Thursday, August 13, 2009 | By: rudi butt

The First Financial Secretary

Known as Colonial Treasurer before 1937: served 1844-1845, Robert Montgomery Martin (1803?-1868); said the following of Hong Kong in 1844,

"There does not appear the slightest probability that, under any circumstances, Hong Kong will ever become a place of trade. It is worse than folly to persist in a course begun in error, and which, if continued, must eventually end in disappointment and in national loss and degradation."

Martin was probably right about what he said of Hong Kong, but only for the pre-WWII period. The watershed provided by the war, and the change in Hong Kong's fortunes as a result of the establishment of a strong and Communist Government in China, the independence of most other former colonial territories in Asia and the incipient industrialization of all of them put post-1949 Hong Kong into a totally different category from the quiet backwater which it occupied before.

In addition to being a tax expert, Martin is a noted author. Books written by R M Martin are listed here:

eBook reading: title "History of the British Posessions in the Indian; Atlantic Oceans"


Ivo Serentha and Friends said...

Congratulation for your space and pictures included,i encourage you on the fotoblog

Greetings from Italy


Rudi Butt said...

Thank you, my friends from Italy, hope you will stay tune. Photos on your blog are excellent, well done


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