, 1887-1890

Lourenço Pereira Marques (1884)
Plague Fighter
Qualifications: F.R.A.M., Ireland (It is a bit odd, FRAM most commonly stands for Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music; this was the exact abbreviation given in Marques' entry in Who's Who in the Far East 1906-7); L.R.C.P., Ireland.

Marques was with the Government Civil Hospital no later than 1884 and was among a handful of medical personnel defending Hong Kong during the darkest days of the 1894 bubonic plague epidemic. (On May 10, 1894, Hong Kong was declared an infected port, by July 2,442 people had died. The death toll went up to 8,600 by 1901, at a 95 per cent mortality rate. It wasn't until 1929, thirty five years later, that plague was considered eradicated from Hong Kong.) After retiring in 1896, Marques continued to render free assistance to the civil medical services. I wonder why he retired in 1896, for although there was no outbreak in 1985, the black death returned to Hong Kong in 1896 and carried off 1,078 lives. He was said to have taught at the HKCMC for the period 1891-92, but I found no other references to confirm that.  He was a leading member of the Lusitania Club in Hong Kong, which was really a Portuguese Masonic lodge. Marques lived in an apartment on Rednaxela Terrace (strange name,  Rednaxela spells backwards is Alexander) 列拿士地台. His next door neighbor, and friend, was one José Rizal of the Philippines; Rizal was sojourning in Hong Kong in 1891-2. Marques' published works had included: A Validade do Darwinismo (The validity of Darwinism), Hong Kong International Printing Office, 1882 or 1883; and Defesa do Darwinismo: refutacao de um artigo do jornal, (Defense of Darwinism: Refutation of a Newspaper Article), Catholic Register, Hong Kong 1889. Rua do Dr Lourenço Pereira Marques 比厘喇馬忌士街, a street in Macau, was named in his honor.

A Macau-born Portuguese, Marques was the son of Comendador Lourenço Marques (b.1811-d.1902) and Maria Ana Josefa Pereira. He went to school in Lisbon after attending the the Royal College in Macau, and from there to Dublin. His mother, Maria, inherited from her father, Manuel Pereira 俾利喇, merchant and councilman of Leal Senado (Municipal Council of Macau) (1849-50, 1850-51), a large estate that had included the garden known today as the Jardim Luís de Camões 白鴿巢公園. The garden originally belonged to the Companhia de Jesus (Jesuit) since the Sixteenth Century. The ownership went to the Leal Senado in 1762, from whose hands, Manuel Pereira had bought it in ca.1800. Comendador Marques sold the garden in 1885 to the government (not certain if it was the Portuguese or Macau government) for 30,000 patacas; the sale reportedly did not included the manor house named Casa Garden, in which Marques was brought up. Marques had two brothers: Francisco Xavier Marques and António Marques. The above photo of L.P. Marques is the courtest of João Botas.

- António Aresta (2002) Manuel Da Silva Mendes, Professor e Homen de Cultura.
- E.G. Pryor, The Great Plague of Hong Kong.
- Foreign Concessions and Colonies [internet].
- João Botas, for the valuable information contained in his blog, Macau Antigo, and for his email on May 27 and 28, 2012 in reply to my inquiries.
- Macau Government Library [internet].
- Private Residences of the Principal Government Officials, the Leading Merchants, the Consuls, Professional Men, and Justices of the Peace (1884) Chronicle & Directory for China, Japan, & The Philippines, pp398-399, Hong Kong: Daily Press.
- Teresita Ang See (2011) 100 Years: Xinhai - the end of Imperial China, Xinhai Revolution and the Philippines, Center for Southeast Asian Studies [internet].
- Who's Who in the Far East 1906-7, Hong Kong: China Mail.

John M. Atkinson
John Mitford Atkinson (1887) b. December 3, 1856 – d. May 23, 1917, London; MB, London Univ. 1881; MBCS England; LSA, London 1878; DPH, Cambridge Univ. 1894; Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary Abbott's Infirmary, Kensington 1878-85; Medical Officer, No. 3 District St. Mary Abbott's, Kensington 1885-87; came to Hong Kong in 1887; Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital and Medical Officer, Small-pox Hospital and Government Lunatic Asylums 1887; acting Colonial Surgeon 1895; Principal Civil Medical Officer and President of the Sanitary Board 1897-1912; helped found Victoria Hospital for Women and Children, Barker Road 1897; lecturer, HKCMC in Physiology, dt/unk.-1891; received commendation from Secretary of State for services during plague 1898; Fellow, Royal Colonial Institute 1887; President, Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine 1912; Member, Legislative and Executive Councils 1903-12; retired to London (after 25 years in Hong Kong) 1912; Major, RAMC July 26, 1915; head of the Richmond Military Hospital 1915; resigned commission in spring 1916; publication: "Plague Procedure in Hong Kong", British Medical Journal, December 15, 1906; membership: Hong Kong Club; son of the Rev. S. Atkinson

Wong Tai-fong (1887) dentist
Wong placed the following advertisement in the China Mail:
Dentistry. First Class Workmanship, Moderate Fees
Mr. Wong Tai-fong, Surgeon Dentist, (Formerly Articled Apprentice and Laterly Assistant to Dr. Rogers) at the urgent request of his European and American patients and friends, has taken the office formerly occupied by Dr. Rogers, No. 2, Duddell Street, Consultation Free, discount to missionaries and families, sole address: 2, Duddell Street (next to the New Oriental Bank).
- The China Mail, Hong Kong: July 28, 1887, Business Notices

John Bell (1888) b. November 10, 1859 - d.dt/unk.; MRCS, England;  LRCP, London 1903; DPH, London; came to Hong Kong and joined the medical practice of Gregory Paul Jordan 1888; provided free service at Alice Memorial Hospital 1888-96; lecturer, HKCMC in Clinical Sugery 1888-92, Pathology 1892-96, Pathology and Bacteriology 1896-98; acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital 1896; acting Principal Civil Medical Officer, 4 occasions in 1900, 1901, 1910 and 1912; President, Sanitary Board 1900;Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital 1903; membership: Hong Kong Club
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 7, 1909, Appointment #274; March 4, 1910, Appointment #68; March 22, 1912, Appointment #95.

Charles Forsyth (1880s) b. 1875 Neston, Cheshire - d. December 29, 1955; MB, BS, DTM, MD, Edinburgh Univ.; FRCS, Edinburgh; came to Hong Kong in the 1880s; joined the medical practice of Gregory Paul Jordan in late 1880s; acting Assistant Health Officer of the Port (vice Fritz Grone, who was on leave) September 12, 1910; lecturer, HKCMC in Pathology (from 1902, Pathology and Bacteriology), Midwifery and Gynaecology; one of the 9 lecturers transferred from HKCMC to the Faculty of Medicine, HKU 1912; HKU Senate; membership: Kowloon Cricket Club, including a presidency 1910-1923
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 16, 1910, Appointment #287.


1887 photo of some of the first students of HKCMC
Front row from left:
Kong Ying-wah 江英華 (graduated in 1892); b.1871 South America; son of a Chinese immigrant worked as a coalminer; came to Hong Kong in 1880 at the age of nine; passed entry examination of the medical college in 1887 but unable to pay the required deposit of HK$500 which eventually was paid by James Cantile so that Kong could enroll in the college; went to Sandakan in North Borneo to practice after graduating from HKCMC and never left there.
Kwan Sum-yin 關心焉 (1893); featured in this post.
Sun Yat-sen 孫中山 (1892)
Lau Sei-fuk 劉四福 (1895)
Back row from left:
Wong Gau-gou 王九皋
Wong Yi-nok 王以諾
Wong I-ek 黃怡益 (1895)
Wong Sai-yan 王世恩 (1895)
Chan Siu-baak 陳少白 b.1869 Jiangmen, Guangdong - d.1934 Beijing; Christian; enrolled in HKCMC in January 1890 at the introduction of Dr. Sun Yat-sen who was a close friend; left school in 1892 when Sun graduated from HKCMC; became Sun’s most trusted lieutenant in the republic movement; established China Daily 中國日報 in October 1900 in Hong Kong, a Chinese language newspaper used as a mouthpiece for the revolutionaries; joined the secret society of “Triad” 三合會 in 1899 and soon became its “consigliere”; joined another secret society “Gelaohui” 哥老會 in the same year and became its “Don” for the Hong Kong branch almost immediately; appointed Chief of Staff for Dr. Sun’s presidency when the latter assumed the post of Extraordinary President of ROC

Chung Boon-chor 鍾本初
The first Chinese [1] house surgeon at the Alice Memorial Hospital and the first Western medicine doctor at the Tung Wah Hospital

Alias Chung King-ue 鍾景裕; b. unknown – d. 1908 Hong Kong; graduate of Tientsin Chinese Government College 天津西醫學堂 run by John Kenneth Mackenzie, M.D.; the first Chinese house surgeon at the Alice Memorial Hospital (1890-1895); the first medical superintendent 掌院, Tung Wah Hospital (1896-1903), with a monthly salary of HK$150, and meanwhile private practice was not permitted.
The chief purpose of appointing Chung, a Chinese doctor trained for Western medicine is to offer Western medicine as an option to patients in the Tung Wah Hospital, which until then only offer Chinese medicine. It wasn’t until three years after Chung’s appointment that Western medicine / surgery began to be accepted.

[1] Chung probably was an Eurasian whose father was a Chinese.

James Alfred Lowson
Medical Officer Who diagnosed Hong Kong’s first plague case, A. Hung

b.1866; graduated from University of Edinburgh (1888); came to Hong Kong (c.1891); represented Hong Kong at the interport cricket in Shanghai (October 1892), his ship on return trip, the S.S. Bokhara, was sunk off the Pescadores (Penghu Islands) in a typhoon, he was among only twenty-five survivors out of about 150 passengers and crew on board; Medical Superintendent of the Government Civil Hospital at the age of 28 (1894)

Kwan Sum-yin 關心焉
The first graduate of HKCMC to practice in Hong Kong
Qualifications: L.M.S.H., HKCMC (1893)

Alias Kwan King-leung 關景良; b.1869 Hong Kong – d.1945 Hong Kong; Christian; son of Kwan Yuen-cheong 關元昌, who was often referred to as China’s first dentist --- although he was trained by an American as a pupil-assistant (Kwan’s mother, nee Lai, was a translator at the Alice Memorial Hospital); grandson of Kwan Yat 關日, one of the first batch of ten converts baptized by the London Missionary Society in Canton; attended Diocesan School; enrolled in HKCMC in 1887 together with Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and was Sun’s roommate while studying at the college; L.M.S.H., HKCMC (November 28, 1893), house surgeon, Nethersole Hospital (1893-1896), appointed by LMS; the first medical college graduate to practice in Hong Kong and became the Chinese medical practitioner of the longest standing in Hong Kong (Kwan’s two senior in college, Sun Yat-sen and Kong Ying-wah never practiced in Hong Kong. Sun briefly practiced in Macau and Canton. Kong, who graduated in 1892 with Sun, went to practice in what was Sandakan in North Borneo where he remained for the rest of his life); army surgeon, ROC; surgeon serving the Qing government; returned to Hong Kong and started a private practice (1898); member of the inaugural board of directors, Yeung Wo Nursing Home (1922); President, Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association (1922-1923); married Lee Kam Amoe 李月娥 (January 6, 1892) at the China Congregational Church where Dr. Sun was baptized. Sun was the matchmaker as well as a witness to the wedding. The bride used to live next door to Sun’s brother in Hawaii.

Kwan started his private practice five years after he graduated from HKCMC,
at the age of 29, and continued for almost forty years.

1890 photo of Kwan (standing) and the "Four Bandits 四大寇" comprising Sun Yat-sen and his three young manic-revolutionary friends. From left: Yeung Hok-ling 楊鶴齡 (b.1868 –d.1934);
Sun; Chan Siu-baak 陳少白 (b.1869-d.1934), who was also a
student of HKCMC; and Yau Lit 尢列 (b.1865-d.1936).
The photo was taken at the Alice Memorial Hospital.

An advertisement posted by Kwan Sun-yin in the Chinese Mail 華字日報 of
March 27, 1901

A poster showing a Chinese man posing in the new attire
promoted by the Cut Queue Keep Attire Society

No introduction of Kwan Sun-Yin can be complete without the “Cut Queue Keep Attire Society” episode; the Chinese name being 剪辮不易服會 and I must apologize for the poor English name translation since I was unable to find the proper name of the society in English given by historians. Established by Kwan, the society advocated a new attire for Chinese men (I think its main concern was ethnic Han men) whereby the wearing of Manchurian robe, also known as mandarin gown, was acceptable but the wearing of the compulsory queue was not. The movement had a significant symbolic meaning: first, to rid of the single most iconic image of submission to the Manchu reign; second, to uphold patriotism for not dressing in the Western manner. Kwan went to the extent of having the society incorporated with the Hong Kong Government and on November 4, 1910 hosted a general assembly of the society. The meet was held at the grand hall of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and was attended by more than 600 personages including six reputable founding members. They were Kwan’s father, Kwan Yuen-cheong 關元昌; the grandfather of Prof. C.Y. Wang, Wang Yuan-shen 王元琛; the Rev. Au Fung-chi 區風墀; businessman, political theorist and Ho Kai's best friend Wu Lai-woon, alias Hu Liyuan, 胡禮垣; Ng Chau-wu 吳秋湖; and church elder Wan Ching-kai 溫清溪. The most important message delivered in the assembly was that it was absolutely legal in Hong Kong for Chinese not to wear a queue.

T.J. Burton (1893) Lecturer in Chemistry, HKCMC, 1893; Secretary, HKCMC, 1894-95

Francis W. Clark
Francis William Clark The first Medical Officer of Health; b. June 23, 1864 -d.dt/unk.; MRCS, LRCP, London, 1886; DPH, Cambridge Univ., 1891; MB, Cambridge Univ., 1892; MD, Durham Univ., 1900; trained at St. Bartholomew and Middlesex Hospitals; Superintendent of the Fever Hospital at Lowestaff; Medical Officer of Health at Lowestaff; came to Hong Kong in 1895, Hong Kong's first Medical Officer of Health, 1895; Dean, HKCMC, 1907-15), lecturer, HKCMC in Diseases of Tropical Climates, 1909-12, Hygiene, 1897-1906, Physiology, 1896-99; Professor, Medical Jurisprudence, HKU; held following offices at HKU: Dean, 1912-1915,  life member, University Court, since 1911, member, University Senate, 1912; member, Sanitary Board; acting Colonial Veterinary Surgeon (vice Adam Gibson, MRCVS, who was on leave), March 20, 1907 and again on August 24, 1910; director, Widows and Orphans' Pension Fund (vice David Wood), April 18, 1907; Justice of the Peace, 1896; Secretary-Treasurer General, Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, 1912; member, Legislative Council, 1902; Principal Medical Officer of Health, 1905-06; Honorary Treasurer of the Church Body, 1909; membership:  Corinthian Yacht Club (inclduing the office of commodore), Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, Hong Kong Club; left Hong Kong to become Consular Medical Officer in Mukden (and later in Weihaiwei), 1922
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 12, 1907, Appointment #240; April 19, 1907, Appointment #265; April 23, 1909, Notice #251; August 26, 1910, Appointment #263.

U I-kai 胡爾楷 (1895) b.dt/unk.-d.1898; LSMH, HKCMC 1895; apothecary, Government Civil Hospital 1886-95; staff surgeon, Alice Memorial and Nethersole Hospitals 1895; d. 1898 (if this is correct, then U died three years after he graduated from the medical college and probably in his late twenties)

Christian; father of Wu Wai-tak, M.D. the most notable Chinese gynecologist in Hong Kong in the early twentieth century; father of Katie Wu, Ph.D. the late headmaster of St. Paul’s Girls’ School;

Wong Sai-yan 王世恩 (1895)
The Wong (Wang) Brothers and the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese

Alias Wong Chak-man 王澤民; b.1870-d.1928; Christian; grandson of Wang Yuan-shen 王元深, the first preacher of the Rhenish Mission; son of Wong Him-yue 王謙如, a pastor of the Rhenish Mission; first cousin of Professor C.Y. Wang 王寵益; enrolled in HKCMC in the same year as Dr. Sun Yet-san (1887), but graduated three years later than Dr. Sun with L.M.S. (1895); a very brief stint at the Alice Memorial Hospital (1895) before going to Selangor to practice; a founder of Guonghua Medical Society 光華醫社 in Canton (1907) which evolved into Guonghua Charity Hospital 光華贈醫院 and GuangzhouGuonghua Medical College 廣東光華醫學院; close to Kwan Sun-yin, he and Dr. Sun were the two witnesses at Kwan’s wedding
There were three other students who graduated with Wong on April 9, 1895: Wong I-ek 黃怡益 (passed with distinction, appointed Demonstrator of Anatomy and subsequently returned to his native Fuzhou), U I-kai 胡爾楷 (employed by the Nethersole Hospital) and Law Go Fuk who also went to Selangor, whether together with Wong is unknown.

Wong Sai-yan was the first of the several in the Wong/Wang family to have studied at HKCMC: Wong Gat-man 王吉民, younger brother, enrolled in 1905; Professor C.Y. Wang 王寵益, first cousin, graduated in 1908; Wang Chung-hing 王寵慶, first cousin, elder brother of Professor C.Y. Wang, enrolled in 1901, went to University of Edinburgh to study medicine in 1902; Wan Ho-lok 溫可樂, second cousin, enrolled in 1905.

Guonghua Medical College was established in 1908 as China’s first medical college run by Chinese nationals with the objective of promoting the esteem of Chinese medical practitioners. It was officially opened on November 15, 1908 and discontinued in 1953 after merging into the Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences. The faculty and students moved to Hong Kong when Japan began to invade southern China; class was suspended with the fall of Hong Kong and restarted in 1945 in Canton. There were about 670 graduates throughout the forty seven years history of the college. The founders of the Guonghua Medical Society were: Laing Peiji 梁培基 (1875-1947), Zheng Hao 鄭豪 (1877-1942, the first principal of the Guonghua Medical College), Chen Ziguong 陳子光, Zuo Jifan 左吉帆, Su Daoming 蘇道明 later known as Du Daoming (1846 Guongdong - 1919 Hong Kong), Chi Yaoting 池耀庭, Wu Hanchi 伍漢持, Chen Zecan 陳則參, Gao Yuehan 高約翰, Wong Sai-yan 王世恩, Liu Luheng 劉祿衡, Huang Eting 黃萼庭, Wang Kentang 王肯堂 and Tan Binyi 譚彬宜.

Frederic O. Stedman
Frederic Osmund Stedman () b. December 31, 1862 Tiverton, Devonshire, England – d. February 2, 1927 Weybridge, Surrey; son of Arthur Stedman (surgeon, M.R.C.S.E.); elder brother of Savignac Bell Stedman, also a doctor, who went to Ceylon to practice and died there at the age of 64; married Lillian Mabel Lemesurier (1899); M.D., B.S., University London; M.R.C.S., Eng.; House Surgeon, House Physician, and Surgeon Registrar, Charing Cross Hospital ; House Physician, National Hospital for Paralysis and Epilepsy, London ; clinical assistant, Moorefield's Eye Hospital; came to Hong Kong and started the private practice of Stedman, Reinnie and Harston located at the Alexandria Building in Central; Supernumerary Surgeon-Lieutenant, Hong Kong Volunteer Corps (December 2, 1896); Council, British Medical Association Hong Kong and China Branch (1907-1908); appointed member and secretary of the Medical Board (December 7, 1908 and again on December 4, 1911); Justice of the Peace; member of Hong Kong Club; publication: "Three Cases Treated by the "X" Rays", British Medical Journal December 19, 1903; was related to Elizabeth Stedman, wife of Thomas Boswell Watson, M.D. who went to Macau in c.1845 to start up a private practice, and whose family would later founded Watson’s, The Chemist
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, Januray 18, 1909, Apointment #29; December 8, 1911, Appointment #378.

John Bueknill Fowler (1896) MRCS, England, 1886; Licentiate, Society of Apothecaries, London, 1886; qualified to practice in Hong Kong, June 23, 1896; address in 1896, Hong Kong Hotel
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 27, 1896, Notice #235.

Wan Man-kai
Wan Man-kai 尹文楷 (1897) The inaugural Chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association; alias Wan Tun-mo 尹端模; b. Hong Kong; Christian; son of Wan Wei-tsing 尹維清, an ordained minister, London Missionary Society; graduate of Queen's College; attended the Tientsin Chinese Government College 天津西醫學堂, a medical school opened in 1881 in Tianjin with the patronage of Li Hongzhang; surgeon, Imperial Chinese Navy; assistant professor, Tientsin Chinese Government College; went to Canton and associated with John Kerr, M.D. and taught at the medical school attached to the Pok Tsai Hospital 博濟醫學堂 (Dr. Sun Yat-sen studied here in 1886), staff surgeon, Nethersole Hospital (1897); staff surgeon, Alice Memorial Hospital (1898, replacing the deceased U I-kai 胡爾楷; went into private practice (1900); member, inaugural President (1920-1922), Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association; the inaugural board of directors, Yeung Wo Nursing Home (1922); married the daughter of Au Fung-chi 區鳳墀, several of his brothers-in-law were graduates of HKCMC and practiced with him in Hong Kong

Ho Nai-hop
Ho Nai-hop 何乃合 (1898) The First Government Medical Officer For The New Territory; alias Ho Lok-kum; Queen's College, Hong Kong, 1894; LMSH, HKCMC, 1898; government Medical Officer in charge of the New Territory, 1898 (based in Taipo, assisting John Christopher Thomson, the Government Medical Officer and his tutor at the medical college); private practice, 1903; surgeon, Hongkong Milling Co., Ltd.

To Coxion
To Coxion 杜國臣 (1899)
alias To Ying-fan; LMSH, HKCMC, 1899; house surgeon, Nethersole Hospital, 1899-1908; house surgeon, Alice Memorial Hospital (AMH), 1908-1931; while serving at the Alice Memorial, also owned a private practice and a pharmacy in Queen’s Road (1908-unk.) under the consent of AMH; wife and son also employed by AMH


1908 photo (probably a graduation photo) of the staff and students of the Hong Kong College of Medicine. In 1907, the college began to admit non-Chinese students and the words “for Chinese” was dropped from its name.

I was only able to tag eight persons in the photo, and they were:
1. Ho Kai; Rector's Assessor
2. Francis H. May; Rector (Colonial Secretary; 15th Hong Kong Governor from 1912 to 1919)
3. John C. Thomson; Lecturer in Diseases of Tropical Climates, Fever
4. Ernest Hamilton Sharp; Standing Counsel (d.1922; Barrister of the Inner Temple; KC; B.L.C.; M.A.)
5. Robert McLean Gibson; Treasurer and Secretary, Director of Studies, Lecturer in Systematic Anatomy
6. R.A. Belilios; Lecturer in Physiology
7. Li Shu-fan
8. Wang Chungyi

Untagged HKCMC academic staff:
Charles Montague Heanley, Lecturer in Practical Anatomy
A.H. Crook, Lecturer in Biology; H. MacFarlane, Lecturer in Chemistry and Physics
Joseph W. Noble, Lecturer in Dental Surgery
Gregory Paul Jordan, Lecturer in Eye Diseases;&nbsp
Wilfred William Pearse, Lecturer in Public Health
G.H.L. Fitzwilliams, Lecturer in Practical Physiology and Pathology
F.T. Keyt, Lecturer in Practice of Medicine
W.V.M. Koch, Lecturer in Surgery
Dean Francis William Clark was on leave away from Hong Kong

Chaun Moon-Hung 周夢熊 (1901**)
The first Chinese Dentist, University trained
Qualifications: D.D.S., University of Pennsylvania (1899)

The first Chinese student and the first Chinese graduate of Penn; admitted as the first Chinese dentist in Hong Kong (1901) by his Westerner peers --- most of them were alumni from Penn (There were no formal qualification requirements for dentist before 1914. The first Dentistry Ordinance was enacted on June 5, 1914.)

** The year in which the subject doctor arrived in Hong Kong or his/her name started appearing in Hong Kong records.

William Hunter (1901)
The first Government Bacteriologist
b. May 25, 1875 Banffshire, Scotland – d.1909 Hong Kong; MB, CM. (most distinguished Medical Graduate), Aberdeen Univ., 1897; Leipzig Univ., University of Berlin Univ., Germany; FRIPH, London; member, BMA; member, Neurological and Physiological Societies of Great Britain; Laboratory Assistant, Pathological Department, Aberdeen Univ., 1897; Clinical Assistant, National Hospital for Paralyzed and Epileptic, London, 1899-1901; Laboratory Assistant, Neuropathslogical Laboratory, King's College, London, 1900; Assistant Bacteriologist, London Hospital, 1900-1901; Director of Pathological Institute, London Hospital, 1901; arrived Hong Kong, dt/unk.; Government Bacteriologist, Director of Bacteriological Institute, and Medical Officer in charge of the Government Public Mortuary, 1901-1909; lecturer at HKCMC in Pathology and Bacteriology; Membership: Hong Kong Club; died suddenly on June 9, 1909, buried at the Hong Kong Cemetery in Happy Valley; son of the Rev. William H. Hunter

Ho Ko-tsun 何高俊 (1901)

b.1878; Christian; graduate of queen's college; L.M.S.C.C., HKCMC (1901), receipent of Belilios award; acting house surgeon, Tung Wah Hospital (1901-1902); the first laboratory assistant to the Government Bacteriologist (1902-1903), working under Hong Kong’s first Government Bacteriologist, William Hunter; resident surgeon, Nethersole and Ho Miu Ling Hospitals (1903-1906); Medical Officer, Chinese Public Dispensary, East Distrcit (located in Wanchai); went to private practice; lecturer, osteology and surgery, HKCMC; inaugural Chairman, Yeung Wo Nursing Home, the forerunner of Hong Kong Sanitarium (1922); active member (1910), Guangdong Medical Gongjinhui 廣東醫學共進會, the medical branch of a republican movement group founded in Tokyo in 1905; Deputy Director of Public Health, Guangzhou (1911); president, Tai Yuk School; founding member, Hong Kong Chinese Swimming Association 香港華人游泳會 (1910); publications: "A Treatise on First Aid to the Wounded", "Simple Remedies in varous Emergencies", "Reasons why Guangdong Government Banned Medical Services", China Medical Journal (March 1913), all three in Chinese; father of Ho Chung Chung, Ph.D. 何中中, founder and principal of True Light Middle School of Hong Kong 香港真光中學 (1946)

Wilfred William Pearse (1901)
Qualifications: M.B., C.M. 1893; D.P.H., Dm. 1894; M.D. 1906, University of Aberdeen

(Updated on November 19, 2012) M.B., C.M., D.P.H., Dm.; M.D. (1906), University of Aberdeen, thesis: “A Contribution to the Study of Plague”; arriving in Hong Kong (1901); acting Medical Officer of Health, Sanitary Superintendent and Superintendent of Statistics (1903); listed as Assistant Medical Officer of Health (1908); Lecturer in Chemistry and Physics (1903-1905), Public Health (1906-1912), Physiology (1901-1903), HKCMC; transferred from HKCMC to Faculty of Medicine, HKU (1912), Lecturer in Public Health (1912-1921); member of the Hong Kong Club.

The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 6, 1908, Appointment #132.

Members of the inaugural Board of Directors of Yeung Wo Nursing Home posted for this 1922 photo. I was unable to tag people in this photo, but beleive the following doctors were among them: Ho Ko-tsun 何高俊 (Chairman), Wan Man-kai 尹文楷, Kwan Sum-yin 關心焉, B.C. Wong 黃菖霖, Jeu Hawk 趙學, Ma Luk 馬祿臣 and Wu Tin-pao 吳天保

Oswald Marriott (1902)

b. December 30, 1874 London; M.B., B.S., M.D., University of London; L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. (1900), London; Assistant, and later House Surgeon, Guy’s Hospital, London; House Physician, Dreadnought Seaman's Hospital, Greenwich (1900); came to Hong Kong and started a private practice (1902); Lecturer in Medical Jurisprudence (1887-1906), Materia Medica and Therapeutics (1904-1912), HKCMC; one of the nine lecturers transferred from HKCMC to the Faculty of Medicine, HKU (1912); member of the University Senate, HKU (1912); member of Hong Kong Club.

Bertram Leeds Thomas Barnett (1902)
Qualifications: B.A., M.B., Cambridge University; M.R.C.S; L.R.C.P.; D.H.P

(Updated on November 2012) Barnett (b.1875 – d. April 18, 1915, Farmham, Surrey, Sussex) came to Hong Kong in around 1902. He was appointed Assistant Medical Officer of Health, e.dt. April 1902, and was elected Secretary of the Board of Examiners established in 1903 by the Hong Kong Council of the Sanitary Institute; the Board was to establish an examination mechanism for sanitary officers in Hong Kong.

He was admitted to practice as a solicitor in U.K. in November 1909, and was listed as a Captain of the  2nd County of London Army Service Corps in 1909. There were, however, other records that showed that he was appointed temporary captain of the Royal Army Service Corps, e.dt. November 14, 1914 and again e.dt. January 18, 1915. He was the Medical Officer of Health for the Isle of Ely (Cambridgeshire) most probably in the 1910s. He was killed  accidentally (how unspecified) on April 18, 1915; and was buried at the Aldershot Military Cemetary, Hampshire.

Barnett was born to Thomas and Sarah Barnett, of Holm Leas, Worthing, Sussex.

- / red-eye [internet]
- [internet].
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 25, 1903, Notice #628;
- The London Gazette, November 17, 1914; January 29, 1915
- Record of Service of Solicitors and Articled Clerks with His Majesty's Forces, 1914-1919, London: 1920.
- Roll of Honor / Cambridgeshire / Ely – WWI [internet].
- Supplement to the Journal of the Sanitary Institute, Vol. #XXV, April 1904, London: The Sanitary Institute, 1904.

Frederick Theobald Keyt (1902)

b. February 25, 1866 Jaffna, Ceylon; son of Frederick Theobald Keyt (Sr.) (b. January 20, 1842, Colombo – d. December 19, 1903; L.M.S., Calcutta (1863); M.D., C.M. (1881) University of Aberdeen; Colonial Surgeon, Civil Medical Department, Ceylon) and Henrietta Elizabeth Kriekenbeek; M.B., C.M. (1888), M.D. (Honors), D.P.H. (1902), University of Aberdeen; Assistant Colonial Surgeon and District Commissioner, British Honduras (1892-1902); came to Hong Kong (1902); second Port Health Officer of the Port; Lecturer in Practice of Medicine (1905-1912), HKCMC, one of the nine lecturers transferred from HKCMC to the Faculty of Medicine, HKU (1912); member of Hong Kong Club, Cricket Club and Corinthian Yacht Club.
The 3/15/2012 revision included information provided by Lindy Moore of North Wales, UK. Thank you, Lindy.
Jeu Hawk 趙學 (1902)

b. 1866 Sunwui (Xinhui), Guangdong - d. October 27, 1931 Hong Kong; went to San Francisco with uncle (October 1882) at the age of sixteen decades after the Gold Rush prospecting; went to St. Louis after a few non-productive months in SFO and was sent to Sunday School to learn the English language, for free; converted to Christianity; entered Drake University at Des Moines, Iowa (1888), education probably paid by the congregation; graduated with a degree in Theology from DU (1892); led a mission established among the Chinese immigrants in Portland, Oregon initiated by Pastor David Wetzell and opened by the Christian Woman's Board of Missions (1892); entered Portland Medical College (1896) (college no longer exists); M.D., Portland Medical College (1900); entered the United Christian Missionary Society (Jeu was referred in several sources as a pastor, but I was unable to find any information that shows he was ever ordained); said to have returned to China in October 1900 (but uncertain when he arrived Hong Kong) with wife (name unknown, married in 1893) and Pastor Louie Hugh and his wife Grace of the United Christian Missionary Society; Resident Surgeon, and later succeeded Chung Boon-chor as the second Medical Superintendent, Tung Wah Hospital (1902-1910); started a private practice (1910); together with an Australian missionary, established Shamshuipo Church of Christ 深水埗基督會 (April 1926), the church still exists today under the name of Hong Kong Chinese Church of Christ 香港華人基督會; Member of the inaugural directors of the board of Yeung Wo Nursing Home (1922); President, Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association (1923/24)
Western medicine was introduced to the Tung Wah Hospital in the late 1890s and patients had a choice between Chinese medicine and Western medicine. At the time when Jeu managed the hospital as its medical superintendent, Western medicine had become quite acceptable amongst the Chinese patients. The record in 1907 shows that out of 3,200 in-patients, 1,815 opted for Western medicine and 1,385 for Chinese.
Harold Macfarlane (1903)
Qualifications: M.B., B.S., University of Edinburgh; L.R.C.P.,  London; L.R.C.S., Edinburgh; D.P.H., Oxford University
Publications: The Stegomyia Survey in Hong Kong, Bulletin of Entomological Research, Vol. #6, Issue 1, February 1915.

(Updated on November 26, 2012) MacFarlane (b. July 15, 1876 -  d. February 7, 1919, Hong Kong) arrived in Hong Kong in September 1903 and was appointed the Assistant Medical Officer of Health, e.dt. September 25, 1903. In April 1910 (or on April 30, 1909), he was transferred to the Bacteriological Institute, where he would work until 1918. While as the government bacteriologist, he took charge of a government  investigation of Stegomyia mosquitoes, the findings was later published. He also made study, collaborating with Adam Gibson, M.R.C.V.S., the Colonial Veterinary Surgeon, on flies in Hong Kong. He taught Chemistry and Physics at HKCMC from 1905 to 1907, and Chemistry from 1907 to 1909. He was one of the 9 HKCMC teaching staff transferred to HKU when it became established in 1912. MacFarlane was also a member of the HKU Senate (1912). He was appointed an acting Principal Civil Medical Officer during the absence on leave of John Taylor Connell Johnson, e.dt. January 24, 1919. MacFarlane died suddenly in February 1919 an was succeeded by H.B. Parker, who was a medical officer of the Royal Navy. He gave an address in Kowloon and was a member of the Hong Kong Club in 1906.

MacFarlane was the son of William Alexander MacFarlane, M.D. He married Laura Gertrude Massy, daughter of the Rev. Xavier Peel Massy, who was the Rector of Colinton, on August 5, 1903. She remarried Philip Peveril John Wodehouse on October 6, 1920. She died on February 2, 1959.

- Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 25, 1903, Notice #629; October 15, 1909, Appointment #646; January 24, 1919, Appointment #42.
- Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences Society, Plague, SARS, and the Story of Medicine in Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2006.
- Lucas, Edward Verrall, Who's Who in the Far East, 1906-7, Hong Kong: 1907.
- The Peerage [internet].

Wilfred Vincent Miller Koch (1903)
Qualifications: M.B., C.M., 1884; M.D., 1895, University of Edinburgh

(Updated on November 18, 2012) b. October 29, 1862 Jaffna, Ceylon - d. August 28, 1939; son of Edwin Lawson Koch, M.D. (b.1838 Jaffna, Ceylon – d. 1877, age 39); educated at St. Thomas' College, Celon before moving to the U.K. for education; M.B., C.M. (1884), M.D. (1895, with highest honors and gold medical); University of Edinburgh; medical officers in various hospitals in London and Sheffield (1884-1888); entered Colonial Medical Services (1889), held various appointments in Trinidad (1889-1903); Army Major in command of the Trinidad Artillery; Medical Officer, Medical Department (1903-1917); Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (1914-1917); Member of the Legislative Council (1926) and the Sanitary Board (1920-1925); Justice of the Peace; Vice President (1907-1908), British Medical Association Hong Kong and China Branch; district surgeon, St. John Ambulance Overseas Brigade; Lecturer in Surgery (1905-1912), HKCMC; Lecturer in Surgery (1912-1917), HKU; member of the University Senate, HKU (1912); member of Hong Kong Club; publication: “A research into the etiology of beri-beri, together with a report on an outbreak in the Po-Leung-Ku”, by William Hunter and Wilfred V. M. Koch (1906); Three different names came up in various sources as the wife of Koch: Ida Nathan, Ellen Elliott Drake Briscoe and Elsie M. Thompson, but without the years of marriage. Koch was also referred as a professor in several sources without specifying the university and faculty
A descendent of Godfried Koch of Brandenburg, Prussia who went to India in the ship "Rosenberg" in 1755 and later moved to Jaffna, Koch Sr. was a much loved and respected doctor in Ceylon as well as the second principle of the Colombo Medical School. So much so that when he suddenly died at the age of 39, the grateful public of Ceylon offered subscriptions to pay for W.V.M. Koch’s medical education in Britain. What I fail to find is any information that mentions Koch, the son, had worked in Ceylon to repay the society that he owed his medcial career
The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 23, 1923, Appointment #86.

Alice Deborah Sibree (1904)
The first woman doctor
Qualifications: L.R.C.P.; M.R.C.S.

(Updated on November 15, 2012) b.1876 Antananrivo, Madagascar – d.1928 Hong Kong; graduate of the London School of Medicine for Women; worked for the London Missionary Society; in 1904 engaged by the Alice Memorial Maternity Hospital 雅麗氏紀念產科醫院 (AMMH), Hong Kong’s first maternity hospital (opened on June 7, 1904) and became the first woman medical doctor in Hong Kong. More reading on Sibree from the post: The First Ladies. The photo on the left is a wedding portrait of Alice Sibree and C.C. Hicking, Manager of Taikoo Sugar. They married in ca.1910 in Hong Kong.

She was appointed on February 26, 1919, a member of the Medical Board, for the term of three years, replaced Daisy Annabela Murdoch Gale who had resigned,

The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 28, 1919, Appointment #93

William Brownlow Ashe Moore (1905)

L.R.C.S. & S.I., Dublin; house surgeon, Meath Hospital and Co. Dublin Infirmary (1903); ship’s surgeon, Indo-China S.N. Co. (1904); Assistant Medical Officer of Health (March to September, 1905); Assistant Surgeon, Government Civil Hospital (September, 1905); Acting Dirctor (1929), Deputy Director, Medical and Sanitary Services; Lecturer in Chemistry (1907-1912), Director of Studies (1909-1912)(questionable), HKCMC; Lecturer in Medical Jurisprudence and Hygiene (1924-1932), Clinical Obstetrics, HKU; member of the Legislative Council (1929-1934); President, St. Patrick's Society of Hong Kong (1934); member of Hong Kong Club

David Hunter Ainslie (1905)

b. April 11, 1875 – d. June 20, 1921 Hong Kong; MB 1898, ChB, DPH 1900, Aberdeen Univ.; DTM&H 1905, Cambridge Univ.; Medical Officer, Anchor S. N. Navigation Co., Glasgow 1899; Medical Officer, Lagos Government Railway, West Africa 1893-1901; Gold Coast Government Railway 1901-04; Demonstrator in the School of Tropical Medicine, London 1905; came to Hong Kong and joined the medical practice of Drs. Stedman, Reinnie and Harston 1905; Lecturer at HKCMC in Physiology 1905-08; owned and ran a private practice in Amoy (Xiamen) 1909; surgeon, RN Mediterranean squadron, later seconded to the French and Japanese navies operating in the Mediterranean during WWI; Medical Officer, S.S. Keemuo, Ocean Shipping Company; Club: Hong Kong Club; a prominent member of the Masonic Order in Hong Kong

Chan Hin-fun 陳衍芬 (1905)

Head of Medical Department, Alice Memorial and Nethersole Hospitals (c.1905); Lecturer, Director of Studies (1908), Principal (1933), Guangzhou Guonghua Medical College 廣東光華醫學院; Medical Superintendent, Guonghua Charity Hospital 光華贈醫院 (1908); Editor, Chinese Medical Journal; publications: 衛生展覽與市民健康的關係 (The Relations between Sanitation Exhibition and the Health of City Drillers), Guangzhou Sanitation, 1908

Gerald Hall Lloyd Fitzwilliams (1906)
Qualifications: M.B., University of Edinburgh, ca.1904;  F.R.C.S., Edinburgh, Newcastle-Emlyn, 1907; Fellow, Edinburgh Obstetrical Society, 1907

(Updated on November 19, 2012) Fitzwilliams (b.1882, most probably Llandyfriog, Cardiganshire, Wales - d. April 8, 1968) was a house surgeon at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary in around 1905-06. He came to Hong Kong either in 1906 or 1907 to start his private practice at Alexandra Building in Central. He asked his colleague at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, James Cyril Dalmahoy Allan, to join his practice in 1909. Allan came to Hong Kong the following year and became his partner. Fitzwilliams taught Practical Physiology and Pathology (1908-1909), and Anatomy (1909-1912) at the Hong Kong College of Medicine. He was elected a member of the Sanitary Board on January 20, 1909, and again on January 20, 1912. He resided in a flat on the Peak, which he shared with Allan.

The year next following the onset of the Great War, Ftizwilliams returned to the U.K. and joined the Royal Army Medical Corps; he was shipped to Petrograd (St. Petersburg) to work for his brother, Duncan Campbell  Lloyd Fitzwilliams, who headed Lady Muriel Paget's Anglo-Russian Hospital. For reason unknown to me he was recruited and had become an operative of the British Secret Intelligence Service some time between 1915 and 1917. (SIS, otherwise known as MI6, was established in 1909; and yes it was home for David John Moore Cornwell, a.k.a. John le Carré, and James Bond, but not his creator Ian Fleming. Fleming was a lieutenant commander RNVR (Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve) in the Naval Intelligence Division, who served as Navy's liaison officer with MI6.) In 1917, Fitzwilliams, the spook (when I first read about this, I thought the material covered a different person of the same name, I thought wrong), was resent to Russia under the cover of a member of the Anglo-Russian Trade Mission. Very soon, he found his way to Southern Russia and from there to Romania, assuming this time the role of an army captain. His was tasked with collecting intelligence about military and political positions of nations/regions in the Eastern Front, viz. Romania, Poland, and Bohemia, in relation to their loyalty to the Entente. He and a French general by the name of Tabois were given a difficult mission to turn the side of Ukraine that supported and fought for the Central Powers, which they eventually failed. Tabois was under the command of General Henri Mathias Berthelot, chief of the French military mission in Romania. Fitzwilliams left the Eastern Front by the end of 1918.

Two of Fitzwilliams' brothers were also engaged in the same theater of war, and sometimes they met. Duncan Fitzwilliams (b.1878-d.1954) C.M.G., M.D., C.M., Edinburgh, F.R.C.S. (Edinburgh, London), who were previously in Petrograd, commanded the British Red Cross Unit at the Prince Mircea Hospital in Roman from December 1916 to November 1917. He was a captain of the Royal Army Medical Corps, and on October 10, 1918 was promoted to the rank of acting Lieutenant-Colonel. After the war, he was surgeon at the St. Mary Hospital, and the Mount Vernon Hospital and the Radium Institute, both in London. He was also a prolific author on medical topics; his published works had included: A Practical Manual of Bandaging, Radium and cancer (Curietherapy), Cancer of the breast, etc. The other brother was Edward Crawford Lloyd Fitzwilliams, C.M.G., A.S.C. (b.1872-d.1936) of the Royal Army Service Corps, a war hero who served in the Boer War and the Great War. In fact, all eight Fitzwilliams boys were in military service and all except one was in the Great War - fighting, saving lives or spooking around. John Kenrick Lloyd Fitzwilliams (b.1885-d.1918), M.C., a major of the Royal Field Artillery was killed in action during the advance on the Hindenburg Line in August 1918. (John's son, Major Anthony John Fitzwilliams Hyde of the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards, was wounded landing in Normandy in 1944; he died two weeks after the D-day.) Richard Braithwaite Lloyd Fitzwilliams (b.1873-d.1902) served in the Royal Indian Marine, and became a lieutenant (Defense Squadron) (1895-1902). He died in service. Cuthbert Collingwood Lloyd Fitzwilliams (b.1875-d.1954)  was in the Army Service Corps as in the case of Edward. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant (temporary) on September 22, 1914. After the war, Cuthbert went to Indonesia to run a rubber plantation. Francis Crompton Lloyd Fitzwilliams (b.1877-d. Unknown) was in the Royal Navy; he was confirmed as a sub-lieutenant on February 15, 1897. William Logie Lloyd Fitzwilliams (b.1879-d.1901) was a lance corporal in the First Battalion,  Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders. He was not in the Great War, he died in South Africa on May 20, 1901 fighting the Boer War.

According to J.C. Dalmahoy Allan, who himself went to France in 1917 to join the war, Fitzwilliams was already back in Hong Kong when Allan returned to the city in 1920. Fitzwilliams had by then given up medicine altogether; the scope of his activities in Hong Kong is unknown to me. In fact, I lost his trail at that point, except bits and pieces that said he was sojourning in Africa and Europe before returning to the U.K. in 1932. There was no information that showed whether his SIS role ended along with the Great War, or he took it with him to Hong Kong, and thence to Africa and Europe.

Gerald's brother Edward C.L. Fitzwilliams
source: Dave Boutcher
Fitzwilliams was the son of Charles Home Lloyd Fitzwilliams (b.1843-d.1925) and Margaret Alice Crawford (b.1847-d.1928). His grandfather, Edward Crompton Lloyd Hall (b.1807-d.1880), had his surname changed to Fitzwilliams in 1849 to sever ties with his father, Benjamin Hall, on knowing that he wasn't going to inherit anything from Benjamin despite of his status as the eldest son. I tried and failed to find a photograph of Fitzwilliams, but noted it was natural for SIS men to be camera shy [Well, that is not true, there is a good number of photos taken of him in 1917-18 in Romania, some together with Duncan and Edward; they are simply not available to me.] I did find one of Edward in dress uniform (photo on the left, source: Dave Boutcher), which was simply too brilliant a photo not to be shared. Sotheby held an auction on June 27, 1969, in which the bulk of the contents were property of Fitzwilliams who died in 1968, unmarried. The catalog of this auction is even available today on the internet. Fitzwilliams had been keeping a journal since 1902 and continued until 1968, the year he died. His diaries, all 68 volume, are now kept at the National Library of Wales.

- The Archer Family [internet].
- BBC / WW2 People's War [internet].
- The British Journal of Nursing, January 26, 1918.
- Carmarthen County War Memorial / County Boer War Memorials [internet].
- Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- The Edinburgh Obstetrical Society (1922) The Transactions of the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society, Session 1920-1921, Volume XLI, Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd.
- Edinburgh University Sports Union [internet].
- Hiroyoshi Kano (2008) Indonesian Exports, Peasant Agriculture and the World Economy 1850-2000, Singapore: National University of Singapore.
The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 29, 1909, Appointment #49; January 26, 1912, Appointment #20.
- James Cyril Dalmahoy Allan, A Memoir by D.F., The Archers, the Goodmans and Associated Families [internet].
- London Gazette, December 21, 1897; October 3, 1914 (Supplement); March 1, 1919 (Supplement).
- National Archives / India Office Records / Royal Indian Marine / Navy [internet].
- The Secretary of the State for India in Council (1902) The Indian List and Indian Office List for 1902, London: Harrison and Sons.
- P. Tomaselli (2002) C's Moscow station – The Anglo-Russian trade mission as cover for SIS in the early 1920s.
- The Peerage, A genealogical survey of the peerage of Britain as well as the royal families of Europe [internet].
- Rhyfel Byd 1914-1918 a’r profiad Cymreig / Welsh experience of World War 1914-1918 [internet].
- Victor M. Fic (1977) Revolutionary War for Independence and the Russian Question, New Delhi: Shakti Malik Abhinav Publications.

John Whittam Hartley (1906)
Qualifications: M.B., B.S., Owens College (later Victoria University of Manchester) (1904)

(Updated on November 20, 2012) Hartley (b. January 10, 1882, Burnley, Lancashire – d. unk.) came to Hong Kong soon after he graduated from the Owens College in 1904 and worked as a government doctor. I was able to find the following official appointments of him dated between 1906 and 1912: Temporary Assistant Surgeon in the Medical Department, e.dt. October 4, 1906; Surgeon-Lieutenant in the Hong Kong Volunteer Corps., e.dt. August 21, 1907; Medical Officer at Kowloon, e.dt. October 15, 1909; acting Assistant Medical Officer of Health standing in for Wilfred W. Pearse, e.dt. April 10, 1911; Official Justice of the Peace, e.dt. 1912. Hartley taught Fevers at HKCMC between 1909 and 1912.

There was a Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve pilot, LAC (Leading Aircraftman) Denis Michael Whittam Hartley (b.1921 - d. April 10, 1941) who died in war at the age of 19. His parents were John Whittam Hartley and Eva Althea Hartley. I wonder if this was our Hartley. LAC Hartley was buried in Berkshire, which obviously was far away from Burnley.

- Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- Fiddes, Edward (Ed.), The Victoria University of Manchester: Register of Graduates up to July 1, 1908, Manchester: Sherratt and Hughes, 1908
- / Leading Airaftman Denis Michael Whittam Hartley by red-eye [internet].
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 5, 1906, Appointment #836; August 23, 1907, Appointment #549; October 22, 1909, Appointment #663; May 12, 1911, Appointment #145.

James Cyril Dalmahoy Allan

Allan (b.1882 - d.1926, Hong Kong)

- Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- James Cyril Dalmahoy Allan, A Memoir by D.F., The Archers, the Goodmans and Associated Families [internet].

Karl Hoch (1907)
Qualifications: M.D., University of Kiel, Germany (May 7, 1904)

Hoch became qualified to practice in Hong Kong on April 15, 1907, and joined the private practice of Drs. Justi and Muller in the same year. I have no other information on him in addition to the above.

- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 19, 1907, Notice #282.
- Smith, Carl T., The German Speaking Community in Hong Kong 1846-1918, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch, Vol.34,, 1994.

Raphael Aaron Belilios (1907)
Qualifications: M.B., B.S., University of Edinburgh; F.R.C.S., Edinburgh (October 21, 1903); M.D., University of Edinburgh (July 28, 1905)
Publications: The Discovery of the Human Trypanosoma (co- author)

(Updated on November 21, 2012) Belilios (b. unk. - d. June 19, 1929, Shanghai) became qualified to practice in Hong Kong on March 4, 1907. He taught physiology at HKCMC from 1908 to 1912. He died at the General Hospital in Shanghai. A reference source referred to Belilios as an eye specialist in Hong Kong and Shanghai.

- The British Medical Journal, October 31, 1903, Public Health.
- Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 8, 1907, Notice#158.
- The Straits Times, June 29, 1929, p.8, Social and Personal.

George Montagu Harston (1908)

(Updated on November 19, 2012) b. 1873 - d. 1934 Putney; M.B. (1904), M.D. (1906), London University; L.M.; M.O.S.U.K. (1910); M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., London; D.O., University of Oxford (1914); Honorary Ophthalmic Surgeon, Tung Wah Hospital (1908); senior partner in the private practice of Stedman, Reinnie and Harston; President (1907-1908), British Medical Association Hong Kong and China Branch; appointed a member of the Medical Board and to serve as acting Secretary of the Board on April 6, 1909; Lecturer in Midwifery and Diseases of Women (1898-1902), Pathology and Materia Medica, examiner in Materia Medica and Therapeutics, HKCMC; Hong Kong Representative (1931), Member of the General Committee (1931), British Journal of Ophthalmology; President, Royal Society of St. George, Hong Kong (1925-1926); Member of Hong Kong Club

The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 8, 1909, Appointment #219

Edward Wilfred Kirk (1908)
Qualifications: M.B., Ch.B.; F.R.C.S., Edinburgh

(Updated on November 16, 2012) Kirk became qualified to practice in Hong Kong in December 1908. He was appointed a member of the Midwives Board on January 9, 1930. The term of office was for three years. In 1930, he gave an address at 4/F, China Building.

Reference: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 17, 1930, Appointment #35, Notice #41

Arthur C. Franklin (1909)

d.1933; F.I.C. of Apothecary, Government Civil Hospital; Lecturer in Chemistry (1909-1912), HKCMC; one of the nine lecturers transferred from HKCMC to the Faculty of Medicine, HKU (1912); Lecturer in Chemistry (1912-1918), HKU; member of the University Senate, HKU (1912)

Charles Montague Heanley 韓義理 (1909)
Qualifications: M.B., B.S., University of London (1900); M.R.C.S., London; L.R.C.P, London
Publications: Notes on Some Fossiliferous Rocks near Hong Kong, Bulletin of the Geological Society of China, Vol. #3, Issue #1, March 1924; Hong Kong Celts,  Bulletin of the Geological Society of China, Vol. #7, Issue #3-4, September 1928.

(Updated on November 19, 2012) Heanley (b.1877-d.1970) became qualified to practice in Hong Kong in 1909. He was the lecturer of Practical Anatomy at HKCMC from 1908 to 1909. In addition to being a physician, pathologist and bacteriologist, Heanley was also known as a noted amateur geologist, anthropologist and archaeologist. He was credited for his 1920s discovery of ammonites on the north side of the Tolo Channel. These were the first invertebrate fossils to be found in Hong Kong.

- Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 3, 1909, Notice #778.
- Royal Anthropological Institute / Census of British Anthropologists [internet].
- Wang Hongzhen (Ed.), Comparative Planetology, Geological Education, History of Geology, Zeist, The Netherlands: VSP BV, 1997.


Deans of the Medical Faculty, HKU

Patrick Manson, 1887-89
James Cantlie, 1889-96

Francis William Clark, 1912-15; Professor, Medical Jurisprudence
Kenelm Hutchinson Digby, 1915-16, 1920-22, 1923-25; Professor, Surgery
Herbert Gastineau Earle 安爾, 1916-1920, 1923, 1925; Professor, Physiology
G. T. Byrne, 1925; Professor, Chemistry
Joseph Lexden Shellshear, 1925-1926, 1934; Professor, Anatomy
John Anderson, 1927; Professor, Medicine
Richard E. Tottenham, 1928-29; Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Lindsay Tasman Ride 賴廉士, 1930-32, 1935-39; Professor, Physiology
William Innes Gerrard, 1933; Professor, Medicine
L. R. Shore, 1939; Professor, Anatomy
Gordon King 王國棟, 1940-41, 1948-49, 1951-54; Professor, Obstetrics & Gynaecology

S. M. Banfill, 1950-51; Professor, Anatomy
L. G. Kilborn, 1954-57; Professor, Physiology
F. E. Stock, 1957-62; Professor, Surgery
A. R. Hodgson, 1962-67; Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery
A. J. S. McFadzean, 1967-72; Professor, Medicine
J. B. Gibson, 1972-78; Professor, Pathology
M. J. Colbourne, 1978-80; Professor, Community Medicine
A. C. L. Hsieh, 1980-83; Professor, Physiology
R. T. T. Young, 1983-84; Professor, Medicine
Leong Chi-yan John 梁智仁, 1985-90; Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery
F. Lieh-Mak, 1991-92; Professor, Psychiatry
H. K. Ma, 1992-95; Obstetrics & Gynaecology
S. P. Chow, 1995-98; Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery
G. W. K. Tang, 1998-2001; Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Lam Shiu-kum 林兆鑫, 2001-07; Professor, Medicine
R. H. S. Liang, 2007-08; Professor, Medicine
Lee Sum-ping 李心平, 2008-present; Professor, Medicine

Source: HKU

The First of the Bachelors

The first degree congregation of the University of Hong Kong took place on December 14, 1916. Out of 23 graduates, 8 were medical students. They were: Chau Wai-cheung 周懷璋, C.E. Lim 林宗揚, Edward Cheah Tiang-eam* [1], Cheong Chee-hai* 鍾志海, Wong Hing-chuen, Teoh Cheng-toe* [2], Teh Lean-swee* [3], Lim Soon-kian* possibly 林順建
[1] Edward Cheah Tiang-eam – possibly 謝天炎; practiced in Foochow and Penang, moved to Johor Bahru in the mid 1920s; married Emily Brockett, third daughter of Thomas Brockett, a successful English tea merchant based in Foochow and his Chinese wife - Mary Lo Dai, nee Nuang; close friend of Abdul Rahman bin Yassin whose son, Ismail Abdul Rahman, became the second Prime Minister of Malaysia (1970-1973); the two youngest Cheah daughters - Eileen and Joyce - married two of the Kuok brothers, Philip and Robert, respectively; keen golfer, played quite often with Sultan ibrahim, helped found the Singapore Golf Club as well as the International Club in Johore Bahru.

[2] Teoh Cheng-toe - attended the Straits & F.M.S. (Federated Malay States) Medical School before enrolling into UKU; founding member of Penang Medical Practitioners' Society (1932).

[3] Teh Lean-swee - possibly 鄭年瑞 or 鄭聯瑞; attended the Straits & F.M.S. (Federated Malay States) Medical School before enrolling into UKU; there was a Jalan (Road) Teh Lean Swee in Ipoh, which is now known as Persiaran Medan Ipoh and is located next to Jalan Wu Lean Teh – named after the famous Wu Lean Teh, M.D.; wouldn’t be very far off to assume that Teh Lean-swee might have come from Ipoh or Penang and had become a famous doctor.

* possibly Malayan of Chinese descent

George Harold Thomas (1912)
With a habit of being the first

Diocesan Boys’ School, Hong Kong; L.M.S.H., HKCMC (1912) being the first non-Chinese student and licentiate; M.B., B.S. (1914) being one of the first graduates when the there was only the Faculty of Medicine in HKU, M.D. (1920) being the first in Hong Kong, Hon LL.D. (1961), University of Hong Kong; F.R.C.S. (1961) being the first award to Fellowship without an examination, and first presentation ceremony took place outside the College premises in London; resident surgeon (1912), Superintendent designated (named for the period 1937-38), Tung Wah Hospital; Assistant Medical Officer (in charge of civil and mental hospitals, 1928); Medical Officer (in charge of the Mental Hospital and Tsan Yuk Hospital, 1937); Medical Officer, Queen Mary Hospital; Acting Director of Medical Services (1947-1949) being the first locally born person to be appointed; part time lecturer, Pharmacology, Vaccination and Anesthetics (1915-1918, 1936-1937), Obstetrics (1919-1921), Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (1922), Ophthalmology (1925), Mental Diseases (1938), HKU

- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 7, 1914, Notice #301.

Li Shu-fan 李樹芬 (1912)
"One of the main philosophic convictions of my life has been the desire to leave the world a little richer than when I found it.", Li Shu-fan

Li Shu-fan
b.1887 Hong Kong – d.November 24, 1996 Hong Kong; Christian; spent his childhood living in Taishan, Guangdong 廣東台山; lived with his father in Boston (1899-1902); Diocesan Boys’ School (1902-1903); graduated from HKCMC, qualified with L.M.S., Hong Kong (1908, same year as Prof. C.Y. Wang); M.B.B.S. (1910), D.T.M. & H. (1911) University of Edinburgh; F.R.C.S., Edinburgh (1921); active republic revolutionary, member of the Tongmenghui 中國同盟會 (since 1905); Minister of Health under the joint Revolutionary Military Government in Canton and Medical Adviser (1911) to Dr. Sun Yat-sen, a fellow alumnus of HKCMC, first congregation (1892); retired to Hong Kong and entered private practice (1912-1921) when Canton fell to warlord Long Jiguang 龍濟光; Dean of the Canton Kung Yee University Medical School 廣東公醫學院 (1923-1924); sat on the Medical Board (1933-1939) Superintendent and Chairman of the Board, Yeung Wo Nursing Home 香江養和園, later reorganized by Li and became the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital 養和醫院; retired from medical practice (1958), but retained the two positions at the Hospital until his death; Hon LL.D., HKU (1961); F.I.C.S. (1961); member, Board of Regents of the International College of Chest Physicians (1956); member, Medical Board; President, Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association; Director, Hong Kong Anti-Tuberculosis Association; Patron, Hong Kong Paediatric Society; District Chief Surgeon, St. John's Ambulance Brigade; Permanent Advisor, Tung Wah Hospitals; member, Urban Council and its predecessor, Sanitary Board; member, Legislative and Executive Councils (1937-1941); Justice of the Peace; author of "Hong Kong Surgeon", Li’s own autobiography (published in 1964); naming honor: Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation (1962), Li Shu Fan Building
The Straits Times, on September 13, 1964, carried this story from UPI:
"Pigtail Cure (Chicago, Sat.) - Men who are fearful of growing bald should take a tip from the Chinese and wear a pigtail, a surgeon said yesterday. Li Shu-fan told the International College of Surgeon that the Manchu conquerors made the Chinese wear their hear in pig-tails. The wright of the pigtail stimulated blood vessels in the scalp, and the Chinese wore their hair in good health, he said."
John Taylor Connell (1912)

Connell was the Principal Civil Medical Officer from 1912 to 1923.

Theodor van Wezel (Wesel) (1912)
Qualifications: M.D., University of Freiburg, Germany (1905)

(Updated on November 19, 2012) Wezel became qualified to practice in Hong Kong in 1912, he joined the practice of Drs. Muller and Justi in the same year.

- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 26, 1912, Notice #139.

Edward Leslie Martyn Lobb (1912)
Qualifications: M.B., B.S. (1908), C.M. (1910), University of London; M.R.C.S., England (1908); L.R.C.P, London (1908); F.R.C.S. England (1910)
Publications: The Hospital and the Primary Health Centre in relation to a Health Service, from the standpoint of the General Practitioner, The Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (1921)

(Updated on November 19, 2012) Lobb, trained at the Guy's Hospital, came to Hong Kong in 1912, in that same year he became qualified to practice here. He was the first chair professor of Clinical Surgery at HKU, appointed in 1915. He was also the first Honorary Visiting Surgeon appointed to the Government Civil Hospital. Lobb left Hong Kong in 1915.

- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 22, 1912, Notice #96.

Charles William McKenny (1912)
Qualifications: B.S., M.D., Trinity College, Ireland

McKenny (b. February 21,1885-d. ) was listed as resident surgeon at the Meath Hospital in Dublin (1911). He arrived in Hong Kong in 1912 and was appointed Medical Officer of Victoria Gaol. He became Supernumerary Surgeon-Lieutenant in the Hong Kong Volunteer Corps, e.dt. August 5, 1914. He was an Official Justice of the Peace from 1917 (e.dt. October 5) to at least 1927. When John T.C. Johnson, the sitting medical chief went on sick leave, McKenny was put in temporary charge (December 14, 1918 to January 8, 1919) of the Victoria Hospital. During the same period, he was also Superintendent of the Government Civil Hospital, Visiting Medical Officer to the Tung Wah Hospital. He was Medical Officer to Victoria Gaol from December 14 to 20, 1918. He was appointed acting Principal Civil Medical Officer during the absence on leave of John Taylor Connell Johnson, e.dt. February 8, 1919, and again e.dt. July 7, 1923.

He taught a number of subjects at HKU: Clinical Medicine (1913-1927), Anesthetics (1919-1920), Anesthetist to the Surgical Clinic (1920-1925), Clinical Obstetrics (1923-1925), Radiology and Radio-Therapeutics (1927). He was tutor in the Out-Patients Department from 1921 to 1922, and was a member of the HKU Senate from 1918 to 1920.

He was born to James and Kate McKenny. James McKenny was a veterinary surgeon having an address at 116 Stephens Green & Clonliffe, Dublin in 1885.

- Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 7, 1914, Appointment #299; October 5, 1917, Appointment #446; February 21, 1919, Appointment #81; July 13, 1923, Appointment #314; June 10, 1927, Notice #349.
- Irish Genealogy / Search Church Records / Area – Dublin [internet].
- Medical and Sanitary Reports for the Year  1918, Hong Kong Government.
- The National Archives of Ireland / 1911 census [internet].
- Proceedings of Meeting, Hong Kong Legislative Council, January 30, 1919.
- Ure, Gavin, Governors, Politics and the Colonial Office: Public Policy in Hong Kong, 1918-58, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2012.

Kenelm Hutchinson Digby (1913)

b. August 4, 1884 London - d. February 23, 1953 London; M.B.; married Selina D. Law (1913); M.B., B.S., Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London (1907); F.R.C.S. (1910); Surgical Registrar, Guy’s Hospital (1909-1911); Principal Medical Officer, Great Central Railway, England (1912); Professor of Anatomy (1913-1923), Professor of Surgery (1923-1945), Ho Tung Professor of Surgery (1914-1945), Emeritus Professor (1945), HKU; member of the Medical Board (1923-1925); Honorary Consultant in Surgery, Hong Kong Government (1915-1948); Surgeon, Queen Mary Hospital (1930-1948); interned in the Stanley Camp during the Japanese occupation where he conducted a surgical clinic for fellow internees throughout the internment as well as establishing and running a camp hospital nicldung the performance of surgical procedures; returned to U.K. in 1949; engaged in research work at the Royal College of Surgeons of England; President, British Medical Association Hong Kong and China Branch (1956); Council, British Medical Association (1952-1953); publications: Immunity in Health: the Functions of the Tonsils and the Appendix (1919); honor: O.B.E. (1939), K. H. Digby Memorial Fund, HKU (1954)

Sien Ting (1914)

Ting, a surgeon dentist who practiced at No.14, D'auglgar Street, placed an advertisement in the China Mail of February, 1914, in which he claimed to offer free consultation and very moderate terms.

- The China Mail, Hong Kong: February 2, 1914

William James Woodman (1915) MRCS, LRCP, England, LSA, London; came to Hong Kong in or before 1915; assistant Medical Officer of Health May 8 1915; acting Medical Officer of Health (vice W.W. Pearse) May 1 - June 4, 1923; lecturer in Hygiene, HKU 1921-23; Justice of the Peace (official), 1922-24; involved in a malpractice lawsuit (J.H. Sanders of the Matilda Hospital was sued for damages by Thorwald Anderson, a foreman of Hong Kong Wharf) and was rebuked by the Chief Justice William Rees-Davies as being unprofessional at the trial December 17, 1923; Woodman's daughter Alice Marjorie Woodman married William Stone, son of P.E.F. Stone, a long time Hong Kong resident; address in 1920: #13, Knutsford Terrace, Kwoloon
- The China Mail, July 2, 1920, p.4, Local Wedding, Stone-Woodman.
- The Hong Kong Daily Press, December 18, 1923, p.5, Local Doctor Sued for Damages.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 21, 1915, Appointmet #222; May 19, 1922, Appointment #228.
- Report of the Head of the Sanitary Department 1923

Chak Chiu-hang (1915)
Qualifications: M.B., B.S., HKU (December 14, 1914)

Chak was one of the HKCMC students transferred to the medical faculty of HKU in 1912. He became qualified to practice in Hong Kong, e.dt. March 26, 1915.

- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 26, 1915, Notice #137.

T. Yamazaki (1914)
came to Hong Kog before 1914; dentist, place of practice: 34, Queen's Raod, Tel:1302
- China Mail, January 5, 1915, p.5.

Herbert Gastineau Earle 安爾 (1915)
Qualifications: B.A. (1905), M.A., M.B., Cambridge (1913); F.R.S.M.; F.R.S.T.M.H.
Honor: LL.D. (Honoris causa), HKU (1936)
Publications: An Imperial Policy in Education, with Special Reference to the University of Hong Kong, 1926; Report on the Lester Trust (Shanghai), 1927

Herbert G. Earle
1900s photo by Ernest Walter Histed
Source: National Portrait Gallery
(Updated on November 18, 2012) Earle (b.1882, Brentford, Middlesex - d. on or since June 5, 1946) was a Demonstrator in Physiology at the University of Cambridge since 1906. He left Cambridge in 1915 and came to Hong Kong to take up a teaching post at HKU, but did not register to practice here until April 27, 1917. He was the second chair professor of physiology and biology at HKU from 1915 to 1918 succeeding G.M. Malcolmson. He became the founding chair professor of  physiology in 1918. He assumed the position of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in several occasions (1916-1920, 1923, 1925). Earle suggested a new medical education curriculum in 1918 modeled after the British system. The reform he proposed had included a stronger association between the medical school and the hospital that would provide necessary beds for offering students placement opportunities. He was made Honorary Visiting Physician to the Government Civil Hospital on January 31, 1916 during the absence on leave of George Ernest Aubrey and was appointed on December 19, 1918 an acting member of the Medical Board standing in for Kenneth Hutchson Digby who was on leave, and again on May 11, 1923.

Earle left HKU (and Hong Kong) in 1928 to take up the office of general adviser to the Lester trust and later the Director of the Henry Lester Institute of Medical Research and Preventive Medicine in Shanghai. He was elected a director of the Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences 中國生理學會 from 1926 to 1934. He co-founded the Chinese Journal of Physiology 中國生理學雜誌 with Robert Kho-seng Lim 林可勝, Wu Xianhe 吳憲和, and B.E. Read 伊博思, the three were professors of the Peking Union Medical College 北平協和醫學院. Earle died whilst returning to the UK after internment in Shanghai during the Second Sino-Japanese War (the War of Resistance Against Japan).

Earle married Audrey Mary Harrison (she was probably an American medical missionary, I will try and have this confirmed). They had one daughter, Monica (Audrey) Earle, who was born in Hong Kong on October 23, 1917. Monica Earle married Ezra Paul Francis in early 1940s, they later moved to Goffstown, New Hampshire where she remained until her death on July 2, 2004. She probably had a second marriage, to a man named Beck.

- 85 Years of Caduceus: 1922-2007, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University.
- Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences [internet]
- Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
- / Town of Goffstown, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire / Index of Death (2004) [internet].
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 28, 1916, Appointment #33; June 29, 1917, Notice#297; February 14, 1919, Appointment #70.
- Beck [internet].
- Tsang, Chiu-long, Carol, Out of the Dark: Women's Medicine and Women's Diseases in Colonial Hong Kong, Hong Kong: The HKU Scholars Hub [internet].

C.E. Lim 林宗揚 (1916)
China’s first microbiologist

Alias Lin Zongyang; b. June 11, 1891 - Penang, Malaya – d. October 5, 1988 Peking; graduate of Nanyang Middle School of Penang (1911); last batch of admissions to HKCMC, transferred to Faculty of Medicine, HKU (1912); M.B.B.S., University of Hong Kong (1916), first graduation congregation of the University; Assistant to Government Bacteriologist (1917), under the direction of Harold Macfarlane, M.D.; invited by Wu Lien-the, M.D. (also from Penang) to Peking to assist in the opening of the Peking Central Hospital (1918) in the capacity as a resident and a bacteriologist; Dr.PH. (1922), Johns Hopkins Hospital School of Public Health; studied preparation of vaccines from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (1922); the overseas studies were supported by a Rockefeller Foundation Scholarship; Professor of Bacteriology (1930) (became the first graduate of HKU to hold a chair in bacteriology), Director of Studies (1937), Peking Union Medical College 協和醫學院 (1937); Professor, Peking Medical University 北京大學醫學 (1942); President, Chinese Medical Association 中華醫學會 (1934); Advisor, English Edition of the National Medical Journal of China 中華醫學雜誌 (1956)

Chau Wai Cheung 周懷璋 (1916)

M.B.B.S., University of Hong Kong (1916), Christian (Hong Kong Anglican Church); graduation was marked by the First Congregation of HKU held on December 14, 1916; President, Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association (1927-28, 1933-34, 1939-40); Chairman (1923-1926), Yeung Wo Nursing Home 香江養和園, the forerunner of Hong Kong Sanitarium; director, Hong Kong Sanitarium (1933-1965); sat on the Nurses Board (year unk.)

Daisy Annabella Murdoc Gale (1918)
b.1875-d.1930; MD (1912), Glasgow Univ.; arrived Hong Kong, dt/unk.; acting Medical Officer of Health, 1918; publication: Some Points in the Epidemiology of an Outbreak of Cerebro-Spinal Fever in Hong Kong, 1918, Journal of Hygiene, November 1921

Henry Brice Parker (1919)
Qualifications: M.B., B.S., London University; M.R.C.S. England; L.R.C.P., London; D.T.M. & H.
Honor: D.S.O., D.S.C. (1918); C.B.E. (1944)
Publications: co-author of Neosalvarsan, The Lancet, Vol. #180, Issue #4637, July 13, 1912; A Case of Gummatous Ulceration Simulating Rodent Ulcer Treated with Salvarsan, British Journal of Dermatology, Vol. #24, Issue #9, September 1912

Parker's name showed up in Hong Kong in 1919; he was a Royal Navy Surgeon Lieutenant seconded to Hong Kong government as a temporary Government Bacteriologist, e.dt. February 12, succeeding Harold Macfarlane who had died suddenly; 9 days later, he received an additional appointment as a Medical Officer. The next record showed that he was promoted from the rank of Surgeon Commander to Surgeon Captain, e.dt. July 3, 1936. He was put on the navy retired list on June 3, 1943, with the rank of Surgeon Captain.

- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 21, 1919, Appointments #84, #85.
- The London Gazette, July 3, 1936; June 25, 1943.
- Naval History Homepage / Royal Navy Honors and Gallantry Awards [internet].
- Supplement to the London Gazette, June 21, 1918; January 1, 1944.

Hugh Montagu Cameron Macaulay (1919)
Qualifications: B.S., B.Sc., London University; M.D.; M.R.C.S., England; L.R.C.P., London; D.P.H.
Honor:  K.H.P. (June 30, 1944 to July 1, 1947); C.B.E. (1956)
Publications: co-author of Hospital Planning and Administration, 1966. The other co-author was famous architect and London University Professor, Richard Llewelyn-Davies, Baron of Hastoe.

undatedphoto of H.C.M. Macaulay
(Updated on November 27, 2012) Macaulay (b. July 28, 1892 – d. January 19, 1985) was an officer of the R.A.M.C. who joined up no later than August 1916. Two British military doctors were seconded to the Hong Kong government in February 1919; Macaulay was one of them. He was a R.A.M.C. Captain and was appointed a Medical Officer e.dt. February 21. The other was a navy doctor, Henry Brice Parker who was appointed a government bacteriologist. There was no record at what time he left Hong Kong or when he resigned from R.A.M.C. The next records of his I found was in 1942, which showed that he was appointed by the Minister of Health as a member of the General Nursing Council for England and Wales; he remained in that position at least until 1945. He was Medical Officer of Health, Middlesex County Council  from 1944 to 1947. He was listed as School Medical Officer at County of Middlesex in 1947. He was Senior Administrative Medical Officer at the North West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board  from 1948 to 1951, or possibly for a longer period. While in that office, he was accredited for completing and submitting the schemes for the grouping of hospitals in the UK as a part of the overhaul of the British medical services following the passing of the National Health Service Act 1946. His proposal was submitted in 1948. Macaulay was one of the 9 members of the Expert Committee who attended a WHO conference in Geneva on Organization of Medical Care, on June 18 through 23, 1956. The findings of the conference were published in 1957 in the WHO report titled Role of Hospitals in Programs of Community Health Protection.
Macaulay was born to William Cameron Macaulay and Edith Constance Mary Hart. He married Julia Marguerite Garner (b. August 28, 1892 – d. 1987). They had 2 children: Jack Cameron Macaulay, who was born in Hong Kong on January 30, 1918, and so was daughter Violet June Macaulay, November 20, 1919.

-,uk. [internet].
- The British Journal of Nursing, August 1951.
- The Edinburgh Gazette, June 30, 1944.
- The Education Committees Year Book 1947, London: Education, the Official Organ of the Official Organ of the Association of Education Committees, 1947
- Genealogy Data / Page 2782 [internet].
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 21, 1919, Appointment #85.
- Horder, Thomas Jeeves (Advsy. Ed.), Health and Social Welfare 1945-1946, London: Todd Publishing Co., Ltd., 1946
- The London Gazette, July 1, 1947.
- Supplement to the London Gazette, January 2, 1956

Hugh Glencairn Monteith (1919)

Qualifications: B.A., B.Sc., University of Cambridge (1902) (I was unable to find any medical degree associated with Monteith, but shall keep looking. It would be quite odd to appoint a non-doctor as medical officer of health, wouldn't it?)
Honor: D.S.O. (1915); O.B.E. (after 1919 and before 1934)

Monteith (b. May 11, 1882, Glencairn, Dumfries, Scotland – d. October 10, 1963, Truro, Cornwall, England) joined R.A.M.C. no later than 1905. His name first appeared in Hong Kong in 1919 pertaining to 2 government appointments, which had the same effective date - August 12, 1919 - acting member of the Medical Board and acting Medical Officer of Health. In both cases, he was standing in for Alice Deborah Hicking (nee Sibree), who was the first woman doctor in Hong Kong. Coincidentally, Monteith, a captain, had just been appointed an acting lieutenant-colonel, e.dt. July 10, 1919. He was with the 47th Field Ambulance unit of R.A.M.C. at the time, and I therefore assume (assume, because I couldn't find any record that so confirmed) that this unit was serving in Hong Kong. R.A.M.C. provided non-emergency ambulatory assistance to the Hong Kong Fire Services prior to 1953. He was listed on January 19, 1934 as a R.A.M.C. major holding the position of Deputy Assistant Director Medical Services. A few months later on May 1, he was promoted to the rank of brevet lieutenant colonel. Monteith retired from the British Army on May 11, 1940, his last rank was Colonel.

Monteith was born to the Rev. John Monteith of Glencairn Parish and Ellen Maria Neve. He lost two brothers in the Great War, who were killed within a week of each other: John Cassels Monteith, Lieutenant-Colonel of the 2nd Battalion, Bedfordshire (K.I.A. October 1, 1915); and William Neve Monteith, Lieutenant (Reverend) of the 2nd Battalion, Rifle Brigate (The Prince Consort's Own)(K.I.A. September 25, 1919). The two were respectively the first and second son of his father. Monteith married Dorothy Huntly Dunell in 1915. Their daughter Cynthia Helen Montieth married John William Maxwell Aitken in 1939. Aitken, a Canadian, was, among other offices held, Chancellor of the University of New Brunswick; and an extraordinary British life peer who disclaimed his barony title 3 days after he inherited it from his father. Monteith started playing rugby while studying at Cambridge. He played for the Scottish (National) Rugby Team from 1905 to 1908, and was listed in 1905 as an army player with 8 international caps.

Monteith could possibly be the only Medical Officer of Health in Hong Kong who didn't have a medical degree. Should I keep him in this roll if he wasn't a doctor? I suppose there is no urgency in making a decision now.

- Army Rugby Union / International Caps – Army Players [internet].
- ESPN / Scrum / Scotland / Players & Officials [internet].
- Family Search – Community Trees [internet].
- [intrnet].
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 22, 1919, Appointment #379; August 29, 1919, Appointment #398.
- The London Gazete, March 16, 1934; May 8, 1934; May 7, 1940.
- Medical and Sanitary Reports for the Year 1919, Hong Kong.
- The Peerage [internet].
- Roll of Honor / Dumfrieshire / Moniaive War Memorial [internet].
- Supplement to the London Gazette, July 10, 1919. 8774
- University of Glasgow / Name Search / Special Collection [internet].


C.Y. Wang
Wang Chungyi (C.Y. Wang) 王寵益 (1920) Pathologist; Hong Kong’s first professor; b.1889 Hong Kong - d.1930 Hong Kong; Chair of Pathology, HKU 1920-30; research focus: tuberculosis; died from tuberculosis 1930; Christian; grandson of Wang Yuanshen 王元深 (b.1817-d.1930)

Bagenal Harvey Mellon (1921) MRCS, LRCP, Ireland, DPH, Dublin 1917; temporary lieutenant, Army Veterinary Corps December 16, 1914, temporary captain December 16, 1915, captain 1917; came to Hong Kong in or before 1921; Second Health Officer of the Port September 28, 1921; Health Officer of Port and Inspector of Emigrants August 2, 1923 - January 20, 1931, possibly later; Justice of the Peace (official) November 3, 1927; acting Medical Officer of Health November 4, 1929
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 14, 1921, Appointment #424; November 23, 1923, Appointment #509; November 4, 1927, Appointment #636; November 1, 1929, Appointment #559; January 23, 1931, Appointment #43.
- The London Gazette, January 5, 1915.
- Supplement to the London Gazette, January 12, 1915.

Ma Luk 馬祿臣 (1922) b. year unknown Hunan 湖南 – d.1963 Hong Kong; Christian; L.M.S., HKCMC (1905); good friend and keen supporter of Dr. Sun Yat-sen; Members of the inaugural directors of the board of Yeung Wo Nursing Home (1922); according to a book about Hong kong history, Ma was the first Chinese member of the Masonic order in Hong Kong (but this cannot be true, early members of the Hong Kong Masonic Order had included Ho Kai and Wei Yuk as its members, years before Ma’s time); husband of Li Huiying 李惠英, educator, lawyer and promoter of Taiwan Strait relations who after Ma’s death remarried writer and political commentator Tao Mulian 陶慕廉; practiced with two sons, Ma Chiu Chong 馬超莊 and Ma Chiu Ki 馬超奇, on the third floor of King's Theatre Building in Central, Tel: 26504 in the early 1960s before he died in 1963

B.C. Wong 黃菖霖 (1922); Anti-slavery activist; Members of the inaugural directors of the board of Yeung Wo Nursing Home (1922) ; member of the congregation of the All Saints Church 諸聖堂, representative of All Saints Church in the Anti-Mui-Jai Society 反蓄婢會, which was founded in August 1921 by a number of Protestant churches for the purpose to rid of the Mui-Jai custom, a quasi-slavery tradition in China, Chau Wai Cheung was also of the Hong Kong Anglican Church

Edward Pigott Minett (1922) d. October 5, 1935 Devon; trained at Guy’s Hospital; M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.H., Cambridge University (1907); M.D., Université libre de Bruxelles (1907); D.T.M.&H. (1909); specialized in bacteriology and public health; Assistant Government Bacteriologist (1910), Government Bacteriologist and Medical Officer of Health, British Guiana; came to Hong Kong and replaced H.H. Scott (Scott already left Hong Kong, the post was temporarily filled by Prof. C.Y. Wang) as the Government Bacteriologist and Officer in charge of the Bacteriological Institute (1922); Lecturer and Examiner in Hygiene and Medical Jurisprudence, Hong Kong University; Medical Officer, Hong-Kong Volunteer Defense Corps; left Hong Kong in 1931; member, British Medical Association (since 1909); publications: Diagnosis of Bacteria and Blood Parasites, Practical Tropical Sanitation, A Cheap Form of Artesian Water Supply for Villages in the Tropics , A Review of the Water Supplies of Hong Kong; Minett’s wife (name unknown), a graduated M.D. from the University of London (1916), held medical appointments in Hong Kong

Hugh Somerville Burniston (1922) MB, BS, Durham 1892; b.1870 - d.May 1, 1962, Emsworth, Hants; RN surgeon; surgeon, HMS Duke of Wellington 1900-02; staff surgeon, HMS Bacchante (flagship of the 3rd Cruiser Squadron in Mediterranean) 1902-05; staff surgeon, HMS Vernon (torpedo school ship) 1905; staff surgeon, Cumberland (training ship for cadets) 1908; Fleet Surgeon May 17, 1910; Boxer Rebellion, 1910; fleet surgeon, HMS Warrior 1913; Surgeon Commander bef 1918; Fleet Medical Officer, Atlantic Fleet 1919-22; came to Hong Kong in 1922; Surgeon-Captain-in-Charge, Royal Navy Hospital in Hong Kong 1922; member, Medical Board May 1, 1923; retired from RN October 16, 1925, last rank listed on retired list: Surgeon Rear-Admiral; honor: CMG December 31, 1918
- / Royal Navy / Navy List 1908 Ship A to C [internet].
- British Medical Journal, May 19, 1962, Reviews, Deaths.
- Durham University Calendar, with Almanack 1916-17, Durham: Thomas Caldcleugh & Co., 1916.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 11, 1923, Appointment #218.
- The London Gazette, April 19, 1904, May 20, 1910, October 20, 1925.
- University of London / King's College London /Liddell Hart Center for Military Archives / Survey of the Papers of Senior UK Defence Personnel, 1900-75 [internet].

Fitzgerald Gabbett Fitzgerald (1923) LRCP & SI; b.1878, Co. Kerry, Ireland - d.December 21, 1954, Penharbour. Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Eire; RAMC surgeon 1900; World War 1914-1918; Mons retreat 1914; lieutenant-colonel (from the rank of major) January 17, 1916; came to Hong Kong with his unit in 1922/23; member, Sanitary Board April 13, 1923 for a 3-year term; member, Medical Board May 1, 1923; temporary Medical Officer in Charge at Victoria Hospital July 7, 1923; Assistant Director of Medical Services, India 1929-32; Colonel, Deputy Director, Medical Services at the Horse Guards, for the Eastern Command 1933-37; retired from Army 1937, last rank in retired list:  major-general; honor: CB 1936, DSO, HKS; publications: A Hospital in Tientsin, North China, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, Vol. #46, 1926; married Emily Gosselin, b.dt/unk.- d.March 25, 1964, Penharbour, Greystones, County Wicklow, Ireland
- The British Medical Journal, April 1, 1933, The Services; January 4, 1936, Medical New Year Honors; January 8, 1955, Medical News, Deaths.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 13, 1923, Appointment #158; May 11, 1923, Appointment #219.
- Hong Kong Government Medical Report for the Year 1923.
- Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives / Headstones at Christ Church, Delagany [internet].
- Liddell Hart Center for Military Archives, Survey of the Papers of Senior UK Defence Personnel, 1900-75.
- Officers from Co. Kerry Ireland who Served in WWI: List by John MacGillycuddy, Annascaul 25 Jul 1917.
- Supplement to the Edinburgh Gazette, 1/17/1916.
- Supplement to the London Gazette, November 22, 1918, January 1, 1936
- Winter Catarrhs and Bronchitis, January 13, 1917, p.58

James Thornton Smalley (1923) MRCS, England 1907, LRCP, London 1907; b.1882-d. August 17, 1961, Cambridge; qualifying at Guy's Hospital 1907; resident medical officer, Colonial Hospital, Suva, Fiji 1910; Medical Officer of Health and Port Medical Officer, Seonka; came to Hong Kong in 1913; medical officer in charge of Kowloon and the New Territories May 13, 1913 - November 4, 1922; Surgeon-Lieutenant, HKVC April 7, 1914 - November 29, 1926; Justice of the Peace (official) 1919-40, (unofficial) April 30, 1941; Medical Officer, Lai Chi Kok Gaol 1921-1922, Second Medical Officer, Government Civil Hospital January 1923; tutor, Out-Patients Department 1923-24, acting lecturer in Hygiene 1923, lecturer in Pharmacology, HKU; Medical Officer in charge of the Kowloon Hospital December 24, 1925 - 1927, 1931- [Smalley was the first medical officer in charge of the Kowloon Hospital, which opened on Christmas Eve 1925.]; acting Principal Civil Medical Officer (vice J.B. Addison) November 8, 1927 - January 3, 1928; Medical Officer in charge of the Victoria General & Maternity Hospital 1927-30; acting Deputy Director, Medical and Sanitary Services April 10, 1928 - 1940; senior medical officer 1931; Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths June 11, 1937-1940; acting Director of Medical Services July 21, 1937 – December 3, 1938, November 21, 1938 - 1940; retired from civil service January 1940; registered to practice in Hong Kong February 6, 1940, began private practice; address in 1940: Knutsford Hotel, Kowloon; interned, together with family [1] (wife and 2 daughters, Joan and Mary), at the Kowloon Hotel during the Japanese occupation; retired to Cambridge after the war; chairman, Ministry of Pensions Medical Board, Cambridge; consultant in tropical medicine, East Anglian Regional Hospital Board; honor: King's Coronation Medal 1937; unpublished writing: Diary of Work at Kowloon Hospital; son of Major-General Frederick Smalley of Madras Infantry; married Ethel Clifford 1910, daughter of Captain F.J. Clifford, Kent Regiment
[1] There was a decorated (Distinguished Flying Cross July 30,1940) Royal Air Force pilot existing in the European Theatre of World War II, whose name was James Ralph Thornton Smalley. Might he be Smalley's son?
Additional Notes / Fun Facts (in these cases, not so fun facts):
- Smalley was injured in a car accident on March 1, 1939 when his car (#652) which he was driving came into collision with another car (#4420) at the corner of Waterloo Road and Argyle Street. Smalley and a woman passenger in the other car were removed to the Kowloon Hospital (of which Smalley was in charge); the condition of both patients, as it was learned later that night, was not serious.
- Smallery's residence in Mody Road was broken into by a thief on May 7, 1940, who took away a chromium clock, valued at $50.
- The British Medical Journal, September 2, 1961, p.654, Obit uary: J.T. Smalley.
- Evans, Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose: Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987.
- Hong Kong Daily Press, January 5, 1935, p.7, Silver Wedding, Dr. & Mrs. J.T. Smalley; March 2, 1939, p.1, Dr. Smalley Injured in Smash; January 20, 1940, p.1, Presentation to Dr. and Mrs. James T. Smallery.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 17, 1914, Appointment #142; December 3, 1926, Appointment #660; November 10, 1927, Appointment #655; April 10, 1928, Appointment 181; August 20, 1937, Appointment #578; May 14, 1937, Honors; June 11, 1937, Appointment #405; July 16, 1937, Appointment #490; November 25, 1938, Appointment #906; October 27, 1939, Proclamation; February 7, 1940, Notice #164; May 2, 1941, Appointment #508; May 30, 1941, Notice #658.
- Hong Kong Medical Report for the Year 1921, 1922, 1923, 1925.
- Hong Kong War Diary [internet].
- The London Gazette, October 8, 1940, pp.5901-03.

Joseph Bartlerr Addison (1924) b.1875 – d.1928, Seychelles; MRCS, England, LRCP, London; trained at St. Mary's Hospital, London; assistant Medical Officer 1907, Chief Medical Officer 1908, Seychelles; act as private secretary and clerk to the Executive Council, Seychelles 1912; came to Hong Kong in 1924; Principal Civil Medical Officer (appointed by Home Government) March 1, 1924 – 1928; Justice of the Peace (official) April 11, 1924 – 1928; member (official), Legislative Council May 14, 1925 – February 4, 1926; left Hong Kong due to breakdown of health January 10, 1928; died in Seychelles at the age of 53; honor: MBE 1918
Additional Notes / Fun Facts:
Addison was paid an annual salary of £1,000, rising by £50 per year that followed. There was also a conveyance allowance of $360 a year.
- The China Mail, February 29, 1928, p.6, Dr. J.B. Addison, Death at Seychelles.
- The Hong Kong Daily Press, January 12, 1928, p.6, Departure of Dr. J.B. Addison.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 14, 1924, Appointment #132; April 11, 1924, Appointment #195a;
- Official Website of the Legislative Council, Hong Kong [internet].
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, July 4, 1923, p.6.
- Supplement to the London Gazette, October 4, 1918, p.117766.

Ip Kam-wah 葉錦華 (1920s) M.B.B.S., HKU (1920); started a private practice (1920s); President, Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association (1935-1936); father of Dr. Ip Yee 葉義 (enrolled in HKU but discontinued in 1941 due to Japanese invasion; studied under the National Shanghai Medical College in free China in Chungking (Chongcing) (1942); awarded M.B.B.S. by the HKU Emergency Committee on March 22, 1946; advanced studies in the U.K.; started private practice in Hong Kong (c.1953); most noted collector of Bamboo Carving artifacts; according to his will over 200 pieces of important artifacts in his collection were donated to the Hong Kong Museum of Art after his death in 1984.) These were the addresses in the 1960s where the father and son practiced respectively: 514, Nathan Road, Kowloon, Tel. 57942; 5, Homuntin Hill Road, Kowloon, Tel. 57020

Arthur Woo
Woo Wai-tak, Arthur 胡惠德 (1925) Rotarian to rejuvenate the club after the war; b. 1888 Hong Kong – February 1964 Hong Kong; Christian, member of the congregation of the Hong Kong Anglican Church; son of Dr. U I-kai 胡爾楷醫生; brother of Dr. Katie Woo 胡素貞博士, the late headmistress of St. Paul’s Girls’ School; attended Diocesan Boys' School in Hong Kong; studied Latin and French in England; trained at Middlesex Hospital and qualified with the Conjoint diploma (1913); M.B., B.S., University of London (1916); L.R.C.P., London; M.R.C.S., England.; F.R.C.S.; F.I.C.S. (Hon.); worked at military hospitals in Britain during WWI; studied in New York and Baltimore under a Rockefeller scholarship, including training at the Johns Hopkins Hospital; Assistant Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Peking Union Medical College 協和醫學院; Medical Advisor to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Transportation, ROC; practice as a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology in Hong Kong, his consulting-room was located at the China Building in Central (1925), and at Edinburgh House (early 1960s); Lecturer in Gynecology and Obstetrics and Internal Examiner, Hong Kong University; honorary consulting gynecologist to the Nethersole Hospital; established Babington Hospital 惠德頤養院 (his Chinese name of Wai-tak was used to name the hospital) in Babington Path 巴丙頓道 and assume the post of Medical Superintendent; President, Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association (1924-1925); Council, British Medical Association, Hong Kong and China Branch; Justice of the Peace (1938); largely responsible for the re-establishment of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong (1945, the Rotary was initially formed in 1932); internationally renowned postage stamp collector; honor: King George V Silver Jubilee Medal (1935), O.B.E. (1954)

Chau Sik-nin and Princes Alexandra
Chau Sik-nin 周錫年 (1923)
Otolaryngologist-turned-banker; b.April 13, 1903 Hong Kong –d. November 30, 1985 Hong Kong; Christian; graduate, St. Stephen College, Hong Kong (1918); M.B.B.S. (1923), Hon LL.D (1961), University of Hong Kong; D.L.O. (1925); D.O.M.S. (1926); first Chinese Otolaryngologist to practice in Hong Kong (1927); part time lecturer in Ophthalmology (1930-1936), HKU; Ophthalmologist, Government Civil Hospital (1930-1936); President, (1936-1937); Member, Medical Board (1936-1941); Member, Sanitary Board (1936-1941); Justice of the Peace (appointed on May 19, 1939); founder, Hongkong Chinese Bank 香港華人銀行 (1955), the bank was acquired by CITIC Ka Wah Bank in 2002 and ceased to exist thenceforth; director of more than 30 companies in Hong Kong and other areas in Asia Pacific; Honorary Advisor, the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce; member of the General Committee, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce; Member (1947-1962), Senior Member (1953-1959), Legislative Council, Senior Member (1959-1962),Executive Council; inaugural Chairman, Federation of Hong Kong Industries (1960-1966); inaugural Chairman, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (1966-1970); inaugural Chairman, Hong Kong Tuberculosis Association (1948-1963); Chairman, Po Leung Kuk (1941-1942); Permanent Advisor, Tung Wah Hospitals; first cousin of Chau Tsun-Nin 周埈年 (b.1893-d.1971), senior member of the Legislative and Executive Councils; father of flamboyant barrister and socialite Chau Kai-pong 周啟邦 (b.1934-d.2010). Photo on the left: Chau escorting Princess Alexandra, a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, during her visit to Hong Kong in 1961

Yeo Kok-cheung 楊國璋 (1925) The first Chinese to be appointed Director of Medical and Health Services; Alias Yeo Kok-cheang, K.C. Yeo; b. April 1, 1903 Penang - d. May 22, 2004 Battle, East Sussex; Christian; married to Florence Ho Tung (March 24, 1933), daughter of Robert Hotung; M.B., B.S. (1925), M.D. (1930), HKU; D.P.H., Cambridge University (1926); D.P.M.&H., London University; 1927 Assistant Medical Officer of Health, Hong Kong (1927); Chinese Health Officer, Senior Grade (1939); Deputy Director of Health Services, Health Adviser to Urban Council (1947); Deputy Director of Medical and Health Services (1950); Director of Medical and Health Services (January 1952 – 1958), the first local civil servant to rise to the substantive position of a department director; institutionalized the position of Specialist Anesthetist in the civil medical services (1953); first Unit Controller, Auxiliary Medical Service (1952); Lecturer and Examiner in Public Health, HKU (1928); Lecturer in Public Health (1936-1938), Professor of Social Medicine (1953-1957), HKU; President, HKCMA (1932); Justice of the Peace (1938); Member, Legislative Council (1951-1957); Vice Chairman, Urban Council; Senior Hospital Medical Officer (Psychiatry), St Ebbaís Hospital, Epsom, Surrey (1963); honor: C.M.G. (1956); WHO Traveling Fellowship (1948); held the world record in sitting ups for his body weight for several years

Frederick Bunje (1927) M.R.C.S., England; L.R.C.P., London (1926); Bunje became qualified to practice in Hong Kong, e.dt. February 25, 1927. He gave an address at Alexandra Building in that year. He joined the HKVDC some time before 1938, and was promoted from the rank of lieutenant to be captain on March 1, 1838, and to be major on May 19, 1941. He was appointed an Unofficial Justice of the Peace, e.dt. October 15, 1940. There is a story about Bunje during the war years in the 1940s at the following website for anyone wishing more information: The Dark World's Fire: Tome and Lena Edgar in War. Bunje was said to be an Eurasian, according to this article.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 25, 1927, Notice #109; March 4, 1938, Appointment #186; October 18, 1940, Appointment #1144; June 13, 1941, Appointment #719.

Hua Tse-jen 華則仁 (1927) b. February 2, 1901, Tianjin – d.dt/unk.; Nankai High School 天津南開中學; read mining at Nankai College 南開大學; enrolled in HKU as a Hopei (Hebei) Provincial Scholar; MB, BS, HKU,1927; resident physician in several hospitals, 1927-1929, working under HKU; Medical Officer, Kailan Mining Administration 天津開灤礦務局, 1929-37; Unit 2, League of Nations Medical Service, served in the interior of China, 1937; Medical Superintendent, Lai Chi Kok Hospital, Hong Kong, 1938; Medical Superintendent, Kwong Wah Hospital, 1940-ca.1956; volunteer works before and druing the Occupation of Hong Kong, 1941-45 [1]; private practice, 1956; place of practice in 1968: 1/F, #510 Nathan Road; President, HKCMA, 1949-50; President, HKBMA, 1951-52; founding member, Anti-tuberculosis Association; founder, Society of Boys’ Centers 香港扶幼會, 1953; founding member, Kowloon Rotary Club; honor: OBE, 1946, Hon.LLD, HKU, 1968
[1] Hua had provided free medical services at a number of refugee camps opened in Hong Kong prior to the fall of Hong Kong. He had assisted many internees during the Japanese occupation, and was imprisoned for a while by the Japanese for keeping a store of food and other supplies to be smuggled in the POW camps for the internees.

Hugh Alderson Fawcett (1928) Noted Archaeologist and Collector; b.dt/unk.-d. January 11, 1982; University College, London; Captain, RAMC, 1914-1919; DPH, 1920; DTM&H, 1928; MRCS; arrived Hong Kong, dt/unk.; Medical Officer in charge of a sexually-transmitted diseases clinic for men, Sanitary Board, 1928-1930; noted archaeologist and collector [1]; publication: Diphtheria: Its Causation, Prevention and Investigation, April 1923
[1] Fawcett compiled a collection of over 8,000 items of archaeological finds and artifacts from the British Isles, Europe, the Mediterranean, Far East and America; the collection was purchased by the City of Bristol Museum and Art Gallery in 1979.

Arthur Robartes Wellington (1929) arrived Hong Kong, dt/unk.; Director of Medical and Sanitary Services (position known as Principal Civil Medical Officer before 1929), 1929-1936; Director of Medical Services (name of position again changed in 1936), 1936-1938

Douglas Laing 梁德基 (1928) Big time owner of racing-horses; M.B., B.S. (1928), Hon. Fellow (December 2, 1999, posthumous), HKU; Assistant to Government Bicteriologist (1929-1930); studied otorhinolaryngology in the United kingdom; started a private practice (1934) (according to a HKU site Dr. Laing became the first ENT surgeon in Hong Kong, but the fact is Dr. Chau Sik-nin, also a HKU graduate and an Otolaryngologist, pracitced in Hong Kong in 1927, seven years earlier than Dr. Laing); served in the Royal Army Medical Corps in India during WWII; re-start private practive after the war (1948), his consulting-room in the 1960s was located inside the Gloucester Building, Central, Tel. 30635; Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Otorhinolaryngology, HKU; founder of Digby Memorial Fund (1959) to provide scholarships and gold medals to outstanding medical students; Senior Founding Member, HKU Foundation for Educational Development and Research; donated more than HK$3 milion to HKU including the funding used to build the new Medical Complex at Sassoon Road; retired (1996); a consultant for the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital, Nethersole Hospitals and Nam Long Hospital; President, Welfare League (founded in 1930); Member of the Executive Committee, Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society; Steward, Honorary Steward (1984), Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club; publications: Prognostic significance in early diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma by Douglas Laing (Unknown Binding - 1965), Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the Chinese in Hong Kong by Douglas Laing (Unknown Binding - 1967)
Dr. Laing’s reputation as a racehorse owner was well-known amongst the horseracing fans in Hong Kong. According to HKU information, which refers to records of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, Dr. Laing owned his first horse as early as in 1927. I do not know how credible that is as he hadn’t finished university in 1927. I learn that his horses are quite popular, although I was unable to find all the corresponding names of the horses in English; here they are: Gay Eighties 快樂八十, Gay Nineties 快樂九十, 快樂一百, 快樂王子, 快樂龍王, 快樂飛馬, 快樂飛俠

Wang Chung-ching 王寵慶 (1920) Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA, 1920

Woo Tin-pao 吳天保 (1922) Vice President, HKCMA, 1922

Wong Tsz-chuen 王子傳 (1924) Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA,  1924, 1935; Midwives Board, 1933-1939, 1946

Au Sz-cham 區斯湛 (1925) Vice President, HKCMA, 1925

Mok Tai-tim (1925) Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA, 1925

Tseung Fat-im 蔣法賢 (1927) Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA, 1927, 1929. Vice President, HKCMA, 1934; Medical Board, 1930-1936; Nutrition Advisory Council

Li Kuang-yu (1928) Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA, 1928, 1932

Phoon Seck-wah 潘錫華 (1929) Vice President, HKCMA, 1929; Midwives Board, 1930-1933; Dental Board

Keisho Kiyohara 清原 慶松 [1] (1925) Igakushi 医学士 (Bachelor of Medicine), Imperial University of Tokyo; arrived Hong Kong, dt/unk.; qualified to practice in Hong Kong, March 30, 1925; address in 1925: 3/F, #.3, Wood Road, Wanchai 灣仔活道.
[1] I was unable to identify the correct kanji of Kiyohara's given name; according to the romaji “Keisho”, he name could also be 清原 敬章 or 清原 敬正.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 3, 1930, Notice #11.

William Innes Gerrard (1929) MD; MRCP, London; DPH; arrived Hong Kong, dt/unk.; Honorary Visiting Physician to the Government Civil Hospital on October 10, 1929; Professor of Medicine, HKU, 1929-1939; Dean, Faculty of Medicine, HKU (vice L.T. Ride), 1933; Emeritus Professor, 1950; honor: Order of St. Anne, 3rd Class, Russia, November 18, 1915; OBE, 1930; CBE Military, June 14, 1945; Chinese Order of the Brilliant Jade (ROC)
- Dix Noonan Webb [internet].
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 24, 1930, Appointment #50.
- Naval History / #29373: November 19, 1915 [internet].
- Supplement to the London Gazette, January 1, 1930; June 14, 1945.

Au King 區警 (1929) MB, BS, HKU, May 1929; qualified to practice in Hong Kong, June 28, 1929; Inspector of School, September 7, 1932, May 2, 1941; assistant Health Officer for Schools, Medical Department; address in 1929: 41, Kaiyan Road, Kowloon City
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 5, 1929, Notice #352; September 23, 1932, Appointment #603; May 9, 1941, Appointment #552.


George H. Gell (1930s) came to Hong Kong in the 1930s; Government Civil Hospital doctor
Janus: Jardine Matheson Archive [internet].

Li Sheung-po (1931) The poor Dr. Li was robbed [1]
[1] China Mail ran the following story on April 13, 1931.
"Victim of Armed Robbery. Chinese Doctor Held Up at Revolver Point.
Belated Report. A Chinese doctor, Li Sheung-po, was the victim of an armed robbery on the third floor of 44. Sai Street at four o'clock yesterday afternoon"
- China Mail, Hong Kong, April 13, 1931.

The Tai Brothers

Were Hon-hang, Hon-sham and Hon-fan triplets? Well, they went to the same school to read medicine, and graduated almost at the same year 1932/33. They returned to Hong Kong to pratice after obtaining the same medical qualifications, and were appointed by the government as health officers. Hello, Dr. Tai, Dr. Tai and Dr. Tai...

Tai Hon-hang 戴翰鏗 (1933) MB, BS, Edinburgh Univ. December 16, 1932; registered to practice in Hong Kong February, 8 1933; Temporary Medical Officer 1938; Health officer January 1, 1939
- Annual Medical Report for the Year 1938, Hong Kong Government.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 19, 1933, Notice #84; January 6, 1939, Notice #14.

Tai Hon-sham 戴翰琛 (1933) MB, BS, Edinburgh Univ. 1932; temporary Medical Officer 1938; Inspector of Schools 1940 and 1941; address in 1938: 2/F, #22, Robinson Road.
- Annual Medical Report for the Year 1938, Hong Kong Government.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 18, 1940, Appointment #1147; May 9, 1941, Appointment #552.

Tai Hon-fan 戴翰芬 (1934) MB, BS, Edinburgh Univ. 1933; registered to practice in Hong Kong February 19, 1934; Temporary Medical Officer 1938; address in 1934:  #36, Queen's Road, Central
- Annual Medical Report for the Year 1938, Hong Kong Government.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 23, 1934, Notice #125.

R.A. Anderson (1933) came to Hong Kong in or befor 1933; Lecturer in Public Health, HKU 1933-35

T.F. Kennedy (1935) came to Hong Kong in or before 1935; Lecturer in Public Health, HKU 1935-36

L.J. Davis (1930) MD, Glasgow Univ.; MRCP, FRCP, Edinburgh; came to Hong Kong in or before 1930; Professor of Pathology, HKU 1930-39; Muirhead Professor of Medicine, Glasgow Univ. 1954; Professor of Medicine, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow 1960; publications: Scarlatina Immunity in Hong Kong (1935, co-authors - J.S. Guzdar and F.S. Fernando)

Sze Tsung-sing 施正信 (1933)
The first Chinese WHO Medical Officer

Li Shu-pui
Li Shu-pui 李樹培 (1932) The first HKU graduate admitted to the Royal College of Surgeons; b. January 1903, Hong Kong – d. August 31, 2005, Hong Kong, at the age of 102; entered Peking Union Medical College 1920 (at the age of seventeen), later transferred to HKU; MB, BS, HKU 1928; FRCS, Edinburgh, the first HKU graduate to attain a fellowship at RCS; studied ear, nose and throat at Vienna Univ.; joined the practice of Dr. Li Shu-fan in Hong Kong ca.1932; continued performing surgical operations until 1980 and ran an outpatient clinic until well into his 90s; Medical Superintendent, Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital (vice Li Shu-fan) 1966; remained actively involved in the affairs of the hospital as chairman of the board until his death; during Li’s tenure an vitro fertilization centre was added at the Hospital where Hong Kong’s first test tube baby was delivered; founding member 1965, Treasurer 1965-79, Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong; honor: OBE; married Ellen Li 李曹秀群 (b.1908 Shanghai - d.2005 Hong Kong), who was Hong Kong's first woman Justice of the Peace, the first woman member of the Legislative Council and the first woman recipient of CBE

Pang Hok-ko 彭學高 (1934) b.1900 Hong Kong - d.1974 Hong Kong; MB, BS, HKU 1929; private practice 1934-72; place of practice: Yaumati, Kowloon; President, HKMA 1952-53; honor: Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial Collage 禮賢會彭學高紀念中學; father of Pang Wing-fuk 彭永福 (MB, BS, HKU 1962; MRCP 1966; FRCP, Edinburgh; FHKA., Medicine; DTM&H, Liverpool Univ.) and Pang Wing-luk 彭永祿 (MB, BS, HKU, 1966)
[Dr. Pang was my parents’ physician; his son Dr. Pang Wing-fuk is still looking after my mother]

Yang Pao-chang (1934) MB, BS, HKU July 26, 1929; registered to practice in Hong Kong February 19, 1934; address in 1934: c/o Dr. N.K. Law, #57, Wyndham Street.
References:- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 23, 1934, Notice #125.

George Duncan Ralph Black (1923) MB, CM, Trinity College, University of Toronto 1905; member, BMA 1908; President, HKBMA 1934-36; member, Medical Board 1923-25; member, Dental Board 1923; President, Hong Kong St. Andrew's Society 1925-26 and 1939-40; Major, RAMC 1941; Surgeon Lieutenant January 30, 1912, Principal Medical Officer, Lieut.-Col., HKVDC, in charge of a temporary military hospital established at the beginning of the Battle of Hong Kong in 1941 inside St. Stephen’s College in Stanley; killed by Japanese troop storming the hospital in the early morning of Christmas Day 1941; honors: OBE, Military Division 1935, V.D. (Volunteers Decoration); wife, Anne Lilian (nurse ND14) and daughter (nurse ND6) served in the Nursing Detachment during the war
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 9, 1912, Appointment #39; March 16, 1923, Appointment #113; May 18, 1923, Appointment #235.

Ling Ke Dieh 林開弟 (1935) MB, BS, HKU 1932; assistant Lecturer in Physiology, HKU 1935-38; Nanjing Renji Hospital 南京仁濟醫院 ca.1949; Medical Superintendent, Kwong Wah Hospital 廣華醫院 1958; President, Lai Chi Kok Hospital 荔枝角醫院 1960s; Council, Hong Kong Medical Association 1972

Eva Ho-tung
Eva Ho-tung 何嫻姿 (1937) The first woman graduate in Medicine, HKU; alias 何綺華; Diocesan Girls' School; MB, BS, HKU 1927 (the first woman graduate from the Faculty of Medicine, HKU); DGO, Dublin Univ. 1928; DTM&H, Dublin Univ.; MRCPI; Assistant in Obstetrics and Gynecology, HKU 1937-38; Red Cross Medical Relief Corps in China, commanded a unit in the field during the Pacific War; private practice in Hong Kong from the 1960s; place of practice: 1/F, Bank of East Asia Building, Central, Tel: 25925; daughter of Robert Ho-tung and Clara Lin-kok Cheung

Chan Pak-chue 陳伯賜 (1937) MCP&S, Manitoba Univ. October 12, 1937; registered to practice in Hong Kong December 29, 1937; address in 1937: #7, Victory Avenue, Ho Man Tin
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 31, 1937, Notice #952.

Horacio Percy Luis Ozorio (1937) MB, BS, HKU December 17, 1937; registered to practice in Hong Kong December 29, 1937;  address in 1937: #41, Granville Road, Kowloon.
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 31, 1937, Notice #952.

Yang Ke 楊珂 (1937) MB, BS, HKU December 20, 1937; registered to practice in Hong Kong December 29, 1937; address in 1937: 2/F, #47, Bonham Road
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 31, 1937, Notice #952.

Ooi Kee Wan 黄基遠 (1937) MB, BS, HKU December 29, 1937; registered to practice in Hong Kong December 29, 1937; address in 1937: Red House, Pokfulam
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 31, 1937, Notice #952.

Lydia Fehily (1939) MD, Vienna Univ.; State Medical Diploma, Japan; came to Hong Kong in or before 1939; Inspecor of Schools May 25, 1939
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 23, 1939, appointments #500.

Alta Francis Stout (1939) MB, ChB, Edinburgh Univ.; came to Hong Kong in or before 1939; Supervisor of Midwives, dt/unk.-1939
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 23, 1939, appointments #501.

Lai Po-cheun 賴寶川 (1939)
The first woman medical student, HKU

Peter Selwyn Selwyn-Clarke (1938) came to Hong Kong in or before 1938; Director of Medical Services, 1938-41

Lim Ek-quee 林益桂 (1938) MB, BS, HKU 1932; assistant Lecturer in Physiology, HUK 1938-41 [1]
[1] Lim was temporarily put in charge of the Department of Physiology at HKU in 1940.

Jean Eugene Frommer (1939) MD, Pisa Univ., Italy November 17, 1934; cam to Hong Kong in or before 1939; registered to practice in Hong Kong August 17, 1939; address in 1939: c/o Mrs. Frommer, Canossian Hospital, #36, Caine Road
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 18, 1939, Notice #679.

Irma Frommer (1939) nee Edelmann; MD, Bologna Univ., Italy July 3, 1937; came to Hong Kong in or before 1939; registered to practice in Hong Kong October 25, 1939; resident, Canossian Hospital; Lady Medical Officer for Schools, Medical Department May 2, 1941; Inspector of Schools May 2, 1941; address in 1939: 1/F, #36, Hillwood Road, Kowloon
- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 27, 1939, Notice #994; May 9, 1941, Appointment #552.

Mao Wen-cee Philip 毛文奇 (1939)
A prominent Asian art collector; alias Philip Moore

Robert Cecil Robertson (1939)
Cheated death twice, but not thrice

Li Tsoo-yiu 李祖佑 (1932) President, HKCMA 1932

Chan Shing-chue 陳聖柱 (1932) Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA 1932

Martha Hunter Hoahing (Ho-A-Hing) 何顯 (1933) probably born in British Guiana ca.1890; later moved to Singapore; MRCS, Scotland 1913; practiced in Singapore in the 1920s; came to Hong Kong in or before 1933; Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA 1933; sister of Rachel Hunter Hoahing, who married Singapore doctor Wee Hiap Tock in 1922
- British Guiana Colonists Index “A” [internet].
- The British Medical Journal, April 19, 1913, Public Health.

Chan Ping-in (1936) Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA 1936

Lien Tsoong-kya 連忠介 (1937) Vice President HKCMA 1937

Edward Wickham Jueyow Sun 孫潤焜 (1937) Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA 1937; President, HKCMA 1940 and 1941

Wu Tai-piao (1939) Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA 1939


H.C. Chan (1940) Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA 1940 and 1941; Medical Advisory Board to the Governor

N.C. McLeod (1941) came to Hong Kong in or before 1941; Deputy Director, Medical and Health Services; part-time chair, Public Health, HKU 1941-45

Threshold of War

These were the medical doctors and dentist registered to practice in Hong Kong months before the city fought the Japanese invader and subsequently subdued.

Pang Teng-cheung 彭定祥 (1941) BM, BS, HKU May 1941; registered to practice in Hong Kong May 9, 1941; address in 1941: G/F, #2, Homantin Street, Kowloon
Tsang Hok-yuen 曾學元 (1941) dentist; registered to practice in Hong Kong September 2, 1941; address in 1941: Main Road, Un Long, Au Tau
Tsang Sze-ying 曾士英 (1941) dentist; registered to practice in Hong Kong September 20, 1941; address in 1941: 1/F, #212, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon
Leung Tin-yin 梁天然 (1941) dentist; registered to practice in Hong Kong October 11, 1941: address in 1941: #100, Shanghai Street, Kowloon
Tsam Yau-nam 湛有南 (1941) dentist; registered to practice in Hong Kong October 11, 1941; address in 1941: 1/F, #270, Queen's Road, West

- The Hong Kong Governoment Gazette, October 31, 1941, Notice #1291, #1292.

The Clandestine Degree Ceremony, HKU, January 1, 1942
[Technically, they were one day too late to be included in this post, but I don't think anybody would mind]

The University Senate decided, at a meeting on December 31, 1941, to confer degrees in medicine on the students, whose examinations were interrupted by the Japanese invasion of Hong Kong. This is a photo taken on New Year’s Day 1942 behind Eliot Hall after the clandestine degree ceremony. I was able to tag 5 perosns in the photo: 1. Professor Robert Cecil Robertson; 2. Gordon King, Dean, Faculty of Medicine; 3. Duncan Sloss, Vice-Chancellor; 4. Professor Kenelm Digby, Professor of Surgery; 5. Hilda Chan Tse-kau, student. The newly graduated, all with the MB, BS degrees, were:
Hilda Chan Tse-kau 陳自求; a record in 1960s showed that she practiced at No.229, Nathan Rd., Ground Floor, Kowloon, tel 59053
Chan Ping-kwok
Chow Cham-lau 周湛鑾; a record showed that he practiced at No. 22, Des Voeux Rd., C., Hong Kong, tel 22847
Lau Po-hei 劉寶希. Lau was listed in a 1960 HKMA roster that showed address and tel. # of his clinic at No.55, Bonham Road, Hong Kong, tel 32000
Lee Ching-Iu
Leong Lean-sang
Ong Hian-pitt. Ong escaped to India and then his native Indonesia where he prepared for the re-occupation by the Dutch forces
Ling Sing-hang
E.N. Orloff (posthumous). Orloff died defending Hong Kong before his graduation.
Soon Cheng-hoe
Wong Ching-kuen 黃呈權. Wong worked at the Tung Wah Eastern Hospital in the 1960s

Appendix I
The Pioneer Medical and Pharmacy Practices:

The Medical Hall (1853-1914)
A German-owned pharmacy

Harold von Kauffman (d.May 1891 Wiesbaden), proprietor, established the Medical Hall in 1853 at a central location on Queen’s Road. Dr. Kauffman married a Spanish woman, Emelda Manuela. When he left Hong Kong in 1873 with his wife and four children, the Medical Hall was left to the management of a relative Theophile Koffer [1]. Emil Niehardt joined the pharmacy in 1890 in the capacity of the chemist and became the proprietor upon the departure of Koffer. Niehardt left in 1913 after forty one years in Hong Kong. In 1897, H. Kammel, an apothecary, was admitted as a partner. By 1914, all German business concerns were treated as enemy alien properties and faced liquidations. At the time when the Medical Hall was liquidated, it was situated on Ice House Street opposite the King Edward Hotel and under the management of two pharmaceutical chemists -- A. Kucy and W. Kornetz.

[1] It is rather comical to note the piece of news I found concerning Theophile Koffer 130 years later was written in the June 22, 1882 issue of The Daily Press, which said Koffer was fined $2 by the Police Court for obstructing the passengers on Stanley Street on June 19. He placed and left 17 barrels and 5 baskets on the sidewalk.
- The Daily Press, Police Court, Obstruction, Hong Kong, Thursday, June 22, 1882.

The Medical Hall
Probably a Portuguese-owned pharmacy

Under the same name as the German pharmacy practice, this one was listed in the 1859 Hong Kong Directory. All the persons listed associated with it had names that sound Portuguese: J.J. Braga. C. Braga, Vicente Barga, Joao L. Britto, Francisco da Roza and J. Jesus. Judging from the fact that there were several Bargas, it could be a family-owned business, and most probably a pharmacy practice rather than a medical clinic.

Drs. Gregory Paul Jordan and W.S. Adams (ca.1884 - present day)
A medical practice that would evolve into Drs. Anderson & Partners

Twenty-seven years old Dr. Jordan arrived in Hong Kong in c.1884 and entered into partnership with Dr. Adams who at that time also held the position of Port Health Officer. Dr. Friedrich Piers Grone, L.R.C.P. (1901), registered in Hong Kong in 1906 to practice as a medical doctor. He joined the firm of Drs. Jordan and Adams. At the time of the First World War, Dr. Grone changed his name, which was German sounding, to Frederick Pierce Grove and served with the British Army. He died in May 1929 in Hong Kong aged fifty five.

Muller and Justi, Surgeons and Doctors of Medicine (1900-c.1914)

The medical practice was first located at the Bank Building, No. 16 Queen's Road Central (the present location of the New World Tower), in the office that was previously the clinic of Dr. Erich Hermann Paulun who moved to Shanghai in 1899. In 1905 they moved to the Hotel Mansions Building (the present location of the Chater House), newly built on reclaimed land in Central. The firm was established by Oscar Muller (b.May 4, 1873), surgeon, a graduate of the University of Munich. He qualified in 1897, and was registered as a medical practitioner in Hong Kong on November 2, 1900. Dr. Carol Justi (b. March 3, 1873) joined Dr. Muller in 1903. He was a graduate of the University of Marburg and qualified to practice in Germany in 1897. He left Hong Kong in 1913. Other members of the firm included Karl Hoch (joined in 1907), a graduate of University of Kiel and qualified in 1904; Theodore van Wezel (joined in 1912) who received his medical education at the University of Freiburg and qualified in Germany in 1905. Dr. Muller was a member of the German Club Germania, the predecessor of the German Club. I have no information on the fate of this medical practice came 1914 where almost all German businesses were forced to liquidate.

The Edward Dispensary (1910s)

The Edward Dispensary was situated at 62A, Queen's Road. It was owned and run by C. Kamming & Co., Ltd., a firm established in Hong Kong on January 15, 1910 and dissolved on July 29, 1986. There probably was a Mr. (or Dr.) C. Kamming somewhere, but the information of which has not surfaced.

- The China Mail, Hong Kong: March 13, 1913.
- hongkong-companies-com [internet].

Drs. Black, Balean, Skinn & Talbot (1930s)
Union Building

Appendix II
The Case of Susan Lobina Lamb:
Lamb or Lam? Doctor or no Doctor?

Ms. Lamb (she is definitely a medical practitioner, but there is no actual reference to her being a doctor from materials I have been through) of the American Board Mission was charged in 1910 with violating the Medical Registration Ordinance, 1844 (Ordinance #6 of 1844, enacted on April 2, 1884) by practicing without being registered. Specifically, she had attended a Portuguese woman who subsequently died. Lamb was an American who was identified as being of Anglo-Saxon descent. In her defense, she claimed exemption from the ordinance on account of having married a Chinese (whose name is Lam), and thus taken his nationality. In other words, she claimed to be a Chinese medical practitioner and therefore not required to be registered as stipulated in Clause 2 of the 1884 ordinance.
Clause 2
This Ordinance shall not operate to limit the right of Chinese practitioners to practice medicine or surgery or to receive demand or recover reasonable charges in respect of such practice.
The material I went though says not whether Susan L. Lam, nee Lamb, won the court case. But, judging from a later revision (I found it in Ordinance #31 of 1914, but the revision might occur earlier than 1914) of the ordinance in the relevant provision, I say she did.
Clause 3.1
Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to affect the right of any Chinese person to practice medicine or surgery according to any Chinese methods and to demand and recover reasonable charges in respect of such practice; provided that such person does not take or use any name, title or addition calculated to induce any one to believe that he is qualified to practice medicine or surgery according to modern scientific methods.

Appendix III
Brtish Medical Association Hong Kong and China Branch

Office-bearers for 1907-8:

G. M. Harston (Hong Kong) – President (President, The Royal Society of St. George, Hong Kong, 1925-6; Member of the General Committee, The British Journal of Ophthalmology, 1931)
W. V. M. Koch (Hong Kong) – Vice President
James Herbert Sanders (Hong Kong) - Honorary Secretary and Treasurer (Medical Superintendent, Matilda Hospital; d.May 16, 1956 Devon)
John Milfred Atkinson – Council
Gregory Paul Jordan – Council
Frederic Osmund Stedman – Council
Staff Surgeon R.T. Gilmore, Royal Navy - Council
Captain Rankin, Royal Army Medical Corps. – Council

I noted there actually was no one from China, although there ought to be British physicians working in China in around 1907.

Appendix IV
The Boys from Penn

Where Scots dominated the domains of medicine and surgery, American took dentistry. Dr. Joseph W. Noble, notably was the second dentist to practice in Hong Kong (1887) as well as the second to have come from America. A graduate (1883) of the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Noble ran a flourishing dentistry practice, located at the Alexandra Building in Central, where he went on hiring fellow alumni from Penn as associates, and here are several names I could find: Drs. John M. Crago and Leidy R. Reel (both from the class of 1900) and Dr. Edward Evan Jones. Dr. Emerson G. Curry (class of 1904) went to join Dr. Noble in Hong Kong after he sold his extensive practice in Plainfield, New Jersey. What I couldn’t ascertain is whether Dr. Herbert Poate, who was Dr. Noble’s original partner, was still around when the firm was filled with the boys from Penn.

There was a Dr. Frederick Hoard Kew (class of 1903) who practiced at 39 Queen’s Road (and later moved to the Alexandra Building), and who I theorize was one of Dr. Noble’s recruits from his alma mater, under the name of Drs. Kew Brothers. I was unable to find information of the other Dr. Kew, but found the name of a Dr. George T. Lemis (class of 1905) who joined the Kew Bros. So you see there were plentiful of American dentists in Hong Kong at the turn of the twentieth century.

Dr. Leidy R. Reel did not stay long in Hong Kong and returned to Pennsylvania to practice where his name was shown as the President of the Dental Society in the Scranton District (1919, 1920). To go back in time a bid, an 1890 census in Scranton showed a Leidy R. Reed who resided at 1128 Blair Avenue and whose occupation was a clerk

Dr. Emerson G. Curry lived and worked in Woodstock, Ontario where he married Canadian Winnifred Sellery before moving to New Jersey. Dr. Curry apparently was quite successful with his practice that he became the owner of a country estate in New Vernon, NJ, comprising 114 acres of farm land. As the information concerning the country estate was undated I can only assume that this happened after his stint in Hong Kong.

Appendix V
From the Land of Sakura
(Updated on April 18, 2013)

This is a feature about medical personnel from Japan, or those who were trained in Japan or had other relations with the land of sakura. I found this to be interesting since, surely due to my own ignorance, I didn't even know they existed in Hong Kong in this particular period of time; and secondly because I am interested in all things Japanese, a habit I have grown into after having lived there for more than 16 years.

Doctors from Japan

Kyushu Imperial University 九州帝國大学 (present day Kyushu University)
- Suegoro Hara,  probably 原 末五郎, Igakushi (1911); he gave an address at 10, Ashley Road, Kowloon in 1939.

Tokyo Imperial University 東京帝國大學 (present day Tokyo University)
- Keisho Kiyohara 清原 慶松 or 清原 敬章or 清原 敬正, Igakushi (1925)
- Munehiro Jungo (this seems odd as Munehiro and Jungo are both commonly adopted given names, not surname), Igakushi (1938)

Hong Kong doctors with a medical degree from Japan

Igakuhakashi 医学博士 (M.D.)

Tokyo Imperial University 東京帝國大學 (present day Tokyo University)
- Wong Tung-ming 王通明 (1929)

Igakushi 医学士 (M.B.)

Aichi Medical College 愛知医学校 (present day Nagoya University)
- Mah Sau-shan (1921)

Chiba Medical College 千葉医科大学 (present day Chiba University School of Medicine)
- Wong Yu-lung 黄裕綸 (1929), Lee Ten-yu 李天祐 (1937)

Kyoto Imperial University 京都帝國大學 (present day Kyoto University)
- Chen Li-tsieh 陳禮節 (1936)

Kyushu Imperial University 九州帝國大学 (present day Kyushu University)
- Lau Nam-chu 柳南柱 (1919)
- So Ping-lun 蘇炳麟 (1919)
- Young Tse-sheung 楊子驤 (1923)
- Young Tsze-tow 楊子韜 (1923)
- Tam Tai-tong 譚大同 (1924)
- Cheung Siu-cheong 莊兆祥 (1931)

Nagasaki Medical College 長崎医科大学 (present day Faculty of Medicine, University of Nagasaki) - Chan Chin-kwong 陳覲光 (1932)
- Lo Chi-fai 羅致徽 (1932)

Nihon Medical Special College
- Hung Men-sau 洪明修 (1919)

Osaka Women's Medical College 大阪女子高等医学専門学校 ( present day Kansai Medical University)
- Tsai Len-hwon 蔡聯歡 (1933)

Tokyo Jikeikai Medical University 東京慈恵会医科大学 (present day a part of the Jikei University 慈恵大学)
- Chan Shek-yuen 陳錫元 (1933)

Tokyo Women Special Medical College 東京女子医学専門学校 (present day Tokyo Women's Medical University)
- So Chik-ching 蘇淑貞 (1915)
- So Yee-ching 蘇儀貞 (1920)
- Yu Siau-dong 虞小棠 (1929)
- Yu Ah-li (So Wah Cheung) 余亞莉 (1937)

Lydia Fehily was said to be a holder of a State Medical Medical Diploma she obtained in Japan on July 8, 1935. I need to find out more about the diploma.
Li Tim-chih 李添枝 and Oh Syun-mei 翁俊明 were both Igakushi (1930) of the Taihoku Imperial University 臺北帝國大學 (present day National Taiwan University) in Taipei.

All the doctors listed above were qualified to practice in Hong Kong in the 1930s.

Japanese Nurses 1910s – 1920s

Japanese nursing staff were hired to work at the Government Civil Hospital in the beginning of 1910s. They gained importance when the shortage of European nurses rapidly increased during and immediately after the Great War. The modus operandi of the hospital administration in mid 1910s was that European nurses would care for European patients only. In 1916, Japanese nurses were put in complete charge of the B Block of the hospital, the so-called Asiatic wards, which had a total of 56 beds. While the Japanese nurses were praised for the quality of their work, there were questions regarding their abilities to communicate in English. The government's rebuttal to the criticism was the naming of three fair English speakers, viz. Mishima, Sakamoto and Tsuchimoto. It seems there was no record that showed exactly how many and from where the Japanese nurses were hired, but I believe they all came from a single institution in Japan. Records I found showed 2 new nurses (unnamed) were hired in 1916 and 3 in 1917, viz. Kawase Sato, Ono Matsu and Ine Hemni. A Japanese interpreter previously hired to assist Japanese patients was let go in 1917 for obvious reason.

By 1921, only eight Japanese nurses remained working for the government, as they were being gradually replaced by local ones. Those whose agreements had expired and had left during the year had included I. Hemni, I. Yamamoto, S. Ebato, M. Yamaguchi and S. Kawamoto. The rest had probably all returned to Japan in the next couple of years.

- The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 5, 1939, Notice #362.
- Medical and Sanitary Reports for the Year 1917, Hong Kong Government.
- Medical Report for the Year 1921, Hong Kong Government.
- Proceedings of Meeting, the Legislative Council, August 3, 1916; October 5, 1916; October 11, 1917.
- Quarterly Return of Excesses on Sub-Heads Met by Savings Under Heads of Expenditure, for the 3rd Quarter of 1916. Hong Kong Government.

Appendix VI
Old-Boy Network
(updated on November 30, 2012)

Year Matriculated - Name, arr./dep. Hong Kong; remarks

University of Aberdeen
1841 - Charles A. Winchester, 1842/1843; govt. (asst. Surg.)
1856 - John I. Murray, 1859/unk.; govt. (Colonial Surg.)
1865 - Patrick Manson
1873 - James Cantlie
1873 - Charles J. Wharry, 1878/1884; govt. (Supt. of Govt. Civil Hosp.)
1879 - Ho Kai, pvt. practice (for a very brief period)
1881 - Frederick T. Keyt, 1902/unk.; govt. (Port Health Ofc.); lect., HKCMC & HKU
1884 - Alexander M. Cowie, unk./unk.; pvt.
unk.  - Alexander Rennie
1897 - William Hunter, 1901/d.1909, Hong Kong; govt. (Dir. of Bacteriological Inst.); lect., HKCMC
1900 - David H. Ainslie, 1905/d.1921, Hong Kong; pvt.; lect., HKCMC
1906 - Wilfred W. Pearse, 1901/unk.; govt. (acting Med. Ofr. of Health); lect., HKCMC & HKU

University of Edinburgh
unk.  - William Harland, 1846/d.1858, Hong Kong; pvt., later govt. (Colonial Surg.) ; Sec, CMCS
unk.  - Thomas B. Watson, 1856/1859; pvt.
unk.  - T.A. Chaldecutt, 1858/unk.; govt. (Colonial Surg.)
1833 - John Enscoe, 1860/d.1863, Hong Kong; pvt.
unk.  - Walter G. Dickson, 1880s/unk.; military doctor
1880 - Gregory P. Jordan, 1880s/unk.; pvt., later govt.(Surg.-Supt. of Police); co-fdr. sec., HKBMA; fdr.cmte mbr., lect., HKCMC; prof., Pro-Vice-Chancellor, acting Chancellor, HKU
ukn.  - Charles Forsyth, 1880s/unk.; pvt.; lect., HKCMC & HKU; mbr., HKU Senate
1888 - James A. Lowson, ca.1891/unk; govt.(MS, Government Civil Hospital)
1892 - John C. Thomson, 1881/unk; pvt., later govt. (Govt. Med. Ofr. and Med. Ofr. of Health to the Kowloon extension); pres., HKBM; sec., treas. & sec., dir. of studies, lect., HKCMC
1893 - Harold Macfarlane, 1903/d.1919, Hong Kong; govt. (Govt. Bacteriologist)
1895 - Wilfred V.M. Koch
1900 - Robert M. Gibson, 1887/1935; pvt.; sec. & treas., dir. of studies, lect, HKCMC; live mbr, HKU Court
1904 - Gerald H.L. Fitzwilliams, 1906/ca.1932; pvt.; lect, HKCMC
1910 - Li Shu-fan; pvt.; mbr, Med. Board; pres., HKCMA
unk.  - Li Shu-pui; pvt.
1947 - Philip Mao Wen-cee; govt. (resident, Queen Mary Hosp.), later pvt.; pres., HKCMA
1966 - Pang Hok-ko, pvt.; pres., HKCMA

University of Glasgow
1835 - George Mackay, 1860/1865; military doctor
1840 - James C. Dempster, 1854/1857; govt. (Colonial Surg.); an army secondment
1843 - John R. Rice, unk./unk./; govt. (Surg. Supt, Govt. Civil Hosp.)
1862 - William S. Adams, 1864/bef.1891; pvt., later govt. (Port Health Ofr.) & back to pvt.
1912 - Daisy A.M. Gale, bef.1918/unk.; govt. (acting Med. Ofr. of Health)
unk.  - L.J. Davis, 1930/1939; prof., HKU
1921 - Robert C. Robertson, 1939/d.1942, Hong Kong; prof., HKU

University of London
1881 - John M. Atkinson, 1887/1912; govt. (Principal Civil Med. Ofr.); coun, HKBMA; lect., HKCMC
1886 - Francis W. Clark, 1895/1922; govt. (Principal Med. Ofr. of Health); lect., HKCMC; dean, prof., HKU
1888 - Frederic O. Stedman, 1890s/unk.; pvt.; coun, HKBMA
1902 - Friedrich P. Grone, 1901/ d.1929, Hong Kong; pvt.
1906 - George M. Harston, 1908/ca.1932; pvt.; pres., HKBMA; lect., HKCMC
1908 - Oswald Marriott, 1902/unk; pvt.; lect., HKCMC and HKU
1908 - Edward L.M. Lobb, 1912/1915; govt. (Surg., Govt. Civil Hosp.); prof., HKU

Appendix VII
Office-bearers of the Hong Kong Medical Association (1920-1941)

period / President / Vice President / Hon. Sec. & Treas.

1920-1922 / Wan Man-kai 尹文楷 / Kwan King-leung 關景良 / Wang Chung-ching
1922-1923 / Kwan King-leung 關景良 / Woo Tin-pao 吳天保 / B.C. Wong 黃菖霖
1923-1924 / Jeu Hawk 趙學 / Ho Ko-tsun 何高俊 / Chau Wai-cheung 周懷璋
1924-1925 / Arthur Woo Wai-tak 胡惠德 / B.C. Wong 黃菖霖 / T.C. Wong
1925-1926 / Ho Shai-chuen 何世全 / S.C. Au / T.T. Mok
1926-1927 / Li Shu-fan 李樹芬 / Jeu Hawk 趙學 / Chau Wai-cheung 周懷璋
1927-1928 / Chau Wai-cheung 周懷璋 / Phoon Seck-wah 潘錫華 / F.I. Tseung
1928-1929 / Jeu Hawk 趙學 / Li Shu-fan 李樹芬 / K.Y. Li
1929-1930 / Wong Man 黃雯 / Phoon Seck-wah 潘錫華 / F.I. Tseung
1930-1931 / Wan Yik-shing 尹奕聲 / nil / Wan Yik-shing 尹奕聲
1931-1932 / Li Shu-fan 李樹芬 / Phoon Seck-wah 潘錫華 / Li Shu-pui 李樹培
1932-1933*  / Li Tsoo-yiu 李祖佑 / Phoon Seck-wah 潘錫華 / S.C. Chan
1932-1933* / Yeo Kok-cheang 楊國璋 / Chau Wai-cheung 周懷璋 / K.Y. Li
1933-1934 / Chau Wai-cheung 周懷璋 / Ma Luk 馬祿臣 / Martha Hoabing
1934-1935 / Phoon Seck-wah 潘錫華 / F.I. Tseung / K.D. Ling
1935-1936 / Ip Kam-wa 葉錦華 / Chau Wai-cheung 周懷璋 / T.C. Wong
1936-1937 / Chau Sik-nin 周錫年 / Li Shu-pui 李樹培 / Chan Ping-in
1937-1939 / Li Shu-pui 李樹培 / T.K. Lien / Edward Wickham Jueyow Sun 孫潤焜
1939-1940 / Chau Wai-cheung 周懷璋 / Edward Wickham Jueyow Sun 孫潤焜 / T. P. Wu
1940-1941 / Edward Wickham Jueyow Sun 孫潤焜 / T.P. Wu / H.C. Chan
1941 / Edward Wickham Jueyow Sun 孫潤焜 / Lee Hah-liong / H.C. Chan

*Before and after the amalgamation of HKCMA & HK Branch of Chinese Medical Association.
Source: The Bulletin of the Hongkong Chinese Medical Association (1948)


ABCFM - American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions
BMA - British Medical Association
BS - Bachelor of Surgery
CB - Companion of the Most Honorable Order of Bath
CBE - Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
CDTC - Certificate in Diseases of Tropical Climates
ChB - Bachelor of Surgery
CM - Master of Surgery
CMG - Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George
DCh - Doctor of Surgery
DD - Doctor of Divinity
DDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery
DGO - Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics
DLO - Diploma in Laryngology and Otology
DO - Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
DOMS - Diploma in Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery
DPH - Diploma in Public Health
DSC - Distinguished Service Cross
DSO - Distinguished Service Order
DTM&H - Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
DrPH - Doctor of Public Health
FCCP - Fellow of the College of Chest Physicians (of the United States)
FHKAM - Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
FICS - Fellow of the International College of Surgeons (Chicago based)
FRCO - Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists
FRCS - Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
FRFPS - Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons
FRIPH - Fellow of the Royal Institute of Public Health
FRMCS - Fellow of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society
FRSM - Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine
FRSTMH - Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
HKBMA - British Medcial Association Hong Kong and China Branch
HKCMA – Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association
HKCMC - Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese (1887-1915), renamed Hong Kong College of Medicine in 1907
HKU - Hong Kong University
HKVDC – Hong Kong Volunteer Defense Corps.
KHP - Honorary Physician to the King
KHS - Honorary Surgeon to the King
LLD - Doctor of Laws
L.M. - Licentiate in Midwifery
LMS - Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery
LMSoc – London Missionary Society
LRCP - Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians
LRCP & SI – Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ireland
LSA - Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries
MA - Master of Arts
MB - Bachelor of Medicine
MD - Doctor of Medicine
MOSUK - Member of the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom
MRCP - Member of the Royal College of Physicians
MRCS - Member of the Royal College of Surgeons
OBE - Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
RAMC - the British Royal Army Medical Corps.
RN - the British Royal Navy


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