N.B. The information I've gathered has outgrown the capacity of a single post. That and my wish to put this dictionary in a more organized format, I have started a completely new blog on this very subject – Biographical Dictionary of Medical Practitioners in Hong Kong, 1841-1941. The web address is: http://hkmd1841-1941.blogspot.com. I hope you'll enjoy the new blog. Please also note that I have stopped updating this post since July 25, 2013.
Table of Contents
Appendix I: Conventional Place Names Conversion
Appendix II: Medical Institutions Existing in Hong Kong, 1841-1941
The idea of putting together a biographical dictionary such as this one evolved from an earlier post I started writing in 2010 about certain notable doctors in Hong Kong. My undertaking to expand what I've already covered to include all the other doctors I can find from available archives was totally unpremeditated, but I am glad I went ahead with it rather impulsively for if I've given more thought about it, I would not embark on so unwise an adventure. More so because this endeavor of listing and biographing medical practitioners isn't founded on my fondness for this branch of academic discipline, which I have little, although I must say I've never disliked doctors. [What about dentists? Clearly, nobody likes dentists. That said, I'd most certainly want to be a dentist – and (il va sans dire) a rich one - if I could start my life from scratch.]
As you can see I have decided to publish this dictionary while it is still under construction, for two reasons. First, it would probably take me another 10-12 years to get it done (since I'll be working on other posts all at the same time...), I don't want to wait that long before I can share it. Secondly, I look at this writing project the same way a building is erected. Nobody hides a building while it is being constructed.
The period I have chosen for this biographical dictionary stretches over 101 years. It begins in 1841, the year British troops took possession of Hong Kong by force, and ends in 1941 when Hong Kong came under the attack and in under three weeks was taken by the Japanese. More than 1,000 doctors existed during this period of time and there were all kinds of them. From devoted men and women of medicine to quitters who ended up being banker, lawyers, diplomat, revolutionaries or even heads of states. From multitaskers who doubled themselves as newspaper publisher, spook (as in spy), whiskey maker (not moonshine) or, most commendably, teachers to the one-track mind bunch whose one and only pursuit was money. How about a chief government doctor who got too caught up moonlighting that he neglected his official duties, which brought him to Hong Kong in the first place. Fortunately, there were no lack of those who reminded us with their deeds how noble the medical profession is – men and women who cured the sick and saved lives, particularly those who made selfless sacrifices, sometime ultimate ones, when so doing. These are the stories of medical practitioners in Hong Kong from the first 100 years. (July 25, 2013)
ABCFM - American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions
aft. - after
AMD - Army Medical Department (British); became the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) after 1898
BAO - Bachelor of Obstetrics
bef. - before
BMA - British Medical Association
BMid - Bachelor of Midwifery
BS - Bachelor of Surgery
CB - Companion of the Most Honorable Order of Bath
CBE - Commander of the Order of the British Empire
CDTC - Certificate in Diseases of Tropical Climates
ChB - Bachelor of Surgery
CM - Master of Surgery
CMCS - China Medico-Chirurgical Society
CMG - Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George
Co. - County
ComC - Comendador da Ordem de Cristo (Commander of the Order of Christ, Portugal)
CvTE - Cavaleiro da Ordem Militar da Torre e Espada, do Valor, Lealdade e Mérito (Knight of the Order of the Torre e Espada, Portugal)
d/o - daughter of
DCh - Doctor of Surgery
DCH - Diploma in Child Health
DCPSA - Diploma of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta
DD - Doctor of Divinity
DDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery
DGO - Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics
DLO - Diploma in Laryngology and Otology
DO - Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
DOMS - Diploma in Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery
DPH - Diploma in Public Health
DMD - Doctor of Dental Medicine
DOMS - Diploma in Ophthalmic Medicine & Surgery
DSC - Distinguished Service Cross
DSO - Distinguished Service Order
DTMH - Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
DrPH - Doctor of Public Health
d.um - died unmarried
EOP - End of Period; in the context of this dictionary, and theoretically, the last day of 1941
fa/o - father of
FCCP - Fellow of the College of Chest Physicians (of the United States)
FHKAM - Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
FICS - Fellow of the International College of Surgeons (Chicago based)
FPSHK - Fellow of the Photographic Society of Hong Kong
FRAMI - Fellow Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland
FRS - Fellow of the Royal Society
FRCGP - Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners
FRCOG - Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
FRCO - Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists
FRCS - Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
FRFPS - Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons
FRIPH - Fellow of the Royal Institute of Public Health
FRMCS - Fellow of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society
FRSM - Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine
FRSTMH - Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Glas. - Glasgow
[h.a.] - in this year
HKBMA - British Medical Association Hong Kong and China Branch
HKCMA – Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association
HKCMC - Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese (1887-1915), renamed Hong Kong College of Medicine in 1907
HKG - Hong Kong
HKGov. - Hong Kong Government
HKU - Hong Kong University
HKVDC – Hong Kong Volunteer Defense Corps.
Hon.LLD - Honorary Doctor of Laws
JP - Justice of the Peace
KHP - Honorary Physician to the King
KHS - Honorary Surgeon to the King
KQCPI - King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland
KStJ - Knight of Grace of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem
Kt - Knight Bachelor
LDS - Licentiate in Dental Surgery
LLD - Doctor of Laws
LM - Licentiate in Midwifery
LMCC - Licentiate of the Medical Council in Canada
LMRCP - Licentiate in Midwifery of the Royal College of Physicians
LMRCS - Licentiate in Midwifery of the Royal College of Surgeons
LMS - Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery
LMSoc. – London Missionary Society
LMSA - Licentiate in Midwifery of the Society of Apothecaries
LMSSA - Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery of the Society of Apothecaries
LRCP - Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians
LRCP&S – Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons
LRCS - Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons
LSA - Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries
m - married; marriage
m/1, m/2 - married first, married second, etc.
MA - Master of Arts
MB - Bachelor of Medicine
MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MBE - Member of the Order of the British Empire
MCPSA - Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta
MCPSM - Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba
MCPSO - Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
MD - Doctor of Medicine
MDhc - Honorary Doctor of Medicine
MI - Medical Inspector
MKQCPI - Member of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland
MOSUK - Member of the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom
MRCP - Member of the Royal College of Physicians
MRCS - Member of the Royal College of Surgeons
MSA - Member of the Society of Apothecaries
[n.d.] - no date
ni. - no issue
nlt. - no later than
OBE - Officer of the Order of the British Empire
off. - official
PHO - Port Health Officer
RAFMS - royal Air Force Medical Services
RAMC - the British Royal Army Medical Corps.
RN - the British Royal Navy
s/o - son of
RS - Resident Surgeon
SBStJ – Serving Brother of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
Surg. - Surgeon
unoff. - unofficial
WAMS - West Africa Medical Staff
wef. - with effect from
1. The years written in the heading of each entry are those between which the subject doctor was recorded to be existing as a qualified medical practitioner in Hong Kong. Events that took place after 1941 will be included in this dictionary as and when I come across them. Furthermore, since the earliest post-WWII roster of doctors I can lay my hands on comes from the inaugural issue of Hong Kong Year Book (1948)《香港年鑑》第一回, unless I can locate specific information I am designating the year 1948 the commencement of post-war practice of these doctors.
2. As opposed to the government register, surnames are listed under their respective prefixes, if applicable, in this dictionary.
3. Selected bibliographies are available to some entries, but not all, simply because I only started including them when I'm done writing the first 200~220 entries. I'll try and fix these early ones bit by bit. I thank you for your patience.
4. The word “unknown” used in this dictionary generally means “unknown to me” as opposed to nobody knows. In most cases, these are matters I do not know for a fact.
5. According to the Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884, doctors employed by the government as well as British military doctors serving in Hong Kong are exempted from registration. This is the reason why some doctors registered to practice years after they had arrived in Hong Kong, as they were only required to do so upon their leaving the civil or military service and venture into private practice. Additionally, I only have access to government registration records dated between 1884 and 1941.

Abraham, Gerald Morris (1940-EOP)
(updated August 2, 2013) MBBS (HK) December 22, 1939. Registered to practice Hong Kong August 1, 1940 through EOP. Residence: #38 Kimberley Road, Kowloon 1940.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Adams, William Stanley (1864-1892)
The Forefather of Drs. Anderson & Partners
(updated August 20, 2013) Name variations: William Stanley Stanley-Adams [1]. b.1842, Hamilton, South Lanarkshire - d. January 10, 1898, Brentford, Middlesex. MD, CM (Glas.) April 15, 1862. Hong Kong nlt.1864. RS, Seamen's Hospital 1864-73. HKGov., PHO (vice James Orr Henderson, resigned) April 21, 1868; MI of Emigrants April 21, 1868. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 3, 1884 through 1892. Private practitioner 1887-92; founder, Drs. Adams and Jordan 1885 [or 1887], address: Pedder Street 1887-89; the practice would evolve into Drs. Anderson & Partners. Hon. Assist. Surg., HKVDC July 23, 1864. Trustee, St. John's Cathedral May 4, 1885 and May 3, 1886. JP (unoff.) February 21, 1885. Residence: Forest Lodge, #11 Caine Road 1884. Retired, Edmonton, Middlesex 1892. General Council, Glasgow Univ.[n.d.].
s/o John Adams, b.ca.1815-d.1891.
m. Sussy Blanche Mary Hugo [2].
[1] Adams had his named changed to William Stanley Stanley-Adams while sojourning in Hong Kong, for unknown reason(s).
[2] Adams married Susan (Sussy) Blanche Mary Hugo (b. April 11, 1848, Jersey, Channel Islands - d. Jan 28, 1940, Heston, Middlesex) at St. John's Cathedral in Hong Kong in 1867. Hugo was the daughter of Harper Richard Hugo and Blanche Leggatt. Adams and Hugo had eight children: Hilda Agneta Bertha Stanley-Adams, Blanche J. Adams, Maude Beatrice Stanley-Adams, Stanley Hugo Stanley-Adams, Mabel Gertrude Adams, Percy Hugo Adams, Ethel Constance Adams, and Herbert Hugo St. Leger Stanley-Adams. They were all born in Hong Kong where the family lived in a house named Forest Lodge at #11 Caine Road. Julia Hugo, Susan's sister, lived with the family in 1885. Her husband, William Kaye, worked for the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China in Hong Kong and the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in London.
[Adams was one of the first nine doctors who registered as medical practitioners in Hong Kong immediately following the enactment of the "Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884" that required all doctors to be licensed before they could treat patients for monetary reward.]
[Adams was said to have held the position of Colonial Surgeon, but I found no other references to confirm this. The only thing I could find that linked him to the top medical office in Hong Kong was that he lived next door to Philip Bernard Chenery Ayres, Hong Kong's last Colonial Surgeon (1873-1897, the position was renamed Principal Civil Medical Officer following Ayres' retirement). Ayres lived in a house called Dinder, #13 Caine Road.]
Selected bibliography: Chronicle Directory for China, Japan, & The Philippines (1872) Hong Kong: Daily Press. / Family Tree of Edna Killick and Terry Smith [internet]. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 9, 1864, Notice #63; July 23, 1864, Notice #119; April 25, 1868, Notice #47; February 27, 1869, Notice #20; May 3, 1884, Notice; February 21, 1885, Notice #73; May 9, 1885, Notice #188; May 8, 1886, Notice #159; May 7, 1892, Notice #206. / Hugo, F.H.M. (Ed.) A Pedigree of The Family of Hugo of St. Feock, Co. Cornwall, Guernsey: Frederick Clarke, 1932. / Nicholas Belfield Dennys (Ed.) The Treaty Ports of China and Japan, a Complete Guide to the Open Ports of those Countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1867. / Private Residences of the Principal Government Officials, the Leading Merchants, the Consuls, Professional Men, and Justices of the Peace (1884), Hong Kong: Daily Press, pp.398-399. / University of Glasgow › Biography of William Stanley Adams [internet].Addison, Joseph Bartlett (1924-1928)
b.1875 – d.1928, Seychelles. MRCS, England. LRCP, London. Trained at St. Mary's Hospital, London. Seychelles, assistant Medical Officer 1907; Chief Medical Officer 1908; act as private secretary and clerk to the Executive Council 1912. Hong Kong 1924. HKGov., Principal Civil Medical Officer March 1, 1924 – 1928. Official Justice of the Peace April 11, 1924 – 1928. Official Member of Legislative Council May 14, 1925 – February 4, 1926. Left Hong Kong due to breakdown of health January 10, 1928. Died 1928, Seychelles (5). Honor: MBE 1918.
[Addison was paid an annual salary of £1,000, rising by £50 per year that followed. There was also a conveyance allowance of $360 a year. He was appointed by the Home Government.]
Selected bibliography: The China Mail, February 29, 1928, p.6, Dr. J.B. Addison, Death at Seychelles. The Hong Kong Daily Press, January 12, 1928, p.6, Departure of Dr. J.B. Addison. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 14, 1924, Appt. #132; April 11, 1924, Appt. #195a. Official Website of the Legislative Council, Hong Kong [internet]. The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, July 4, 1923, p.6. Supplement to the London Gazette, October 4, 1918, p.117766.Ainslie, [ ] (1860)
HKGov., acting Colonial Surgeon (vice John Ivor Murray, absence on leave) December 15, 1860 - 1861, resigned.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 22, 1860, Notice #143.Ainslie, David Hunter (1905-d.1921, HKG)
b. April 11, 1875 – d. June 20, 1921 Hong Kong. Aberdeen Univ., MB, ChB August 16, 1898; DPH 1900. DTMH, Cambridge Univ. 1905. Medical Officer, Anchor S. N. Navigation Co., Glasgow 1899. Medical Officer, Lagos Government Railway, West Africa 1893-1901. Gold Coast Government Railway 1901-04. Demonstrator in the School of Tropical Medicine, London 1905. Hong Kong 1905. Registered to practice Hong Kong November 6, 1905. Private practitioner 1905-21, Drs. Stedman, Reinnie and Harston 1905, address: Alexandra Building 1905. Lecturer in Physiology, HKCMC 1905-08. Amoy 1909, owned and ran a private practice 1909. The Great War, RN surgeon, assigned to the Mediterranean squadron, later seconded to the French and Japanese navies operating in the Mediterranean. Ocean Steam Ship Co., Ltd. aft.WWI, Medical Officer, S.S. Keemuo. Prominent member of the Masonic Lodge Hong Kong. Club: Hong Kong Club. Residence: Alexandra Building and Kowloon Hotel 1905.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The hong Kong Government Gazette, November 10, 1905, Notice #754.Alderton, Roland Maitland (1933-1959)
(updated September 4, 2013) b. June 20, 1902, Cosford, Suffolk - d. January 1992 Colchester, Essex. MRCS, England 1930. LRCP, London 1930. MBBS, London Univ. 1931. FRCS, England 1932. Hong Kong nlt.1933. Registered to practice Hong Kong February 8, 1933 through EOP. Medical missionary, LMSoc. 1933-EOP, address: London Mission, address 1: #6 Bonham Road 1933; address 2: #80 Robinson Road 1941. Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, interned Stanley Camp 1941-45. Continued to practice after the war. Left Hong Kong 1959.
m. Kathleen Blackman, 1935, Battle, Sussex; b.1903, London - d. 1947 Sudbury, Suffolk; d/o Arthur Blackman and Alicea Louisa Thurtell; missionary of LMSoc.
Selected bibliography: Blackman Family [internet]. The British Medical Journal, July 18, 1942, p.88, Medical News. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 19, 1933, Notice #84; May 5, 1939, Notice #362; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. / Portraits of Missionaries and Related Figures Held in the London Missionary Society Archive.Ali, Shaikh Saadat /1910s
Allan, James Cyril Dalmahoy (1910-1921+)
(updated September 7, 2013) Edinburgh Univ., MBBS; DTM July 31, 1905. Registered to practice Hong Kong September 9, 1910. Private practitioner 1910-21+, address 1: #31 Queen's Road Central 1910; address 2: Alexandra Building 1921. Lecturer in Physiology and Pathology, HKCMC [n.d.]-1912.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 9, 1910, Notice #280.Alvares, Renato Emilio (1937-EOP)
(updated August 7, 2013) b.n.d., Portugal; MBBS, HKU (June 18, 1937); registered to practice in Hong Kong on August 18, 1937 and continued until 1941, five years in total; Government Local Assistant Bacteriologist wef. February 3, 1939; naturalized as a UK citizen on August 24, 1939; address in Hong Kong: #564 Nathan Road (1937), #212 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon (1939), G/F, 30 Hillwood Road, Kowloon (1940-EOP).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 20, 1937, Notice #586; February 3, 1939, Appt. #94; May 5, 1939, Notice #362; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. / The National Archives, Kew (Richmond, Surrey), Ref. HO334/254/2523.Anderson, Alexander /1840s*
Anderson, James William (1924-1946+)
(updated September 4, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. 1922. Registered to practice Hong Kong April 16, 1924 through EOP. Private practitioner, 1924-EOP, Drs. Jordan, Forsyth, Grove & Aubrey 1924. Unofficial Justice of the Peace 1941. RAMC, surgeon, temporary major; Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, POW 1941-45; surgeon, British Military Hospital (Bowen Road Hospital) 1942-45. Post-war whereabouts unknown.
Selected bibliography: Bowie, Donald C., Captive Surgeon in Hong Kong: The Story of the British Military Hospital, Hong Kong 1942-1945, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch, Vol. #15, 1975. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 16, 1924, Notice #211. Hong Kong's War Crimes Trials Collection [internet]. Welcome Library › Nutrition [internet].Anderson, John (1923-1930)
Founding Professor of the Department of Medicine, HKU.
(updated September 5, 2013) b.1879, Glasgow - d. March 28, 1931, Shanghai. Glasgow Univ., MA 1901; MBChB 1907; MD 1920. DTMH, London. MRCP. Private practitioner, Wallasey, near Liverpool, 1907-14. The Great War, medical officer, Gallipoli; medical and surgical specialist; pathologist, Egypt, Sudan. England 1920. London School of Tropical Medicine, student; demonstrator; Wandsworth Scholarship 1920. Filariasis Commission, British Guiana 1921, under the direction of helminthologist Robert Thomson Leiper. Hong Kong 1923. HKU, Founding Professor, Department of Medicine 1923-28 [1]; Dean, Medical Faculty 1927. Honorary Visiting Physician, the Government Civil Hospital August 24, 1923. Left Hong Kong for Shanghai 1930. Director, Henry Lester Institute for Medical Research 雷士徳醫學院 1930. Died 1931, Shanghai; bequeathed £250 to HKU to establish a gold medal - the John Anderson Golf Medal.
[1] The establishment of the Medicine Department in the Medical Faculty, HKU as well as the appointment of Anderson was made possible by a Rockefeller Foundation donation in 1923.
Selected bibliography: The British Medical Journal, April 11, 1931, p.647, Obituary. Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 24, 1923, Appt. #369. The Official Website of the Department of Medicine, University of Hong Kong [internet]. The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, July 29, 1931, p.10.Anderson, R.A. (1933)
(updated September 5, 2013) MB,ChB. LM. FRFPS. DPH. DTMH. RAMC, Major; Hong Kong nlt.1933. Lecturer in Public Health, HKU 1933-35.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987.Apacible, Galicano (1901)
(updated on August 18, 2013) b. June 25, 1864 – d. March 2, 1949. LMS, Barcelona November 9, 1899. Registered to practice Hong Kong June 5, 190. Residence: #2 Lower Castle Terrace 1901.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 8, 1901 Notice #330.
Aragaki Tsunemasa 新垣恒政 (1924-1933)
(updated August 7, 2013) b.1894, Okinawa -d.1987; Igakushi (MB), Nagasaki Univ., Japan (May 1916); MD; 臺南醫院醫官補 (acting Medical Officer, Tainan Hospital) (1917-19); 臺南高等女學校囑託 (Commissioned employee - Shokutaku, Tainan Girls' Senior High School (1918); 臺北廳稻江醫院醫員 (physician, Taipei Daojiang Hospital) (1919); 臺北醫院醫官補 (acting medical officer, Taipei Hospital) (1919); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 16, 1924 and continued until 1933, 10 years in total; Majima Hospital, #151 Wanchai Road (1924); 外務省囑託醫 (Commissioned Doctor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan) (1933); publications: 海外発展と衛生問題: 特に伯刺西爾の衛生に就て, 外務省通商局 (1933), 日本の使命, 衕仁會報, 第12卷第3號 (1938); 醫療宣撫行 (Medical Pacification Tour), Tokyo: 東亞公論社 (Toa Koronsha) (1941), 南十字星 紀行隨筆, 東亞公論社 (1943); address: Tokyo, 世田谷區成城町
[The July 25, 1937 issue of the Straits Times carried this strangest story about Aragaki:
Ideal Diplomat Selection by Blood Test in Japan; Stubbornness is a Virtue
To the stringent academic and physical requirements for prospective members of Japan's diplomatic service may be added the prerequisite that they should be possessors of “O”-type blood.
That this should be one of the qualifications of future officials who will deal with the nation's foreign affairs was recommended today to Mr. Koki Hirota, Foreign Minister, by Dr. Tsunemesa Aragaki, the Gaimusho's own physician.
A study of the blood-types of world leaders has shown, according to Dr. Aragaki, that the “O”-type predominates. Other blood-types are A. B. and AB. Up to now, the only interest in such matters was shown by hospitals in preparing lists of potential blood-donors for transfusion cases.
Cool in Emergency
The possessors of “O”-type blood, Dr. Aragaki contends, are more suited to be diplomats because they are cool in emergencies, stubborn, not easily influenced by people, strong-willed, determined and yet gentle.
Dr. Aragaki refused to comment on the possibility that all possessors of “O”-type blood seeking admission to the Foreign Service might “flunk” academic and physical tests.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 16, 1924, Notice #292. / The Straits Times, July 25, 1937, p.8. / 臺灣史研究所, 臺灣總督府職員錄系統Ashton, Frank Richard (1926-1964)
(updated September 3, 2013) b. November 10, 1901. MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. 1924. DTM, Liverpool Univ. 1924. Hong Kong nlt.1926. Registered to practice Hong Kong April 16, 1926 through EOP. Alice Memorial and Affiliated Hospitals 1926-EOP. Member, Midwives Board April 24, 1930 (vice Annie Sydenham, resigned) - January 29, 1932; May 19, 1936 (vice Annie Sydenham) - EOP. Wartime whereabouts unknown. Hong Kong after the war. Left Hong Kong 1964. Honor: OBE January 1, 1958.
m. Elizabeth Heyer December 22, 1941 [1], b. March 2, 1918, Melbourne - d. April 24, 1998, Melbourne. ni.
[1] Ashton married Elizabeth Heyer three days before Hong Kong fell to the Japanese.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 16, 1926, Notice #200; April 25, 1930, Appt. #249; January 29, 1932, Appt. #60; May 22, 1936, Appt. #463; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. The Paton Family Tree [internet]. Supplement to the London Gazette, January 1, 1958.Asjoe, Salomon Ho (1925-EOP)
(updated August 2, 2013) LRCP, LRCS, Edinburgh (1922); LMS, Glasgow (1922); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 30, 1925 and continued until 1941, 17 years in total; address in Hong Kong: Bank of China Building (1925), 3/F, China Building (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 30, 1925, Notice #55; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Atienza, Vicente Nicolas (1920-EOP)
(updated August 2, 2013) MBBS, HKU (January 16, 1920); registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 19, 1920 and continued until 1941, 22 years in total; Government Civil Hospital (1920); address in Hong Kong: Nathan Road, Kowloon (1923), 1/F, #13 Hankow Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 19, 1920, Notice #98.
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John M. Atkinson |
(updated September 1, 2013) b. December 3, 1856 – d. May 23, 1917, London. MB, London Univ. 1881. MBCS, England. LSA, London 1878. DPH, Cambridge Univ. 1894. Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary Abbott's Infirmary, Kensington 1878-85. Medical Officer, No. 3 District St. Mary Abbott's, Kensington 1885-87. Hong Kong November 17, 1887. HKGov., Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital and Medical Officer, Small-pox Hospital and Government Lunatic Asylums 1887; acting Colonial Surgeon 1895; Principal Civil Medical Officer and President of the Sanitary Board 1897-1912; Official Member, Legislative and Executive Councils 1903-12). Public Vaccinator September 12, 1891. Helped found Victoria Hospital for Women and Children, Barker Road 1897. Lecturer in Physiology, HKCMC [n.d.]-1891. Received commendation from Secretary of State for services during plague 1898. Fellow, Royal Colonial Institute 1887. President, Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine 1912. Retired, London 1912 after 25 years in Hong Kong. RAMC, Major July 26, 1915; head of the Richmond Military Hospital 1915; resigned, spring 1916. Publications: Plague Procedure in Hong Kong, British Medical Journal December 15, 1906. Club: Hong Kong Club.
s/o Rev. S. Atkinson.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 19, 1891, Notice #389.Au King 區警 (1929-EOP)
(updated September 7, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 1929. Registered to practice Hong Kong June 28, 1929 through EOP. Private practitioner 1929-EOP. Inspector of School September 7, 1932 and May 2, 1941. Assistant Health Officer for Schools, Medical Department. Lecturer in Ophthalmology, HKU 1940-41. Residence, address 1: #41, Kaiyan Road, Kowloon City 1929; address 2: #2 Breezy Terrace, Bonham Road 1941.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 5, 1929, Notice #352; September 23, 1932, Appt. #603; May 9, 1941, Appt. #552; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Au Sz-cham 區斯湛 (1925)
Vice President, HKCMA (1925).
Aubrey, George Ernest (1907-1923
(updated August 24, 2013) MRCS, England. LRCP, London. London Univ., MBBS December 16, 1904; MD. Registered to practice Hong Kong March 14, 1907. Private practitioner 1907, name partner, Drs. Jordan, Forsyth, Grove & Aubrey, address: Alexandra Building 1921. Honorary Visiting Physician, Government Civil Hospital 1914-23, resigned. Dental Board, one of the five initial members 1914. Consultant surgeon, Alice Memorial and Affiliated Hospitals. Acting member, Medical Board (vice Murray Stewart) January 24, 1913. Lecturer in Clinical Medicine, HKU 1914-20. Acting member, Midwives Board (vice Robert Maclean Gibson) October 18, 1919. Publication: Venereal Diseases among the Natives of Hong Kong, The Caduceus, 1922, Vol. #1 (H. Macfarlane, co-author). Residence: Peak Hotel 1907.
m. Dora Constance August 1, 1912.
Selected bibliography: Davidson, Roger (Ed.), Hall, Lesley A. (Ed.), Sex, Sin and Suffering: Venereal Disease and European Society since 1870, London: Routledge, 2001. Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 15, 1907, Notice #175; January 24, 1913, Appt. #17; July 10, 1914, Appt. #256; July 17, 1914, Appt. #263; October 24, 1919, Appt. #498.Ayres, Philip Bernard Chenery (1873-1888)
(updated August 29, 2013) MRCS, LM, England. LRCP, Edinburgh August 1, 1865. Hong Kong 1873. HKGov., Colonial Surgeon November 4, 1873. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 3, 1884 through 1888. Residence: #27 Canie Road 1884.
[Ayres was one of the first nine doctors who registered as medical practitioners in Hong Kong immediately following the enactment of the "Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884" that required all doctors to be licensed before they could treat patients for monetary reward.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 8, 1873, Notice #172; May 3, 1884, Notice; May 5, 1888, Notice #181.Balean, Geoffrey Terrell (1938-1945+)
(updated September 7, 2013) b.1910, Shanghai - d.1972. MRCS, England 1935. LRCP, London 1935. DTMH, England 1936. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 6, 1938 through EOP. Private practitioner 1938-EOP, Drs. Black, Balean, Skinn & Talbot, address: Union Building 1938-EOP. HKVDC, Captain, Field Ambulance. Japanese occupation of Hong Kong: POW 1941-45, Sham Shui Po Camp.
s/o Herman Balean and Isabel Terell
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1938, Notice #368; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. The Hong Kong War Diary [internet].Balean, Herman (1916-d.1945, HKG)
(updated September 7, 2013) b.1875, Brighton, Sussex - d. January 30, 1945, Hong Kong. Name variations: Hermann Balean. London Univ., BS, MD February 14, 1901. FRCS, England 1908. LRCP, London. China 1908, Chinkiang 鎮江. Hong Kong 1916. Registered to practice Hong Kong October 27, 1916 through EOP. Private practitioner 1916-EOP, address 1: Alexandra Building 1916; address 2: Union Building 1921, 1941. Acting member, Dental Board (vice George Duncan Ralph Black) May 16, 1923. Lecturer in Anatomy, HKU 1940-41. Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 1941; died whiled interned at Stanley Camp January 30, 1945.
s/o Hermann Balean and Sarah Harrison
m. Isabel Terell, Bayswater December 1, 1908; b. September 8, 1882 - d. May 23, 1963, Henley, Oxfordshire; d/o Thomas Terell and Emma Jane Spooner. fa/o five sons, all born in China; John Hermann Balean, b.1909, Shanghai - d. 1969; Riahcard Master Balean, 1911, Chinkiang - d. 1987, Lincolnshire; Geoffrey Terrell Balean; Oswald Bradford Balean, b.1915, Chinkiang - d.1996, Kent, RAF Flight-Lieutenant, LDS 1938, RAFMS dental section; and one other.
Selected bibliography: Balean.net [internet]. Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 27, 1916, Notice #468; May 18, 1923, Appt. #235; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. Hong Kong War Diary [internet]. Mundia [internet].Balfour, George (1846)
Head of the Seamen's Hospital in (1846-47); succeeded by W.A. Haeland.
Bankier, Robert Austin /1840s
Bard, Solomon (1940-EOP)
(updated August 2, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 27, 1939); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 25, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; Queen Mary Hospital (1940); Kowloon Hospital (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 26, 1940, Notice #112; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Barnes, Joseph William (1931-EOP)
(updated August 2, 2013) MBBS, HKU (January 8, 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 29, 1931 and continued until 1941, 11 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #13 Chatham Road (1931), #264 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 30, 1931, Notice #61; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Barnett, Bertram Leeds Thomas (1902)
(updated June 30, 2013) b.1875 – d. April 18, 1915, Farmham, Surrey, Sussex; BA, MB, Cambridge Univ.; MRCS; LRCP; DHP; came to Hong Kong in or before 1902; Assistant Medical Officer of Health wef. April 1902; Secretary of the Board of Examiners [1]; admitted to practice as a solicitor in U.K. in November 1909; listed as a Captain of the 2nd County of London Army Service Corps in 1909 [2]; Medical Officer of Health for the Isle of Ely in Cambridgeshire (1910s); killed accidentally (how unspecified) on April 18, 1915 and was buried at the Aldershot Military Cemetary, Hampshire.
Son of Thomas and Sarah Barnett, of Holm Leas, Worthing, Sussex.
[1] The Board of Examinser was established in 1903 by the Hong Kong Council of the Sanitary Institute. The Board was to institutionalize an examination mechanism for sanitary officers in Hong Kong.
[2] There were conflicting records that show that Barnett was appointed temporary captain of the Royal Army Service Corps, wef. November 14, 1914 and again wef. January 18, 1915.
Selected bibliography: flickr.com › red-eye [internet]. / Geni.com [internet]. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 25, 1903, Notice #628. / The London Gazette, November 17, 1914; January 29, 1915. / Record of Service of Solicitors and Articled Clerks with His Majesty's Forces, 1914-1919, London: 1920. / Roll of Honor › Cambridgeshire › Ely – WWI [internet]. / Supplement to the Journal of the Sanitary Institute, Vol. #XXV, April 1904, London: The Sanitary Institute, 1904.Barrow, [ ] (1892)
(updated September 7, 2013) AMD, surgeon; Lieutenant-Colonel; Hong Kong nlt. 1892. Lecturer in Clinical Medicine, HKCMC 1892.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987.Barton, George K. (1845)
A partner of Thomas Hunt at the Vicrotia Dispensary; Secretary of CMCS (vice Benjamin Hobson) 1845.
Barwell, A.H. /1930s
Basto, Roberto Alexandre de Castro (1921-EOP)
(updated August 2, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 1921); MRCS, England (October 1922); LRCP, London (October 1922); DOMS, London (July 1926); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 28, 1921 and continued until 1941, 21 years in total; address in Hong Kong: Bay View, Mody Road, Kowloon (1921)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 28, 1921, Notice #439; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.
Bau Tsu-zung 鮑志成 (1926-1948+)
(updated August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU 1926. Registered to practice Hong Kong October 19, 1926. Government Civil Hospital 1926. Private practitioner aft.1926-48+ [1], : 1/F, #472 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941, 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 22, 1926, Notice #575; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Beck, Monica
Bee Hoat-teck 馬發德 (1933-EOP)
(updated August 2, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 12, 1933); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 6, 1933 and continued until 1941, nine years in total; address in Hong Kong: 2/F, #48 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 7, 1933, Notice #472; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Beede, William M.S. (1897)
MD, California Univ. (November 11, 1884); registered to practice in Hong Kong on November 16, 1897; address in Hong Kong: U.S. Consulate (1897)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 20, 1897, Notice #498.Begbie, Ralph Stockman /1930s
Belilios, Raphael Aaron (1907)
(updated September 7, 2013) d. June 19, 1929, General Hospital, Shanghai. MBBS, Edinburgh Univ., MBBS; MD July 28, 1905. FRCS, Edinburgh October 21, 1903. Hong Kong nlt.1907. Registered to practice Hong Kong March 4, 1907. Lecturer in physiology, HKCMC 1908-12. Residence: Kingsclere 1907.
[A source refers to Belilios as an eye specialist in Hong Kong and Shanghai.]
Selected bibliography: The British Medical Journal, October 31, 1903, Public Health. / Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 8, 1907, Notice#158. / The Straits Times, June 29, 1929, p.8, Social and Personal.Bell, John (1888-1896)
(updated August 20, 2013) b. November 10, 1859. MRCS, England October 25, 1883. LRCP, London June 21, 1884. DPH, London. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 5, 1888 through 1896. Practice practitioner 1888-96, Drs. Adams and Jordan 1888, address: Pedder Street 1888. Provided free service to Alice Memorial Hospital 1888-96. Acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital 1896. Acting Principal Civil Medical Officer, 4 occasions in 1900, 1901, 1910 and 1912. Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital 1903. HKCMC, Lecturer in Clinical Surgery 1888-92; Pathology 1892-96; Pathology and Bacteriology 1896-98. President, Sanitary Board 1900. Club: Hong Kong Club.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 5, 1888, Notice; May 8, 1897, Notice #167; May 7, 1909, Appt. #274; March 4, 1910, Appt. #68; March 22, 1912, Appt. #95.Bennett, Henry Stagg (1909)
MRCS, England (August 13, 1903); LRCP, London; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 7, 1909; Kowloon Dispensary (1909).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 7, 1909, Notice #279.Beringer, F.J.A. (1901)
(updated September 7, 2013) MRCS, England 1898. LRCP, London. DPH, Ireland. RAMC, Civil Surgeon; Hong Kong nlt.1901. Lecturer in Materia Medica and Therapeutics, HKCMC 1901-02. dept. Hong Kong [n.d.]. RAMC Lieutenant-Colonel nlt.1911. WAMS, Medical Officer of Health, Gold Coast 1914; Sanitary Officer, Sierra Leone 1916.
Selected bibliography: The British Medical Journal, February 26, 1898, p.596, University and Colleges; February 18, 1911, p.415. Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. Yellow Fever Commission, West Africa, Fourth and Final Report, London: J&A Churchill, 1916.Bernard, Robert (1866)
(updated August 31, 2013) RN, Surgeon. Hong Kong nlt.1866. Member, Commission, Yellow Fever Inquiry March 19, 1866 [1].
[1]. The three-member Commission (A Commission for the Purpose of Making Inquiry into an Epidemic Disease Represented by the Colonial Surgeon to be Yellow Fever) was appointed by the 6th Hong Kong Governor Richard Graves MacDonnell on Mach 19, 1866. The members were John Ivor Murray, Colonial Surgeon; William Dick, AMS surgeon (chairman); and Robert Bernard, RN surgeon.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 12, 1866, Notice #71.Bin Osman, Mustapha (1924)
MBBS, HKU (1924); registered to practice in Hong Kong on August 8, 1924; Government Civil Hospital (1924).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 8, 1924, Notice #459.Black, George Duncan Ralph (1917-d.1941, HKG)
(updated August 2, 2013) d. December 25, 1941, Hong Kong; MB, CM, MD (June 9, 1905) Trinity College, Toronto Univ.; registered to practice in Hong Kong on April 27, 1917 and continued until 1941, 25 years in total; member, BMA (1908); Lecturer in Practical Anatomy, HKCMC 1909-12; President of HKBMA (1934-36); member of Medical Board (1923-25); member of Dental Board (1923); President of Hong Kong St. Andrew's Society (1925-26 and 1939-40); Maj., RAMC (1941); Surgeon Lieutenant (January 30, 1912), Principal Medical Officer, Lt. Col., HKVDC, in charge of a temporary military hospital established at the beginning of the Battle of Hong Kong in 1941 inside St. Stephen’s College in Stanley; killed by Japanese troop storming the hospital in the early morning of Christmas Day 1941; honors: OBE, Military Division (1935), VD (Volunteers Decoration); address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building (1917), Union Building (1922, 1941).
Black's wife Anne Lilian (nurse ND14) and daughter Alison (nurse ND6) served in the Nursing Detachment of HKVDC.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 9, 1912, Appt. #39; April 27, 1917, Notice #184; March 16, 1923, Appt. #113; May 18, 1923, Appt. #235; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Blackburn, Herbert (1890-1894)
(updated August 26, 2013) LRCP, Edinburgh 1889. LMS, Glasgow 1889. LM July 13, 1889. Registered to practice Hong Kong December 9, 1890 through 1894 [1]. Lecturer in Physiology, HKCMC 1890-1892. Residence: Rosa Villa West, Bonham Road 1890. Nagasaki, Japan 1892. Director, Nagasaki Hospital (vice C. Edward Anuat, deceased) June 1892. Acting U.S. Vice Consul, Nagasaki (vice U.S. Consul William Abercrombie, whenever absent from office) March 1894 [2]. Left Japan for England with family October 1895 [3].
m. Emily May Sutton, b.1865, Norwich, England – d. March 3, 1895, Nagasaki., bur. Sakamoto International Cemetery. fa/o Enid Marjorie, b. January 18, 1893; Stanley Napier, b. September 5, 1894.
[1] Time conflict between departure from Hong Kong and arrival in Nagasaki.
[2] It is quite odd that a Briton was asked to stand in for a US foreign service officer, but then Abercrombie was no professional diplomat himself. As in the case of Blackburn, he was a physician, trained and practiced in New York before President Benjamin Harrison made him US Consul for Nagasaki. Abercrombie took his own life in his Washington D.C. Apartment on September 5, 1907, by asphyxiation. He was 65 years old.
[3] Enid Marjorie Blackburn attended the Uplands Girls' School, St. Leonard-on-Sea, Hastings, East Sussex in ca.1910.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 13, 1890; May 4, 1895, Notice #193. Nagasaki: People, Places and Scenes of the Nagasaki Foreign Settlement 1859-1941 [internet]. The New York Times, September 6, 1907, W.H. Abercrombie A Suicide.Boone, S. /1840s
Bourke, John Berchmans (1924)
LRCP, LRCS, Edinburgh (1918); LMS, Glasgow (1918); registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 14, 1924; address in Hong Kong: c/o Drs. Dalmaboy Allan, Strahan & Thomas (1924).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 14, 1924, Notice #79.Bowie, Donald Cameron (1939-1946)
(updated September 4, 2013) b. January 1, 1897, Old Cumnock, East Ayrshire, Scotland - d. September 7, 1983, London. MB, ChB, Glasgow University 1914. FRCS Edinburgh. FRCGP. RAMC, Lieutenant August 29, 1918; The Great War; temp Captain October 1, 1919; Captain February 28, 1922; Major August 28, 1930; Lieutenant-Colonel; Hong Kong April 1, 1939; British Military Hospital (Bowen Road Hospital), surgeon 1939-EOP; Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong, POW 1941-45; British Military Hospital, surgeon 1941- July 1942, medical officer in charge August 1942-45; dept. Hong Kong ca.1946; Colonel 1948. Regional Postgraduate Dean, the British Postgraduate Medical Federation, London Univ. Honor: OBE June 6 1946; Sir Arthur Keith Medal, Royal College of Surgeons, England March 1969. Publications: Captive Surgeon in Hong Kong: The Story of the British Military Hospital, Hong Kong 1942-1945, Hong Kong: Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch, 1977; Traumatic False Aneurysm Simulating Bone Sarcoma, British Medical Journal, Vol. #36, Issue #143, January 1949, co-author: A.W. Kay, Major, RAMC.
Selected bibliography: Banham, Tony, We Shall Suffer There: Hong Kong's Defenders Imprisoned, 1942-45, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2009. Bowie, Donald C., Captive Surgeon in Hong Kong: The Story of the British Military Hospital, Hong Kong 1942-1945, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch, Vol. #15, 1975. The British Medical Journal, October 31, 1914, p.775. The half-yearly Army List for the Period Ending 31st December 1938, Gradation List of Officers of the British Army, p.399. Supplement to the British Medical Journal, August 21, 1948, p.92. Supplement to the London Gazette, September 19, 1919, p.11742; June 6, 1946, p.2735. The Official Website of the University of Glasgow [internet]. Wellcome Library › Papers of Sir Matthew Fell (1872-1959).Braun, Ludwig (1904)
Graduate in Medicine, Graz Univ., Austria (December 12, 1889); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 6, 1904; address in Hong Kong: c/o [ ] Post, acting Consul for Austria, Queen's Building (1904).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1904, Notice #341.Brown, James Godfrey (1921)
MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. (1919); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 28, 1921; address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building (1921).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 28, 1921, Notice #439.Browne, F. /1900s
Bunje, Frederick (1927-EOP)
(updated August 2, 2013) MRCS, England; LRCP, London (1926); came to Hong Kong in or before 1917; appointed public vaccinator (1917); registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 25, 1927 and continued until 1941, 15 years in total; joined HKVDC in or before 1938, promoted from the rank of lieutenant to be captain on March 1, 1838, and major on May 19, 1941; Unofficial Justice of the Peace wef. October 15, 1940; address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building (1927, 1941).
[There is a story about Bunje during the war years in the 1940s at the following website for anyone wishing more information: The Dark World's Fire: Tome and Lena Edgar in War. Bunje was said to be an Eurasian, according to this article.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Daily Press, January 1, 1917, p.4. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 25, 1927, Notice #109; March 4, 1938, Appt. #186; October 18, 1940, Appt. #1144; June 13, 1941, Appt. #719; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Burke, John Berehmans (1924)
LRCP, LRCS, Edinburgh (1918); LMS, Glasgow (1918); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 2,1924; address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building (1924).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 2,1924, Notice #238.Burniston, Hugh Somerville (1922-1925)
(updated June 28, 2013) b. October 16, 1870 - d. May 1, 1962, Emsworth, Hants. MBBS, Durham Univ. 1892. RN, surgeon, HMS Duke of Wellington 1900-02; staff surgeon, HMS Bacchante (flagship of the 3rd Cruiser Squadron in Mediterranean) 1902-05; staff surgeon, HMS Vernon (torpedo school ship) 1905; staff surgeon, Cumberland (training ship for cadets) 1908; Fleet Surgeon wef. May 17, 1910; Boxer Rebellion (1910); fleet surgeon, HMS Warrior (1913); Surgeon Commander bef. 1918; Fleet Medical Officer, Atlantic Fleet 1919-22; Hong Kong 1922, Surgeon-Captain-in-Charge, Royal Navy Hospital in Hong Kong; retired October 16, 1925, last rank held: Surgeon Rear-Admiral. Member of Medical Board wef. May 1, 1923. Honor: CMG December 31, 1918.
Selected bibliography: Battleships-Cruisers.co.uk › Royal Navy › Navy List 1908 Ship A to C [internet]. British Medical Journal, May 19, 1962, Reviews, Deaths. Durham University Calendar, with Almanack 1916-17, Durham: Thomas Caldcleugh & Co., 1916. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 11, 1923, Appt. #218. The London Gazette, April 19, 1904, May 20, 1910, October 20, 1925. University of London › King's College London › Liddell Hart Center for Military Archives › Survey of the Papers of Senior UK Defense Personnel, 1900-75 [internet].Burton, Cyril Herbert (1923)
Dental surgeon; registered to practice in Hong Kong in 1923.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 3, 1923, Notice #342.Burton, T.J. /1890s*
Byrne, G.T. /1920s
Caldwell, George Peters (1909)
(updated July 9, 2013) b.1850, St. John, New Brunswick, Canada - d.1915, London; MD, Harvard Univ. (June 1876); DMD, Harvard Univ. (1876); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 7, 1909; address in Hong Kong: The Oriental Hotel (1909)
Selected bibliography: Annual Announcement of the Dental School of Harvard University for the Year 1886-87, Cambridge: Harvard University, 1886. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 7, 1909, Notice #279. / rootsweb [internet].Campbell, John Miller (1866-d.1866, HKG)
b. June 11, 1841, Kincardineshire, Scotland – d. October 8, 1866, Hong Kong; MB, CM, Aberdeen Univ. (1865); surgeon, HMS Icarus [1]; came to Hong Kong in 1866; acting Assistant Surgeon (in government) wef. February 10, 1866; probably died of illness in the same year, buried at the Hong Kong Cemetery in Happy Valley.
Son of Alexander C. Campbell of Nigg, Kincardineshire.
[1] HMS Icarus (1858-1875), the 11-gun sloop, was commanded by captain Samuel Philip Townsend and was a part of the RN China station.
Selected bibliography: Anderson, Peter John (Ed., Roll of Graduates 1860-1900, University of Aberdeen, 1900. / William Loney RB - Victorian Naval Surgeon [internet].Canaval, Gustav (1933-EOP)
(updated August 2, 2013) b. July 3, 1899; LMSSA, London (1933); registered to practice in Hong Kong on December 7, 1933 and continued until 1941, nine years in total; address in Hong Kong: 2/F, A.P.C. Building (Asiatic Petroleum Company Building, a.k.a. Shell House), #24-32 Queen's Road Central (1933, 1941).
Husband of Helene Lili Canaval.
Selected bibliography: Gwulo: Old Hong Kong [internet]. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 8, 1933, Notice #793; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Canaval, Helene Lili (1934-EOP)
(updated August 2, 2013) b. September 23, 1904; LMSSA, LMSA, London (1933); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 5, 1934 and continued until 1941, 10 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #180 The Peak (1934), Shell House (1941).
Wife of Gustav Canaval.
Selected bibliography: Gwulo: Old Hong Kong [internet]. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 8, 1934, Notice #457; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Cantlie, James (1850s-1895)
(update August 27, 2013) MB, CM Aberdeen Univ. November 25, 1875. FRCS England 1875. LRCP, London 1875. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 5, 1888 through 1895. Sanitary Board 1888-91. Surgeon, HKVDC March 1, 1888. Residence: Rocklands, Robinson Road 1888.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 28, 1888, Notice #31; March 3, 1888, Notice #87; May 5, 1888, Notice; January 5, 1889, Notice #2. May 2, 1896, Notice #157.Chaldecott, Thomas Andrews (1857-61)
(updated September 1, 2013) b.[n.d.], Chertsey, Surrey, England. MSA June 29, 1850. MRCS, England July 26, 1850. IAC. Hong Kong nlt.1857. Private practitioner. HKGov., acting Colonial Surgeon (vice William Aurelius Harland deceased) September 23, 1858. First person to report Classic Asiatic cholera 1858. Secretary, China Branch, Royal Asiatic Society. Residence: Stanley Street 1861. Left Hong Kong for England 1862, private practitioner 1862; Drs. George Harcourt and T.A. Chaldecott, address: Chertsey; partnership dissolved on December 31, 1864, Chaldecott continued at the same address.
m. Ellen Lucas, of Chertsey. fa/o Thomas Edmund Harland Chaldescott, b. January 7, 1861, Hong Kong - d.um. August 9, 1915, London; Ellen Anna Chaldecott, b. August 10, 1862, Chertsey - d.um August 16, 1951, Chertsey; Richard Lucas Chaldecott, b.1866, Chertsey -d.1933; Francis Miller, b. May 26, 1869, Chertsey.
[The timely action taken by Chaldecott had probably saved the lives of many Europeans in Hong Kong on January 15, 1857 in connection with the Esing Poisonous Bread Incident. Esing's Bakery 裕盛辦館 was the choice supplier of bakery products to more than 400 foreign households as well as the Hong Kong British garrison barracks. In the morning of the date earlier mentioned, the European community in Hong Kong was panicked when people began to suffer from sudden sickness across Victoria. The one thing in common among the sick, soon it was discovered, was that they all had consumed bakery products delivered to them by Esing that morning. At around 10:30am, Chaldecott, most probably out of his own initiative, started handing out hand-written circulars that bore his signature, which said, “The bread is poisoned. Take mustard (teaspoonful) in warm water; ½ pint & afterward warm water; after vomiting freely, eat raw eggs.” It became known, later on, that arsenic were administered to all the Esing's bakery products on that day; miraculously nobody died directly as a result.]
Selected bibliography: ancestry.ca [internet]. The British Medical Journal, June 5, 1869, p.530, Births. Dennys, N.B., King, Charles and Mayers, William Fred., The Treaty Ports of China and Japan: a complete Guide to the Open Ports of those Countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao, Hong Kong: A. Shortrede & Co., 1867. Gravestone Photographic Resource [internet]. Heard, Augustine, The Poisoning in Hong Kong – An Episode of Life in China Forty Years Ago, [n.p.] 1894. Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences Society, Plague, Sars, and the Story of Medicine in Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2006, p.38. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 25, 1858, Notice #89. The London Gazette, February 3, 1865, p.520.Chak Chiu-hang 翟朝亨 (1915)
MBBS, HKU (December 14, 1914); one of the HKCMC students transferred to the medical faculty of HKU in 1912; registered to practice in Hong Kong on March 26, 1915; Nethersole Hospital (1915); address in Hong Kong: #42 Tung Street (1921).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 26, 1915, Notice #137.
Chamarette, Norman Palmer Poyniz (1931)
MBBS, HKU (1930); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 29, 1931.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 5, 1931, Notice #360.Chan Chin-kwong 陳覲光 (1934-EOP)
(updated August 2, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Nagasaki Medical College, Japan (September 8, 1932); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 18, 1934 and continued until 1941, eight years in total; address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #1 Des Voeux Road West (1934), #557 Nathan Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 18, 1934, Notice #394; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chan Chung-kwong /1930s
Chan Chung-san 陳宗燊 (1918-EOP)
(updated August 2, 2013) MBBS, HKU (January 3, 1918); registered to practice in Hong Kong on April 19, 1918 and continued until 1937; registered on January 26, 1939 and continued until 1941, 23 years in combined total; address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #125-127 Queen's Road East (1939, 1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 19, 1918, Notice #141; January 21, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chan Fai-kwong /1900s
Chan Fook 陳福 (1934-EOP)
(updated August 2, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 30, 1934); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 14, 1934 and continued until 1941, eight years in total; address in Hong Kong: #60 Wuhu Street 蕪湖街, Kowloon (1934), G/F, #150 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 15, 1934, Notice #471; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chan, H.C. (1940)
Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA (1940 and 1941); Medical Advisory Board to the Governor.
Chan Hin-fan 陳衍芬 (1905-1908)
Head of Medical Department, Alice Memorial and Nethersole Hospitals (ca.1905); Lecturer, Director of Studies (1908), Principal (1933), Guangzhou Guonghua Medical College 廣東光華醫學院; Medical Superintendent, Guonghua Charity Hospital 光華贈醫院; Editor, Chinese Medical Journal; publications: 衛生展覽與市民健康的關係 (The Relations between Sanitation Exhibition and the Health of City Drillers), Guangzhou Sanitation (1908).
Chan Pak-chue 陳伯賜 (1937-EOP)
(updated August 2, 2013) MCPS, Manitoba Univ. (October 12, 1937); registered to practice in Hong Kong December 29, 1937 and continued until 1941, five years in total; address in Hong Kong: #7 Victory Avenue, Homantin (1937), #9 Victory Avenue, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 31, 1937, Notice #952; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chan Ping-in 陳炳賢 (1933-1984+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 2, 1930. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 5, 1933. Nethersole Hospital 1933. Private practitioner aft.1933-1984+ [1], address: 3/F, China Building 1948. Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA 1936. Residence: G/F, #13 Village Road 1941.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 5, 1933, Notice #317; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Chan Ping-kwok /1940s
Chan Pui-wa 陳培華 (1941-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 11, 1940); registered to practice in Hong Kong on March 19, 1941 and continued until 1941, 12 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #11 Seymour Road (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 21, 1941, Notice #336; May 9, 1941, Notice #558..Chan Shek-yuen 陳錫元 (1937- )
Igakushi (MB), Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Univ., Japan (July 8, 1933); registered to practice in Hong Kong on November 3, 1937; Oi Kwan Life Assurance C0., Ltd., #63 Des Voeux Road Central (1937).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 5, 1937, Notice #800.Chan Shing-chue 陳聖柱 (1932-1984+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 18, 1931. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 6, 1932. Private practitioner 1932-1984+ [1], address: #229, Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941, 1948. Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA 1932. Residence: #4 Landale Street 1932.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 8, 1932, Notice #17; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Chan Shui-yee 陳瑞儀 /1930s
Chan Sui-yee 陳秀儀 /1910s
Chan Tse-kau, Hilda 陳自求 (1942- )
MBBS, HKU (January 1, 1942); private practitioner after the Pacific War, place of practice: #229 Nathan Rd., Ground Floor, Kowloon, tel 59053
[Recipient of degree at HKU's Clandestine Degree Ceremony, HKU, January 1, 1942. The University Senate decided, at a meeting on December 31, 1941, to confer degrees in medicine on the students, whose examinations were interrupted by the Japanese invasion of Hong Kong. Although these recipients were technically one day late to be included in this dictionary, I decided the rule should be bent for them.]
Chan Tsun-kon 陳俊幹 /1890s
Chan Wah 陳華 (1934-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (June 1, 1932); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1934 and continued until 1941, eight years in total; address in Hong Kong: #62 Wuhu Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon (1934).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 4, 1934, Notice #359; May 9, 1941, Notice #558..Chan Weng-cheong 陳永昌 (1940-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 20, 1939); registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 1, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; Tsan Yuk Hospital (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 2, 1940, Notice #134; May 9, 1941, Notice #558..Chan Yun-ying 陳元英 (1941-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. (1916); registered to practice in Hong Kong on April 3, 1941; address in Hong Kong: 2/F, #155 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 4, 1941, Notice #385.
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Chau Sik-nin escorting Princes Alexandra |
(updated September 6, 2013 ) b. April 13, 1903, Hong Kong – d. November 30, 1985, Hong Kong. St. Stephen College, Hong Kong 1918. MBBS, HKU 1923. DLO 1925. DOMS 1926. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 30, 1924 through EOP. Private practitioner, 1927-30, 37-EOP, address: 1/F, China Building 1941; first Chinese Otolaryngologist to practice in Hong Kong. HKGov., Ophthalmologist, Government Civil Hospital 1930-36. Part-time lecturer in Ophthalmology, HKU 1930-35. Medical Board, member 1936-EOP; President 1936-37. Member, Sanitary Board 1936-EOP. Chairman, Po Leung Kuk 1941-44. Unofficial Justice of the Peace May 19, 1939 through 1985. Residence: #1 Hing Hon Road 1924.
Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Resumed private practice after war. Member, HKU Interim Committee 1946-47. Legislative Council, member 1947-62; Senior Member 1953-59. Executive Council, member 1948-62; Senior Member 1959-62. Inaugural Chairman, Hong Kong Tuberculosis Association 1948-63. Founder, Hong Kong Chinese Bank 香港華人銀行 1955 [1]. Inaugural Chairman, Federation of Hong Kong Industries 1960-66. Inaugural Chairman, Hong Kong Trade Development Council 1966-70. Member, General Committee, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce 1966-74. Honorary Advisor, Chinese General Chamber of Commerce. Permanent Advisor of Tung Wah Hospitals. Director, more than 30 companies in Hong Kong and other areas in the Asia Pacific.
Honor: Coronation Medal 1937; Defense Medal 1945; CBE 1950; Kt 1960; Hon LL.D, HKU 1961; Silver Jubilee Medal 1977; The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon 瑞寶中綬章 (Japan) 1969. Hon. escort of Princess Alexandra, a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, during her Hong Kong visit 1961.
fa/o flamboyant barrister and socialite Chau Kai-pong 周啟邦, b.1934-d.2010. First cousin of Chau Tsun-Nin 周埈年; Senior Member, Legislative and Executive Councils.
[1] The Hong Kong Chinese Bank was acquired by CITIC Ka Wah Bank in 2002 and ceased to exist thenceforth.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 1, 1924, Notice #57; May 9, 1941, Notice #558..Chau Wai-cheung 周懐璋 (1917-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 30, 1916. Registered to practice Hong Kong April 27, 1917. Ho Miu Ling Hospital 1917. Private practitioner 1921-48+ [1], address 1: 1/F, #29A Queen's Road Central 1921; address 2: 1/F, #2 Des Voeux Road Central 1941; address 3: #33 Leighton Hill Road 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 27, 1917, Notice #184, May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Chau Woon-nin 周煥年 (1936-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 5, 1936. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 10, 1936. Private practitioner 1936-48+ [1], address: 1/F, China Building 1941, 1948. Residence: #1 Hing Hon Road 1936.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 16, 1936, Notice #556; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Chaun Moon-hung 周夢熊 (1901)
Hong Kong's First University Trained Chinese Dentist
DDS, Pennsylvania Univ. (1899); the first Chinese student and the first Chinese graduate of Pennsylvania Univ; admitted as the first Chinese dentist in Hong Kong (1901) by his Westerner peers (most of them were alumni from Penn).
[There were no formal qualification requirements for dentist before 1914. The first Dentistry Ordinance was enacted on June 5, 1914.]
Cheah Keng-seng (1924)
MBBS, HKU (1922); registered to practice in Hong Kong on December 19, 1924; address in Hong Kong: #54 Morrison Hill Road (1924).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 19, 1924, Notice #713.Cheah Khay-chuan 謝啟全 (1932)
MBBS, HKU (May 26, 1930); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1932; address in Hong Kong: #21 Babington Path (1932).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1932, Notice #282.Cheah Tiang-eam 謝長炎 (1917)
MBBS, HKU (May 30, 1916); registered to practice in Hong Kong on April 27, 1917; Government Civil Hospital (1917).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 27, 1917, Notice #184.Cheah Toon-lok (1925)
MBBS, HKU (1924); registered to practice in Hong Kong on August 15, 1925.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 21,1925, Notice #466.Chee Chin-hai (1928)
MBBS, HKU (May 1928); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 4, 1928; Government Civil Hospital (1928).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 6, 1928, Notice #390.Chen, Bessie (1931)
MBBS, HKU (May 19, 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 4, 1931.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 12, 1931, Notice #375.Chen, Foong K. 陳鴻康 (1938-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, Aberdeen Univ. (April 15, 1921); registered to practice in Hong Kong on March 16, 1938 and continued until 1941, four years in total; address in Hong Kong: #212 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon (1938), #1 Duke Street, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 16, 1938, Notice #232; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chen Hin-fun /1900s*
Chen, John N.M. (1940-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (September 12, 1940); registered to practice in Hong Kong on December 12, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; engaged by HKU (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 13, 1940, Notice #1352; May 9, 1941, Notice #558..Chen Li-tsieh 陳禮節 (1938-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Kyoto Imperial Univ., Japan (March 30, 1936); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 5, 1938 and continued until 1941, four years in total; address in Hong Kong: #20 Yuk Sau Street, Happy Valley (1938) [1].
[1] Tsai Len-hwon 蔡聯歡 gave the same address in 1937. Tsai graduated from the Osaka Women's Medical College.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 7, 1938, Notice #16; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chen Shek-yuen 陳錫元 (1940-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Univ. Japan (July 8, 1933); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; Oi Kwan Life Assurance Co., #63 Des Voeux Road Central (1940-EOP).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536.Cheng Hung-yue 鄭杏如 (1932-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 21, 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 6, 1932 and continued until 1941, 10 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #96 Caine Road (1932, 1941).
Sister of Cheng Siu-yue.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 8, 1932, Notice #17; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Cheng Kung-chen (1923-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (September 1919); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1923 and continued until 1941, 19 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #6 Mosque Junction (1923), #580 Nathan Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 28, 1923, Notice #412; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Cheng See-yan 鄭斯恩 (1936-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (June 13, 1936); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 13, 1936 and continued until 1941, six years in total; Government Civil Hospital (1936); address in Hong Kong: #520 Nathan Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 17, 1936, Notice #622; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Cheng Siu-yue 鄭兆如 (1931-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 4, 1931 and continued until 1941, 11 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #96 Caine Road (1931, 1941).
Sister of Cheng Hung-yue.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 12, 1931, Notice #375.Cheng Wing-kwai 鄭榮桂 (1934-1948+)
(updated August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 15, 1934. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 25, 1934. Private practitioner 1934-48+ [1], address 1: 1/F, #136 Queen Road East 1934; address 2: 1/F, #60 Queen's Road Central 1941; address 3: 2/F, Pacific House 太平行 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 25, 1934, Notice #418; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Cheong Chee-hai 鐘志海 (1916)
The First Doctor whose Chinese Name Appeared in the Registration Notice
MBBS, HKU (May 30, 1916); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 21, 1916; Tung Wah Hospital (1916).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 21, 1916, Notice #320.Cheung Kung-leung 張恭良 (1932-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 14, 1932); registered to practice in Hong Kong on December 29, 1932 and continued until 1941, 10 years in total; Government Civil Hospital (1932); Queen Mary Hospital (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 30, 1932, Notice #815; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Cheung Shiu-fan 張紹勳 (1930-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU 1929. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 9, 1930. Government Civil Hospital 1930. Private practitioner aft.1930-48+ [1], address: 1/F, Loke Yew Building 1948. Residence: 2/F, #49 Bonham Road 1941.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Cheung Siu-cheong 莊兆祥 (1938-EOP)
(updated July 30, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Kyusyu Imperial Univ., Japan (October 31, 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on September 22, 1938 and continued until 1941, four years in total; address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #42 Jordan Road, Kowloon (1938), 2/F, #35 Jordan Road, Kowloon (1940).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 31, 1937, Notice #952.Cheung Wing-tai 張榮棣 (1918-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 3, 1918. Registered to practice Hong Kong April 19, 1918. Private Practitioner 1918-48+ [1], address 1: #58 & 60 Queen's Road Central 1918; address 2: 1/F, #45 Queen's Road Central 1941, 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Government Gazette, April 19, 1918, Notice #141; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Chew Poh-heng 周寶衡 (1935-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (January 2, 1935); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 17, 1935 and continued until 1941, seven years in total; Chinese Public Dispensary, Kowloon City (1935).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 18, 1935, Notice #51; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chia Shih-ching (1924)
MBBS, HKU (1923); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 3, 1924; Government Civil Hospital (1924).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 3, 1924, Notice #552.Chik Hing-wan (1923)
MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. (1914); DTMH, Edinburgh (1914); DPH, Cambridge Univ. (1916); FRCS, Edinburgh (1922); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1923.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 4, 1923, Notice #206.Ching, P. Merit 程美烈 (1940-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 27, 1939); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 25, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 26, 1940, Notice #112; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.
Chiu Chu-san 趙柱臣 (1922-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (1922); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 5, 1922 and continued until 1941, 20 years in total; Tung Wah Hospital (1922); engaged by HKU (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 5, 1922, Notice #203; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chiu Hin-yeung 趙顯揚 /1910s
Ching, Renald P. 程伯京 (1941-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (October 28, 1940); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 16, 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 17, 1941, Notice #76; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chiu Put-po 趙不波 (1935-1948+)
(updated August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 27, 1934. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 10, 1935. Government Civil Hospital 1935. Private practitioner aft.1935-48+ [1], address: 4/F Bank of East Asia Building 1948. Residence: #75 Bonham Road 1941.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 11, 1935, Notice #28; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Choong Ka-khey 鍾家駒 (1939-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (January 10, 1939); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 26, 1939 and continued until 1941, three years in total.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chow Cham-lau 周湛鑾 (1942-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 1, 1942. Private practitioner 1942-48+ [1], address: 1/F, 22 Des Voeux Road Central 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
[Recipient of degree at HKU's Clandestine Degree Ceremony, HKU, January 1, 1942. The University Senate decided, at a meeting on December 31, 1941, to confer degrees in medicine on the students, whose examinations were interrupted by the Japanese invasion of Hong Kong. Although these recipients were technically one day late to be included in this dictionary, I decided the rule should be bent for them.]
Selected bibliography:《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Chow Tin-cham 周天湛 (1929-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 5, 1929. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 10, 1929. Tung Wah Hospital 1929. Private practitioner aft.1929-48+ [1], address 1: 2/F, Oi Kwan Building, #63-65 Des Voeux Road Central 1941; address 2: 3/F, Kayamally Building 加任亞厘行 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1929, Notice #242; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Chow Wai-wee 周懷輝 (1941-EOP)
MBBS, HKU (May 1941); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 11, 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 11, 1941, Notice #844.Chu, Barbara 徐季璇 (1939-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 20, 1938); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 26, 1939 and continued until 1941, three years in total; address in Hong Kong: #9 Dragon Terrace (1939, 1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chu Ho-quon (1924)
Igakushi (MB), Imperial Tohuku Univ., Japan (September 1, 1915); address in Hong Kong: #68 Queen's Road (1924).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 31, 1924, Notice #452.Chu Kwok-king 朱國京 (1941-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (June 18, 1940); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 9, 1941; address in Hong Kong: 3/F, #40 Upper Lascar Row (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chu Wai-kong 朱惠康 (1934-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 28, 1933); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1934 and continued until 1941, eight years in total; address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #15 Village Road, Happy Valley (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 4, 1934, Notice #359; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chui Yuen-hoi 崔元愷 (1940-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Kyusyu Imperial Univ., Japan December 1, 1919. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 10, 1940. Private practitioner 1940-48+ [1], address: 2/F, #227 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941, 1948. Correspondence address: c/o Dr. Choung Siu-cheong, 2/F, #35 Jordan Road, Kowloon 1940.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Chun, Daphne 秦惠眞 (1940-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (June 18, 1940); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 16, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; Tsan Yuk Hospital (1940-EOP).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 18, 1940, Notice #1159; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chung Boon-chor 鍾本初 (1890)
(updated September 1, 2013) Alias Chung King-ue 鍾景裕; Chung King-ü 鍾景儒. d. 1908, Hong Kong. Graduate of Tientsin Chinese Government College 天津西醫學堂. Hong Kong nlt.1890. The first Chinese House Surgeon, Alice Memorial Hospital 1890-95). Public Vaccinator October 20, 1890. The first Medical Superintendent 掌院, Tung Wah Hospital 1896-1903 [2]. with a monthly salary of HK$150, and meanwhile private practice was not permitted.
Eurasian; s/o Chinese father and American mother.
[1] The college was run by Dr. John Kenneth Mackenzie.
[2] The chief purpose of appointing Chung, a half-Chinese practitioner of Western medicine, was to offer Western medicine as an option to patients in the Tung Wah Hospital, which until then only offer Chinese medicine. It wasn’t until three years after Chung’s appointment that Western medicine as well as surgery began to be accepted. Chung was paid HK$150 a month. He was not permitted to run a private practice on the side.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 25, 1890, Notice #441.Chung Hon-kwan 鐘漢群 (1935-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 21, 1935); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 7, 1935 and continued until 1941, seven years in total; address in Hong Kong: c/o Kwong Fook Cheong Shipyard, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon (1935), #349 Nathan Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 7, 1935, Notice #450; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Chung Yik-sun 鍾奕順 /1900s
Churchill, John Aylward (1909)
MRCS England (1900); LRCP, London; registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 25, 1909; address in Hong Kong: Baltimore Hotel (1909)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 25, 1909, Notice #380.Clark, Daisy Annabella Murdoch (1905)
MBBS, Glasgow Univ. (July 1900); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 18, 1905; address in Hong Kong: Peak Hotel (1905).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 20, 1905, Notice #700.
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Francis W. Clark |
Hong Kong's first Medical Officer of Health;
b. June 23, 1864 -d.dt/unk.; MRCS, LRCP, London (1886); DPH, Cambridge Univ. (1891); MB, Cambridge Univ. (1892); MD, Durham Univ. (1900); trained at St. Bartholomew and Middlesex Hospitals; Superintendent of the Fever Hospital at Lowestaff; Medical Officer of Health at Lowestaff; came to Hong Kong in 1895, Hong Kong's first Medical Officer of Health (1895); Principal Medical Officer of Health 1905-06; Dean of HKCMC (1907-15), lecturer in Diseases of Tropical Climates (1909-12), Hygiene (1897-1906), Physiology (1896-99), HKCMC; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, HKU; held following offices at HKU: Dean (1912-1915), life member of University Court (from 1911), member of University Senate (1912); member of Sanitary Board; acting Colonial Veterinary Surgeon (vice Adam Gibson, MRCVS, who was on leave) (March 20, 1907 and again on August 24, 1910); director of Widows and Orphans' Pension Fund (vice David Wood) (April 18, 1907); Justice of the Peace (1896); Secretary-Treasurer General of Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine (1912); member of the Legislative Council (1902); Honorary Treasurer of the Church Body (1909); club: Corinthian Yacht Club (including the office of commodore), Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, Hong Kong Club; left Hong Kong in 1922 to become Consular Medical Officer in Mukden, and later in Weihaiwei.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 12, 1907, Appt. #240; April 19, 1907, Appt. #265; April 23, 1909, Notice #251; August 26, 1910, Appt. #263.Cleave, Hugh Latimer (1941-EOP)
MRCS, England (1931); LRCP, London (1931); FRCS, England (1935)); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 18, 1941; Royal Navay Hospital (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 24, 1941, Notice #1268.Clerjon, Nicolet Michel (1840s)
Private practitioner in the 1840s, place of practice: Queen's Road.
Clift, Harry Lechmere 祈理廉 (1923-d.1949, HKG)
(updated August 12, 2013) b. April 6, 1876 - d. May 26, 1949, Hong Kong, bur. Hong Kong Cemetery, Happy Valley. Eastbourne High School. BS, ChB, Edinburgh Univ. 1901. Medical missionary, China 1909. Emanuel Medical Mission 傅道會, Nanning, Guangxi 廣西省南寧市, founder and doctor in charge, operated with wife Winifred and at own expenses 1909-1917. RAMC, Lieutenant May 1917; Captain May 1918, France. Chinese Labor Corps, France, Medical Officer [n.d.]; staff Chinese Base Hospital, Nozelles [n.d.]. Returned to Nanning after the WWI [n.d.]. Joined Bible Churchmen's Missionary Society (BCMS) 聖經差會 ca.1923; handed over the mission in Nanning to BCMS 1924. Hong Kong 1923. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong March 23, 1923 through 1941, 19 years in total; post-WWII registration and practice [n.d.]. Matilda Hospital 1923. HKGov., Temporary Medical Officer wef. June 22, 1924; Medical Officer (Coroner's Abolition Ordinance, 1888) wef. July 18, 1924 until March 8, 1925, resigned; Temporary Medical Office wef. November 2, 1931; Visiting Medical Officer, Chinese Hospitals and Dispensaries 1933- September 30, 1934, resigned. Nanning 1929-31. Founder, Emmanuel Mission Church (undenominational) and its associated Fraternity Book Room [1], #218 Nathan Road, Kowloon bef. December 1936. Corresponding Secretary to Kwangtung and Hong Kong, Bible Union of China [n.d.]; inaugurated the Hong Kong Branch of the Union on February 1, 1932. Founder and doctor in charge, Emmanuel Medical Mission 以馬內利診療所, #218 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1939-49, with an interruption during the Japanese occupation [2]. Address in Hong Kong: Cheung Chau 1926-38, possibly later; Top floor, #77 Pokfulum Road 1941.
m. Caroline Winifred Ashby, b. November 30, 1876 - d. September 12, 1966, Hong Kong, bur. Hong Kong Cemetery, Happy Valley. Name variations: C. Winifred Lechmere Clift [3]. d/o Walter Ashby and Caroline Brown. Interned at Nam Ping Hotel (Rm. #415) during Japanese occupation. I've found no record that shows the whereabouts of Clift during that time.
[1] The book room, known as the Emmanuel Bookroom 靈光書室 in later years, was a reading room / library / tea room, which began to publish and retail evangelical books and literatures in ca.1950.
[2] The Emmanuel Medical Mission 以馬內利診療所 continued to operate in the same address until 1967. Another Emmanuel Medical Mission, under a different Chinese name of 靈光醫務所 (later 靈光診所), began to operate at #160 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon City in 1957. A 1963 Inland Revenue Department record lists the Kowloon City mission a subsidiary of The Emmanuel Church 靈光堂. Other subsidiaries listed in the same record included: Deepwell Emmanuel Primary School 靈光小學, Emmanuel Bookroom 靈光書室, Emmanuel Church Shatin Nursery School 沙田靈光幼兒學校 and Kowloon Emmanuel Primary School 九龍靈光小學. The Kowloon City mission removed to a new location at 1/F, #40 Shing Tak Street 盛德街 in 1964. It continued to operated at this address to the present day. A dentistry department was added some time after 1964.
[3] Using the name of C. Winifred Lechmere Clift, Ashby had written no less than four books: Very Far East (London: Marshall Brothers Ltd., 1909), Annals of an Isle in the Pacific (Nanning: s.n., 1915), Looking on in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Kae Shean, 1927), and Seng Chang Sees Red, and other Stories (London: Marshall Brothers Ltd., 1928).
[A traveling trader, Fung Sang, 26, approached Clift at the medical mission, #218 Nathan Road, on May 31, 1947 and offered the sale of Morphine Hydrochloride, which was classified a dangerous drug. Since there were neither permit nor documents, Clift called the authorities, after examining and retaining the drug and while Fung was kept waiting in the mission. The trader was arrested and was charged two days later with attempting to sell a dangerous drug without a proper permit. The charge against him was withdrawn as government laboratory analyst showed that the “drug” was in fact plain chalk. On his release, Fung was rearrested and charged with attempting to obtain money by false pretenses. He was sentenced on June 4, 1947 to six months of hard labor. Justice William Alexander Blair-Kerr made the following remarks during the trial, "It is a very serious thing when an imitation could fool such an experienced doctor as Dr. Clift."]
Selected bibliography: Braga, Stuart, Making Impressions: The Adaptation of a Portuguese Family to Hong Kong, 1700-1950. PhD Thesis, Australian National University, October 2012. The China Mail, September 30, 1926, p.7, Cheung Chau Notes, Dr. and Mrs. Clift Go to Lung Chow; June 5, 1947, p.2, Attempt to Defraud Dr. Clift. The Descendants of Robert Booth, 1626-1698 [internet]. Gwulo: Old Hong Kong › Inscription for Cemetery Sections 17-47 [internet]. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 23, 1923, Notice #131; July 25, 1924, Appt. #427; May 6, 1927, Notice #273; May 5, 1939, Notice #362; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. Hong Kong Government Medical Report for the Year 1924, 1925. Hong Kong Government Medical and Sanitary Report for the Year 1931, 1934. Hong Kong Government Report of the Secretary for Chinese Affairs for the Year 1933. Hong Kong Government Inland Revenue Department › Charitable Institutions & Trusts of a Public Character [internet]. The Hong Kong Telegraph, February 2, 1932, p.12, The Bible Ubnion of China, Local Branch Inaugurated by Dr. Clift. Hong Kong War Diary [internet]. Houghton, Frank L., Amy Carmichael of Dohnavur, Fort Washington, PA: CLC Publications, 1953. Tiedemann, R.G., Christian Missionary Societies in China: from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century, New York: M.E. Sharp, Inc., 2009. University of Edinburgh Roll of Honor 1914-1919, London: Oliver and Boyd, 1921. 《香港年鑑》第九回、第十三回,醫療輯要 (Hong Kong Year Book, 1956, 1960)。Cochran, [ ] (1866-d.1869, HKG)
(updated August 31, 2013) Hong Kong nlt.1866. HKGov., Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital 1866-1869, deceased.
Selected bibliography: Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon for the Year 1866, 1867, 1869.Cogan, John Edward [H ]
MBBS, Glasgow Univ. (October 20, 1928); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 9, 1930; address in Hong Kong: Union Building (1930).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296.Coleman, Andrew Leslie Edmund Filmer (1914)
BS, MD (April 17, 1907), Aberdeen Univ.; registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 26, 1914; address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building and #15, The Peak (1914).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 26, 1914, Notice #240.Costello, Franics Xavier (1913)
LMRCP, LMRCS, Ireland (November 4, 1904); registered to practice in Hong Kong on September 12, 1913; address in Hong Kong: King Edward Hotel (1913).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 12, 1913, Notice #290.Court, P.F.S. (1930)
(updated September 8, 2013) LRCP.MRCS. Hong Kong nlt.1930. HKGov., Medical Officer 1930. Lecturer in Pharmacology, HKU 1934-35.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertised, September 24, 1930, p.5.Cowie, Alexander Mitchell (1889)
MB, CM, Aberdeen Univ. (April 15, 1884), registered to practice in Hong Kong on April 2, 1889; address in Hong Kong: Bank Building, Queen's Road (1889).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 6, 1889, Notice.Crago, John M. /1900s*
Crook, A.H.
Croot, Horace John (1933)
(updated September 8, 2013) MBBS, London Univ. 1930. MRCS, England 1930. LRCP, London 1930. Hong Kong nlt.1933. Registered to practice Hong Kong February 3, 1933. Private practitioner 1933. Lecturer in Junior Physiology, HKU 1934-35. Residence: Hong Kong Hotel 1933.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 3, 1933, Notice #76.Crow, William Edward (1887)
(updated August 27, 2013) Hong Kong bef. 1887. HKCMC, Founding Committee 1887; Lecturer in Chemistry 1887-90. Sanitary Board 1888.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 28, 1888, Notice #31.Cumming, Harry Lovett (1919)
BS (June 1903), MD (September 1906), Edinburgh Univ.; DTMH, DPH, Cambridge Univ. (July 1917); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 23, 1919; address in Hong Kong: Hong Kong Hotel (1919)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 23, 1919, Notice #235.Curry, Emerson G. /1900s
Curti, Luigi (1938)
(updated August 3, 2013) CM, MD, Rome Univ., Italy (December 1929); registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 24, 1938 and continued until 1941, four years in total; address in Hong Kong: Peninsula Hotel (1938).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 25, 1938, Notice #170; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.da Roza, Carlos Eugenio (1931-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 8, 1931. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 29, 1931 through 1941, 11 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #131 Caine Road 1931; Pedder Building 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 31, 1931, Notice #61; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.da Roza, Carlos Francisco Xavier (1930-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 1928. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 9, 1930 through 1941, 12 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: Kayamally Building 1930; 1/F, #1A Ying Fai Terrace 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Danenberg, Vicente (1884)
Came to Hong Kong before 1884 to practice medicine; objected to register (in accordance with Ordinance #6 of 1884 of April 5, 1884) and was allowed to continue to practice; medical doctor status recognized by Hong Kong Government in 1897 [1]; address in Hong Kong: #126 Wongnaich'ung (1897)
[1] On May 8, 1897, the government, under the name of the Colonial Secretary, J.H. Stewart Lockhart, posted a notice in the government gazette to recognize Danenberg's status as a registered medical practitioner. This is rather interesting, not only the government did not punish Danenberg for practicing without a license, but also it gave him a license without his applying for one.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 3, 1884, Notice: May 8, 1897, Notice #161.Davis, L.J. (1930)
MD, Glasgow Univ.; MRCP, FRCP, Edinburgh; Professor of Pathology, HKU (1930-39); Muirhead Professor of Medicine, Glasgow Univ. (1954); Professor of Medicine, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow (1960); publications: Scarlatina Immunity in Hong Kong (1935, co-authors - J.S. Guzdar and F.S. Fernando)
Dawson-Grove, Antony Warren (1938-EOP)
(updated August 3, 2013) MBBS, Oxford Univ. (1936); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 11, 1938 and continued until 1941, four years in total; address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building (1938, 1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 14, 1938, Notice #47; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.de Carvalho, Alberto Pedro (1887)
(updated August 20, 2013) LSA, London December 23, 1886. MRCS, England January 26, 1887. LRCP, London April 28 1887. Registered to practice Hong Kong July 20, 1887. Residence: Craigengower, Caine Road 1887-88.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 23, 1887.de Chandra, Abinash /1910s
de Santos, Isidoro (1899)
MD, Central Univ., Madrid June 30, 1893; Licentiate in Medicine, Barcelona Univ.; registered to practice in Hong Kong on December 4, 1899; address in Hong Kong 1899: #2 Lower Castle Road
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 9, 1899, Notice #694.de Sousa, Antonio Bernardo (1919-EOP)
(updated on August 14, 2013) DPH, Cambridge Univ. 1911. LMS, Bombay Univ. July 30, 1919. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong September 5, 1919 through 1941, 23 in total. Address in Hong Kong: King Edward Hotel 1911; #27 Cameron Road, Kowloon 1921; #133 Waterloo Road, Kowloon 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 5, 1919, Notice #412; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.de Sousa, Eugene L. (1940-EOP)
MBBS, HKU 1924. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 10, 1940 through 1941, two years in total. Address in Hong Kong: Rm. 3, Hong Kong Chinese YMCA 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.
de Sousa, Isidoro Olinto Elvino (1936-EOP)
updated on August 14, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 9, 1936. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 21, 1936 through 1941, six years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #133 Waterloo Road, Kowloon 1936.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 23, 1936, Notice #95; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.de Souza, Granvile Francis (1935)
(updated on August 14, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 1931. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 13, 1935.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 17, 1935, Notice #398.
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The actual plan (1853) of the tread wheel introduced by Demster |
b.dt/unk.- d. February 25, 1881; MD, Glasgow Univ. (1840); army staff surgeon; came to Hong Kong with his unit; Colonial Surgeon (vice William Morrison, who died in office) (1853-57); annaul salary reduced to GBP200; introduced the tread wheel to prison in Hong Kong (1853) [1]; ordered to India with his regiment (1857); took part in the following campaigns: Hazara in India, (1857), Sebastopol in Crimea, Ferozepore in India (1859), New Zealand (1863-1865); promoted to Deputy-Inspector-General, Army, and later Deputy-Surgeon-General, Army (last held position).
[1] Dempster was more keen in punishing than healing with respect to his responsibility in the Goal, so much so that he introduced the tread wheel to the prison in Hong Kong as a punishment in 1853. The tread wheel was purchased in England at the cost of GBP188; it remained in use until ca.1861.
Dick, William (1866)
(updated August 31, 2013) AMD, Surgeon. Hong Kong nlt.1866. Chairman, Commission, Yellow Fever Inquiry March 19, 1866 [1].
[1]. The three-member Commission (A Commission for the Purpose of Making Inquiry into an Epidemic Disease Represented by the Colonial Surgeon to be Yellow Fever) was appointed by the 6th Hong Kong Governor Richard Graves MacDonnell on Mach 19, 1866. The members were John Ivor Murray, Colonial Surgeon; William Dick, AMS surgeon (chairman); and Robert Bernard, RN surgeon.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 12, 1866, Notice #71.Dickson, Walter George (1880s)
b.dt/unk., Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland – d. bef. November 1895, #3 Royal Circus, Edinburgh; Edinburgh Univ.; military surgeon; came to Hong Kong in the 1880s; provided medical service to the Hong Kong Government; fellow, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland; publications: Gleaming from Japan (1923); Japan: Being a Sketch of the History, Government and Officers of the Empire (1869).
Son of Walter Dickson and Margaret Goldie [1].
[1] Dickson's father, Walter Dickson, b.1766-d.1855, was Writer to Signet in Edinburgh. His mother Margaret Goldie came from a very influential Scottish family. Her grandfather, for instance, was John Goldie, chief Magistrate for Dumfries and Sheriff Substitute for Nithsdale district. Her earlier ancestors had included Thomas Goldie who was Writer to the Privy Seal (1733), and Alexander Goldie who was the Law Agent for the British Linen Bank.
Selected bibliography: Janus: Jardine Matheson Archive [internet]. / Lee, T.A., Seekers of the Truth: the Scottish Founders of Modern Public Accountancy, Oxford: JAI Press, 2006. / Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Hundred and Sixteenth Session, 1895-96.
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K.H. Digby |
(updated on August 3, 2013) b. August 4, 1884, London - d. February 23, 1953, London; MBBS, London Univ. (February 9, 1907); trained at Guy’s Hospital, London (1907); FRCS (1910); Surgical Registrar, Guy’s Hospital (1909-11); Principal Medical Officer, Great Central Railway, England (1912); registered to practice in Hong Kong on September 4, 1914 and continued until 1941, 28 years in total; Professor of Anatomy (1913-23), Surgery (1923-45), Ho Tung Professor of Surgery (1914-45), HKU; member of the Medical Board (1923-25); Honorary Consultant in Surgery, Hong Kong Government (1915-48); Surgeon, Queen Mary Hospital (1930-48); interned in the Stanley Camp during the Japanese occupation where he conducted a surgical clinic for fellow internees throughout the internment as well as establishing and running a camp hospital including the performance of surgical procedures; returned to UK in 1949; engaged in research work at the Royal College of Surgeons of England; President, HKBMA 1956; Council, BMA (1952-53); publications: Immunity in Health: the Functions of the Tonsils and the Appendix, 1919; honor: OBE (1939), Prof Emer., HKU (1945), K. H. Digby Memorial Fund, HKU (1954); address in Hong Kong: Windy Lodge, #551 The Peak (1941).
Married Selina D. Law in 1913.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 4, 1914, Notice #345; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Dill, Francis (1844-d.1846, HKG)
The first Colonial Surgeon to die in office;
d.1846, Hong Kong; succeeded Alexander Anderson as Hospital Surgeon to the Colony in 1844, but had position reinstated as Colonial Surgeon, however at a reduced salary of £600 p.a.; had experience working in China, also a locally filled posting as in the case of Anderson; primary responsibility was to look after policemen and prisoners in the goal; salary further cut back to £500 p.a. 1845; succeeded Alfred Tucker as the second president of CMCS 1845; died suddenly from liver complication (or malarial fever) October 1846.
[Two months before his death, Francis Dill proclaimed Hong Kong to be the healthiest British Colony in the Orient.]
Dodd, J.R. (1885)
(updated August 31, 2013) AMD, surgeon; Hong Kong nlt.1885; seconded to HKGov., acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice Charles John Wharry, sick leave) 1885.
Selected bibliography: Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon for the Year 1885.Dods, George (1871)
(updated August 29, 2013) Hong Kong bef.1871. Private Practitioner. HKGov., acting Colonial Surgeon and Inspector of Hospitals (vice John Ivor Murray, absence on leave) January 19, 1871, (vice Robert W. McCoy, deceased) April 10, 1873.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 21, 1871, Notice #12.Dollman, John (1864)
(updated August 29, 2013) MRCS, England. Hong Kong nlt.1864. HKGov., Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice John Roche Rice, resign) March 11, 1864; Health Officer and Surgeon, Stone Cutters' Island Convict Hulk [1] June 21, 1864; Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice John Alexander Yule, resigned) November 22, 1864.
[1] The Convict Hulk was originally the 510 ton barque Royal Saxon, which the Hong Kong Government had purchased in 1864. After having been fitted up the ship was towed to its designated mooring place between the Stone Cutters' Island and Lai Chi Kok in June [h.a.] and declared a Convict Station. 280 convicts were sent on board, from there they were transported to shore daily to perform manual labor, such as road building, etc. [I'm not sure if they actually worked in the quarry on the island.] The Hulk was discontinued in October 1866, there is no information as to what happened to Royal Saxon. Royal Saxon, a British merchantman, triggered (not by design) the Battle of Chuenpee on November 3, 1839 when it attempted to break a British blockade along the Pearl River and in confusion caused the British and Qing battleships to engage one another. The British blockade was set at the entrance of the Bocca Tigris eight days earlier intended to stop British merchants from trading with China through the southern port of Canton. The Battle of Chuenpee set the stage for an armed conflict of a much larger scale between Britain and Da Qing, which became known as the First Opium War.
Selected bibliography: Dennys, N.B., King, Charles and Mayers, William Fred., The Treaty Ports of China and Japan: a complete Guide to the Open Ports of those Countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao, Hong Kong: A. Shortrede & Co., 1867. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 12, 1864, Notice #48; November 26, 1864, Notice #170. Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon for the Year 1863, 1866.Donaldson, Anson Scott (1931)
CM, MD (1907), McGill Univ.; LRCP, Edinburgh (1905); LMS, Glasgow (1905); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 8, 1931; address in Hong Kong: c/o The Canadian Pacific Steamships Co., Ltd. (1931).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1931, Notice #282.Dovey, Agnes Lilias Jenkins (1929-EOP)
(updated on August 3, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. (July 20, 1923); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1929 and continued until 1941, 13 years in total; Medical Department (1929); address in Hong Kong: c/o Dr. J.E. Dovey, #462 The Peak (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1929, Notice #242; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Drew, J.B. (1872-1901+)
(updated September 7, 2013) RN, Assistant Surgeon; Hong Kong nlt.1872. HKGov., acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital and Surgeon of the Lock Hospital (vice F.E. Scanlan, AMD) November 15, 1872. Chairman, Committee of Inquiry into the Adequacy of the Staff of the Medical Department of the Colony 1901.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 16, 1872, Notice #217.
Durran, John (1926-EOP)
(updated on September 4, 2013) Physician and ophthalmologist. MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. 1924. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 28, 1926 through EOP. Private practitioner, 1926-EOP, address: Alexandra Building 1926, 1941. Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, POW 1941-45; British Military Hospital (Bowen Road Hospital) 1942-45. Post-war whereabouts unknown.
Selected bibliography: Bowie, Donald C., Captive Surgeon in Hong Kong: The Story of the British Military Hospital, Hong Kong 1942-1945, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch, Vol. #15, 1975. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 28, 1926, Notice #299; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Dutta, Jotindranath (1922)
MBBS, Calcutta Univ. (April 1920); registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 10, 1922; address in Hong Kong: #29 Old Bailey Street (1922).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 10, 1922, Notice #68.Earle, Herbert Gastineau 安爾 (1917)
(updated on July 28, 2013) MB, Cambridge Univ. (September 4, 1913); medical missionary; registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 20, 1917; engaged by HKU (1917).
Husband of Audrey Mary Harrison Earle, medical missionary; father of Monica Beck, b. October 23, 1917, Hong Kong - d. Kuly 2, 2004, Goffstown, New Hampshire.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 20, 1917, Notice #297. / obit.phaneuf.net [internet].Edelmann, Iram (1939)
see Frommer, Iram (1939)
el Areulli, Hassan (1914-EOP)
(updated on August 2, 2013) MBBS Liverpool Univ. (July 6, 1912); LRCP, London; MRCS England; DHP, DTM, Liverpool; registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 17, 1914 and continued until 1941, 27 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #15A Kennedy Road (1914), #20 Des Voeux Road Central (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 17, 1914, Notice #264; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ellison, Mary (1940)
see King, Mary (1940)
Eng Tak, Richard 伍德元 (1940-1948+)
(updated August 15, 2013) LMS, Prince Edward Island Medical Council July 6, 1939. Registered to practice Hong Kong April 18, 1940. Private practitioner 1940-48+ [1], address: 6/F, China Building 1948. Residence: 3/F, #3 Man Chung Fong, Happy Valley 1940-41.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 19, 1940, Notice #448; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》Hong Kong Year Book.Engelhard, Leopold (1885-1886)
(updated August 20,2013) MD, Pennsylvania Univ. 1854. Registered to practice Hong Kong September 1, 1885 through 1886. Private practitioner 1885-86, address: Bank Building, Queen's Road 1885-86.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 5, 1885; May 6, 1886; May 7, 1887.Enok, Victor (1931)
MBBS, HKU (December 22, 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on December 30, 1931; address in Hong Kong: #23 Nadington Path (1931).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 31, Notice #851.Enomoto, Motoshige (1909)
MD, Tokio Univ. (December 19, 1906); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 7, 1909; address in Hong Kong: #15 Macdonnell Road (1909).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 7, 1909, Notice #279.Enscoe, John (1860-d.1863, HKG)
Edinburgh Univ. (1833); MRCS, England (1833); practiced medicine in San Francisco (1848-59), place of practice: #52 Montgomery Street; came to Hong Kong in 1860; resident surgeon, Seamen's Hospital (1860); died from cardiac arrest at the Hospital on August 30, 1863 [1].
[1] The date of death is per "The Treaty Ports of China" and "Japan and The Medical Times and Gazette"). "Europe in China" dates his death on September 30, 1863.
Selected bibliography: Bancroft, Hubert Howe, History of California, Vol. VI 1848-1859, San Francisco: the History Company, 1888. / Dennys, N.B., King, Charles and Mayers, William Fred., The Treaty Ports of China and Japan: a complete Guide to the Open Ports of those Countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao, Hong Kong: A. Shortrede & Co., 1867. / Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 40, Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1833. / Eitel, E.J., Europe in China, the History of Hongkong from the Beginning to the Year 1882, Hong Kong: Kelly & Walsh, 1895. / Langley, Henry G., San Francisco 1858 Business Guide, San Francisco, 1858. / Medical Register of the State of California (Revised for 1859), City and County of San Francisco. / The Medical Times and Gazette: a Journal of Medical Science, Literature, Criticism, and News, Volume II, Medical News, November 14, 1863, London: John Churchill & Sons, 1863. / Trask, John B. and Wooster, David (Ed.), Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. II, San Francisco, 1859.Esler, A.R. /1920s
Evans, George Morton (1934)
MBBS, New Zealand Univ. (February 25, 1927); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1934; address in Hong Kong: The Peak Hotel (1934).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 4, 1934, Notice #359.Fang Ching-wen 方敬文 (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 3, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 20, 1940); registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 1, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; Queen Mary Hospital (1940-EOP).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 2, 1940, Notice #134; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Fannin, Lewis Edwin (1919)
(updated on July 7, 2013) LRCP, LRCS, Ireland (November 5, 1898); registered to practice in Hong Kong on September 26, 1919; address in Hong Kong: Astor House Hotel (1919).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 26, 1919, Notice #449.Fawcett, Hugh Alderson (1928)
Noted Archaeologist and Collector;
d. January 11, 1982; University College, London; Captain, RAMC (1914-19); DPH (1920); DTMH (1928); MRCS; came to Hong Kong in or before 1928; Medical Officer in charge of a sexually-transmitted diseases clinic for men in Hong Kong; member of Sanitary Board (1928-30); noted archaeologist and collector [1]; publication: Diphtheria: Its Causation, Prevention and Investigation (April 1923).
[1] Fawcett compiled a collection of over 8,000 items of archaeological finds and artifacts from the British Isles, Europe, the Mediterranean, Far East and America. The collection was purchased by the City of Bristol Museum and Art Gallery in 1979.
Fehily, Lydia (1935-EOP)
(updated on August 3, 2013) MD, Vienna Univ.; State Medical Diploma, Japan (July 8, 1935); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 30, 1935 and continued until 1941, seven years in total; Inspector of Schools (May 25, 1939); address in Hong Kong: #23 Lyemoon Building, Kowloon (1935), c/o Dr. J.P. Fehily, #151 The Peak (1941).
Wife of Joseph Patrick Fehily.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 23, 1939, Appt. #500; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Fernando, Florentino Santos (1932)
MBBS, HKU (December 23, 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 6, 1932; address in Hong Kong: #2 Humphreys Avenue, Kowloon (1932).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 8, 1932, Notice #17.Fisher, John Charles (1880s)
Came to Hong Kong to practice medicine before 1884; objected to register (in accordance with Ordinance #6 of 1884 of April 5, 1884) and was allowed to continue to practice; address in Hong Kong: Glenealy (1884).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 3, 1884, Notice.Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald Gabbett (1923)
(updated on June 28, 2013) b.1878, Co. Kerry, Ireland - d.December 21, 1954, Penharbour. Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Eire; LRCP&SI; RAMC surgeon (1900); WWI (1914-1918); Mons retreat (1914); lieutenant-colonel (from the rank of major) (January 17, 1916); came to Hong Kong with his unit in 1922/23; member of Sanitary Board wef. April 13, 1923 for a 3-year term; member of Medical Board wef. May 1, 1923; temporary Medical Officer in Charge at Victoria Hospital wef. July 7, 1923; Assistant Director of Medical Services, India (1929-32); Colonel, Deputy Director, Medical Services at the Horse Guards, for the Eastern Command (1933-37); retired from Army (1937), last rank in retired list: major-general; honor: CB (1936), DSO (1917), HKS; publications: A Hospital in Tientsin, North China, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, Vol. #46 (1926).
Husband of Emily Gosselin, b.dt/unk.- d.March 25, 1964, Penharbour, Greystones, County Wicklow, Ireland.
Selected bibliography: The British Medical Journal, April 1, 1933, The Services; January 4, 1936, Medical New Year Honors; January 8, 1955, Medical News, Deaths. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 13, 1923, Appt. #158; May 11, 1923, Appt. #219. / Hong Kong Government Medical Report for the Year 1923. / Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives / Headstones at Christ Church, Delagany [internet]. / Liddell Hart Center for Military Archives, Survey of the Papers of Senior UK Defense Personnel, 1900-75. / Officers from Co. Kerry Ireland who Served in WWI: List by John MacGillycuddy, Annascaul 25 Jul 1917. / Supplement to the Edinburgh Gazette, 1/17/1916. / Supplement to the London Gazette, November 22, 1918, January 1, 1936. / Winter Catarrhs and Bronchitis, January 13, 1917, p.58.Fitzwilliams, Gerald Hall Lloyd (1909)
MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. (October 25, 1904); FRCS, Edinburgh; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 7, 1909; address in Hong Kong: The Peak Hotel (1909).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 7, 1909, Notice #279.Fok Wing-kai 霍永楷 (1940-1948+)
(updated on August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 19, 1939. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 10, 1940. Private practice: 1940-48+ [1], address 1: #1-3 O'Brien Road, Wanchai; address 2: #149-151 Sai Tai Street 西大街, Shau Kei Wan. Residence: #48, Bonham Road 1940-41.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Fok Wing-kan 霍永根 (1921-1948+)
(updated on August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU 1920. Registered to practice Hong Kong October 28, 1921. Tung Wah Hospital 1921. Private practitioner aft.1921-48+ [1], address: #36 Queen's Road Central 1941, 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 28, 1921, Notice #439; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Fong Joo-Khoon 方有均 (1941-EOP)
MBBS, HKU (May 1940); registered to practice in Hong Kong on August 7, 1941; address in Hong Kong: c/o Dr. C.C. Yong, Red House, Pokfulum Road (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, Agusut 8, 1941, Notice #950.Foo Chee-guan 符致遠 (1938-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) MBBS, HKU (June 13, 1938); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 22, 1938 and continued until 1941, four years in total.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 24, 1938, Notice #491; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ford, C. /1880s
Forster, Arthur Frost (1904)
LRCP, London (February 1, 1904); MRCS London (May 20, 1904); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 7, 1904; address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building (1904).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 8, 1904, Notice #483.Forsyth, Charles (1880s)
b. 1875 Neston, Cheshire, England - d. December 29, 1955; MBBS (August 11, 1898), DTM, MD, Edinburgh Univ.; FRCS, Edinburgh (1902); registered to practice in Hong Kong on (May 13, 1904); medical practice of Gregory Paul Jordan (1904); acting Assistant Health Officer of the Port (vice Fritz Grone, who was on leave) wef. September 12, 1910; lecturer in Pathology (from 1902), Pathology and Bacteriology, Midwifery and Gynaecology, HKCMC; one of the nine lecturers transferred from HKCMC to the Faculty of Medicine, HKU (1912); member of HKU Senate; club: Kowloon Cricket Club, including a presidency (1910-23); address in Hong Kong: The Grove, MacDonnell Road (1904).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 13, 1904, Notice #359; September 16, 1910, Appt. #287.Fowler, John Bucknill (1896)
MRCS, England (1886); Licentiate, Society of Apothecaries, London (1886); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 23, 1896; address in Hong Kong: Hong Kong Hotel (1896).
Reference: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 27, 1896, Notice #235.Franklin, Arthur C. (1909)
d.1933; person in charge of Apothecary at Government Civil Hospital; lecturer in Chemistry, HKCMC (1909-12); one of the nine lecturers transferred from HKCMC to the Faculty of Medicine, HKU (1912); lecturer in Chemistry, HKU (1912-18); member of HKU Senate (1912).
Fraser, Gladys Maude (1924)
MBBS, Birmingham Univ. (1916); registered to practice in Hong Kong May 2, 1924; address in Hong Kong: #12 Broadwood Road (1924).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 2, 1924, Notice #238.Fraser, Jack (1941)
(updated September 4, 2013) Ophthalmologist. Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, POW 1941-45; British Military Hospital (Bowen Road Hospital) 1942-45. Post-war whereabouts unknown.
Selected bibliography: Bowie, Donald C., Captive Surgeon in Hong Kong: The Story of the British Military Hospital, Hong Kong 1942-1945, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch, Vol. #15, 1975..Fraser, Norman (1941)
(updated September 4, 2013) Dentist. Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, POW 1941-45; British Military Hospital (Bowen Road Hospital) 1942-45. Post-war whereabouts unknown.
Selected bibliography: Bowie, Donald C., Captive Surgeon in Hong Kong: The Story of the British Military Hospital, Hong Kong 1942-1945, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch, Vol. #15, 1975.Frommer, Iram (nee Edelmann) (1939)
MD, Bologna Univ., Italy (July 3, 1937); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 25, 1939 and continued until 1941, three years in total; resident, Canossian Hospital (1939); Lady Medical Officer for Schools, Medical Department wef. May 2, 1941; Inspector of Schools wef. May 2, 1941; address in Hong Kong : 1/F, #36, Hillwood Road, Kowloon (1939).
Wife of Jean Eugene Frommer.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 27, 1939, Notice #994; May 9, 1941, Appt. #552.Frommer, Jean Eugene (1939-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) MD, Pisa Univ., Italy (November 17, 1934); registered to practice in Hong Kong on August 17, 1939 and continued until 1941, three years in total; address in Hong Kong: c/o Mrs. Frommer, Canossian Hospital, #36, Caine Road (1939), 1/F, #80 Nathan Road, Kowloon (1941).
Husband of Iram Frommer.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 18, 1939, Notice #679; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Fung, Arthur (1931-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) LMS, Ireland (April 2, 1927); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 22, 1931 and continued until 1941, 11 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #772 Nathan Road (1931), #33 Jordan Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 23, 1931, Notice #677; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Fung Fa-lun 馮化麟 (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) LRCP, LRCS, Edinburgh (1939); LMS, Glasgow (1939); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; address in Hong Kong: #91 Caine Road (1940), 1/F, #25 Ventris Road (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Galbraith, Dorothy Evaleen (1925)
MRCS, England (1924); LRCP, London(1924); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 8, 1925; Nethesole Hospital (1925).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1925, Notice #265.Gale, Daisy Annabella Murdoc (1905)
(updated on July 14, 2013) b.1875-d.1930; MBBS (July 1900), MD (1912), Glasgow Univ.; registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 18, 1905; acting Secretary of Sanitary Board wef. July 18, 1917; acting Medical Officer of Health wef. October 1, 1917 (vice Wilfred William Pearse) and again in 1918; publication: Some Points in the Epidemiology of an Outbreak of Cerebro-Spinal Fever in Hong Kong, 1918, Journal of Hygiene (November 1921).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 20, 1905, Notice #700; July 20, 1917, Appt. #325; October 5, 1917, Appt. #445.Gawler, Douglas Reginald (1924)
MBBS, Oxford Univ. (1924); registered to practice in Hong Kong on November 7, 1924; Drs. Harston, Black, Balean & Kosh (1924).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 7, 1924, Notice #620.Gell, George H. (1930s)
Came to Hong Kong in the 1930s; Government Civil Hospital (1930s).
Selected bibliography: Janus: Jardine Matheson Archive [internet].Gerlach, Johann Gerhard Heinrich (1884-91+)
(updated August 27, 2013) Prussian State License 1868. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 3, 1884. Private Practitioner 1884- . Founding Committee, HKCMC 1887. Lecturer in Materia Medica and Therapeutics, HKCMC 1887-91. Residence: #1 Alexandra Terrace 1884-89.
[Gerlach was one of the first nine doctors who registered as medical practitioners in Hong Kong immediately following the enactment of the "Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884" that required all doctors to be licensed before they could treat patients for monetary reward.]
Gerrard, William Innes (1929-EOP)
(updated on July 25, 2013) MBBS (1909), DPH (1911), MD (1924), Aberdeen Univ.; MRCP, London (1925); registered to practice in Hong Kong on March 18, 1936 and continued until 1941, six years in total; Honorary Visiting Physician to the Government Civil Hospital wef. October 10, 1929; Professor of Medicine, HKU (1929-39); Dean, Faculty of Medicine, HKU (vice L.T. Ride) (1933); honor: Order of St. Anne, 3rd Class, Russia (November 18, 1915); OBE (1930); CBE Military (June 14, 1945); Chinese Order of the Brilliant Jade (ROC); Emeritus Professor, HKU (1950).
Selected bibliography: Dix Noonan Webb [internet]. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 24, 1930, Appt. #50; March 20, 1936, Notice #285; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. / Naval History #29373: November 19, 1915 [internet]. / Supplement to the London Gazette, January 1, 1930; June 14, 1945.Gibson, Robert McLean (1887-1935)
(updated on July 20, 2013) b.1870, Scotland – d. June 30, 1936, Port Said, Egypt; MB, CM (October 24, 1896), MD (1900), Edinburgh Univ.; FRCS, Edinburgh (1912); LMSoc. doctor, sent to Hong Kong in 1897; Medical Superintendent, Alice Memorial Hospital (1897-1918); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 6, 1904; Medical Superintendent, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (1926-35); held following offices at HKCMC: Treasurer and Secretary (1909-15), Director of Studies (1902-09); lecturer in Anatomy (1902-12), Clinical Surgery (1909-12), Physiology (1899-1901), Practice of Medicine (1903-05), HKCMC; life member of HKU Court since 1911; life-long member of BMA; retired in 1935, and left Hong Kong on May 4, 1935; died from heart failure at Port Said on June 30, 1936 while returning from England to Hong Kong where he had planned to live on pension; honor: naming of Gibson Ward, Nethersole Hospital (1935); MBE (1936); R.M. Gibson Medal since 1965 [1]; address in Hong Kong: #2 Fairview, Robinson Road (1904), #4 Albany (1921)
[1] In 1965, in honor of Gibson's long and dedicated service, Dr. T.Y. Li of HKU presented the R.M. Gibson Gold Medal for award to the student gaining the best result in Paediatrics.
Selected bibliography: The British Medical Journal, July 18, 1936, p.156, Obituary. / The China Mail. April 25, 1935, p.8, Tribute to Work of Dr. Gibson. / Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. / The Hong Kong Daily Press, April 25, 1935, p.7, Tribute to Dr. Gibson; January 3, 1936, p.6, Local Medical Men Honored. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1904, Notice #341. / The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, July 3, 1936, p.9, Dr. R.M. Gibson. / Supplement of the London Gazette, January 1, 1936, p.14.Gilbert, J. (1840s)
Surgeon; private practitioner in the 1840s, place of practice: Queen's Road; employed a Antonio da Silva
Gill, Donald Hope (1934)
MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. (December 28, 1932); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 14, 1934; address in Hong Kong: #80 Nathan Road (1934).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 15, 1934, Notice #471.Gill, Ralph Skin (1923)
Dental Surgeon; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1923
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 13, 1923, Notice #315.Gilmore, R.T. /1890s
Glaister, Joseph (1915)
MBBS, Glasgow Univ. July 19, 1905; DPH, Cambridge Univ.; registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 18, 1915; address in Hong Kong 1915: Hong Kong Hotel
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 18, 1915, Notice #269.Goh Kok-aun 吳國安 (1940-1948+)
(updated August 5, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 8, 1940. Registered to practice Hong Kong February 1, 1940. Private practitioner 1940-48+ [1], address: 1/F, #267 Hennessy Road 1948. Residence: #2 Yik Kwan Avenue, Causeway 1940-41.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 2, 1940, Notice #134; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Gomes, Antonio Simplieio (1884)
(updated August 20, 2013) MRCS, LM, England 1867. LRCP, Edinburgh 1867. LMS, Glasgow 1867. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 3, 1884. Residence, address 1: Elgin Terrace 1884; address 2: Seymour Road 1887; address 3: Upper Mosque Terrace 1891; address 4: Lena Cottage 1892..
[Gomes was one of the first nine doctors who registered as medical practitioners in Hong Kong immediately following the enactment of the "Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884" that required all doctors to be licensed before they could treat patients for monetary reward.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 3, 1884; May 7, 1887.Gosano, Eduardo Liberato (1938-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 21, 1936); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 27, 1938 and continued until 1941, four years in total; address in Hong Kong: #11 Soares Avenue, Homuntin (1938-EOP).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1938, Notice #77; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Gourdin, Allston (1930-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 14, 1928); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 9, 1930 and continued until 1941, 12 years in total; address in Hong Kong: Kayamally Building (1930-EOP).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Gray, John Macfarlane (1941-EOP)
LRCP, LRCS, Ireland; LM, Rot.; DPH, Dublin; Health Officer for Schools, Medical Department; Inspector of Schools, wef. May 2, 1941
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1941, Appt. #552.Greaves, Aubrey Vernon /1930s
Gregg, A.
Griffith, G.V.A. (1930)
(updated September 8, 2013) MBBS. BAO. Hong Kong nlt.1930. HKGov., Medical Officer 1930.
Selected bibliography: The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertised, September 24, 1930, p.5..Grone (Grove), Friedrich Pieree (1904)
MRCS, England, LRCP, London August 2, 1901; registered to practice in Hong Kong on December 28, 1904; address in Hong Kong: Glenwood, Caine Road 1904; Alexandra Building 1921
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 30, 1904, Notice #899.Gung, Edward Basil (1936-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) MCPSA (September 9, 1926); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 8, 1936 and continued until 1941, six years in total; address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #30 Village Road, Happy Valley (1936).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1936, Notice #428; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Guterres, Antonio Paulo (1929-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) MBBS, HKU (June 25, 1929); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 17, 1929 and continued until 1941, 13 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #92 Catchick Street, Kennedy Town (1929), 3/F Chung Tin Building (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 10, 1929, Notice #373; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Guzdar, Jamshed Sorah (1930-d.1939, HKG)
(updated September 8, 2013) MBBS (HK) 1926. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 9, 1930. Private practitioner 1930-39, address: China Building 1930. Assistant in Pathology, HKU 1932-38. Publications: Scarlatina Immunity in Hong Kong, 1935, co-authors - L.J. Davis and F.S. Fernando.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987.The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296. The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertised, September 24, 1930, p.5.Ha Yut-wah 夏日華 (1939-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 15, 1938); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 26, 1939 and continued until 1941, three years in total; address in Hong Kong: 2/F, $58 Gloucester Road (1939).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Hager, Charles R. /1880s
Hall-Wright, Francis (1904)
LRCP, LRCS, Edinburgh April 20, 1893; LMS, Glasgow; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 6, 1904;
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1904, Notice #341.Haobing, Martha /1930s
Hara, Suegoro (1926-1941)
(updated on August 5, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Imperial Kyushu Univ., Japan (1911); registered to practice in Hong Kong on April 16, 1926 and continued until 1941, 16 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #25, Kennedy Road (1926), #10 Ashley Road, Kowloon (1941).
[Suegoro Hara and Martin Peter Motoi Itoh were the only Japanese doctors to have stayed in Hong Kong right to the threshold of the Japanese invasion. It is believed that they left Hong Kong with other Japanese residents following the mandatory evacuation ordered by the Japanese Government.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 16, 1926, Notice #200; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Hargreaves, George McNeill (1935)
(updated September 8, 2013) MBBS (Edin.), MRCP (Edin.), DPH (Eng.), DOMS. Health Officer for Schools. Lecturer in Ophthalmology, HKU 1935-38.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987..Harland, William A. /1840s*
Harrison, Gerald Fairland (1938-1946)
(updated September 5, 2013) b. January 4, 1906, Siakot, India - d. June 1, 1963, London. MBBS London Univ. 1929. MRCP, London 1947. RAMC, Lieutenant January 30, 1929; Herbert Prize 1930; Captain July 30, 1932; Leishman Prize 1937; Major 1939; Hong Kong 1938; Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, POW 1941-45; physician, British Military Hospital (Bowen Road Hospital) 1942-45; dept. Hong Kong ca.1946; Lieutenant-Colonel June 30, 1946; retired May 30, 1949, ill-health. Honor: MBE June 1946; FRS [need further verifications].
s/o L.W. Harrison.
Selected bibliography: Bowie, Donald C., Captive Surgeon in Hong Kong: The Story of the British Military Hospital, Hong Kong 1942-1945, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch, Vol. #15, 1975. The British Medical Journal, January 29, 1944, p.159, Correspondence, The Prisoner-of-War Mentality. The London Gazette, July 14, 1933, p.4720. Supplement to the London Gazette, July 2, 1946, p.3362Harston, George Montagu (1904)
(updated on July 8, 2013) b.1873-d.1934, London; MB 1904, MD 1906, London Univ.; LM; MOSUK 1910; MRCS, LRCP, London; DO, Oxford Univ. 1914; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 6, 1904; address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building and Conduit Road 1904, Union Building 1921; private practitioner; Honorary Ophthalmic Surgeon, Tung Wah Hospital 1908; named partner in the private practice of Stedman, Reinnie and Harston; President, HKBMA 1907-08; member of Medical Board, held the office of acting Secretary of Medical Board wef. April 6, 1909; lecturer in Midwifery and Diseases of Women 1898-1902, Pathology and Materia Medica, examiner in Materia Medica and Therapeutics, HKCMC; Hong Kong Representative 1931, Member of the General Committee 1931, British Journal of Ophthalmology; President of Royal Society of St. George, Hong Kong 1925-2); club: Hong Kong Club
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1904, Notice #341; April 8, 1909, Appt. #219.
Hartigan, William M. (1884)
(updated September 5, 2013) Licentiate and member of KQCPI. LM, KQCPI. LRCS, Ireland July 12, 1876. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 3, 1884. Honorary Secretary, Medical Board 1884-92. Residence: The Hermitage, Victoria 1884.
[Hartigan was one of the first nine doctors who registered as medical practitioners in Hong Kong immediately following the enactment of the "Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884" that required all doctors to be licensed before they could treat patients for monetary reward.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 10, 1884, Notice #129; May 3, 1884, Notice.Hartley, John Whittam (1904)
(updated on June 30, 2013) b. January 10, 1882, Burnley, Lancashire – d.dt/unk; MBBS, Owens College (later Victoria Univ. of Manchester) 1904; came to Hong Kong in 1904 and worked as a government doctor; temporary assistant Surgeon in the Medical Department wef. October 4, 1906; Surgeon-Lieutenant, HKVDC wef. August 21, 1907; Medical Officer at Kowloon, wef. October 15, 1909; acting assistant Medical Officer of Health (vice Wilfred W. Pearse) wef. April 10, 1911; Official Justice of the Peace 1912; lecturer in Fevers, HKCMC 1909-12
[There was a Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve pilot, LAC (Leading Aircraftman) Denis Michael Whittam Hartley (b.1921 - d. April 10, 1941) who died in war at the age of 19. His parents were John Whittam Hartley and Eva Althea Hartley. I wonder if this was our Hartley. LAC Hartley was buried in Berkshire, which obviously was far away from Burnley.]
Selected bibliography: Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. / Fiddes, Edward (Ed.), The Victoria University of Manchester: Register of Graduates up to July 1, 1908, Manchester: Sherratt and Hughes, 1908. / flickr.com › Leading Airaftman Denis Michael Whittam Hartley by red-eye [internet]. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 5, 1906, Appt. #836; August 23, 1907, Appt. #549; October 22, 1909, Appt. #663; May 12, 1911, Appt. #145.Heanley, Charles Montague 韓義理 (1909)
An acclaimed Geologist
(updated on June 30, 2013) b.1877-d.1970; MBBS, London Univ. November 9, 1900; MRCS, London; LRCP, London; pathologist and bacteriologist; registered to practice in Hong Kong on December 3, 1909; address in Hong Kong: Astor House Hotel 1909, Pokfulam Road 1921; lecturer in Practical Anatomy, HKCMC 1908-09; acclaimed amateur geologist, anthropologist and archaeologist [1]; publications: Notes on Some Fossiliferous Rocks near Hong Kong, Bulletin of the Geological Society of China, Vol. #3, Issue #1, March 1924; Hong Kong Celts, Bulletin of the Geological Society of China, Vol. #7, Issue #3-4, September 1928.
[1] Heanley was credited for his 1920s discovery of ammonites on the north side of the Tolo Channel. These were the first invertebrate fossils to be found in Hong Kong.
Selected bibliography: Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 3, 1909, Notice #778. / Royal Anthropological Institute / Census of British Anthropologists [internet]. / Wang Hongzhen (Ed.), Comparative Planetology, Geological Education, History of Geology, Zeist, The Netherlands: VSP BV, 1997.Heffernan, [ ] (1867)
(updated August 31, 2013) AMD, surgeon; Hong Kong nlt.1867; Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals and Principal Military Medical Officer, Hong Kong 1867-68.
Selected bibliography: Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon 1867.Henderson, James Orr (1864)
(updated August 30, 2013) Hong Kong nlt.1864. HKGov., Health Officer and Surgeon, Stone Cutters' Island Convict Hulk (vice John Dollman, new appointment Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital) November 22, 1864 - 1868, resigned.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 26, 1864, Notice #170; April 25, 1868, Notice #47.Heng, William 王偉禮 (1938-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) MBBS, HKU (January 12, 1938); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 27, 1938 and continued until 1941, four years in total; Queen Mary Hospital (1938)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 28, 1938, Notice #77; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Herklots, Geoffrey Alton Craig /1930s
Hickling, Alice Deborah (1904)
see Sibree, Alice Deborah (1904)
Hill, George Birnie (1869)
(updated August 31, 2013) RN, surgeon; Staff Surgeon, HMS Melville October 1868; Hong Kong 1868.
[Hill gave John Ivor Murray, Colonial Surgeon, a tally relative to the prevalence of syphilis among the ships of war in Hong Kong for the year 1868. According to his findings, there were 81 primary cases and 35 secondary cases; most of them were probably contracted in Japan for the period, and none in Hong Kong since October 1868 (no data for the period between January and September 1868).]
Selected bibliography: Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon for the Year 1868.Hiptoola, Fezally (1935)
MBBS, HKU (December 27, 1934); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 10, 1935; address in Hong Kong: #20 Stanley Street (1935).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 11, 1935, Notice #28.Hirschberg, Henry Julius (1847-1853)
b.1814, Prussian part of Poland - d.1874, England; Jewish convert who became a LMSoc doctor; sent to Hong Kong July 1847; London Medical Missionary Society Hospital between 1847-53; LMSoc mission in Amoy 1853; retired to England due to ill health 1858
Ho Chang (1922)
MBBS, HKU (January 16, 1922); registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 17, 1922
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 17, 1922, Notice #83.Ho Chee-wing (1927)
MBBS, HKU (19xx); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 6, 1927; address in Hong Kong: China Building (1927).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1927, Notice #273.Ho Hung-chiu 何鴻超 (1941-EOP)
(updated on August 5,2013) MBBS, HKU (June 18, 1940); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 9, 1941; address in Hong Kong: c/o (Mrs.) H.C. Ho, #99 Robinson Road (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ho Kai /1850s
Ho Ko-tsun 何高俊 (1901)
b.1878-d.unk.; Christian; graduate of queen's college; L.M.S.C.C., HKCMC 1901; receipent of Belilios award; acting house surgeon, Tung Wah Hospital 1901-02; Hong Kong's first laboratory assistant to the Government Bacteriologist 1902-03, working under Hong Kong’s first Government Bacteriologist, William Hunter; resident surgeon, Nethersole and Ho Miu Ling Hospitals 1903-06; Medical Officer, Chinese Public Dispensary, East Distrcit (located in Wanchai); later private practice; lecturer, osteology and surgery, HKCMC; inaugural Chairman, Yeung Wo Nursing Home, the forerunner of Hong Kong Sanitarium 1922; listed in 1910 as active member, Guangdong Medical Gongjinhui 廣東醫學共進會, the medical branch of a republican movement group founded in Tokyo in 1905; Deputy Director of Public Health, Guangzhou 1911; president, Tai Yuk School; founding member, Hong Kong Chinese Swimming Association 香港華人游泳會 1910; publications: "A Treatise on First Aid to the Wounded", "Simple Remedies in varous Emergencies", "Reasons why Guangdong Government Banned Medical Services", China Medical Journal, March 1913 (all three in Chinese); father of Ho Chung-chung, Ph.D. 何中中, who founded the True Light Middle School of Hong Kong 香港真光中學 1946, principal
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Ho Nai-hop |
The First Government Medical Officer For The New Territory;
alias Ho Lok-kum; Queen's College 1894; LMSH, HKCMC 1898; government Medical Officer in charge of the New Territory 1898 (based in Tai Po, assisting John Christopher Thomson, the Government Medical Officer and his tutor at the medical college); private practice from 1903; surgeon, Hong Kong Milling Co., Ltd.
Ho Nai-tsun 何乃全 /1910s
Ho Shai-chuen 何世全 (1919)
LSA, London April 16, 1918; registered to practice in Hong Kong on August 8, 1919; address in Hong Kong: #10 Caine Road 1919, Kennedy Road 1921
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, Agust 8, 1919, Notice #363.Ho Suk-yee 何叔彝 (1935-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 28, 1935); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 12, 1935 and continued until 1941, seven years in total; address in Hong Kong: 2/F, #113 Wellington Street (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 14, 1935, Notice #476; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.
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Eva Ho-tung |
The First Woman Graduate in Medicine, HKU.
(updated August 16, 2013) Alias 何綺華. Diocesan Girls' School. MBBS (HK) 1927, LM, DTMH (Lond.), DGO (Dublin) 1928, MRCPI. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 28, 1927. Assistant in Obstetrics and Gynecology, HKU 1937-38. Red Cross Medical Relief Corps in China, commanded a unit in the field during the Pacific War. Private practitioner 1948- , address: 1/F, Bank of East Asia Building, Central. Residence: #162 The Peak 1927.
d/o Robert Ho-tung and Clara Lin-kok Cheung.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 28, 1927, Notice #41; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》Hong Kong Year Book.Hoashoo, Singcha (1913)
LMS, Edinburgh and Glasgow October 17, 1911; FRCS, Ireland; registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 24, 1913; address in Hong Kong 1913: #243 Des Voeux Road
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 24, 1913, Notice #338.Hoashoo, Yit-hou (1921-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. July 1915; registered to practice in Hong Kong on Februray 4, 1921 and continued until 1941, 21 years in total; engaged by Hackett Medical College, Canton in 1921; address in Hong Kong: #2 Queen's Road Central 1921
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 4, 1921, Notice #45; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Hobson, Benjamin /1840s*
Hobson, Hugh George (1909)
MRCS,Englnd April 24, 1907; LRCP, London; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 7, 1909; address in Hong Kong 1909: Robinson Road
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 7, 1909, Notice #279.Hoch, Karl (1907-1923)
(updated August 26, 2013) MD, Kiel Univ., Germany May 7, 1904. Registered to practice Hong Kong April 15, 1907. Private Practitioner, Drs. Muller and Justi 1907, address: #16 Queen's Road. Removed from the Medical Register by the government February 15, 1923 [1]. Residence: Hotel Mansions 1907.
[1] The following doctors were removed from the Medical Registered by the government in February 1923 on the ground that they had not practiced for more than three months during the five year immediately preceding the enactment of the Medical Registration Amendment Ordinance, 1923; and they were: Karl Hoch, Carol Justi, Oskar Muller, Kurt Otto Herman Walther and Theodor van Wesel, all German nationals.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 19, 1907, Notice #282; March 2, 1923, Notice #88. Smith, Carl T., The German Speaking Community in Hong Kong 1846-1918, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch, Vol.34,, 1994.Holgate, Henry /1840s*
Home, [ ] (1863)
(updated August 31, 2013) AMD, surgeon; Hong Kong nlt.1863; Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals and Principal Military Medical Officer, Hong Kong 1863.
Selected bibliography: Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon for the Year 1867.Home, William
Honeywell, L.J. /1930s
Hsiu Shih-tse 修世澤 (1929)
(updated September 8, 2013) MBBS (HK) January 10, 1928. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 10, 1929. Assistant in Surgery, HKU 1930-33.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1929, Notice #242.Hsu Shih-doh, Theodore 許世鐸 (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) LRCP, Edinburgh (1938); LRCS, Edinburgh (1938); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 25, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; address in Hong Kong: #778 Nathan Road, Kowloon (1940), #30B Nathan Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 26, 1940, Notice #112; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Hua Tse-jen 華則仁 (1927-1968+)
(updated August 17, 2013) b. February 2, 1901, Tientsin. Nankai High School 天津南開中學. Read mining at Nankai College 南開大學. Matriculated at HKU as a Hopei Provincial Scholar. MBBS, HKU December 1927. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 10, 1929 through 1937. HKU, Resident physician in several hospitals 1927-29. Medical Officer, Kailan Mining Administration in Tientsin 天津開灤礦務局 1929-37. Unit 2, League of Nations Medical Service, served in the interior of China 1937. Medical Superintendent, Lai Chi Kok Hospital 1938. Medical Superintendent, Kwong Wah Hospital 1940. Private practitioner 1948-68+, address 1: #19 Waterloo Road, Kowloon; address 2: 1/F, #510 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1968. Nursing Board wef. April 8, 1940 (vice Agnes Lilias Jenkins Dovey, resigned) through EOP. Volunteer works before and during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong 1941-45 [1]. President, HKCMA 1949-50. President, HKBMA 1951-52. Founding member of Anti-tuberculosis Association. Founder of Society of Boys’ Centers 香港扶幼會 1953. Founding member of Kowloon Rotary Club. Honor: OBE 1946; Hon.LLD, HKU 1968.
[1] Hua had provided free medical services at a number of refugee camps opened in Hong Kong prior to the fall of Hong Kong. He had assisted many internees during the Japanese occupation, and was imprisoned for a while by the Japanese for keeping a store of food and other supplies to be smuggled in the POW camps for the internees.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1929, Notice #242; May 7, 1937, Notice #321.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Hughes, G.A. (1901)
(updated September 7, 2013) MB. MCh. Hong Kong nlt.1901. Member, Committee of Inquiry into the Adequacy of the Staff of the Medical Department of the Colony 1901.
Selected bibliography: .Hui Luk-yip 許綠葉 (1934)
MBBS, HKU (January 12, 1934); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 25, 1934; Government Civil Hospital (1934).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 26, 1934, Notice #64.Humphreys, John David /1850s
Hung Men-sau 洪明修 (1938)
Igakushi (MB), Nihon Medical Special College, Japan (July 26, 1919); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 20, 1938; address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #1 Yu Chow Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon (1938).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 22, 1938, Notice #559.Hungerford R. (1883)
AMD, Deputy Surgeon General 1883.
Selected bibliography: Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon for the Year 1883.Hunt, Arthur /1850s
Hunter, L.O. /1930s
Hunter, William (1901-d.1909, HKG)
The First Government Bacteriologist
(updated on June 30, 2013) b. May 25, 1875, Banffshire, Scotland – d.1909, Hong Kong; MB, CM. (most distinguished Medical Graduate), Aberdeen Univ. 1897; Leipzig Univ., Berlin Univ., Germany; FRIPH, London; member of BMA; member of Neurological and Physiological Societies of Great Britain; Laboratory Assistant, Pathological Department, Aberdeen Univ. 1897; Clinical Assistant, National Hospital for Paralyzed and Epileptic, London 1899-1901; Laboratory Assistant, Neuropathslogical Laboratory, King's College, London 1900; Assistant Bacteriologist, London Hospital 1900-01; Director of Pathological Institute, London Hospital 1901; came to Hong Kong in 1901; Government Bacteriologist, Director of Bacteriological Institute, and Medical Officer in charge of the Government Public Mortuary 1901-1909; lecturer in Pathology and Bacteriology, HKCMC; club: Hong Kong Club; died suddenly on June 9, 1909, buried at the Hong Kong Cemetery in Happy Valley; son of the Rev. William H. Hunter
Hunter Hoahing, Martha 何顯 (1928-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) Probably born in British Guiana (ca.1890); later moved to Singapore; LRCS, Edinburgh (1916); LMS, Glasgow (1916); practiced in Singapore in the 1920s; registered to practice in Hong Kong on April 14, 1928 and continued until 1941, 14 years in total; Honorary Secretary and Treasurer of HKCMA (1933); address in Hong Kong: St. George Hotel, Kennedy Road (1928).
Sister of Rachel Hunter Hoahing, who married Singapore doctor Wee Hiap Tock in 1922.
Selected bibliography: British Guiana Colonists Index “A” [internet]. / The British Medical Journal, April 19, 1913, Public Health. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 20, Notice #214; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Im U-lun 嚴汝麟 /1910s
Ing Moeuy-chun 吳君嬍 (1934-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) LMS, Novia Scotia, P.M. Board (1932); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 18, 1934 and continued until 1941, eight years in total; address in Hong Kong: #13 Hillwood Road, Kowloon (1934), 2/F, #63 Des Voeux Road Central (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 19, 1934, Notice #4; May 9, 1941, Notice #5581.Ip Ching-yu 葉靜宇 (1934-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 25, 1934); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 14, 1934 and continued until 1941, eight years in total; address in Hong Kong: #51 Conduit Road (1934-EOP).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 15, 1934, Notice #471; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ip Kam-wah 葉錦華 (1921-1948+)
(updated on August 18, 2013) Name variations: Ip Kam-wa. MBBS, HKU December 1920. Registered to practice Hong Kong February 4, 1921. Private practitioner 1921-48+ [1], address 1: #514 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941; address 2: #516 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1948. Founder, proprietor and head physician, Kam Wah Sanatorium 錦華療養院 [n.d.]-1968. President, HKCMA 1935-36. Residence: #44 Pokfulam Road 1921.
fa/o Dr. Ip Yee 葉義 [2].
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
[2] Ip Yee matriculated at HKU but discontinued in 1941 due to the Japanese invasion. He studied under the National Shanghai Medical College in free China in Chungking from1942 and received MBBS from HKU (ex. Emergency Committee) on March 22, 1946. After completing advanced studies in the UK, he returned to Hong Kong in around 1953 and started a private practice (#5 Homuntin Hill Road, Kowloon 1960s). He was an acclaimed collector of bamboo carving artifacts and bequeathed over 200 pieces of important artifacts in his collection to the Hong Kong Museum of Art. He died in 1984.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 4, 1921, Notice #45; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Ip Kung-chiu 葉孔昭 (1939-EOP)
(updated on August 6, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 19, 1938); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 26, 1939 and continued until 1941, three years in total; address in Hong Kong: #51 Conduit Road (1939-EOP).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ishimitsu Kaoru 石光[ ] (1922)
MB, Medical College, Tokyo Imperial Univ. (1920); registered to practice in Hong Kong on September 29, 1922; Majima Hospital, #151 Wanchai Road (1922)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 29, 1922, Notice #403.Itoh, Martin Peter Motoi (1938-1941)
(updated on August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 4, 1938. Registered to practice Hong Kong February 24, 1938. Private Practitioner 1938-41. Majima Hospital 1941. Residence: #2 Calder Path 1938.
[Suegoro Hara and Martin Peter Motoi Itoh were the only Japanese doctors to have stayed in Hong Kong right to the threshold of the Japanese invasion. It is believed that they left Hong Kong with other Japanese residents following the mandatory evacuation ordered by the Japanese Government.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 25, 1938, Notice #170; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Jackson, Charles Anthony (1941-EOP)
MRCS, England (1939); LRCP, London (1939); MBBS, London Univ. (1939); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 18, 1941; HMS Tamar, Royal Naval Dockyard (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 24, 1941, Notice #1268.James, M.E.R. /1890s
Jap Boon-koey 葉文貴 (1932)
MBBS, HKU (January 5, 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1932; address in Hong Kong: #16 Robinson Road (1932).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1932, Notice #282.Jeu Hawk 趙學/1900s*
Johnson, John Taylor Connell (1912)
FRCS; Principal Civil Medical Officer from 1912 to 1924
Selected bibliography: Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences Society, Plague, Sars, and the Story of Medicine in Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2006, p.338.Jones, Edward E. /1900s*
Jones, Richard /1840s
![]() |
Gregory P. Jordan |
(updated August 27, 2013) b. February 6, 1858, Calcutta – d. December 4, 1921, London. Edinburgh Univ., MB August 2, 1880; CM October 21, 1884. Studied in Vienna and Paris, and at St. Thomas’s Hospital. Registered to practice Hong Kong June 6, 1885. Private practitioner, name partner, Drs. Adams and Jordan 1885-89+, address: Pedder Street 1885-89 (the practice would evolve into Drs. Anderson & Partners); principal partner, Drs. Jordan, Forsyth, Grove & Aubrey 1921-24+, address: Alexandra Building 1921-24+. HKGov., Provisional Health Officer of the Port and Inspector of Immigrants (vice William Stanley Adams, resigned) May 1, 1888; Surgeon-Superintendent of Police ca.1914-18. Consulting Surgeon, Alice Memorial Hospital. HKBMA, co-founder and inaugural Secretary September 1886. HKCMC, member of Founding Committee 1887; lecturer in Eye Diseases 1903-12; head of Surgical Department 1889-96. HKU, first Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1913-21; first professor, Tropical Medicine 1915-21; acting Chancellor 1918-12; life member of University Court since 1911; University Senate 1912. Freemasony: first Grand Master, District Grand Lodge, Hong Kong and South China November 3, 1904 - 1921. Club: Hong Kong Club. Residence: #36 Caine Road 1885-1888+. Left Hong Kong for England due to ill-health 1921. Honor: Hon.LLD, HKU 1921; naming of Jordan Road in Kowloon [1].
[Jordan was the nephew of Paul Chater, Hong Kong’s first property tycoon.]
[1] Six Street and Gascoigne Road South was renamed Jordan Road on March 19, 1909. Gascoigne Road 加士居道 is named after Major-General William Julius Gascoigne, Commander of British Troops in China and Hong Kong and Hong Kong's last Lieutenant Governor 1898-1902.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 6, 1885, Notice; March 19, 1909, Notice #184; June 2, 1911, Appt. #163. Mellor, Bernard, Lugard in Hong Kong: Empire, Education and A Governor at Work, 1907-1912, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1992.Justi, Carol (1904-1923)
(updated August 26, 2013) MD, Marburg Univ., Germany October 21, 1897. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 6, 1904. Private practitioner, named partner of Drs. Muller and Justi 1904, address: #16 Queen's Road. Removed from the Medical Register by the government on February 15, 1923 [1]. Residence: Fairview, #3 Robinson Road.
[1] The following doctors were removed from the Medical Registered by the government in February 1923 on the ground that they had not practiced for more than three months during the five year immediately preceding the enactment of the Medical Registration Amendment Ordinance, 1923; and they were: Karl Hoch, Carol Justi, Oskar Muller, Kurt Otto Herman Walther and Theodor van Wesel, all German nationals.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1904, Notice #341; March 2, 1923, Notice #88.Kan Lai-to 簡禮陶 (1938-1948+)
(updated on August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 6, 1938. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 20, 1938. Queen Mary Hospital 1938. Private practitioner aft.1938-48+ [1], address 1: 1/F, #160 Jaffe Road 194; address 2: 1/F, #180 Queen's Road Central 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 21, 1938, Notice #64; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Kane, W (1861)
(updated August 29, 2013) Member, Committee of the International Exhibition, London, 1862 [1] June 17, 1861. HKVDC, one of the first elected officers 1862. Depart Hong Kong 1867. A Freemason.
[1] Also known as the Crystal Palace Exhibition. The committee was made up of John Ivor Murray, J.J. Mackenzie, J.D. Gibb, W. Walkinshaw and W. Kane.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 22, 1861, Notice #70.Karanjia, Navel Pestonji (1932-EOP)
(updated on August 6, 2013) MBBS, HKU (1932); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1932 and continued until 1941, 10 years in total; Government Civil Hospital (1932); address in Hong Kong: #18 Connaught Road (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1932, Notice #282; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Kelly, P.J. /1900s
Kennedy, Gerald Leo (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, BAO, National Univ., Ireland (1913); registered to practice in Hong Kong on September 17, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; St. Teresa's Hospital (1940-EOP).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 20, 1940, Notice #1065; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.
Kennedy, Kenneth McKenzie (1845)
A Scot who joined Hong Kong Dispensary as a partner [1] in 1845; remained in Hong Kong till at least 1848
[1] There were 3 partners; the other 2 were Peter Young and Samuel Majoribanks.
Selected bibliography: An Anglo-Chinese Calendar for the Year 1845, Hong Kong: the Office of the Chinese Repository, 1845. / The Chinese Repository, Vol. 17, January to December, 1848, Tokyo: Maruzen Co., Ltd., 1848. / Janus: Jardine Matheson Archive [internet].Kennedy, Thomas Fuller (1935)
(updated September 8, 2013) b.1892-d.1958. MBChB, BAO. RAMC, temporary Captain January 1, 1917; Major; Hong Kong nlt.1935; Lieutenant-Colonel April 20, 1939; Colonel; retired February 26, 1949, Honorary Brigadier.Lecturer in Public Health, HKU 1935-36. Honor, OBE, January 1, 1919; Commander of the Order of Orange Nassau with Swords (The Netherlands) 1948. Publications: Haemorrhage, Subdural, a Case of Spontaneous (clinical and other notes), Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, Vol. 54, p.50, 1930.
Selected bibliography: Thr British Medical Journal, January 24, 1948, p.180, Epidemiology Section. Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The London Gazette, April 21, 1939, p.2664. Supplement to the London Gazette, January 10, 1917, p.444; February 22, 1949. Supplement to the Edinburgh Gazette, January 6, 1919, p.87.Kew, Frederick Howard (1914)
Dental Board, one of the five initial members 1914.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 17, 1914, Appt. #263.Keyt, Frederick Theobald (1902)
b. February 25, 1866, Jaffna, Ceylon -d.dt/unk.; MB, CM 1888, MD (Honors), DPH 1902, Aberdeen Univ.; Assistant Colonial Surgeon and District Commissioner, British Honduras 1892-1902; came to Hong Kong in 1902; second Port Health Officer; lecturer in Practice of Medicine, HKCMC 1905-12; one of the nine lecturers transferred from HKCMC to the Faculty of Medicine, HKU 1912; son of Frederick Theobald Keyt (Sr.)[1] and Henrietta Elizabeth Kriekenbeek; club: Hong Kong Club, Cricket Club and Corinthian Yacht Club.
[1] Keyt Sr., b. January 20, 1842, Colombo – d. December 19, 1903; LMS, Calcutta 1863; MD, CM, Aberdeen Univ. 1881; Colonial Surgeon, Civil Medical Department, Ceylon
[This revision includes information provided by Lindy Moore of North Wales, UK. Thank you, Lindy.]
Khambatta, Jehangir (1904)
LRSC, Edinburg 1887; LSA London; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 6, 1904, address in Hong Kong 1904: #10 D'Aguilar Street and c/o H. Ruttonjee, Elgin Road, Kowloon
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1904, Notice #341.Kho Han-po 許漢波 (1932-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 21, 1932); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 16, 1932 and continued until 1941, 10 years in total; Assistant Health Officer for Schools, Medical Department; Inspector of Schools wef. May 2, 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 17, 1932, Notice #396; May 9, 1941, Appt. #552, Notice #558.Kho Khongkha-Xien 許裕昌 (1931)
MBBS, HKU (May 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 22, 1931.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 26, 1931, Notice #369.Kho Pek-po 許百保 (1937-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, HKU (July 22, 1937); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 8, 1936 and continued until 1941, six years in total; Queen Mary Hospital (1937); address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #6 Hillwood Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 6, 1937, Notice 556; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Khoo Fun-yong 丘煥揚 (1932-36+)
(updated September 8, 2013) MBBS (HK) May 25, 1932. Registered to practice Hong Kong July 14, 1932. HKGov., Government Civil Hospital 1932. Assistant in Surgery, HKU 1934-36.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 15, 1932, Notice #467.Khoo Keng-wah 邱景華 (1935-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 22, 1935); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 7, 1935 and continued until 1941, seven years in total; Haw Par Hospital, Cheung Chau, New Territory (1941); address in Hong Kong: #6 Ming Yeung Terrace, Bonham Road (1935).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 7, 1935, Notice #450; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Kim Chong-voon (1924)
LMS, King Edward VII College of Medicine, Singapore (April 1923); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 2, 1924; address in Hong Kong: #3 Woodland Terrace (1924).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 2, 1924, Notice #238.King, Gordon (1939-EOP)
(updated on August 5, 2013) LRCP, London (1924); MRCS, England (1924); FRCS, England (1926); FRCOG, London (1930); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 25, 1939 and continued until 1941, three years in total.
Husband of (1) Mary Ellison, (2) Chiu Bek-to (1968); father of Alison King (lecturer in English, Western Australia Univ.), Margaret King (Haematologist, Royal Hobart Hospital) and Ellen King (MD, private practitioner, Canberra).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 27, 1939, Notice #994; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. / Official Website of Royal Perth Hospital [internet].King, Mary (née Ellison) (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) d.1967; MBBS, St. Andrew Univ. (1920); DTMH, London (1924); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 11, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total.
Wife of Gordon King; mother of Alison King (lecturer in English, Western Australia Univ.), Margaret King (Haematologist, Royal Hobart Hospital) and Ellen King (MD, private practitioner, Canberra).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 12, 1940, Notice #53; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. / Official Website of Royal Perth Hospital [internet].Kirk, Edward Wilfred (1928-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) BS, MD (December 1908); FRCS, Edinburgh (1908); Victoria General and Maternity Hospital (1928); member of Midwives Board wef. April 13, 1928 through 1939; Visiting Medical Officer for Chinese Hospital and Public Dispensaries (till 1930); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 11, 1930 and continued until 1941, 12 years in total; private practice from 1930, place of practice: 4/F, China Building (1930), 6/F, Shell House, Queen's Road Central (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 13, 1928, Appt. #194; January 17, 1930, Appt. #35, Notice #41; February 24, 1933, Appt. #122; February 21, 1936, Appt. #170; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. / Report of the Medical Department, Hong Kong, for the Year 1928. / Report of the Secretary for Chinese Affairs for the Year 1930.Kirkby-Gomes, Sidney Gerald (1938-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) LRCP, LRCS, Edinvurgh (1900); LMS, Glasgow (1900); FRCS, Edinburgh (1905); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 12, 1938 and continued until 1941, four years in total; address in Hong Kong: Rm #1 Peninsula Court Apartment, Nathan Road, Kowloon (1938-EOP).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 14, 1938, Notice #808; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Kitashima, Kotaro (1915)
MD, Tokio Univ. December 8, 1897; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 7, 1915; address in Hong Kong 1915: #23 Lyndhurst Terrace
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 7, 1915, Notice #201.Kiyohara, Keisho 清原慶松 [1] (1929)
Igakushi (MB), Imperial University of Tokyo (March 30, 1925); registered to practice in Hong Kong on December 31, 1929; address in Hong Kong: 3/F, #3 Wood Road, Wanchai (1929).
[1] I was unable to identify the correct kanji of Kiyohara's given name; the Romaji “Keisho” could also be written as 敬章 or 敬正.
Reference: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 3, 1930, Notice #11.Ko Jing-fan 高景芬 (1929-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) Name variations: Ko King-fan; MBBS, HKU (January 10, 1928); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1929 and continued until 1941, 13 years in total; Tung Wah Hospital (1929); address in Hong Kong: 3/F, King's Theatre Building (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1929, Notice #242; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ko Kit-tak /1930s
Kobayashi, Sanzabrow (1904)
Graduate of Tokio Univ., Japan May 1888; graduate of Cooper's College of Medicine, California December 4, 1891; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 6, 1904; address in Hong Kong 1904: Room 97, Hong Kong Hotel; publications: Inaugural Dissertation on Apoplexy: Presented to the Faculty of Cooper Medical College (Cooper Medical College, 1891)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1904, Notice #341.Koch, Wilfred Vincent Miller (1903)
(updated on June 28, 2013) b. October 29, 1862 Jaffna, Ceylon - d. August 28, 1939; St. Thomas' College, Ceylon; MB, CM 1884, MD, 1895, Edinburgh Univ.; medical officers in various hospitals in London and Sheffield 1884-88; entered Colonial Medical Services 1889, held various appointments in Trinidad 1889-1903; Army Major in command of the Trinidad Artillery; came to Hong Kong in 1903; Medical Officer, Medical Department 1903-17; Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital 1914-17; private practice from 1917; registered to practice in Hong Kong on November 2, 1917; address in Hong Kong 1917: Hotel Mansions; member of Legislative Council 1926; member of Sanitary Board 1920-25; Justice of the Peace; Vice President 1907-08, HKBMA; district surgeon, St. John Ambulance Overseas Brigade; Lecturer in Surgery, HKCMC 1905-12; Lecturer in Surgery, HKU 1912-17; member of the University Senate, HKU 1912; publication: “A research into the etiology of beri-beri, together with a report on an outbreak in the Po-Leung-Ku”, by William Hunter and Wilfred V. M. Koch 1906; son of Edwin Lawson Koch, MD [1]; club: Hong Kong
[Three different names came up in various sources as the wife of Koch: Ida Nathan, Ellen Elliott Drake Briscoe and Elsie M. Thompson, but without the years of marriage. ]
[Koch was referred to as a professor in several sources without specifying the name(s) of university and faculty.]
[1] Koch Sr. (b.1838, Jaffna, Ceylon – d. 1877, Jaffna, Ceylon) was a descendent of Godfried Koch of Brandenburg, Prussia who went to India in the ship "Rosenberg" in 1755 and later moved to Jaffna. Koch Sr. was a much loved and respected doctor in Ceylon. He was also the second principal of the Colombo Medical School. When he suddenly died at the age of 39, the grateful public of Ceylon offered subscriptions to pay for W.V.M. Koch’s medical education in Britain. [What I fail to find is any information that mentions Koch, the son, had worked in Ceylon to repay the society that he owed his medical career.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 2, 1917, Notice #488; February 23, 1923, Appt. #86.Koe Kheng-loke 高慶祿 (1939-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 20, 1938); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 26, 1939 and continued until 1941, three years in total.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Kohn, Kalman (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MD, DCh, Modena Univ., Italy (1933); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Kong Sau-yui 江秀銳 (1937-1948+)
(updated August 15, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 29, 1936. Registered to practice in Hong Kong March 25, 1937. Government Civil Hospital 1937. Private practitioner aft.1937-48+ [1], address 1: 3/F, China Building 1941; address 2: 4/F, China Building 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 2, 1937, Notice #227; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》Hong Kong Year Book.Kong Ying-wah 江英華 /1890s
Krieg, Paul /1890s
Krishman, Sree Radha (1915)
MBBS, HKU June 1, 1915; registered to practice in Hong Kong on August 20, 1915; address in Hong Kong 1915: Astor House Hotel
Selected bibliography: The Government Gazette, August 20, 1915, Notice #381.Krishna, Kadapa Venkata (1931)
MBBS, HKU (Msy 18, 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 27, 1931; address in Hong Kong: #13A Hill Road (1931).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 29, 1931, Notice #348.Ku Hsueh-chin (1933-EOP)
(updated on September 8, 2013) MBBS (HK) June 28, 1929. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 5, 1933 through EOP. Assistant in Gynecology and Obstetrics, HKU 1938-EOP. HKGov., Queen Mary Hospital 1941. Correspondence address: c/o Dr. Law Nai-koey, #57 Wyndham Street 1933.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 5, 1933, Notice #317; address in Hong Kong:.Kuo Shao-chou 郭紹周 (1932)
MBBS, HKU (December 14, 1932); registered to practice in Hong Kong on December 29, 1932.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 30, 1932, Notice #815.Kuo Shao-hong 郭紹鴻 (1934)
(updated on July 21, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 12 ,1933); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1934; Government Civil Hospital (1934); no longer registered from 1938; re-registered on November 14, 1941; address in Hong Kong: c/o Major Watson, Colonial Secretary's Office (1941).
[The names of Kuo Shao-hong and Wan Yik-shing were the last two entries in the Medical Register in 1941. Hong Kong came under the attack of the Japanese on December 8, 1941.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 4, 1934, Notice #359; November 21, 1941, item #1399.Kwan Pah Chien 關伯謙 (1931)
MBBS, HKU (May 1928); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 16, 1931; address in Hong Kong: #115 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong (1931).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 19, 1931, Notice #386.Kwan Shem, Albert (1929)
MBBS, HKU (December 29,1927); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1929.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1929, Notice #242.Kwan Siu-yee 關肇頤 (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, HKU (Jun1, 1939); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; address in Hong Kong: #101 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon (1940-EOP).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; address in Hong Kong:.Kwan Sum-yin (Kwan King-leung) 關景良 /1890s*
Kwok Ying-kong 郭應剛 (1930-1948+)
(updated on August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 1929. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 9, 1930. Private practitioner 1930-48+ [1], address 1: 2/F, #242 Queen's Road East 1930; address 2: #76 Queen's Road Central 1941; address 3 #66 Ko Shing Street 高陞街 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Kwok Yu-kong 郭豫恭 (1938-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, HKU (June 15, 1938); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 4, 1938 and continued until 1941, four years in total; address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #5 King's Terrace, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 8, 1938, Notice #521; address in Hong Kong:.Lai Fook, William 黎光賢 (1934-EOP)
(updated on September 8, 2013) MBBS (HK) May 16, 1934. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 25, 1934 through EOP. Assistant in Surgery, HKU 1937-EOP. HKGov., Queen Mary Hospital 1941. Residence: #7 Yiek Kwan Avenue, Tai Hang Hill Road (1934).
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 25, 1934, Notice #418; address in Hong Kong:.Lai Po-cheun 賴寶川 (1929-EOP)
Hong Kong's First Woman Medical Student [1]
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, HKU (January 10, 1928); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1929 and continued until 1941, 13 years in total; Chinese Medical Officer wef. June 1, 1928); Tsan Yuk Hospital (1929); Health Officer wef. May 25, 1939; secretary of the Midwives Board and Supervisor of Midwives (vice Alta Francis Stout who had resigned) wef. May 25, 1939; Inspector of Schools wef. May 25, 1939 through 1942; Chinese Lady Assistant Medical Officer for Schools, Medical Department (1941); address in Hong Kong: #140 Kennedy Road (1941).
[1] Lai was one of the first three women students admitted to HKU in 1921 and the only one to read medicine, but it took her until 1928 to receive the MBBS degrees. Meanwhile, Eva Ho-tung 何嫻姿 who was matriculated a year later than Lai, completed her studies and got her MBBS degrees in 1927, a year ahead of Lai.
The other two women who entered HKU at the same time as Lai were Rachel Mary Irving 艾惠珠 and Irene Cheng 何奇姿. Irving was the daughter Edward Alexander Irving 伊榮 who was the sitting (and Hong Kong's first) Director of Education. Irving was admitted to the Faculty of Art, year three and graduated with a BA degree in 1923. She was Hong Kong's first woman university graduate. Cheng, b. October 21, 904, Hong Kong – d. February 17, 2007, San Diego, nee Ho-tung, was Eva Ho-tung's sister. Cheng received her BA degree in English in 1925 and became the first Hong Kong-born woman university graduate. She went on to become a devoted educator.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1929, Notice #242; June 23, 1939, Appt. #501, #502 and #503; May 9, 1941, Appt. #52, Notice #558. / Lee Hock Guan (Ed.) and Lee Lai To (Ed.), Sun Ya-sen: Nanyang and the 1911 Revolution, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asia Studies, 2011. / Lee, Vicky, Being Eurasian: Memories Across Racial Divides, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2004. / Report of the Medical Department, Hong Kong, for the Year 1928.Lai Tsui-lan 黎叙蘭 /1930s
Laing, Douglas 梁德基 (1928-1996)
Big-Time Racehorses Owner.
(updated on August 7, 2013) b.1902-d.1999; born Leung Kam-ming; name changed to Douglas Laing on April 29, 1920; MBBS, HKU (January 3, 1928); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 9, 1928 and continued until 1941, 14 years in total; Assistant to Government Bacteriologist (1929-30); studied otorhinolaryngology in the United Kingdom; private practice (1934) [1]; served in the Royal Army Medical Corps in India (1941); went back to private practice after the war (1948), place of practice: Rm. 202/4, Gloucester Building (1941), Gloucester Building, Tel. 30635 (1960s); Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Otorhinolaryngology, HKU; founded Digby Memorial Fund in 1959 to provide scholarships and gold medals to outstanding medical students; Senior Founding Member, HKU Foundation for Educational Development and Research; donated more than $3 million to HKU including the funding used to build the new Medical Complex at Sassoon Road; retired in 1996; consultant to Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital, Nethersole Hospital and Nam Long Hospital; President of Welfare League (founded in 1930); Member of the Executive Committee, Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society; Steward, Honorary Steward 1984, Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club [2]; publications: Prognostic significance in early diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma by Douglas Laing (Unknown Binding, 1965), Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the Chinese in Hong Kong by Douglas Laing (Unknown Binding, 1967); honor: Hon. Fellow, HKU (December 2, 1999, posthumous); club: Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club, member (1928), Steward (1961), Hon. Steward (1984); address in Hong Kong : #11 Staunton Street (1928).
Son of Robert Kenneth Laing, born Leung Kam-ming, b.1876-d.1949, and Mary Jordon, born Yu Che, b.1877-d.1958.
Husband of Norah Laing (m.1945).
[1] According to a HKU site Dr. Laing became the first ENT surgeon in Hong Kong, but the fact is Dr. Chau Sik-nin, also a HKU graduate and an Otolaryngologist, practiced in Hong Kong in 1927, seven years earlier than Dr. Laing.
[2] Dr. Laing’s reputation as a racehorse owner was well-known amongst the horseracing fans in Hong Kong. According to HKU information, which refers to records of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, Dr. Laing owned his first horse as early as in 1927. I do not know how credible that is as he hadn’t finished university in 1927. I've learned that his horses are quite popular, although I was unable to find all the corresponding names of the horses in English; here they are: Gay Eighties 快樂八十, Gay Nineties 快樂九十, 快樂一百, 快樂王子, 快樂龍王, 快樂飛馬, 快樂飛俠.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 15, 1928, Notice #343; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lam Chi-wei 林志緯 (1931-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 28, 1930); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 8, 1931 and continued until 1941, 11 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #21 Bonham Road (1931), 1/F, #37 Wong Nei Chung Road (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1931, Notice #282; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lam Kow-cheong 林球璋 (1935-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, HKU (January 2, 1935); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 17, 1935 and continued until 1941, seven years in total; address in Hong Kong: 2/F, #284 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Shamshiupo, Kowloon (1935); #379 Nathan Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 18, 1935, Notice #51; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lam Shing-kui 林聖居 (1941-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 1941. Registered to practice Hong Kong July 11, 1941. Private practitioner 1941-48+ [1], address: O'Brien Road Wanchai 1948. Residence: #4 Mosque Road 1941.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 11, 1941, Notice #844. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Lam Shing-kup 林聖級 /1910s
Lam Shiu-chun 林肇眞 (1932-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 18, 1932. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 31, 1932. Private practitioner 1932-48+ [1], address 1: 1/F, #353 Queen's Road West 1941; address 2: 4/F, Union Building 友邦行 1948. Residence: # Sui Wah Terrace 1932.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 2, 1932, Notice #358; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lam Shiu-kwong (1926-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, HKU (1925); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 13, 1926 and continued until 1941, 16 years in total; Government Civil Hospital (1926); Maternity Hospital, West Point (1927); Tai Po Government Dispensary, New Territory (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 15, 1926, Notice #25; May 6, 1927, Notice #273; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.
Lam Shiu Wah 林華 (1931)
MBBS, HKU (June 8, 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 22, 1931; address in Hong Kong: #3 Sui Wah Terrace, West Point (1931).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 26, 1931, Notice #369.Lam Tsui-fung 林子峰 /1910s
Lam Yun-hae 林閏羲 /1910s
Lau Lai 劉禮 /1890s
Lau Man-hin 劉文軒 (1934-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 16, 1934); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 25, 1934 and continued until 1941, eight years in total; address in Hong Kong: #7 Yiek Kwan Avenue, Tai Hang Hill Road (1934), #61 Des Voeux Road Central (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 25, 1934, Notice #418; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lau Nam-chu 柳南柱 (1938-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Kyusyu Imperial Univ., Japan (December 1, 1919); registered to practice in Hong Kong on September 15, 1938 and continued until 1941, four years in total; address in Hong Kong: 2/F, #8 Stewart Road (1938), 2/F, China Building (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 16, 1938, Notice #725; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lau Po-hei /1940s
Lau Yong-boon 劉永文 (1935-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 21, 1935); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 7, 1935 and continued until 1941, seven years in total.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 7, 1935, Notice #450; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Law, Edward (1921-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. (1915); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 28, 1921 and continued until 1941, 21 years in total; address in Hong Kong: Post Office Building (1921), 2/F, Loke Yew Building, #50-52 Queen's Road Central (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 28, 1921, Notice #439; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Law Nai-koey 羅乃琚 (1933-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 27, 1932); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 5, 1933 and continued until 1941, nine years in total; address in Hong Kong: #57 Wyndham Street (1933), Rm. 5C, Luna Building, Kimberley Road, Kowloon (1941)..
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 5, 1933, Notice #317; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lambelle, F.W. /1900s
Lancaster, Raymond Lancelot (1941-EOP)
MRCS, England (1924); LRCP, London (1924); MBBS, Cambridge Univ. (1927); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 29, 1941; Bowen Road Hospital (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 30, 1941, Notice #675.Lee Ching-Iu /1940s
Lee Ching-wa 李清華 (1932-1948+)
(updated on August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 13, 1932. Registered to practice Hong Kong December 29, 1932. Private practitioner 1932-48+ [1], address 1: #12 Mosque Street 1932; address 2: 1/F, #542 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941; address 3: #544 Nathan Road 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 30, 1932, Notice #815; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》Hong Kong Year Book.Lee Fung-joe 李奉藻 (1940)
MD, Tennessee Univ. (July 10, 1940); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 11, 1940; address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #321Nathan Road, Kowloon (1940).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 12, 1940, Notice #799.Lee, George (1930-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) MRCS, England (1927); LRCP, London (1927); registered to practice in Hong Kong on March 24, 1930 and continued until 1941, 12 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #46 Robinson Road (1930), #22 Kai Tak Bund, Kowloon City, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 28, 1930, Notice #186; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lee, George Gouiney (1936-EOP)
(updated on August 7, 2013) LMS, Novia Scotia, P.M. Board (December 28, 1935); registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 19, 1936 and continued until 1941, six years in total; address in Hong Kong: #23 Tai Po Road, Kowloon (1936), 1/F, #757 Nathan Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 21, 1936, Notice #183; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lee Hah-Liong 李學良 (1932-1948+)
(updated August 8, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 15, 1932. DCH, England April 30, 1936. MRCP, Edinburgh January 1937. MRCP, London January 1938. Registered to practice Hong Kong December 29, 1932. Private practitioner 1932-48+ [1], address 1: China Building 1941; address 2: Alexandra Building 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 30, 1932, Notice #815; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Lee Ho-ching 李可楨 /1910s
Lee Ho-tin 李浩田 (1934-1948+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 20, 1933. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 4, 1934. Private practitioner 1934-48+ [1], address: China Building 1941, 1948. Residence: #80 Caine Road 1934.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 5, 1934, Notice #13; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Lee Hua-ngak 李華嶽 (1937-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) MBBS, HKU (January 13, 1937); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 20, 1937 and continued until 1941, five years in total; address in Hong Kong: Government Civil Hospital (1937).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 22, 1937, Notice #52; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lee Jiu Sik (1924)
Igakushi (MB), Chiba Medical College, Japan (May 1916); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 2, 1924; address in Hong Kong: #67 Haitin Street, Shamshuipo (1924).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 2, 1924, Notice #238.Lee Pee-chim 李丕琛 (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) MBBS, HKU (June 5, 1939); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; address in Hong Kong: #10 Bonham Strand West (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lee Pitt-siew 李必壽 (1934)
MBBS, HKU (May 30, 1934); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 14, 1934; address in Hong Kong: 2/F, #70 Morrison Hill Road (1934).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 15, 1934, Notice #471.Lee, Raymond Harry Shoon 李有璇 (1939-EOP)
(updated on September 8, 2013) MBBS (HK) June 3, 1938. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 26, 1939 through EOP. Assistant in Surgery, HKU 1940-EOP. Residence: 1/F, #64 Pokfulum Road (1939-EOP).
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lee Sau-shun 李守眞 (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Tokyo Women Medical Special Colege, Japan (March 23, 1936); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #744 Nathan Road (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lee Shiu-kee 李兆基 (1932-1948+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 15, 1932. Registered to practice Hong Kong December 29, 1932. Private practitioner 1932-48+ [1], address 1: 3/F China Building 1941; address 2: 1/F, Wang Hing Building 宏興行 1948. Residence: Inland Lot #2420, Conduit Road 1932.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 30, 1932, Notice #815; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》Hong Kong Year Book.Lee Sui-hung 李瑞熊 (1940-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 1, 1939. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 10, 1940. Private practitioner 1940-48+, address: 2/F, #315 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1940-41, 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Lee Ten-yu 李天祐 (1938-1948+)
(updated August 16, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Chiba Medical Univ., Japan May 25, 1937. Registered to practice Hong Kong April 7, 1938. Oi Kwan Life Assurance Co., Ltd., #63-65 Des Voeux Road Central 1938-41. Private practitioner 1948+, address: #10 Tai Po Road, Kowloon 1948.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 8, 1938, Notice #281; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》Hong Kong Year Book.Lee Tin-sik (1924)
Igakushi (MB), Chiba Medical College, Japan (May 1916); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 5, 1924; address in Hong Kong: #67 Hai Tan Street (1924).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 5, 1924, Notice #14.Lee Yin-sze 李賢士 /1900s
Lee Ying-chuen 李應存 (1919-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 14, 1917); registered to practice in Hong Kong on August 8, 1919 and continued until 1941, 23 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #92 Nathan Road (1919), #122 Lai Chi Kok Road (1927), 1/F, #508 Nathan Road, Kowloon (1931), G/F, #8 Arran Street, Kowloon (1935), #11 Seymour Terrace (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 8, 1919, Notice #363; May 6, 1927, Notice #273; May 10, 1935, Notice #370; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lee Ying-yau 李應由 /1910s
Lemis, George T. /1900s*
Leung Chik-fan 梁植芬 /1910s
Leung Chum-ha 梁枕霞 (1931-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) MBBS, HKU (June 20, 1930); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 8, 1931 and continued until 1941, 11 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #11 Seymour Terrace (1931-EOP).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1931, Notice #282; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Leong Lean-sang /1940s
Leung Kam-leng 梁金齡 (1939-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 17, 1938); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 26, 1939 and continued until 1941, three years in total; address in Hong Kong: G/F, #39 Bonham Road (1939), Top Floor, #328 Hennessy Road (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Leung King-hon 梁景漢 (1935)
MBBS, HKU (January 2, 1935); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 17, 1935; address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #9 Hing Hon Road (1934).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 18, 1935, Notice #51.Leung Tin-sun 梁田新 (1937-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU February 27, 1936. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 6, 1937. Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital 1937. Private practitioner aft.1937-48+ [1], address: 4/F Bank of East Asia Building 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 8, 1937, Notice #18; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Leung Tin-yin 梁天然 (1941-EOP)
Dentist, registered to practice in Hong Kong October 11, 1941; address in Hong Kong 1941: #100 Shanghai Street, Kowloon
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 31, 1941, Notice #1292.Leung Yuk-foo (1875)
b.dt/unk.-d.1875; dentist
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 4, 1875.Lew Khoon-shin 劉坤盛 (1934)
MBBS, HKU (May 18, 1934); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 1, 1934.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 1, 1934, Notice #431.Li Kuang-yu (1927-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) MBBS, HKU (1927); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 24, 1927 and continued until 1941, 15 years in total; Government Civil Hospital (1927); Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA (1928 and 1932).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 24, 1927, Notice #384; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Li Ping-sum 李炳森 (1921-1948+)
(updated on August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 1920. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 28, 1921. Government Civil Hospital 1921. Private practitioner aft.1921-48+ [1], address: 1/F, #156 Hennessy Road Wanchai 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 28, 1921, Notice #36; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Li Sheung-po (1931)
[The poor Dr. Li was robbed. China Mail ran the following story on April 13, 1931.
"Victim of Armed Robbery. Chinese Doctor Held Up at Revolver Point. Belated Report. A Chinese doctor, Li Sheung-po, was the victim of an armed robbery on the third floor of 44. Sai Street at four o'clock yesterday afternoon"]
Selected bibliography: China Mail, Hong Kong, April 13, 1931.Li Shu-fan 李樹芬 (1913-EOP)
The Frist Chinese Doctor Registered to Practice in Hong Kong
(updated on August 8, 2013) Name variations: Lee Shu-fan, Lee Sea-foon; MBBS, HDM&H, Edinburgh Univ. December 22, 1910; registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 10 ,1913 and continued until 1941, 29 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #12 Wyndham Street (1913), #24 Queen's Road Central (1924), Bank of East Asia Building (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 10, 1913. Notice #318; May 2, 1924, Notice #238; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.
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Li Shu-pui |
The first HKU graduate admitted to the Royal College of Surgeons;
(updated on August 8, 2013) b. January 1903, Hong Kong – d. August 31, 2005, Hong Kong (at the age of 102); entered Peking Union Medical College 1920 (at the age of seventeen), later transferred to HKU; MBBS, HKU (January 10, 1928); FRCS, Edinburgh, the first HKU graduate to receive a fellowship at RCS; studied ear, nose and throat at Vienna Univ.; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1929 and continued until 1941, 13 years in total; joined the practice of Dr. Li Shu-fan in Hong Kong (ca.1932); continued performing surgical operations until 1980 and ran an outpatient clinic until well into his 90s; Medical Superintendent, Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital (vice Li Shu-fan) 1966; remained actively involved in the affairs of the hospital as chairman of the board until his death; during Li’s tenure an vitro fertilization center was added at the Hospital where Hong Kong’s first test tube baby was delivered; founding member 1965, Treasurer 1965-79, Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong; honor: OBE; address in Hong Kong: Bank of East Asia Building (1941)..
Husband of Ellen Li 李曹秀群 (b.1908 Shanghai - d.2005 Hong Kong), who was Hong Kong's first woman Justice of the Peace, the first woman member of the Legislative Council and the first woman recipient of CBE
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1929, Notice #242; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Li Sung 李崧 (1922-1948+)
(updated on August 16, 2013) LRCP, London January 26, 1900. MRCS, England December 1908. London Univ., MBBS; MD May 1908. MD, Brussels Univ. 1908. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 5, 1922. Ho Miu Ling Hospital 1922. Private practitioner aft.1922-48+ [1], address 1: 1/F, #82 Queen's Road Central 1941; address 2: Bank of East Asia 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 5, 1922, Notice #203; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》Hong Kong Year Book.Li Tim-chih 李添枝 (1936-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Taihoku Imperial University 臺北帝國大學 (present day National Taiwan University) in Taipei (February 13, 1930); registered to practice in Hong Kong on March 18, 1936 and continued until 1941, six years in total; address in Hong Kong: #176 Hennessy Road (1936), 1/F, #2 Fleming Road, Wanchai (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 20, 1936, Notice #285; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Li Tsoo-yiu 李祖佑 (1924-d.1968)
(updated September 8, 2013) d.1968, Hong Kong. MBBS (HK) 1924. HKGov., Government Civil Hospital 1924. Registered to practice Hong Kong August 21, 1924 through EOP. Private practitioner aft.1924-68+, address: China Building 1941, 1948. Assistant in Medicine, HKU 1927-32. President, HKCMA 1932. Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, whereabouts unknown. Resumed practice after the war nlt.1948-1968, deceased.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government August 21, 1924, Notice #480; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Liang, Douglas (1929)
MBBS, HKU (January 3, 1928); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1929; Government Civil Hospital (1929).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1929, Notice #242.Lien Tsoong-kya 連忠介 (1937-EOP)
(updated on September 8, 2013) MBBS (HK) May 17, 1932. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 31, 1932 through EOP. HKGov., Queen Mary Hospital 1941. Assistant in Surgery, HKU 1933-38. Vice President, HKCMA 1937.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 2, 1932, Notice #358; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lim Chong-eang 林宗揚 (1917)
MBBS, HKU December 12, 1916; registered to practice in Hong Kong June 8, 1917; Government Civil Hospital (1917).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 8, 1917, Notice #274.Lim Ek-quee 林益貴 (1932)
(updated September 8, 2013) MBBS (HK) June 24, 1931. Registered to practice Hong Kong July 3, 1931. HKU, Assistant Lecturer in Physiology 1938-41; temporarily put in charge of the Department of Physiology 1940.
Selected bibliography: Evans , Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 10, 1931, Notice #438.Lim Eng-hae (1923)
MBBS, HKU December 1922; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1923; Government Civil Hospital (1923)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 24, 1923, Notice #370.Lim Gim-kheang 林廣泉 (1933)
MBBS, HKU (December 13, 1933); registered to practice in Hong Kong on December 29, 1933; address in Hong Kong: #32 Hill Road (1933).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 29, 1933, Notice #842.Lim Nget-siew 林粵秀 (1934)
MBBS, HKU (October 4, 1933); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1934; address in Hong Kong: Kayamally Building, Queen's Road Central (1934).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 4, 1934, Notice #359.Lim Poh-thye 林寶泰 (1935)
MBBS, HKU (December 10, 1929); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 8, 1935; address in Hong Kong: c/o The Haw Par Hospital, Cheung Chau Island (1935).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 11, 1935, Notice #796.Lim Shin-thwin 林賢端 /1890s
Lim Soon-kooi 林順貴 (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 21, 1939); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 18, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 19, 1940, Notice #86; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lin Iku Haku 林育伯 (1933)
Igakushi (MB), Okyama Medical College, Japan (May 15, 1920); registered to practice in Hong Kong on March 8, 1933; address in Hong Kong: #10 Wyndham Street (1933).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 10, 1933, Notice #162.Ling Ke-dieh 林開第 (1932-1960+)
(updated on August 8, 2013) MBBS, HKU (January 14, 1932); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 2, 1932 and continued until 1941, 10 years in total; Government Civil Hospital (1932); assistant lecturer in Physiology, HKU (1935-38); Queen Mary Hospital (1941); Nanjing Renji Hospital 南京仁濟醫院 (ca.1949); Medical Superintendent, Kwong Wah Hospital 廣華醫院 (1958); President, Lai Chi Kok Hospital 荔枝角醫院 (1960s); Council, HKMA (1972).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1932, Notice #283; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ling Sing-hang/1940s
Little, John Llewellyn (1939-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) LMS, Prince Edward Island Medical Council (1934); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 26, 1939 and continued until 1941, three years in total; Matilda Hospital (1941); address in Hong Kong: G/F, #506 Nathan Road, Kowloon (1939).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Liu Hung-ngan (1923-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) MBBS, HKU (December 1922); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1923 and continued until 1941, 19 years in total; address in Hong Kong: #34 Reclamation Street, Yaumati (1923), #506 Nathan Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 27, 1923, Notice #335; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Liu Tsu-shya 劉祖霞 (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Kyusyu Imperial Univ., Japan (March 30, 1929); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; address in Hong Kong: c/o Dr. N.C. Lau, 2/F, China Building (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Liu Yan-tak 廖恩德 (1932-1948+)
(updated on August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 13, 1932. Registered to practice Hong Kong December 29, 1932. Private practitioner 1932-48+ [1], address 1: 2/F, China Building 1941; address 2: Prince's Building 1948. Residence: 2/F, #77 Second Street 1932.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 30, 1932, Notice #815; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Lo Chi-fai 羅致徽 (1936-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Nagasaki Medical College, Japan (May 23, 1932); registered to practice in Hong Kong on September 16, 1936 and continued until 1941, six years in total; address in Hong Kong: c/o Wah Ngai Co., #5 Wyndham Street (1936), #557 Nathan Road, Kowloon (1941)..
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 18, 1936, Notice #778; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lo Chong-fie 盧松輝 (1935-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 25, 1935); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 7, 1935 and continued until 1941, seven years in total; address in Hong Kong: Top floor, #23 King Kwong Street (1941)..
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 7, 1935, Notice #450; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lo Sui-sun 老瑞新 (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) MBBS, HKU (June 18, 1940); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 11, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; Kowloon Hospital (1941); address in Hong Kong: 2/F, #14 Wellington Street (1940)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 12, 1940, Notice #798; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lobb, Edward Leslie Martyn (1912-1915)
(updated on June 30, 2013) MBBS 1908, CM 1910, London Univ.; MRCS, England 1908; LRCP, London 1908; FRCS England 1910; trained at the Guy's Hospital; registered to practice on March 22, 1912; address in Hong Kong 1912: Kingsclere; first chair professor of Clinical Surgery at HKU 1915; first Honorary Visiting Surgeon appointed to the Government Civil Hospital; left Hong Kong in 1915; publications: The Hospital and the Primary Health Centre in relation to a Health Service, from the standpoint of the General Practitioner, The Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health, 1921
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 22, 1912, Notice #96.Lockhead, John H. (1884-1893)
(updated on August 18, 2013) MD, Pennsylvania Univ. 1833. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 3, 1884 through 1893. Residence: #15 Elgin, Victoria 1884.
[Lockhead was one of the first nine doctors who registered as medical practitioners in Hong Kong immediately following the enactment of the "Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884" that required all doctors to be licensed before they could treat patients for monetary reward.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 3, 1884, Notice; May 5, 1894, Notice #169.Loh Mung-sun 盧明新 (1933)
LRCS, LRCP, Edinburgh (1917); LMS, Glasgow (1917); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 5, 1933; address in Hong Kong: c/o P.&O. Banking Corporation (1933).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 5, 1933, Notice #317.Loh Seng-poh 羅承寶 (1935-1948+)
(updated on August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 2, 1935. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 30, 1935. Private Practitioner 1935-48+ [1], address 1: 3/F, #226 Johnson Road 1935; address 2: 1/F, Yik Yum Street, Happy Valley 1941; address 3: 2/F, #163 Queen's Road Central 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 1, 1935, Notice #97; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Loke Kam-thong 陸錦棠 (1934-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) MBBS, HKU (May 12, 1933); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1934 and continued until 1941, eight years in total; engaged by HKU in the Department of Pathology (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 4, 1934, Notice #359; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lorrain, William B. (d.1857, HKG)
[Unfortunately, the only record that can be found of Lorrain was a notice posted in the Hong Kong Government Gazette by the executors of his estate, Adam Scott and S. Dixson, pursuant to his demise.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 29, 1857, Advertisement.Low, Eugene Wilfred 羅友仁(1940-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. (December 16, 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; address in Hong Kong: c/o Yung Kee, Shell House, Queen's Road Central (1940-EOP).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Lowson, James Alfred 婁遜 (1890)
(updated September 1, 2013) MB, CM, Edinburgh Univ. Hong Kong nlt.1890. HKGov., Assistant Surgeon, Government Civil Hospital June 20, 1890.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 21, 1890, Notice #263.Lucban y Rilles, Justo (1904)
LMS, Thomas Aguinas Univ., Manila September 3, 1888; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 31, 1904; address in Hong Kong 1904: #49 Wyndham Street
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 3, 1904, Notice #409.Lui Kwai-to 呂桂滔 (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 8, 2013) MBBS, HKU (June 25, 1940); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 11, 1940 and continued until 1941, two years in total; Lai Chi Kok Hospital (1941); address in Hong Kong: #5 Grampian Road, Kowloon (1940).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 12, 1940, Notice #798; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Luk Chuen-hsuen 陸存煊 /1910s
Lymn, Kathleen Irene 林嘉麟 (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 5, 1939). Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 10, 1940 through 1941, two years in total. Address in Hong Kong: 2/F, #8 Breezy Terrace, Bonham Road (1940-EOP).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ma Luk 馬祿臣 (1922-EOP )
b.dt/unk., Hunan 湖南 – d.1963, Hong Kong; LMS, HKCMC 1905; good friend and keen supporter of Dr. Sun Yat-sen; members of the inaugural directors of the board of Yeung Wo Nursing Home 1922; Vice President, HKCMA 1933-34; ran a private practiced with two sons, Ma Chiu-chong 馬超莊 and Ma Chiu-ki 馬超奇, on the third floor of King's Theatre Building in Central, Tel: 26504 in the early 1960s before he died in 1963; Christian; husband of Li Huiying 李惠英 [1]; a member of the Hong Kong Masonic Lodge [2]
[1] Li was an educator, lawyer and promoter of Taiwan Strait relations who after Ma’s death remarried writer and political commentator Tao Mulian 陶慕廉.
[2] A source I have consulted declared Ma as the first Chinese member of the Masonic order in Hong Kong. This cannot be true, early Chinese freemasons in Hong Kong had included such people as Ho Kai and Wei Yuk, years before Ma’s time.
Ma Chiu-chong 馬超壯 (1940-EOP)
(updated on August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 18, 1939. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 10, 1940 through 1941, two years in total. Address in Hong Kong: Fir House, Pokfulum Road 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ma Chiu-ki 馬超奇 (1919-EOP)
(updated on August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 26, 1918. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 23, 1919 through 1941, 23 years in total. Address in Hong Kong 1919: 1/F, #58 & 60 Queen's Road Central; 3/F, King's Theatre Building 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 23, 1919, Notice #235; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ma Wai-man (1927-EOP)
(updated on August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU 1927. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong June 24, 1927 through 1941, 15 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #3 kennedy Road 1927.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 24, 1927, Notice #384; May 9, 1941, Notice #558; 2/F, #144 Des Voeux Road Central.Macaulay, Hugh Mpntagu Cameron /1910s*
Macdonnell, Joseph William
Macfarlane, Harold (1903-d.1919, HKG)
(updated on June 30, 2013) b. July 15, 1876 - d. February 7, 1919, Hong Kong; MBBS, Edinburgh Univ.; LRCP, London; LRCS, Edinburgh; DPH, Oxford Univ.; came to Hong Kong in September 1903; Assistant Medical Officer of Health wef. September 25, 1903; Government Bacteriologist [1] wef. April 30, 1909 till 1918; lecturer in Chemistry and Physics 1905-07, Chemstry 1907-1909, HKCMC; one of the nine HKCMC teaching staff transferred to HKU when it became established in 1912; member of HKU Senate 1912; acting Principal Civil Medical Officer (vice John Taylor Connell Johnson) wef. January 24, 1919; died suddenly on February 7, 1919; publications: The Stegomyia Survey in Hong Kong, Bulletin of Entomological Research, Vol. #6, Issue 1, February 1915; son of William Alexander MacFarlane, M.D.; married Laura Gertrude Massy [2] on August 5, 1903; club: Hong Kong Club
[1] While working at Bacteriological Institute, Macfarlane took charge of a government investigation of Stegomyia mosquitoes, the findings was later published. He also made a study, collaborating with Adam Gibson, MRCVS, the Colonial Veterinary Surgeon, on flies in Hong Kong.
[2] Massy was the daughter of the Rev. Xavier Peel Massy, who was the Rector of Colinton, Edinburgh. The year next following Macfarlane's death, she remarried Philip Peveril John Wodehouse on October 6, 1920. She died on February 2, 1959.
Selected bibliography: Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 25, 1903, Notice #629; October 15, 1909, Appt. #646; January 24, 1919, Appt. #42. / Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences Society, Plague, SARS, and the Story of Medicine in Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2006. / Lucas, Edward Verrall, Who's Who in the Far East, 1906-7, Hong Kong: 1907. / The Peerage [internet].Macgown, John Cecil (1923)
MB,ChB, Edinburgh Univ. (December 10, 1922); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1923; address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building (1923)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 29, 1923, Notice #302.Mackay, George /1860s*
Mackie, John Beveridge (1930)
(updated September 8, 2013 MBBS. Hong Kong nlt.1930. HKGov., Medical Officer 1930.
Selected bibliography: The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertised, September 24, 1930, p.5..Mackie, John Peat (1924)
MCPSO (1922); CM, MD, Queen's Univ., Ontario (1922); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 17, 1924; Matilda Hospital (1924).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 17, 1924, Notice #354.Mackinnon, Ivan William (1930)
LRSP, LRCS, Edinburgh (1906); LMS, Glasgow (1906); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 9, 1930; address in Hong Kong: c/o The Canadian Pacific Steamships Co., Ltd. (1930).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296.MacLeod, Nicol Campbell /1930s
Mah Sau-shan (1927-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Aichi Medical College, Japan 1921. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 6, 1927 through 1941, 15 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #58 & 60 Queen's Road Central 1927; 2/F, #27 Des Voeux Road Central.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1927, Notice #273; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Mohan Singh, Harbans 孖星 (1935-1970)
(updated August 12, 2013) Ophthalmologist. MBBS, HKU December 27, 1934. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 10, 1935 through 1941, seven years in total. Government Civil Hospital 1935-37. Private practice from 1937; place of practice: #8 Des Voeux Road Central 1937; Pedder Building 1940-EOP. Resumed private practice after the war [n.d.]-1970; place of practice: Rm. 101, Pedder Building. Club: Nav Bharat Club; played in the club's first hockey team 1951.
[Dr. Mohan Singh cured my trachoma problem when I was a young teenager. I can still vividly remember how scary the examinations were whereupon he would jam his gigantic fingers into my eyes and flip the eyelids inside out. Since the tests or treatments had included the administration of an eye cream that dilated the pupils so I went “blind” every time I left his consultation room. Thank God I had my mother.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 11, 1935, Notice #28; May 7, 1937, Notice # 321; May 10, 1949, Notice #606; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》第二十三回,醫療輯要 (Hong Kong Year Book, 1970)。Majima Keinosuke 馬島珪之助 (1907-1923)
(updated August 15, 2013) Medical College, Japan Imperial Univ. March 30, 1898. 疫苗製造所技師兼臨時檢疫局事務官[ ]內務技師從七位, 鳳山縣醫院長 Superintendent, Fengshan County Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan wef. January 15, 1898. 臺灣總督府醫院醫長 Superintendent, Taiwan Governor's Office Hospital wef. December 8, 1899. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 7, 1907 through 1923, 17 years in total. Founder of Majima Hospital 馬島病院, #185 Wanchai Road. Publications: 《細菌学的虎列剌診斷:臨床應用》東京市,誠之堂書店,1896。《實扶垤里亞血清療法》合著者:李祥麟 ,台北市:文明書局總發行,1908。Address in Hong Kong: #177 Wanchai Road 1907; Killadoon, #151 Wanchai Road 1908.
m. K. Majima.
[Doctors engaged by the Majima Hospital at differnet times: Aragaki Tsunemasa 新垣恒政, Ishimitsu Kaoru, Munehiro Jungo 宗廣純吾 and Martin Peter Motoi Itoh.]
[The Majima Hospital was closed in December 1941 in conjunction with the mandatory evacuation of Japanese from Hong Kong imposed by the Japanese Government. The hospital was confiscated by the Hong Kong Government after the war and re-launched as Wanchai Female VD Hospital 灣仔婦女性病醫院. It was renamed Wanchai Hospital 灣仔醫院 in 1969, maintaining its specialty. The listing of the hospital in the Hong Kong Year Book discontinued in 1971; there is no information regarding when it was finally closed.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1907, Notice #335. 《香港年鑑》第九回至第二十四回,醫療輯要 (Hong Kong Year Book, 1956-1971)。《臺灣總督府報》第231號,明治31年1月27日;第656號,明治32年12月13日。Mak Kai-cham 麥啟湛 (1932-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 15, 1932. Registered to practice Hong Kong December 29, 1932. Private practitioner 1932-48+ [1], address 1: #536 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941; address 2: 1/F, #538 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 30, 1932, Notice #815; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Mak Siu-sing 麥兆成 (1941)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 5, 1939; Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 9, 1941. Alice Memorial and Affiliated Hospitals 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Malcolmson, G.M.
Manson, Patrick (1850s-1893)
(updated August 27, 2013) Aberdeen Univ., CM October 14, 1865; MD August 8, 1866. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 3, 1884 through 1893. Private practitioner, nlt.1884-93, address: Bank Building 1889. Medical Board 1886. Sanitary Board 1887-88. Residence, address 1: #1 Albany, Victoria 1884; address 2: Rocklands, Robinson Road 1887.
[Manson was one of the first nine doctors who registered as medical practitioners in Hong Kong immediately following the enactment of the "Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884" that required all doctors to be licensed before they could treat patients for monetary reward.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 3, 1884; August 14, 1886, Notice #304; May 7, 1887; January 28, 1888, Notice #31May 4, 1889, Notice #205; May 5, 1894, Notice #169.Mao Wen-cee 毛文奇 (1939)
see Moore, Philip 毛文奇 (1939)
Marjoribanks, Samuel (1843)
b.dt/unk., New South Wales - d.1860; Medical officer, British consulate, Canton wef. April 1, 1843; came to Hong Kong and joined Victoria Dispensary 1843
Selected bibliography: Friend of China, September 14, 1843.Majorie [ ]
Mar, Roy 馬汝莊 (1938-EOP)
(updated on August 12, 2013) MCPSM 1933. MD, Manitoba Univ. 1933). Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong February 24, 1938 through 1941, four years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #27A Nathan Road, Kowloon 1938; Oi Kwan Building, #63-65 Des Voeux Road Central 1941..
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 25, 1938, Notice #170; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.
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Lourenço Pereira Marques / source: Twentieth Century Impressions of Hong Kong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports of China |
(updated September 5, 2013) Ophthalmologist. b.1852, Macau – d. 1911, Macau. Royal College of St. Jose, Macau. Studied medicine in Lisbon and Dublin. MKQCPI. L &LM. LRCP, Ireland 1877. LRCS, Ireland 1877. MRCP, Ireland 1880. FRAMI. Hong Kong 1880. HKGov., acting Assistant Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital August 13, 1880; Superintendent, Lock Hospital 1883-87; Stone Cutters' Island Convict Hulk 1883; received commendation for his works at both Lock Hospital and Convict Hulk from Philip Bernard Chenery Ayres, Colonial Surgeon, in his report for the year 1884; medical officer in charge of post-mortem examinations and the Public Morgue 1884; suffered from a serious attack of inflammation of the liver, several months sick leave; Assistant Medical Officer, Victoria Gaol September 1, 1887 -1896; received commendation for his work at the gaol from Ayres, in his report for the year 1892; retired on pension (due to reorganization of medical staff) 1896 [1]. Fellow, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa (Lisbon Geographic Society ). Member, Sociedade Académica franco-hispano-portuguesa de Toulouse. Publications: Louis De Camoens: a Discourse Delivered at the Club Lusitano, The China Review, Vol. 9, #1, 1880; A Validade do Darwinismo (The validity of Darwinism), Hong Kong International Printing Office, 1882 or 1883; Defesa do Darwinismo: refutacao de um artigo do jornal, (Defense of Darwinism: Refutation of a Newspaper Article), Catholic Register, Hong Kong 1889. Honor: ComC; CvTE; naming of Rua do Dr Lourenço Pereira Marques 比厘喇馬忌士街 in Macau; music composed in his name: Marcha-Polka "Pereira Marques" by Oscar Baptista. Club: Club Lusitano [The Club was considered a Portuguese Masonic lodge]. Residence: Rednaxela Terrace 列拿士地台 [2] 1891.
s/o Comendador Lourenço Marques (b.1811-d.1902) and Maria Ana Josefa Pereira [3]. bro/o Francisco Xavier Marques and António Marques.
[Marques was said to have taught at the HKCMC for the period 1891-92, but I've found no other references to confirm that.]
[1] A certain report of a medical commission published by the government in around mid year 1895 contained adverse comments that were said to have tarnished Marques' professional reputation. On August 25, 1895, the bulk of the leading Portuguese residents in Hong Kong gathered at the Club Lusitano for a demonstration in honor of Marques. He was presented with an address for his support signed by almost 1,000 of his compatriots. [Unfortunately, I've as yet recovered the medical commission report in matter. It's also unclear to me if Marques resigned or he was let go.]
[2] Strange name. Rednaxela spells backwards is Alexander. Marques' next door neighbor, and friend, was one José Rizal of the Philippines. Rizal, who had a medical degree from the Central University in Madrid and a fellow ophthalmologist, sojourned in Hong Kong in 1891-93 and practice medicine in 1892-93.
[3] Marques' mother, Maria, inherited from her father, Manuel Pereira 俾利喇, merchant and councilman of Leal Senado (Municipal Council of Macau) (1849-50, 1850-51), a large estate that had included the garden known today as the Jardim Luís de Camões 白鴿巢公園. The garden originally belonged to the Companhia de Jesus (Jesuit) since the Sixteenth Century. The ownership went to the Leal Senado in 1762, from whose hands, Manuel Pereira had bought it in ca.1800. Comendador Marques sold the garden in 1885 to the government (not certain if it was the Portuguese or Macau government that he sold the property to) for 30,000 patacas. The sale reportedly did not included the manor house named Casa Garden, in which Marques was born and brought up.
Selected bibliography: Selected bibliography: Ang, See Teresita , 100 Years: Xinhai - the end of Imperial China, Xinhai Revolution and the Philippines, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, 2011 [internet]. Aresta, António , Manuel Da Silva Mendes, Professor e Homem de Cultura. The British Medical Journal, April 29, 1911, p. 1031, Public Health. Foreign Concessions and Colonies [internet]. The Hong Kong Daily Press, August 27, 1895, p.2, The Portuguese Community and Dr. Marques. Hong Kong Government, Crown Property 1883, 1888. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 18, 1880, Notice #192. Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon for the Year 1883, 1886, 1887. João Botas [for the valuable information contained in his blog, Macau Antigo http://macauantigo.blogspot.com, and for his email on May 27 and 28, 2012 in reply to my inquiries]. Macau Government Library [internet].. Private Residences of the Principal Government Officials, the Leading Merchants, the Consuls, Professional Men, and Justices of the Peace (1884) Chronicle & Directory for China, Japan, & The Philippines, pp398-399, Hong Kong: Daily Press. Pryor, E.G., The Great Plague of Hong Kong, 2002. Who's Who in the Far East 1906-7, Hong Kong: China Mail.Marriott, Oswald (1887)
(updated July 9, 2013) b. December 30, 1874, London; MBBS, MD, London Univ.; LRCP, London (January 26, 1900); MRCS, England (1900); Assistant, and later House Surgeon, Guy’s Hospital, London; House Physician, Dreadnought Seaman's Hospital, Greenwich (1900); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 6, 1904; private practice from 1904; lecturer in Medical Jurisprudence (1887-1906), Materia Medica and Therapeutics (1904-12), HKCMC; one of the nine lecturers transferred from HKCMC to the Faculty of Medicine, HKU in 1912; member of the HKU Senate (1912); club: Hong Kong Club; address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building (1904), Union Building (1921)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1904, Notice #341.Matthews, Henry Delahunt (1931)
MB, CM, Sydney Univ. (February 3, 1908); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 22, 1931; address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building (1931).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 24, 1931, Notice #476.McCoy, Robert W. (1873-d.[h.a.], HKG)
(updated August 29, 2013) FRCS, Ireland. Hong Kong 1873. Colonial Surgeon January 14, 1873. Died in office due to illness contracted in Hong Kong
[The government paid the costs of passage to England of his widow and children totaling $874.5.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Gazette, January 18, 1873, Notice #9; February 21, 1874.McElney, John Harold (1930-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. July 1928. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 9, 1930 through 1941, 12 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building 1930-EOP.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.McGregor, Agnes Brymner (1916)
MBBS, Glasgow Univ. November 1, 1900; registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 21, 1916; address in Hong Kong 1916: The Retreat, Peak
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 21, 1916, Notice #25.McKenny, Charles William (1912)
(updated June 30, 2013) b. February 21, 1885; BS, MD, Trinity College, Ireland; resident surgeon, Meath Hospital, Dublin (1911); came to Hong Kong in 1912; Medical Officer of Victoria Gaol (1912); Supernumerary Surgeon-Lieutenant, HKVDC wef. August 5, 1914; Official Justice of the Peace wef. October 5, 1917, till at least 1927; acting Superintendent of Victoria Hospital (vice John Taylor Connell Johnson) (December 14, 1918 - January 8, 1919); acting Superintendent of Government Civil Hospital, Visiting Medical Officer to the Tung Wah Hospital during the same period; Medical Officer of Victoria Gaol (December 14 - 20, 1918); acting Principal Civil Medical Officer (vice J.T.C. Johnson) wef. February 8, 1919, and again wef. July 7, 1923, when Johnson was on leave of absence; lecturer in Clinical Medicine (1913-27), Anesthetics (1919-20), Anesthetist to the Surgical Clinic (1920-25), Clinical Obstetrics (1923-25), Radiology and Radio-Therapeutics (1927), HKU; tutor in the Out-Patients Department (1921-22), HKU; member of the HKU Senate (1918-20).
Son of James and Kate McKenny [1].
[1] James McKenny was a veterinary surgeon, address in 1885: #116 Stephens Green Street, Clonliffe, Dublin in 1885
Selected bibliography: Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 7, 1914, Appt. #299; October 5, 1917, Appt. #446; February 21, 1919, Appt. #81; July 13, 1923, Appt. #314; June 10, 1927, Notice #349. / Irish Genealogy › Search Church Records › Area – Dublin [internet]. / Medical and Sanitary Reports for the Year 1918, Hong Kong Government. / The National Archives of Ireland › 1911 census [internet]. / Proceedings of Meeting, Hong Kong Legislative Council, January 30, 1919. / Ure, Gavin, Governors, Politics and the Colonial Office: Public Policy in Hong Kong, 1918-58, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2012.McLeod, N.C. (1941-EOP)
Came to Hong Kong in or before 1941; Deputy Director, Medical and Health Services 1941; professor HKU, part-time chair of Public Health 1941-45
Mehta, Manukjee Sorabjee (1920)
(updated July 8, 2013) MD, Brussels Univ., Belgium 1879; LRCP&S,Edinburgh; LSA, London; registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 9, 1920; address in Hong kong 1920: #24 Ice House Street
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 9, 1920, Notice #378.Mellon, Bagenal Harvey (1921)
MRCS, LRCP, Ireland; DPH, Dublin 1917; temporary lieutenant, Army Veterinary Corps wef. December 16, 1914, temporary captain wef. December 16, 1915, captain 1917; came to Hong Kong in or before 1921; Second Health Officer of the Port wef. September 28, 1921; Health Officer of Port and Inspector of Emigrants wef. August 2, 1923 - January 20, 1931, possibly later; Official Justice of the Peace wef. November 3, 1927; acting Medical Officer of Health wef. November 4, 1929
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 14, 1921, Appt. #424; November 23, 1923, Appt. #509; November 4, 1927, Appt. #636; November 1, 1929, Appt. #559; January 23, 1931, Appt. #43. / The London Gazette, January 5, 1915. / Supplement to the London Gazette, January 12, 1915.Menzies, Edward /1850s
Milward, John Kenneth (1925)
MRCS, England (1922); LRCP, London (1922); registered to practice in Hong Kong on April 7, 1925; address in Hong Kong: Union Building (1925).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 9, 1925, Notice #198.Minett, Edward Pigott (1922-1931)
(updated August 24, 2013) d. October 5, 1935 Devon. Cambridge Univ., MRCS; LRCP; DPH 1907. Trained at Guy’s Hospital. MD, Brussels Univ. 1907. DTMH 1909. Specialized in bacteriology and public health. British Guiana, Assistant Government Bacteriologist 1910; Government Bacteriologist and Medical Officer of Health. Honorary Secretary and representative for British Guiana at the West Indian Medical Conference June 28 - July 13, 1921. Honorary Secretary, Fellow, and Examiner, the West Indian Branch of the Royal Sanitary Institute 1922. Hong Kong 1922. HKGov., Government Bacteriologist (vice Professor C.Y. Wang, resigned) 1922; officer in charge, Bacteriological Institute 1922. Lecturer and Examiner in Hygiene and Medical Jurisprudence, HKU. Medical Officer, HKVDC. Official Justice of the Peace 1927. Left Hong Kong 1931. Medical Officer of Health, British Guiana. BMA, member since 1909. Publications: Diagnosis of Bacteria and Blood Parasites, Practical Tropical Sanitation 1927 (his wife was a co-author); A Cheap Form of Artesian Water Supply for Villages in the Tropics, A Review of the Water Supplies of Hong Kong.
m. Ethel Mary Minett.
Selected bibliography: The British Medical Journal, October 19, 1935, p.766, Obituary. The China Mail, August 15, 1932, p.6, Dr. E.P. Minett, New Appointment in British Guiana. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 10, 1927, Notice #349.Minett, Ethel Mary (1924-1932)
(updated July 12, 2013) b.1888 - d. March 16, 1960, Oakham, Rutland, England; MBBS (1910), MD (1916), DPH (1916), London Univ.; MRCS; DTMH, London; registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 1, 1924; Medical Officer of Health (1924); Medical Officer for Schools wef. August 1, 1924; acting member of Midwives Board (vice Gladys Maude Fraser) wef. December 11, 1924, and at several later occasions standing in for other office bearers; lecturer in Medical Jurisprudence and Hygiene, HKU (1924-32); went to Madeira after leaving Hong Kong; publications: Practical Tropical Sanitation (1927)(her husband was a co-author); address in Hong Kong: #151 The Peak (1924).
Wife of Edward Pigott Minett, married before 1916.
[A resolution was passed at the 89th meeting of the Board of Education on June 14, 1933 to record the Board's deep appreciation of Minett's efficient medical work during her tenure of office.]
Selected bibliography: The British Medical Journal, April 16, 1960, p.1220, Medical News. / The China Mail, June 15, 1933, p.7, Education Board Meeting, Appreciation Expressed to Dr. Minett. / Evans, Dafydd Emrys (Compiled) Constancy of Purpose: Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987, p.268. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 1, 1924, Notice #57; December 12, 1924, Appt. #696. / Report of the Director of Education for the Year 1925.
Mitchell, Isaiah Edward (1907)
BA, MD, CM, Montreal Univ. June 1903; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 7, 1907; address in Hong Kong 1907: London Mission, #6 Bonham Road
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1907, Notice #335.Mitchell, Eleanor Whitworth (1920)
BS, MD, London Univ. December 6, 1906; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 7, 1920; address in Hong Kong 1920: London Mission
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 7, 1920, Notice #266.Mok Hing-fai 莫慶輝 (1931-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU November 1930. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 9, 1930 through 1941, 12 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #37 Des Voeux Road Central 1931; 2A, Block C, Broom Road 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 9, 1931, Notice #26; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Mok Tai-tim (1924-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 1923. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 18, 1924 through 1941, 18 years in total. Ho Miu Ling Hospital 1924; Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA 1925. Address in Hong Kong: #40 Des Voeux Road Central 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 18, 1924, Notice #30; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Monteith, Hugh Glencairn /1910s*
Montgomery, John Howard (1926-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. 1902. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong June 30, 1926 through 1941, 16 years in total. Matilda Hospital 1926-EOP.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 2, 1926, Notice #351.Moore, Philip 毛文奇 (1939-EOP)
A prominent Asian Art Collector.
(updated August 12, 2013) Alias Mao Wen-cee. MBBS, HKU December 20, 1938. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 26, 1939 through 1941, three years in total. Address in Hong Kong: c/o Dr. B. Chu, G/F, #9 Dragon Terrace 1939-EOP.
Moore, William Brownlow Ashe (1904-1936)
(updated July 20, 2013) b. August 8, 1879, Navan, County Meath, Ireland - d. July 31, 1973, Essex, England; LRCP&SI (1902); LM, Rotunda Hospital, Ireland (1912); DTMH, London (1927); house surgeon, Meath Hospital and Co. Dublin Infirmary (1903); ship’s surgeon, Indo-China S.N. Co. (1904); came to Hong Kong 1904; Assistant Medical Officer of Health (March to September, 1905); Assistant Surgeon, Government Civil Hospital wef. September, 1905; seconded to RAMC in March 1917 as a captain and was sent to Mesopotamia; returned to Hong Kong in 1918, Government Civil Hospital, Kowloon Hospital, Victoria Hospital; acting Director (1929), Deputy Director, Medical and Sanitary Services; lecturer in Chemistry 1907-12, Director of Studies 1909-12 (questionable), HKCMC; lecturer in Medical Jurisprudence and Hygiene 1924-32), Clinical Obstetrics, HKU; member of the Legislative Council (1929-34); President of St. Patrick's Society of Hong Kong 1934; Superintendent of Works and President of the Board of General Purposes, District Grand Lodge, Freemason; retired to England in 1936; ship's surgeon, P. & O. line, serving at sea throughout the second world war [1]; honor: Serving Brother of Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem (1931); OBE (1936); club: Hong Kong Club, Hong Kong Jockey Club.
Son of Joseph Henry Moore, MA, AIM of Dublin University, president of Institute of Civil Engineers, Ireland; married (1) Agnes Mary Graham in 1906), (2) Helen Bronsen in 1924.
[1] Moore served on HMT Viceroy of India when she was torpedoed and sunk in the Mediterranean by U-boat (U407) after landing one of the first detachments of British forces in North Africa. The date was November 11, 1942.
Selected bibliography: The Ashe Family Site [internet]. / The Edinburgh Gazette, June 26, 1931, #14,768, p.715. / Hong Kong Daily Press, January 3, 1936, p.6, Local Medical Men Honored.Morrison, John (1921)
MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. (1907); registered to practice in Hong Kong on September 16, 1921; address in Hong Kong: Hotel Mansions and Union Building (1921)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 16, 1921, Notice #391.Morrison, William (1847-d.1853, HKG)
b.dt/unk.-d.1853, Hong Kong; private practice, England bef. 1847; recruited by Home Government and sent to Hong Kong in 1847; Colonial Surgeon [1] 1847-53; died from an abscess of the liver (or of malarial fever) and buried at the Hong Kong Cemetery in Happy Valley 1853
[1] Morrison was the first London appointed Colonial Surgeon. He was said to have a thriving medical practice in England before accepting the engagement in Hong Kong. Records show that his salary was raised by GBP100 in 1848. Colonial Surgeon in Hong Kong at the time was permitted to run his private practice simultaneously while holding the public office. Morrison was most oftenly accused of ignoring the office of the Colonial Surgeon while focusing only in his very lucrative private practice.
Muller, Oskar (1904-1923)
(updated August 26, 2013) Name variation: Oskar Muller-Meernach. MD, Munich Univ. April 10, 1897. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 6, 1904. Private practitioner, name partner in Drs. Muller and Justi 1904, address: #16 Queen's Road 1904. Removed from the Medical Register by the government on February 15, 1923 [1].
[1] The following doctors were removed from the Medical Registered by the government in February 1923 on the ground that they had not practiced for more than three months during the five year immediately preceding the enactment of the Medical Registration Amendment Ordinance, 1923; and they were: Karl Hoch, Carol Justi, Oskar Muller, Kurt Otto Herman Walther and Theodor van Wesel, all German nationals.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1904, Notice #341; March 2, 1923, Notice #88.Munehiro Jungo 宗廣純吾 (1921-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Tokyo Univ. December 25, 1916. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong October 28, 1921 through 1941, 21 years in total. Majima Hospital 1921-EOP.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 28, 1921, Notice #439; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Murray, Herbert Edward (1919)
MBBS, BMid, Dublin Univ. (October 20, 1913); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 16, 1919; address in Hong Kong: #5 Observatory Villas, Kowloon (1919)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 16, 1919, Notice #224.Murray, J. (1881)
AMD, Surgeon-Major; Hong Kong bef.1881. Acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice Charles John Wharry, absent on leave) July 26, 1881.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 30, 1881, Notice #263.
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John I. Murray |
(updated August 29, 2013) b.1825. MD, Aberdeen Univ. 1856. Hong Kong 1859; HKGov., Colonial Surgeon, April 12, 1859-1872; acting Chairman, Committee of the International Exhibition, London, 1862 [1] October 16, 1861. Member, Commission, Yellow Fever Inquiry March 19, 1866 [2]. Official Justice of the Peace.
fa/o William Alfred Murray [3]
[Murray wrote the following in his Colonial Surgeon Report for the year 1860, " The hospital system has always appeared to me very inadequate to the population. In fact it may be broadly stated that there is no hospital for Chinese, who form such a vast majority of our population."]
[1] Also known as the Crystal Palace Exhibition. The committee was made up of John Ivor Murray, J.J. Mackenzie, J.D. Gibb, W. Walkinshaw and W. Kane.
[2]. The three-member Commission (A Commission for the Purpose of Making Inquiry into an Epidemic Disease Represented by the Colonial Surgeon to be Yellow Fever) was appointed by the 6th Hong Kong Governor Richard Graves MacDonnell on Mach 19, 1866. The members were John Ivor Murray, Colonial Surgeon; William Dick, AMS surgeon (chairman); and Robert Bernard, RN surgeon.
[3] William Alfred Murray was born in Hong Kong on August 14, 1863 Hong Kong. He received MB and CM from the Aberdeen University in 1890.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 16, 1859, Notice #39; October 19, 1861, Notice #119; May 12, 1866, Notice #71.Naidu, Pala Dora Raj /1910s
Naidu, Pala Raj Timothy (1939-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 1936. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 26, 1939 through 1941, three years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #3 Gresson Street, Wanchai (1939).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Nash, Gwendolyn Ruth (1934-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, Sydney Univ. September 21, 1928. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 31, 1934 through 1941, eight years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #1 King's Terrace, Tak Shing Street, Kowloon (1934); #3 Gresson Street, Wanchai 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 2, 1934, Notice #76; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Nelson-Jones, Archibald (1933)
MBBS, London Univ. (June 7, 1930); registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 3, 1933; address in Hong Kong: Union Building (1933).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 3, 1933, Notice #76.Newbolt, K. (1855)
[Newbolt placed the following advertisement in the Hong Kong Government Gazette:
"Mr K. Newbolt, Surgeon Dentist, has just returned from London and Paris all the latest Improvements in supplying Arti[ ] Mineral, and in stopping Decayed, Teeth, to be consulted, personally or by letter, at [ ] Lapraik's. June 29, 1855"]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 29, 1855.Ng Bow-kwee 黄卯貴 (1941)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 14, 1940. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong April 8, 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 10, 1941, Notice #418.Ng Tin-fong 吳天放 (1932-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 15, 1932. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong December 29, 1932 through 1941, 10 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #22 Staunton Street (1932); G/F, #39 King's Road 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 30, 1932, Notice #815; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ng Yeok-boon 吳鋈滿 (1931)
MBBS, HKU (May 18, 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 29, 1931; address in Hong Kong: #2 Hill Road (1931).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 31, 1931, Notice #489.Ng Yeok-kin 吳鋈堅 (1937-1948+)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 12, 1935. Registered to practice Hong Kong March 4, 1937. Private practitioner 1937-48+ [1], address: 1/F, #436, Nathan Road, Kowloon 1936-41, 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 12, 1937, Notice #182; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Ng Yew-seng 黄有生 (1938-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 1936. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 6, 1938 through 1941, four years in total. Kwong Wah Hospital 1938.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1938, Notice #368; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Nicolson, Murdo (1925-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, Glasgow Univ. April 1924. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 8, 1925 through 1941, seven years in total. Drs. Allan and Straham 1925. Address in Hong Kong: Alexander Building 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1925, Notice #266; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Nixon, William Charles Wallace (1936-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) LRCP, London 1927. MRSC, Englnd 1927. FRCS, England 1929. MBBS 1931, MD 1933, London Univ. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 5, 1936 through 1941, six years in total.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1936, Notice #427; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Noble, Joseph Whittlesey (1887-1916+)
(updated August 28, 2013) b. March 20, 1862, Dallas, Polk, Oregon -d.1949.Dental Surgeon. DDS, Pennsylvania Univ. 1883. Hong Kong 1887. Private practitioner 1887-1916+, Poate and Noble 1887. Provided free dental service at the Alice Memorial Hospital. HKCMC, member of the Court, involved in realizing the plan to incorporate the college into HKU; lecturer in Dental Surgery 1896-1912. Dental Board, one of the five initial members 1914. Bought controlling interest of the Hong Kong Telegraph from Robert Ho-tung, became its publisher 1916.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 17, 1866, Appt. #263.O'Brien, [ ] (1865)
(updated August 30, 2013) Hong Kong nlt.1865. HKGov., Surgeon, Government Civil Hospital July 1865 - February 1866; acting Colonial Surgeon (vice John Ivor Murray, absence on leave) Feburary 6, 1867.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 12, 1866, Notice #71; February 9, 1867, Notice #24.Officer, John Moore (1941)
MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. (1930); registered to practice in Hong Kong on August 7, 1941; address in Hong Kong: #30 College Road, Kowloon (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 8, 1941, Notice #951.Oh Syun-mei 翁俊明 (1938-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Taihoku Medical Special College, Taiwan March 31, 1930. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong August 24, 1938 through 1941, four years in total. Address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #210 Queen's Road West 1938-EOP.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 26, 1938, Notice #666; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ong Ewe-hin 王有興 (1937-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 23, 1936. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong July 14, 1937 through 1941, five years in total. Queen Mary Hospital (1937). Address in Hong Kong: The School of Anatomy, HKU 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 16, 1937, Notice #495; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ong Hian-pitt /1940s
Ong Huek Chye 王學才 (1919)
MBBS, HKU June 26, 1918; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 23, 1919
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 23, 1919, Notice #235.Ooi Kee-wan 黄基遠 (1937-EOP)
(updated on August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 29, 1937. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong December 29, 1937 through 1941, five years in total.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 31, 1937, Notice #952; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Orloff, E.N. /1940s
Ozorio, Filomeno Maria Graca (1915-d.1937, HKG)
(updated August 24, 2013) b. March 7, 1892 - d. February 13, 1937, Hong Kong; bur. Saint Michael's Catholic Cemetery, Happy Valley. St. Joseph College. LMS, HKCMC 1912. MBBS, HKU December 14, 1914. registered to practice Hong Kong March 26, 1915. Private practitioner 1915-1937, address 1: #34 Queen's Road Central 1916); address 2: #12 Des Voeux Road Central 1921. Sanitary Board February 23, 1916 [1] - November 30, 1924, resigned. Consul, Cosa Rica. Club: Club Lusitano; President 1934-37.
m. Ruth Yvonne Barretto, January 17, 1935, Hong Kong; d/o F. Demee Barretto of Singapore. fa/o Filomeno, Ismeria, Maria and Deslree. bro/o J.G. Ozirio.
[1] Ozirio was the first Portuguese to sit on the Sanitary Board, as well as the youngest. He was 24.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Daily Press, February 15, 1937, p.1, Great Loss to Portuguese Community: Dealth of Dr. F.M.G. Ozorio. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 26, 1915, Notice #137; February 25, 1916, Appt. #78; November 28, 1924, Appt. #659. The Hong Kong Sunday Herald, February 14, 1937, p.4, Sudden Death of Dr. Ozorio. The Straits Times, January 18, 1935, p.4, Social and Personal.Ozorio, Horacio Percy Luis (1937-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 17, 1937. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong December 29, 1937 through 1941, five years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #41 Granville Road, Kowloon 1937-EOP.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 31, 1937, Notice #952; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Pan Tsoh-chen 潘作琴 (1938-EOP)
(updated August 12, 2013) MBBS, Glasgow Univ. October 24, 1924. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong April 14, 1938 through 1941, four years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #11 Tytam Village, Stanley 1938; #1 Cumberland Road, Kowloon Tong 1941..
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 22, 1938, Notice #326; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Pang Hok-ko 彭學高 (1930-1972)
(updated August 17, 2013) b.1900 Hong Kong - d.1974 Hong Kong. MBBS, HKU December 27, 1929. Registered to practice Hong Kong December 4, 1930. Tung Wah Eastern Hospital 1930. Private practice 1934-72 [1]; address: 1/F, #335 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1948. President, HKMA 1952-53. Honor: naming of Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial Collage 禮賢會彭學高紀念中學.
fa/o Pang Wing-fuk 彭永福 (MBBS, HKU 1962. MRCP 1966. FRCP, Edinburgh. FHKA, Medicine. DTMH, Liverpool Univ.) and Pang Wing-luk 彭永祿 (MBBS, HKU 1966)
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
[Dr. Pang Wing-fuk is my mother's physician.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 5, 1930, Notice #781; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Pang Iu-ki 彭耀基 (1935-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 4, 1935. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 17, 1935 through 1941, 7 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #13 Wongneichong Road, Happy Valley 1935-EOP.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 18, 1935, Notice #51; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Pang Teng-cheung 彭定祥 (1941)
(updated August 13, 2013) BMBS, HKU May 1941. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong October 27, 1941. Address in Hong Kong: G/F, #2 Homantin Street, Kowloon 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 31, 1941, Notice#1291.Parker, Henry Brice (1919)
(updated August 6, 2013) MBBS, London Univ.; MRCS, England; LRCP, London; DTMH; RN Surgeon Lieutenant in Hong Kong (1919); seconded to Hong Kong Government as a temporary Government Bacteriologist wef. February 12, 1919 (vice Harold Macfarlane, deceased); Medical Officer wef. February 21, 1919; promoted from Surgeon Commander to Surgeon Captain wef. July 3, 1936; retired from RN on June 3, 1943; honor: DSC (1918, CBE (1944); publications: co-author of Neosalvarsan, The Lancet, Vol. #180, Issue #4637, July 13, 1912; A Case of Gummatous Ulceration Simulating Rodent Ulcer Treated with Salvarsan, British Journal of Dermatology, Vol. #24, Issue #9, September 1912.
[I've previously included DSO in Parker's award list by mistake. It has now been corrected. Thanks to Andrew Marsh, a reader of this post, for his kind advice. (August 6, 2013)]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 21, 1919, Appt. #84, #85. / The London Gazette, July 3, 1936; June 25, 1943. / Naval History Homepage / Royal Navy Honors and Gallantry Awards [internet]. / Supplement to the London Gazette, June 21, 1918; January 1, 1944.Patchett, Reginald Joseph (1930)
LRCP, Edinburgh (July 1918); LRCS, Edinburgh (July 1918); LMS, Glasgow (July 1918); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 9, 1930; address in Hong Kong: c/o The Canadian Pacific Steamships Co., Ltd. (1930).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296.Paterson, W.S. (1889)
(updated September 5, 2013) AMD, surgeon, Hong Kong nlt.1889; Deputy Surgeon General and Principal Military Medical Office, China and Hong Kong 1889-92+.
Selected bibliography: Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon for the Year 1889.Paterson, Randolph James Elliot (1915)
MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. December 18, 1911; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 21, 1915, engaged by Nethersole Hospital
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 21, 1915, Notice #226.Pau Choi-chue, Lily (1931-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 23, 1930. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 8, 1931 through 1941, 11 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #15 Canal Road West 1931; #25 Canal Road West 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1931, Notice #282; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Pau Tak-kien, Peter (1931)
MBBS, HKU (May 23, 1930); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 8, 1931; address in Hong Kong: #15 Canal Road West (1931).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1931, Notice #282.Paul, David Robert (1907)
LRCP, LRCS, Edinburgh January 2, 1884; LM, RCS; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 7, 1907; address in Hong Kong 1907: #31 Shelley Street
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazetter, May 10, 1907, Notice #335.Paulun, Erich Hermann (1896-1898)
(updated August 20 2013) Prussian Diploma in Medicine, Surgery and Midwifery November 12, 1887. Registered to practice Hong Kong February 22, 1896 through 1898. Private practitioner 1896-98, address: Banks Building, #16 Queen's Road 1896-98.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 22, 1896, Notice #63; May 6, 1899, Notice #261.Pearse, Wilfred William (1901)
M.B., C.M., D.P.H., Dm.; M.D., University of Aberdeen 1906, thesis: “A Contribution to the Study of Plague”; came to Hong Kong in 1901; acting Medical Officer of Health, Sanitary Superintendent and Superintendent of Statistics 1903; listed as Assistant Medical Officer of Health 1908; HKCMC lecturer in Chemistry and Physics 1903-05, Public Health 1906-12, Physiology 1901-03; transferred from HKCMC to Faculty of Medicine, HKU 1912, Lecturer in Public Health 1912-21; member of the Hong Kong Club
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 6, 1908, Appt. #132.Penny, H.L. /1890s
Perkins, Eleanor Whitworth (1910)
BS, MD December 6, 1906, London Univ.; registered to practice in Hong Kong on December 16, 1910; engaged by Alice Memorial Hospital
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazett, December 16, 1910, Notice #386.Petrovsky, Constantine Constantinovich (1939-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 20, 1938. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 26, 1939 through 1941, three years in total. Address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #226 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Pfister, Freidrich Otto Maximilian (1926-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) MRCS, England 1910. LRCP, London 1910. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong April 16, 1926 through 1941, 16 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: Pedder Building 1926.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 16, 1926, Notice #200; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Pfister, M.O. /1930s
Phoon Seck-foo (1922)
MBBS, HKU (September 13, 1922); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 20, 1922; Government Civil Hospital (1922)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 20, 1922, Notice #422.Phoon Seck-quai (1932-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 21, 1931. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 6, 1932 through 1941, 10 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #49 Bonham Road 1932; 2/F, #2 Ning Yeung Terrace 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 8, 1932, Notice #17; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Phoon Seck-wah 潘錫華 (1922-1948+)
(updated August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 1921. Registered to practice Hong Kong March 31, 1922. Government Civil Hospital 1922. Private practitioner aft.1922-48+ [1], 1/F, Loke Yew Building 1948. Vice President, HKCMA 1929. Midwives Board 1930-33. Dental Board [n.d.]. Residence: R.B.L. 373 New Tai Hang Road 1941.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 31, 1922, Notice #160; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Phoon Seck-weng (1921-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 1920; Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong March 18, 1921 through 1941, 21 years in total. Ho Miu Ling Hospital 1921. Address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #163 Johnston Road 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 18, 1921, Notice #110; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Pike, [ ] (1885)
(updated August 31, 2013) AMD, Surgeon; Hong Kong nlt.1885. HKGov., acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice Charles John Wharry, sick leave) 1885.
Selected bibliography: Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon for the Year 1885.Pillai, Dorasamy Kumara-Samy 三美 (1922-1971)
(updated August 18, 2013) Obstetrician & Gynaecologist. Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur [n.d.]. Came to Hong Kong from Malaysia; matriculated at HKU 1917. MBBS, HKU June 1922. Rockefeller Scholarship1923. LM, Dublin 1924. MD, HKU 1928. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong September 1, 1922 through 1941, 20 years in total. Government Civil Hospital 1922-24. Assistant to Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, HKU 1925-36. Acting Professor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, HKU 1935-36. Private practice 1936-71 [1], address 1: #15-19 Queen's Road Central 1936-38; address 2: Marina House 1939-41; address 3: 3/F, Princes' Building. Member, Midwives Board 1929-35, 1939-EOP. President of the Alumni Association, HKU 1953-56. HKU Councilor 1953-61. Chairman, K.H. Digby Fund, HKU 1955. Inaugural meeting of the Asian Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1957 Tokyo, delegate (sole) from Hong Kong. Life Member, University Court, HKU 1968. Honor: Hon.LLD, HKU 1961. Address in Hong Kong: #47 Bonham Road 1934-35.
3rd. s/o Dr. D.S. Pillai, of Central Dispensary, Kuala Lumpur.
m. Gertrude May Chan, Union Church January 22 1927; d/o M/M Chan Yuen-shui. fa/o three daughters; Carmen Samy Pillai possibly one of them.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: Dafydd Emrys Evans (1987) Constancy of Purpose, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987, p.269. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 1, 1922, Notice #367; December 20, 1929, Appt. #662; February 24, 1933, Appt. #123; November 10, 1939, Appt. #1039; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. The Hong Kong Telegraph, January 24, 1927, p.7, Local Wedding. Official Website of the University of Hong Kong [internet]. The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, November 5, 1924, p.8. The Straits Times, February 4, 1927, p.8, Social and Personal. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Poate, Herbert (1885)
Hong Kong's First Dentist;
DDS, Pennsylvania Univ.; came to Hong Kong in 1885, opened Hong Kong's first dental practice
Selected bibliography: The Straits Times, January 5, 1885, p.2, Advertisements.Polishwala, Kaikhosru Jamsetji (1904)
LMS, Bombay Univ. February 18, 1902; registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 19, 1904; address in Hong Kong 1904: c/o H. Ruttonjee, #5 D'Aguilar Street
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 21, 1904, Notice #726.Pope, G.W. / 1930s
Pope-Hennessy, John 軒尼詩 (1877-1882)
b.1831 Cork, Ireland - d.1891; MD, DCh, Queen’s Univ., Belfast; barrister, Inner Temple; came to Hong Kong in 1877 not to practice medicine, but to govern; 8th governor of Hong Kong 1877-82; MP, Kilkenny 1890
[It was said that Hennessy had proposed the establishment of a medical school for Hong Kong back in 1878.]
Por Peng-teik 傅秉德 (1940-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) MBBS, HKU July 10, 1940. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 25, 1940 through 1941, two years in total. Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital 1940. Tung Wah Eastern Hospital 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 26, 1940, Notice #852 May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Quek Cheng-kim 郭振金 (1935-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 27, 1934. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 10, 1935 through 1941, seven years in total. Government Civil Hospital 1935.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 11, 1935, Notice #28; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Quincey Wong, Peter 王文[ ] /1900s
Rankin /1900s*
Reel, Leidy R. /1900s*
Reid, Edmund Lewis (1934)
MBBS, Aberdeen Univ. (1901); FRCS, Edinburgh (1914); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 4, 1934; address in Hong Kong: Peninsula Hotel (1934).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 4, 1934, Notice #359.Rennie, Alexander (1896)
MB, CM April 5, 1883, Aberdeen Univ.; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 2, 1896; address in Hong Kong 1896: Bank Building
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 2, 1896, Notice #157.Ribeiro, Germano Antonio Vieira (1937-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 8, 1937. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong June 23, 1937 through 1941, five years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #1 Carnarvon Villas, Kowloon 1937-EOP.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 25, 1937, Notice #447; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Rice, John Roche (1862)
(updated August 29, 2013) b.[n.d.], Tralee, Kerry, Ireland. MD, Glasgow Univ. 1843. P.&O. Co., ship's surgeon; served on board hospital ship in Crimea and Mediterranean for 10 years. Hong Kong nlt.1862. HKGov., Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice Charles M. Scott, resigned) October 1, 1862 - March 1864, resigned.
Selected bibliography: Dennys, N.B., King, Charles and Mayers, William Fred., The Treaty Ports of China and Japan: a complete Guide to the Open Ports of those Countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao, Hong Kong: A. Shortrede & Co., 1867. Gocities.com, Doctors List C 1860 [internet]. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 4, 1862, Notice #100. Janus: Jardine Matheson Archive. University of Glasgow [internet].Ride, Lindasy Tasman (1941-EOP)
MRCS, England (1927); LRCP, London (1927); DM, BS, Oxford Univ. (1927); registered to practice in Hong Kong on August 22, 1941; engaged by Hong Kong University (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 29, 1941, Notice #1045.Rigby, John (1923)
(updated August 26, 2013) MB, ChB, Victoria Univ., Manchester 1915. Registered to practice Hong Kong. March 23, 1923; struck off from the Medical Register by government on June 8 the same year, reason unknown. Residence: #13 Hankow Road, Kowloon 1923.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 23, 1923, Notice #131; June 8, 1923, Notice #267.Rizal, Jose (1892-1893)
(updated on August 18, 2013) LMS, Central Univ., Madrid 1884. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 7, 1892 through 1893. Residence: #2 Rednaxella Terrace 1892.
Reference: The Hong Kong Gazette, May 7, 1892, Notice #206; May 5, 1894, Notice #169.Robertson, [ ] (1866)
(updated on August 31, 2013). AMD, surgeon; Hong Kong nlt. 1866, Principal Military Medical Officer, Hong Kong 1866.
Selected bibliography: Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon for the Year 1866.Robertson, Robert Cecil (1939)
Cheated death twice, but not thrice
Rodrigues, Alberto Marie (1934-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 14, 1934. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong June 1, 1934 through 1941, fight years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #6 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon 1934; #126 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 1, 1934, Notice #431; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Rogers, [ ] (1877)
Private practitioner; announced in newspaper on August 6, 1877 of his intention to visit Amoy and Foochow in September and October in that year
Selected bibliography: The China Mail, October 18, 1877.Rowan, George Evan 劉榮志 (1928-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) LMSSA, London 1926. MRSC, England 1927. LRCP, London 1927. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong October 31, 1928 through 1941, 14 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #80 Peel Street 1928; 7/F, China Building.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 2, 1928, Notice #601; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Roy, Dhanwant (1935)
MBBS, HKU (January 9, 1935); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1935; address in Hong Kong: c/o Dr. N.P. Karanjia, #18 Connaught Road Central (1935).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1935, Notice #370.Rush, William Thomas (1930)
DCPSA, Canada (1913); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 9, 1930; address in Hong Kong: c/o The Canadian Pacific Steamships Co., Ltd. (1930).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296.Ruttonjee, Parrin (1931-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 26, 1930. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 8, 1931 through 1941, 11 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: Palace Hotel Building, #39 Haiphong Road 1931-EOP.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1931, Notice #282; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ryhn, Chiuntong T. 林烱東 (1941)
(updated August 13, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Nippon Medical College, Tokyo March 25, 1926. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong March 19, 1941. Address in Hong Kong: c/o T.N. Le, Bank of Communication, #5 Ice House Street 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 21, 1941, Notice #336; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.
Sanders, James Herbert (1907-1932)
(updated August 25, 2013) Obstetrician / Gynecologist. More commonly known as J. Herbert Sanders. d. May 16, 1956, Devon. MRCS, England February 10, 1900; LRCP, London; MD, Brussels Univ., Belgium February 10, 1900. Resident Medical Officer, London Hospital. Adviser, London Throat Hospital. Hong Kong 1906. Registered to practice Hong Kong July 23, 1907 through 1932. Medical Superintendent, Matilda Hospital 1907 [1]. Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKBMA 1907-08. The Great War, Resident Medical Officer, London Hospital; Senior Medical Officer, Norwich Military Hospital; Senior Medical Officer, Norfolk Military Hospital. Hong Kong after the Great War, resumed position at Matilda Hospital. Medical Board, acting member (vice Robert Maclean Gibson) May 27, 1918; member 1919. Publications: Boracic Acid Poisoning, The British Medical Journal, March 16, 1912, p.605; Congenital Absence of One Ovary and the Corresponding Fallopian Tube, The British Medical Journal, June 23, 1928, p.1065. Residence: #70 The Peak 1907.
[Sanders was sued by a former patient for malpractice in 1923. The exact allegations made by the complainant, Thorward Anderson, formerly a foreman with Hong Kong Wharf and Godown Company were “unskillful or negligent treatment” to his hand. Anderson suffered multiple injuries after falling 12 feet to the ground while working in the wharf on December 13, 1921. He went to the Kowloon Hospital for first aids and the doctor in charge, James Thornton Smalley, referred him to Sanders for follow up treatments. Anderson went to the Matilda Hospital on the following day to see Sanders who then became his attending surgeon. Anderson alleged that Sanders had treated his other injuries caused by the fall but failed to treat his right hand, which he put out in an attempt to break the fall, as a result causing bone fractures. The trial, presided over by Chief Justice William Rees-Davies, began on December 17, 1923. On the third day of the trial, the jury plainly told the court that there was no ground to continue further as the complainant clearly had not proved his case. Ree-Davies gave a verdict for the defendant and did so with an order for the complainant to pay costs.]
[1]. Sanders was the first medical superintendent of the Matilda Hospital. He probably ran the hospital entirely on his own while treating patients at the same time until the 1923 joining of Dr. Harry Lechmere Clift.
Selected bibliography: The China Mail, December 17, 1923, p.1, 4, Dr. Sanders Sued. Hong Kong Daily Pres, December 19, 1923, p.5, Allegations against a Doctor. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 26, 1907, Notice #490; May 5, 1933, Notice #317.Sanders, Charles William (1933)
CM, MD, McGill Univ., Canada (June 4, 1901); MSPSA (August 20, 1906); registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 3, 1933; Matilda Hospital (1933).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 3, 1933, Notice #76.Satchell, James (1843)
Doctor-turned-Newspaper-Editor, Died Quitting Opium;
arrived Hong
![]() |
"A was an Adjutant, Ride a Cock Horse." A to Z, being Twenty-six Notes on a Soldier’s Trumpet / source: FineBooks & Collections |
(updated August 26, 2013) AMD, acting Assistant Surgeon, 85th Regiment of Foot 1859; Surgeon, HM's 10th Regiment of Foot; Hong Kong 1872; Surgeon Major nlt. 1876; Brigade-Surgeon nlt.1885; retired 1885. Seconded to HKGov., acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital and surgeon, Lock Hospital (vice Richard Young, resigned) September 6, 1872. Publications: A to Z, being Twenty-six Notes on a Soldier’s Trumpet, 1876 [1].
Selected bibliography: The British Medical Journal, February 14, 185, p.357, Army Medical Service. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 7, 1872, Notice #171. The London Gazette, December 24, 1859.Scott, Charles M. (1861)
(updated August 29, 2013) HKGov., Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice [ ] Ainslie resigned) October 2, 1861 - 1862, resigned.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 5, 1861, Notice #106.Scott, H.H. /1920s*
Scott, John Spence Hardy (1937-EOP)
(updated August 13, 2013) LRCP, London 1936. MRCS, England 1936. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong July 14, 1937 through 1941, five years in total. Address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building 1937-EOP.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 16, 1937, Notice #495; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Scully, Gerald Sharpe (1935)
MBBS, HKU (December 20, 1934); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 3, 1935.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 4, 1934, Notice #20.Sepher, Sheik Abdool Majid (1924-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, HKU 1924. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong August 21, 1924 through 1941, eight years in total. Government Civil Hospital 1924. Address in Hong Kong: #5A Duddell Street 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 21, 1924, Notice #480; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Selwyn-Clarke, Peter Selwyn (1938)
Came to Hong Kong in or before 1938; Director of Medical Services, 1938-41
Shannon, Russell Glover /1930s
Shellshear, Joseph Lexden /1920s
Sherry, John Joseph Aloysius (1936-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) LRCP, LRCS, Edinburgh 1898. LMS, Glasgow 1898. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong November 17, 1936 through 1941, six years in total. Address in Hong Kong: Arlington Hotel 1936.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 20, 1936, Notice #919; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Shi Man-wai 施文蔚 (1930-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 17, 1929. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 9, 1930 through 1941, 12 years in total. Government Civil Hospital 1930. Address in Hong Kong: #62 Queen's Road Central 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Shin Kwai-shang 單季生 (1923-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MB, ChB, HKU January 24, 1923. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 26, 1922. Private practitioner 1923-48+ [1], address 1: 2/F, #199 Queen's Road East, Wanchai 1923; address 2: 1/F, #53 Queen's Road 1941; address 3: 1/F, #82 Queen's Road Central 1984; address 4: 1/F, #185 Johnston Road, Wanchai 1948.
Bro/o Shin Lok-shang.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 9, 1923, Notice #57; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。
Shin Lok-shang 單樂生 (1924-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 1923; Registered to practice Hong Kong May 3, 1924. Government Civil Hospital 1924. Private practitioner aft.1924-48+ [1], address 1: 1/F, Tai Ping Building, #16 Queen's Road Central 1941; #155 Queen's Road East 1948.
Bro/o Shin Kwai-shang.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 3, 1924, Notice #269; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Shore, L.R. /1930s
Shu Hou-jen 舒厚仁 (1939-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, HKU 1903. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 26, 1939 through 1941, three years in total. Address in Hong Kong: 2/F, #360 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon 1939-EOP.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Sibree, Alice Deborah (1904)
Hong Kong's First Woman Doctor.
LRCP, LRCS, Edinburgh 1901; LMS, Glasgow 1901; registered to practice in Hong Kong on September 20, 1904; address in Hong Kong 1904: #6 Bonham Road
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 23, 1904, Notice #659.Sie Tjoan Djin 薛全仁 (1941)
Name variations: See Chuan-jin; MBBS, HKU May 1941. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong November 14, 1941. Queen Mary Hospital 1941.
[Sie's registration was the last first-time registration in 1941. Hong Kong came under the attack of the Japanese on December 8, 1941.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 14, 1941, Notice #1366.Skertchley, S.B.I. /1890s
Skinn, Alfred John (1930-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. July 1925. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 9, 1930 through 1941, 12 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: Union Building 1930.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Skinner, Alexander Hugh (1938-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, Aberdeen Univ. 1907. DPH, Cambridge Univ. 1920.Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong November 16, 1938 through 1941, four years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #38 Stubbs Road 1938.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 18, 1938, Notice #893; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Smalley, James Thornton (1913-EOP)
(Updated August 14, 2013) b.1882-d. August 17, 1961, Cambridge. MRCS, England 1907. LRCP, London 1907. Qualified at Guy's Hospital 1907. House Surgeon, East London Hospital 1907. Resident medical officer, Colonial Hospital, Suva, Fiji 1910. Medical Officer of Health and Port Medical Officer, Seonka. Came to Hong Kong in 1913. Medical officer in charge of Kowloon and the New Territories May 13, 1913 - November 4, 1922. Medical Officer, Lai Chi Kok Gaol 1921-1922. Second Medical Officer, Government Civil Hospital wef. January 1923. Medical Officer in charge, Kowloon Hospital December 24, 1925 - 1927, 1931-[n.d.]. (Smalley was the first medical officer in charge of the Kowloon Hospital, which opened on Christmas Eve 1925.) Acting Principal Civil Medical Officer (vice J.B. Addison) November 8, 1927 - January 3, 1928. Medical Officer in charge of the Victoria General Maternity Hospital 1927-30. Acting Deputy Director, Medical and Sanitary Services April 10, 1928 – 1940. Senior Medical Officer 1931. Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths June 11, 1937-1940. Acting Director of Medical Services July 21, 1937 – December 3, 1938, November 21, 1938 – 1940. Retired from civil service January 1940. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong February 6, 1940 through 1941, two years in total. Private practice from 1940. Surgeon-Lieutenant, HKVDC April 7, 1914 - November 29, 1926. HKU, Tutor, Out-Patients Department 1923-24; acting lecturer in Hygiene 1923; lecturer in Pharmacology 1924. Justice of the Peace (official) 1919-40, (unofficial) April 30, 1941 -EOP. Interned, together with family, at the Kowloon Hotel during Japanese occupation. Retired to Cambridge after the war. Chairman, Ministry of Pensions Medical Board, Cambridge. Consultant in tropical medicine, East Anglian Regional Hospital Board. Honor: King's Coronation Medal 1937. Unpublished writing: Diary of Work at Kowloon Hospital. Address in Hong Kong: Knutsford Hotel, Kowloon 1940.
s/o Major-General Frederick Smalley of Madras Infantry.
m. Ethel Clifford 1910; d/o Captain F.J. Clifford of Kent Regiment. fa/o two daughters, Joan and Mary.
[Smalley was injured in a car accident on March 1, 1939 when his car (#652) which he was driving came into collision with another car (#4420) at the corner of Waterloo Road and Argyle Street. Smalley and a woman passenger in the other car were removed to the Kowloon Hospital (of which Smalley was in charge); the condition of both patients, as it was learned later that night, was not serious.]
[Smallery's residence in Mody Road was broken into by a thief on May 7, 1940, who took away a chromium clock, valued at $50.]
[There was a decorated (Distinguished Flying Cross July 30,1940) Royal Air Force pilot existing in the European Theatre of World War II, whose name was James Ralph Thornton Smalley. Might he be Smalley's son?]
Selected bibliography: The British Medical Journal, September 2, 1961, p.654, Obit uary: J.T. Smalley. / Evans, Dafydd Emrys, Constancy of Purpose: Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987. / Hong Kong Daily Press, January 5, 1935, p.7, Silver Wedding, Dr. & Mrs. J.T. Smalley; March 2, 1939, p.1, Dr. Smalley Injured in Smash; January 20, 1940, p.1, Presentation to Dr. and Mrs. James T. Smallery. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 17, 1914, Appt. #142; December 3, 1926, Appt. #660; November 10, 1927, Appt. #655; April 10, 1928, Appt. 181; August 20, 1937, Appt. #578; May 14, 1937, Honors; June 11, 1937, Appt. #405; July 16, 1937, Appt. #490; November 25, 1938, Appt. #906; October 27, 1939, Proclamation; February 7, 1940, Notice #164; May 2, 1941, App.t #508; May 30, 1941, Notice #658. / Hong Kong Medical Report for the Year 1921, 1922, 1923, 1925. / Hong Kong War Diary [internet]. / The London Gazette, October 8, 1940, pp.5901-03.Smalley, Rachel Elizabeth (1941)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 27, 1941. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong July 11, 1941. Helena May Institute 1941. Address in Hong Kong: Empress Lodge, Mody Road, Kowloon 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 11, 1941, Notice #844; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.So Chik-ching 蘇淑貞 (1938-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Tokyo Women Special Medical College, Japan May 5, 1915. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong October 19, 1938 through 1941, four years in total. Address in Hong Kong: 2/F, #191 Kilung Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon 1938-EOP.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 21, 1938, Notice #382; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.So Ping-lun 蘇炳麟 (1939, 1948+)
(updated August 18, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Kyusyu Imperial Univ., Japan December 1, 1919. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 26, 1939. Private practitioner 1939, 1948+, address: #564 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1948. Residence: 1/F, #2 Wong Chuk Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon 1939.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。So Sei-chi (1925)
Igakushi (MB), Kioto Professional Medical College (July 1924); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 8, 1925.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1925, Notice #266.So Wah-cheung (1938)
see Yu Ah-li (nee So) 余亞莉 (1938)
So Yee-ching 蘇儀貞 (1938-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Tokyo Women Special Medical College, Japan November 13, 1920. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong October 19, 1938 through 1941, four years in total. Address in Hong Kong: 2/F, #191 Kilung Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon 1938.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 21, 1938, Notice #382; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Soares, Franciso de Paula (1884-1897
(updated September 1, 2013) b. January 4, 1825 - d. March 23, 1907. Hong Kong nlt.1884. Private practitioner nlt.1884; Oriental Dispensary 1890-97, address: Stanley Street. Objected to register (in accordance with Ordinance #6 of 1884 of April 5, 1884) and was allowed to continue to practice; medical doctor status recognized by Hong Kong Government in 1897 [1]. Public vaccinator October 20, 1890.
s/o Francisco Soares and Angela Vicencia Ozorio.
m. Iria Joaquina da Silva, d/o Eusebio Jose da Silva and Maria Theresa.
[There is a question posted on the internet, asking if Soares went by the Chinese name of Lam Fai-wing, and whether he was the grandfather of a Edith Lo (as has been described in "A Memoir of Hong Kong's Governance 1950-1991: Social Sciences in Asia", a book written by Eric Peter Ho 何鴻鑾, a former Secretary for Commerce and Industry. According to Annelise who posted to Geni: Lam was the son of Soares, and Edith Lo was the daughter of Lam.]
[1] On May 8, 1897, the government, under the name of the Colonial Secretary, J.H. Stewart Lockhart, posted a notice in the government gazette to recognize Soares' status as a registered medical practitioner. This is rather interesting, not only the government did not punish him for practicing without a license, but also it gave him a license without his applying for one.
Selected bibliography: Geni [internet]. / Gwulo › Forums › 1946 – Harry Hyndman [internet]. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 3, 1884, Notice; May 8, 1897, Notice #161; October 25, 1890, Notice #441.Song Chong-chai 宋俊才 /1910s
Soon Cheng-hoe /1940s
Stanley-Adams, William Stanley (1864-1891)
see Adams, William Stanley (1864-1891)
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Frederic O. Stedman |
(updated August 28, 2013) b. December 31, 1862, Tiverton, Devonshire, England – d. February 2, 1927, Weybridge, Surrey. LSA, London December 23, 1884. MRCS, England April 30, 1885. London Univ., BS December 21, 1887; MD December 19, 1888. Charing Cross Hospital, London, house surgeon; house physician; surgeon registrar. House physician, National Hospital for Paralysis and Epilepsy, London. Clinical assistant, Moorefield's Eye Hospital, London. Hong Kong bef.1894. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 5, 1894. Private practitioner 1894-1914+, founder, Drs. Stedman, Reinnie and Harston, address: Alexandra Building. Supernumerary Surgeon-Lieutenant, HKVDC December 2, 1896. Council, HKBMA 1907-08. Member and secretary, Medical Board December 7, 1908 -1914. Member, Committee of Inquiry into the Adequacy of the Staff of the Medical Department of the Colony 1901. Dental Board, one of the five initial members 1914. Unofficial Justice of the Peace. Publication: Three Cases Treated by the "X" Rays, British Medical Journal, December 19, 1903. Club: Hong Kong Club. Residence: #6 Queen's Gardens 1894.
s/o Arthur Stedman, surgeon, MRCS, England. bro/o Savignac Bell Stedman, MD, practiced in Ceylon, died there at the age of 64.
m. Lillian Mabel Lemesurier 1899.
[Stedman was related to Elizabeth Stedman, wife of Thomas Boswell Watson, M.D., who went to Macau in ca.1845 to start up a private practice, and whose family would later founded Watson’s, The Chemist]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 5, 1894, Notice #169; January 18, 1909, Appt. #29; December 8, 1911, Appt. #378; July 17, 1914, Appt. #263.Stewart, Philip Smyly (1931)
MBBS, Dublin Univ. (1903); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 8, 1931; address in Hong Kong: St. Stephen's College, Stanley (1931).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1931, Notice #282.Stockwell, James (1879)
(updated August 27, 2013) LRCP, LRCS, Edinburg November 3, 1866. Private practitioner. HKGov, acting Health Officer (vice William Stanley Adams, absence on leave) June 3, 1879; acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice Charles John Wharry, absence on leave) March 11, 1882. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 3, 1884. Residence: #4 Lower Mosque Terrace 1884.
[Stockwell was one of the first nine doctors who registered as medical practitioners in Hong Kong immediately following the enactment of the "Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884" that required all doctors to be licensed before they could treat patients for monetary reward.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 4, 1879, Notice #135; March 11, 1882, Notice #99. May 3, 1884, Notice.Stout, [ ] (1877)
Private practitioner; place of practice: G/F, Hotel Del'Univers, hours: 8am-noon and 2-4pm
Selected bibliography: The China Mail, October 18, 1877.Stout, Alta Frances (nee Thompson) (1938-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. 1935. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 12, 1938 through 1941, four years in total. Supervisor of Midwives, 1938-39. Address in Hong Kong: #42 Kennedy Road 1938; G/F, #146 Argyle Street, Kowloon 1941.
m. Edward William Stout.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 13, 1938 Notice #390; June 23, 1939, Appt. #501; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Stout, Edward William (1937-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. 1935. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong November 10, 1937 through 1941, five years in total. Address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building 1937; G/F, #146 Argyle Street, Kowloon 1941.
m. Alta Frances Thompson.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 19, 1937, Notice #851; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Strahan, Stuart Seguin (1917-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MRCS, England March 11, 1902. LRCP, London 1902. MB, Oxford Univ. 1912. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 25, 1917 through 1941, 25 years in total. Acting member of Dental Board (vice Charles Forsyth) May 16, 1923. Address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building 1917.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 29, 1917, Notice #244; May 18, 1923, Appt. #234; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Struthers, Ernest Black (1913)
MB, Toronto Univ. 1905; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 9, 1913; engaged by Alice Memorial Hospital
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9,1913, Notice.Sun Jue-yow, Edward Wickham 孫潤焜 (1930-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 1928. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 9, 1930 through 1941, 12 years in total. Government Civil Hospital 1930. HKCMA, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer 1937; President 1940, 1941. Address in Hong Kong: 4/F, King's Theatre Building 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Sun Yat-sen 孫逸仙 /1890s
Sunderaj, Chitoor Aroohasiramony (1931)
MBBS, HKU (December 1928); registered to practice in Hong Kong on March 18, 1931.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 20, 1931, Notice #173.Sung Sheung-hei 宋常熙 (1935-1948+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 27, 1934. Registered to practice Hong Kong May January 10, 1935. Private practitioner 1935-48+ [1], address: Rm. 503, National Commercial and Savings Bank Building 國民行, Central 1948. Residence, address 1: #45 Bonham Road 1935; address 2: #91 Robinson Road 1941.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 11, 1935, Notice #28; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》Hong Kong Year Book.Sutherland, George Robert (1941)
MD, CM, McGill Univ., Canada 1897. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 9, 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Swan, James Herbert (1898)
(updated August 19,2013) LRCP, LRCS, LMRCP, LMRCS, Ireland May 1888. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 7, 1898; re-registered May 7, 1907. Private practitioner 1898- , address: Princes' Building 1907. Residence, address 1: Hong Kong Hotel 1898; address 2: Gomes Villa, Kowloon.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 7, 1898, Notice #212; May 10, 1907, Notice #335.Swyer, James (1941)
(updated September 4, 2013) Radiologist. Hog Kong nlt.1941. Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, POW 1941-45; British Military Hospital (Bowen Road Hospital) 1942-45. Post-war whereabouts unknown.
Selected bibliography: Bowie, Donald C., Captive Surgeon in Hong Kong: The Story of the British Military Hospital, Hong Kong 1942-1945, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch, Vol. #15, 1975.Sydenham, Annie (1925-1945
(updated August 14, 2013) MRCS, England 1923. LRCP, London 1923. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong July 24, 1925 through 1941, 17 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: London Mission, Robinson Road 1925; #4 Bonham Road. Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, interned Stanley Camp 1941-46. Post-war whereabouts unknown.
Selected bibliography: The British Medical Journal, July 18, 1942, p.88, Medical News. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 24, 1925, Notice #432; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Symons, Robert (1940-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 3, 1939. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 10, 1940 through 1941, two years in total. Address in Hong Kong: 3/F, #11 Hillwood Road, Kowloon 1940-EOP.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Szaristein-Ramler, Siegfried (1940-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MD, DCh, Palermo Univ., Italy 1934. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 10, 1940 through 1941, two years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #526, Nathan Road, Kowloon 1940; 3/F, Exchange Building 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Sze Tsung-sing 施正信 (1933)
The first Chinese WHO Medical Officer
MBBS, HKU (January 5, 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 14, 1931; Government Civil Hospital (1931).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 16, 1931, Notice #39.Szeto Eng-kee 司徒榮基 (1936-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 12, 1936. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong June 22, 1936 through 1941, six years in total. Address in Hong Kong: 2/F, #9 Stewart Road 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 26, 1936, Notice #584; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Szeto, Onward 司徒安活(1941)
MBBS, HKU (May 1941); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 9, 1941; address in Hong Kong: #6 Prospect Place, Bonham Road (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 18, 1941, Notice #875.Tai, E.S. /1930s
Tai Hon-fan 戴翰芬 (1934-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. 1933. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong February 19, 1934 through 1941, eight years in total. HKGov., temporary Medical Officer 1938. Address in Hong Kong: #36 Queen's Road Central 1934; #145 Caine Road 1941.
Selected bibliography: Annual Medical Report for the Year 1938, Hong Kong Government. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 23, 1934, Notice #125; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Tai Hon-hang 戴翰鏗 (1933-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. December 16, 1932. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong February, 8, 1933 through 1941, nine years in total. HKGov., temporary Medical Officer 1938; Health officer wef. January 1, 1939. Address in Hong Kong : #36 Queen's Road Central 1933; Top floor, #23 Hillwood Road 1941..
Selected bibliography: Annual Medical Report for the Year 1938, Hong Kong Government. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 19, 1933, Notice #84; January 6, 1939, Notice #14; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Tai Hon-sham 戴翰琛 (1933-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. 1932. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong February 15, 1933 through 1941, nine years in total. HKGov., temporary Medical Officer 1938; Inspector of Schools 1940, 1941. Address in Hong Kong: #36 Queen Road Central 1933; 2/F, #22 Robinson Road 1938.
Selected bibliography: Annual Medical Report for the Year 1938, Hong Kong Government. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 17, 1933, Notice #107October 18, 1940, Appt. #1147; May 9, 1941, Appt. #552, Notice #558.Talbot, Harry (1934-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MRCS, England 1927. LRCP, London 1927. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong July 4, 1934 through 1941, eight years in total. Address in Hong Kong: The Peak Hotel 1934; Top floor, Union Building 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 6, 1934, Notice #527; May 9, 1941, Notice #558; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Tam Cheung-wa /1910s
Tam Tai-tong 譚大同 (1938-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Kyusyu Imperial Univ., Japan October 1, 1924. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong July 13, 1938 through 1941, four years in total. Address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #42 Jordan Road, Kowloon 1938; 1/F, #33 Des Voeux Road 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 15, 1938, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Tan Eng-gwan 陳榮環 (1937)
MBBS, HKU (June 5, 1937); registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 23, 1937; address in Hong Kong: 1/F, #82 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Shamshuipo, Kowloon (1937).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 25, 1937, Notice #447.Tan Hai-san 陳海山 (1941-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 1941. Registered to practice Hong Kong July 9, 1941. Private practitioner 1941-48+ [1], address: #572 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1948. Residence: 2/F, #295 Kowloon City Road, Kowloon 1941.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 18, 1941, Notice #875. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Tan Hee-choo 陳希之 (1932-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 14, 1932. Registered to practice Hong Kong December 29, 1932. Government Civil Hospital 1932. Private practitioner aft.1932-48+, address 1: 3/F, Bank of East Asia Building 1941; address 2: 4/F, Bank of Canton Building 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 30, 1932, Notice #815; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Tan Liang-Hwat 陳良法 (1932)
MBBS, HKU (December 16, 1932); registered to practice in Hong Kong on December 29, 1932.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 30, 1932, Notice #815.Tan Shui-huai 譚遂淮 (1933)
LMSSA, London (November 25, 1932); registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 23, 1933; address in Hong Kong: #115 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong (1933).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 24, 1933, Notice #124.Tan Tiong-lam 陳忠南 (1931-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 20, 1930. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong June 16, 1931 through 1941, 11 years in total.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 19, 1931, Notice #386; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Tang Ching-tuan 唐景端 (1941-EOP)
MBBS, HKU (June 4, 1941); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 11, 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 11, 1941, Notice #844.Tang Yee-yuen (1927-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, HKU 1927. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong October 21, 1927 through 1941, 15 years in total. Kwong Wah Hospital 1927. Address in Hong Kong: #434 Nathan Road Kowloon 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 21, 1927, Notice #604; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Tann Wee-han 陳維翰 (1935)
MBBS, HKU (December 21, 1934); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 10, 1935.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1935, Notice #370.Taylor, Eric Stuart (1920)
(updated July 8, 2013) b.1889-d.1977; 2nd Baronet of Kennington (July 11, 1917); BS (1913), MD (1919), Cambridge Univ.; MRCS, England; LRCP, London; Captain RAMC, retired; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 7, 1920; honor: OBE (1919); address in Hong Kong: Hotel Mansions (1920), Union Building (1921).
Son of Frederick Taylor, 1st Bart, FRCP.
Husband of Evelyn Therese (m.1920); father of Richard Laurence Stuart Taylor, b.1925, and Lesley Evelyn Stuart.
Selected bibliography: Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles, Armorial Families : a Directory of Gentlemen of Coat-Armour, Vol. #2, Edinburgh: T.C. &E.C. Jack. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 7, 1920, Notice #266.Teo Koh-tok (1926)
MBBS, HKU (1925); registered to practice in Hong Kong on April 16, 1926; Government Civil Hospital (1926).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 16, 1926, Notice #200.Teh Lean-swee 鄭連瑞 (1916)
MBBS, HKU December 1915; registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 11, 1916; engaged by Tung Wah Hospital
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 11, 1916, Notice #62.Teh Yok-chee (1926)
MBBS, HKU (1925); registered to practice in Hong Kong on April 16, 1926.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 16, 1926, Notice #200.Teh Yok-chin 鄭玉清 (1930)
MBBS, HKU (May 1929); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 29, 1930.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 31, 1930, Notice #666.Teng Pin-hui 鄧炳輝 (1938-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, HKU 1936. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 6, 1938 through 1941, four years in total. Address in Hong Kong: G/F, #60 Bonham Road 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 6, 1938, Notice #368; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Teo Soon-wan 張順遠 (1932-1948+)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 18, 1932. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 31, 1932. Private practitioner 1932-48+ [1], address: 2/F, China Building 1941, 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 2, 1932, Notice #358; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Teoh Cheng-toe 張清道 (1916)
MBBS, HKU December 1915; registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 11, 1916; engaged by Ho Mui Ling Hospital
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 11, 1916, Notice #62.Teoh Thean-ming 張天民 (1934-EOP)
(updated August 14, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 12, 1933. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 4, 1934 through 1941, eight years in total. Babington Hospital and Sanatorium 1934. Address in Hong Kong: #53 Des Voeux Road Central.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 4, 1934, Notice #359; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Thomas, Alan Lloyd (1940-EOP)
(updated August 15, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. 1932. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong May 10, 1940 through 1941, two years in total. Alice Memorial Hospital 1940-EOP.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Thomas, George Harold 譚嘉士 (1912-EOP)
Hong Kong's First Locally Trained MD
(updated August 15, 2013) Diocesan Boys’ School. LMSH, HKCMC 1912 (first non-Chinese [1] student and licentiate). MBBS, HKU May 30, 1914 [2]. MD, HKU 1920 (first HKU MD graduate). FRCS 1961 (first award to Fellowship without an examination, and first presentation ceremony took place outside the College premises in London). Resident surgeon, Tung Wah Hospital 1912. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong August 7, 1914 through 1941, 28 years in total. Assistant Medical Officer assigned to Government Civil and Mental Hospitals 1928. Medical Officer assigned to Mental Hospital and Tsan Yuk Hospital 1937. Superintendent designated, Tung Wah Hospital 1937-38. Medical Officer, Queen Mary Hospital. acting Director of Medical Services 1947-49 (first locally born person appointed to the position). HKU, part time lecturer in Pharmacology, Vaccination and Anesthetics 1915-18, 1936-37, Obstetrics 1919-21 Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 1922, Ophthalmology 1925, Mental Diseases 1938. Honor: Hon LL.D., HKU 1961.
[1] Thomas was possibly an Eurasian.
[2] HKU had at the time a single faculty of Medicine.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 7, 1914, Notice #301; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Thomas, William Leslie (1921)
MRCS, England November 18, 1915; LRCP, London ditto; registered to practice in Hong Kong on March 4, 1921; address in Hong Kong: #36 Nathan Road, Kowloon and Alexandra Building (1921)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 4, 1921, Notice #86.Thompson, Henry Neville (1885)
(updated August 31, 2013) b. March 15, 1861. Armagh Royal School, Dublin. BA, MB, Bch, Trinity College, Dublin. AMD, Surgeon August 1884. Hong Kong 1885. HKGov., acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice Charles John Wharry, sick leave) 1885, (vice Michael Thomas Yarr, also a AMD surgeon) November 1-17, 1887. RAMC, Major August 2, 1896; Lieutenant-Colonel August 2, 1904; Colonel November 17, 1913; Major General December 26, 1917. Surgeon General, 1st Army, British Army in France 21 July 21, 1917. Nile Expedition 1898. African War 1900-1901. The Great War 1914-1918. Honor: Queen's Medal, King's Medal, DSO 1902, Delhi Durbar Medal 1903, Coronation Medal 1911, CMG 1916, CB 1917, KCMG 1918, Croix de Guerre (France), Distinguished Service Medal (USA), Grande-Oficial Ordem Militar de Avis (Portugal).
s/o Reverend Mungo Neville Thompson, Rector of Clonmany, Donegal, and Charlotte Blake, of Castlegrove, Co. Galway.
[On his second day working at the Government Civil Hospital, Thompson asked the police to arrest the hospital's ward master, John Roy (32), and his predecessor, Henry Watson (35), for stealing from patients in the hospitals two of whom were in dying conditions. Watson instantaneously fled to Canton where he was later apprehended by a Hong Kong police inspector on November 4. He was charged with four counts of larceny and was sentenced to seven years hard labor. Roy was charged with aiding and abetting Watson, but was discharged by proclamation. It was quite ironic that while Roy was being tried, he himself became the victim of theft. The offenders were Ho Abo, Roy's servant, and Ho Awai, a nurse of the hospital; both were charged with theft.]
Selected bibliography: AngloBoerWar.com [internet]. The China Mail, November 5, 1997, p.3, The Government Civil Hospital Scandal; November 24, 1887, p.3, Two of the Hospital Servants Charged with Theft; December 21, 1887, p.3, The Civil Hospital Case; The Charge against John Roy. Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon for the Year 1887.Thompson, Alta Frances (1938)
see Stout, Alta Frances (1938)
Thomson, John Christopher (1881-1909)
A Devoted Teacher.
(updated August 19, 2013) b. June 5, 1863, Lockerbie, Scotland. Edinburgh Univ., MA 1884; MB, CM August 1, 1888; MD 1892; CDTC 1904. DPH, Edinburgh and Glasgow 1904. LMSoc. medical missionary. Registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 18, 1889 through 1897. LMSoc. clinic, address: Po Yee Street, Sai Ying Pun 西營盤普義街 (working with William Young 楊威廉). Superintendent, Alice Memorial and Nethersole Hospitals 1889. Resigned from LMSoc. 1896. HKGov, Assistant Colonial Surgeon 1897; Government Medical Officer and Medical Officer of Health to the Kowloon extension 1898. Surgeon, Tung Wah Hospital 1909. HKCMC: Secretary 1891-94; Treasury and Secretary 1895-1909; Director of Studies 1895-1902; lecturer in Chemistry 1896-97, Chemistry and Physics 1898-1901, Clinical Medicine 1909, Clinical Surgery 1892, Diseases of Tropical Climates 1901-09, Fever 1908, Materia Medica and Therapeutics 1892-96, Physiology 1895-96, Surgery 1896-97. Official Justice of the Peace 1898. President, HKBMA 1899. Left Hong Kong December 28, 1909 due to ill-health. Publication: Reports on Malaria and on Hong Kong Mosquitoes, Government Gazette. Club: Hong Kong Club.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 19, 1889; May 7, 1898, Notice #212. Hong Kong Government, Report of the Head of the Sanitary Department for the Year 1909. The Straits Times, October 19, 1909, p.6, Social and Personal.Thomson, W.A. (1882)
MB. AMD, Hong Kong bef.1882; Deputy Surgeon General, Principal Medical Officer 1882.
Selected bibliography: Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon for the Year 1882.Tillinger, L. /1930s
Ting Sien (1914)
Dentist; place of practice: #14 D'Aguilar Street
[Ting placed an advertisement in the February China Mail of February 2, 1914, in which he claimed to offer free consultation and very moderate terms.]
Selected bibliography: The China Mail, Hong Kong: February 2, 1914
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To Coxion |
(updated June 30, 2013) alias To Ying-fan 杜應勳; LMSH, HKCMC (1899); house surgeon, Nethersole Hospital (1899-1908); house surgeon, Alice Memorial Hospital (1908-31); concurrently owned and ran a pharmacy in Queen's Road.
[To's wife and son were also employed by the Alice Memorial Hospital.]
To Shiu-hung (1924-EOP)
(updated August 15, 2013) MBBS, HKU 1924. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong March 14, 1925 through 1941, 17 years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #59 Robinson Road 1925; #286 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon 1941..
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, March 20, 1925, Notice #157; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.To Ying-fan 杜應勳 (1899)
see To Coxion 杜國臣 (1899)
To Ying-kwan 杜應坤 (1921)
MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. (July 11, 1917); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 28, 1921; address in Hong Kong: #3 Arbuthnot Road (1921)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 28, 1921, Notice #439.Todd, Lois (1933-EOP)
(updated August 15, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 11, 1933. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 18, 1933 through 1941, nine years in total. Address in Hong Kong: c/o Dr. S.W. Tso, #6 Shui Fai Terrace 1933; National Bank Building 1941..
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 20, 1933, Notice #51; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Tomlinson, S. /1930s
Toogood, Frederick Sherman (1889)
(updated August 27, 2013) MRCS. MD, London Univ. Hong Kong 1889. HKGov., Assistant Surgeon, Government Civil Hospital 1889.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 10, 1889, Notice #343.Tottenham, Richard E. /1920s
Tsai Ai-le 蔡愛禮 (1933-1948+)
(updated August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 22, 1932. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 5, 1933. School of Anatomy, HKU 1941. Private practitioner aft.1941-48+ [1], address: 4/F, China Building 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 5, 1933, Notice #317; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Tsai Len-hwon 蔡聯歡 (1937-EOP)
(updated August 15, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Osaka Women's Medical College, Japan June 15, 1933. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong December 16, 1937 through 1941, five years in total. Address in Hong Kong: #20 Yuk Sau Street, Happy Valley 1937 [1].
[1] Chen Li-tsieh 陳禮節 gave the same address in 1938. Chen graduated from the Kyoto Imperial University.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 17, 1937, Notice #916; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Tsam Yau-nam 湛有南 (1941-EOP)
Dentist, registered to practice in Hong Kong October 11, 1941; address in Hong Kong 1941: 1/F, #270 Queen's Road, West
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 31, 1941, Notice #1292.Tsan Tze-ming 曾子銘 (1933)
MBBS, HKU (January 17, 1930); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 6, 1933; address in Hong Kong: #34 Wyndham Street (1933).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 7, 1933, Notice #472.Tsan Wei-chean 曾偉昌 (1935-EOP)
(updated August 15, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 2, 1935. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 10, 1935 through 1941, seven years in total. Lai Chi Kok Hospital 1941. Address in Hong Kong: G/F, #28 Fort Street
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 11, 1935, Notice #28; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Tsang Fuk-cho 曾福初 (1926-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU 1926. Registered to practice Hong Kong June 14, 1926. Private practitioner 1926-48+ [1], address 1: 2/F, #61 Des Voeux Road Central 1926; address 2: #76 Queen's Road Central 1930; address 3: 1/F, 37 Connaught Road Central 1941; address 4: 4/F, Bank of China Building, Queen Road Central 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1925, Notice #327; May 9, 1930, Notice #296; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Tsang Hok-yuen 曾學元 (1941-EOP)
Dentist, registered to practice in Hong Kong September 2, 1941; address in Hong Kong 1941: Main Road, Un Long, Au Tau
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 31, 1941, Notice #1292.Tsang Kwong-kau 曾廣球 (1940-EOP)
(updated August 15, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 19, 1939. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong January 11, 1940 through 1941, two years in total. Address in Hong Kong: 2/F, #2 Lock Road 樂道, Kowloon 1940-EOP.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 12, 1940, Notice #53; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Tsang Sze-ying 曾士英 (1941-EOP)
Dentist, registered to practice in Hong Kong September 20, 1941; address in Hong Kong 1941: 1/F, #212 Lai Chi Kok Road, Kowloon
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 31, 1941, Notice #1292.Tseung, Fat-im 蔣法賢 (1925-1948+)
(updated August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU 1925. Registered to practice Hong Kong December 31, 1925. Private practitioner 1925-48+ [1], address: 4/F, China Building 1941, 1948. HKCMA, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer 1927, 1929; Vice President 1934. Medical Board 1930-36. Nutrition Advisory Council [n.d.]. Residence: #25 Hill Road 1925.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 31, 1925, Notice #755; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Tseung Ying-kay 蔣應岐 (1941-1948+)
(updated August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 14, 1940. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 9, 1941. Private practitioner 1941-48+ [1], address: #282 Lai Chi Kok Road, Kowloon 1948. Residence: G/F, #19 Man Chung Terrace, Happy Valley 1941.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 10, 1941, Notice #46.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Tseng Pin-hui /1930s
Tseng Wah-kit 曾華傑 (1933)
MBBS, HKU (May 12, 1933); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 20, 1933; address in Hong Kong: #12 Babington Path (1933).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 21, 1933, Notice #503.Tso Ta-ming 左達明 (1933-1948+)
(updated August 15, 2013) Edinburgh Univ., MBBS 1928; MD 1929. Registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 11, 1933. Private practitioner 1933-48+ [1], address 1: 4/F, #63-65 Des Voeux Road Central 1933; address 2: 5/F, Loke Yew Building, #50-52 Queen's Road Central 1941, 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 13, 1933, Notice #31; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》Hong Kong Year Book.Tso Wai-ming 左維明 (1934-1941+)
(updated August 15, 2013) LRCS, LRCP, Edinburgh 1931. LMS, Glasgow 1931. Registered to practice in Hong Kong May 4, 1934. Private practitioner 1934-1941+, address 1: #63 Des Voeux Road Central 1934; address 2: Loke Yew Building, #50-52 Queen's Road Central 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 4, 1934, Notice #359; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Tsoi Teng-ming (1924-1941+)
(updated August 15, 2013) MBBS, HKU 1923. Registered to practice Hong Kong November 7, 1924. Private practitioner, address 1: #50 Queen's road Central; address 2: #5 Stewart Road, Wanchai 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 7, 1924, Notice #620; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Tsoi Tsz-shek 蔡子碩 (1931-1941+)
(updated August 15, 2013) MBBS, HKU November 1930. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 6, 1931. Private practitioner 1931-bef.1940+, address 1: 1/F, #37 Des Voeux Road Central 1931. Chinese Public Dispensary, Yee Kok Street, Shamshuipo nlt.1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 9, 1931, Notice #26; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Tu Teng-pang (1927)
MBBS, HKU (1927); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 7, 1927; Government Civil Hospital (1927).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 7, 1927, Notice #585.Tucker, Alfred G.G. /1840s*
Turner, Gladys Maude (1921)
MBBS, Birmingham Univ. January 1916; registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 4, 1912; engaged by London Mission Hospital in 1921
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 4, 1912, Notice #45.Tutcher, W.J. /1890s
Tuxford, Alfred Stanley /1910s
U I-kai /1890s*
Urquhart, James Alfred (1920)
CM, MD May 6, 1915, McGill Univ., Canada; LMCC May 6, 1915; registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 16, 1920; address in Hong Kong: Alexandra Building (1919).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 16, 1920, Notice #16.Vadon, Alfred Marie (1920)
LMSSA, LMSA, March 18, 1920; MD, Bordeaux, France; registered to practice in Hong Kong on August 27, 1920; address in Hong Kong: French Consulate (1920), Alexandra Building (1921)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 27, 1920, Notice #447.van Wesel, Theodore (1912-1923)
(updated August 26, 2013) Name variations: Theodor van Wezel. MD, Freiburg Univ., Germany 1905. Registered to practice Hong Kong April 26, 1912. Private practitioner 1912- , Drs. Muller and Justi 1912- , address: #16 Queen's Road. Removed from the Medical Register by the government on February 15, 1923 [1]. Residence: Hotel Mansions 1912.
[1] The following doctors were removed from the Medical Registered by the government in February 1923 on the ground that they had not practiced for more than three months during the five year immediately preceding the enactment of the Medical Registration Amendment Ordinance, 1923; and they were: Karl Hoch, Carol Justi, Oskar Muller, Kurt Otto Herman Walther and Theodor van Wesel, all German nationals.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 26, 1912, Notice #139; March 2, 1923, Notice #88.Vargassoff, Vsevolod N. (1940-1941+)
(updated August 15, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 3, 1939. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 10, 1940. Department of Pathology, HKU 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Vephula, Chumlong (1929)
MBBS, HKU (December 20, 1928); registered to practice in Hong Kong on February 14, 1929.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 15, 1929, Notice #79.Vickerman, Philip Sexton (1919)
MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. 1905; LRC, London 1908; FRCS, England 1910; Lieutenant-Colonel, RAMC,SR; registered to practice in Hong Kong on December 31, 1919; honor: OBE; address in Hong Kong: #12 Humphreys Building, Kowloon (1919).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 31, 1919, Notice #599.von der Horck, Alexander (1878)
HKGov., acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice Charles John Wharry, absence on leave) June 1, 1878.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 1, 1878, Notice #120.von Kauffman, Harold /1850s
Walker, James Wise (1892-1896)
(updated August 19, 2013) BA, MD, Harvard Univ. 1880. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 7, 1892 through 1896. Residence: #4 West Terrace 1892.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 7, 1892; May 8, 1897, Notice #167.
Walther, Kurt Otto Hermann (1913-1923)
(updated August 26, 2013) MD, Berlin Univ. July 8, 1911. Registered to practice Hong Kong November 21, 1913. Removed from the Medicla Register by the government February 15, 1923 [1]. Residence: Hotel Mansions 1913.
[1] The following doctors were removed from the Medical Registered by the government in February 1923 on the ground that they had not practiced for more than three months during the five year immediately preceding the enactment of the Medical Registration Amendment Ordinance, 1923; and they were: Karl Hoch, Carol Justi, Oskar Muller, Kurt Otto Herman Walther and Theodor van Wesel, all German nationals.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 21, 1913, Notice #368; March 2, 1923, Notice #88.Wan Chik-hing 温植慶 (1922-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MB, ChB, Edinburgh Univ. July 1914. DTMH, Edinburgh December 1914. DPH, Cambridge Univ. April 1916. FRCS, Edinburgh July 1922. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 26, 1922. Private practitioner 1922-48+ [1], address: 2/F, China Building 1922, 1941, 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 9, 1923, Notice #57; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。
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Wan Man-kai |
The inaugural Chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association.
alias Wan Tun-mo 尹端模; Queen's College; Tientsin Chinese Government College 天津西醫學堂 [1]; surgeon, Imperial Chinese Navy; assistant professor, Tientsin Chinese Government College; went to Canton and associated with John Kerr, M.D. and taught at the medical school attached to the Pok Tsai Hospital 博濟醫學堂 (Dr. Sun Yat-sen studied here in 1886); staff surgeon, Nethersole Hospital (1897); staff surgeon, Alice Memorial Hospital (1898, vice U I-kai 胡爾楷, who had died); private practice from 1900; member and inaugural President of HKCMA (1920-22); director of the inaugural board of Yeung Wo Nursing Home (1922).
Christian; son of Wan Wei-tsing 尹維清, an ordained minister of LMSoc.
Married daughter of Au Fung-chi 區鳳墀, several of his brothers-in-law were graduates of HKCMC and practiced with him in Hong Kong.
[1] Tientsin Chinese Government College opened in 1881 with the patronage of Li Hongzhang.
Wan Yik-shing (1921)
MRCS, England 1918; LRCP, London 1918; BS, Cambridge Univ. (1921); MB, Cambridge Univ. (1924); registered to practice in Hong Kong on September 30, 1921; re-registered on November 14, 1941; address in Hong Kong: #20 Caine Road (1921), School of Pathology, HKU (1941).
[The names of Wan Yik-shing and Kuo Shao-hong were the last two entries in the Medical Register in 1941. Hong Kong came under the attack of the Japanese on December 8, 1941. What puzzles me is that Wan's name continuously appeared on the medical register without interruption ever since his first registration in 1921. The need to re-register is unknown to me.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 30, 1921, Notice #402; November 21, 1941, item #1399.Wan Ying-shing (1925-1941+)
(updated August 15, 2013) MRCS, England 1925. LRCP, London 1925. Registered to practice Hong Kong October 16, 1925. Private practitioner - 1941+ , address 1: #28 Caine Road 1925; address 2: 7/F, China Building 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 16, 1925, Notice #585; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Wang Chung-ching 王寵慶 (1920)
MBBS (June 30, 1914), MD (September 1, 1916), Edinburgh Univ.; Scottish Branch of General Council of Medical Education and Registration, UK; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 9, 1919 and continued until 1937; re-registered on March 23, 1939; Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA (1920); address in Hong Kong: #39 Robinson Road (1919), #81 Robinson Road (1939).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1919, Notice #205; March 24, 1939, #228.Wang Chungyi 王寵益/1920s*
Ware, Thomas Walter /1930s
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Three Chinese figures by Thomas Watson pen and ink and pencil |
How Watson's the Chemist began;
b.1815-d.1860; Edinburgh Univ.; private practice in Macau 1845; sold his practice to B. Kane and moved to Hong Kong 1856; acquired interests in the Hong Kong Dispensary [1] in the same year; also held interests in Victoria Dispensary until its closure in 1857 due to lack of business; left Hong Kong for Scotland in 1859 due to ill health; died in 1860 and left a sizeable estate; notable amateur painter; close friend of famous Macau-based painter George Chinnery
[1] Watson's nephew Alexander Skirving Watson joined the Hong Kong Dispensary as manager in 1858. After Watson died, A.S. Watson together with John David Humphreys and Arthur Hunt leased the dispensary for their operation, and from 1862 onwards the name A.S. Watson featured prominently at the Hong Kong Dispensary. In 1871, the Watson family leased the company to Drs. Humphreys and Hunt, and thenceforth the company is known as A.S. Watson and Co., where Watsons the Chemist became the trade name for the retail outlets.
Watson, W.M. /1890s
Watt Leung-ying 屈良瑛 /1910s
Wei Cheuk-sheng 韋爵生 (1936-1941+)
(updated August 15, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 23, 1935. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 15, 1936. Private practitioner 1936-1941+, address: #9 Hart Avenue, Kowloon 1936, 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 17, 1936, Notice #72; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Wellington, Arthur Robartes (1929)
Director of Medical and Sanitary Services (position known as Principal Civil Medical Officer before 1929) 1929-1936; Director of Medical Services (name of position again changed in 1936) 1936-1938
Wharry, Arthur J. (1883)
(updated August 2013) Private practitioner. HKGov., acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice Charles John Wharry, sick leave) 1883; acting Superintendent, Lock Hospital (vice Lourenço Pereira Marques, other duties at Stone Cutters' Island Hospital) 1883.
Selected bibliography: Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon for the Year 1883.Wharry, Charles John (1873-1887)
(updated August 29, 2013) b. February 9, 1848, Woolwich. Aberdeen Univ., MB, CM 1871; MD 1873. FRMCS, London 1882. Hong Kong 1873. HKGov., Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital February 22, 1873 - 1887; acting Colonial Surgeon and Surgeon of Lock Hospital (vice Philip Bernard Chenery Ayres absence on leave) June 25, 1875; retired on pension 1887.
s/o army captain Charles W. Wharry and Euphemia McCallum. bro/o Robert Wharry [1].
[Wharry had taken ill in 1883 and, while taking leave of absence, was stood in by Arthur J. Wharry. There was a record in the minutes of the Legislative Council for the approval of government expenses including a line item of remuneration payable to Arthur Wharry of $78 ($6 per day x 13 days). The two Wharry(s) might be related, but unfortunately, I found no references to confirm that. Arthur Wharry gave an address in 1884 at Seymour Terrace, Seymour Road.]
[1] Robert Wharry, b. November 12, 1853, Woolwich – d.dt/unk., also read medicine at Aberdeen Univ. He received MB and CM in 1875, and MD in 1878. There was a R. Wharry listed as an assistant physician at the Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest in 1879. Also, a Dr. R. Wharry gave his address at #6 Gordon Square, London in 1886.
Selected bibliography: 20 Children of Royal Military Acaedemy Barracks Sergeant, Fishman, rootschat.com [internet]. Eitel, Ernest John, Europe in China, the History of Hong Kong from the Beginning to the Year 1882, Hong Kong: Kelly & Walsh, 1895. Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, Vol. #49, 1884, London: The Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society. Minutes of the Legislative Council #3, March 5, 1884. Anderson, Peter John (Ed.) Roll of Graduates 1860-1900, University of Aberdeen, 1900. Church, W.S. (Ed.), Alfred Willett, Alfred (Ed.), Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Reports (Volume 13), London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1877. Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 22, 1873, Notice # 29. Hong Kong Government, Report on the Blue Book and Departmental Reports for 1887.Wilkinson, Paul Biddulph (1937-48+)
(updated September 5, 2013) b.1900d.1975. MBBS, London Univ. LRCP. MRCS. MRCP. FRCS, England. Hong Kong nlt.1937. HKGov., Medical Officer September 1, 1937; acting Member, Nurses Board (vice William Innes Gerrard, absence on leave) March 17, 1939, March 13, 1941. Acting Professor of Medicine, HKU 1939-EOP, 1946-48. Official Justice of the Peace 1938-EOP. Wartime whereabouts unknown. Publications: Beriberi in St. Helena: a Clinical Study, [s.i.]: Newspaper Enterprise Ltd., 1938; Asiatic Smallpox, The Lancet, Vol. #241, Issue #6230, January 23, 1943, pp.120-121; Deficiency Diseases in Hong Kong, The Lancet, Vol. #244, Issue #6325, November 18, 1944, pp.655-658. Variations on a Theme by Sydenham. Smallpox, etc., Thomas Sydenham co-author, Bristol: John Wright, 1959.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 14, 1933, Notice #33; September 10, 1937, Notice #644; May 5, 1939, Notice #355; February 28, 1941, Notice #232; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. The Official Website of the Department of Medicine, University of Hong Kong [internet].Winchester, Charles Alexander /1840s*
Wong, Augustus Dia 黄鴻進 (1930-1941+)
(updated August 15, 2013) Alias Wong Hung-tsun. MBBS, HKU December 29, 1927. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 9, 1930. Kowloon Hospital 1930. Private practitioner aft.1930-1941+, address: #238 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Wong, B.C. 黃菖霖 (1922)
Anti-slavery activist;
Members of the inaugural directors of the board of Yeung Wo Nursing Home 1922; member of the congregation of the All Saints Church 諸聖堂, representative of All Saints Church in the Anti-Mui-Jai Society 反蓄婢會, which was founded in August 1921 by a number of Protestant churches for the purpose to rid of the Mui-Jai custom, a quasi-slavery tradition in China
Wong Cheong-lam, Benjamin 黄鏘霖 (1917-1941+)
(updated August 15, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 7, 1917. Registered to practice Hong Kong July 20, 1917.Private practitioner 1917-1941+, address 1: #297 Shanghai Street, Yaumati 1917; #39A Queen's Road Central 1921; address 3: #466 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 20, 1917, Notice #331; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Wong Ching-kuen /1940s
Wong, David Marndell 黄大衛 (1941-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) LMS, Prince Edward Island Medical Council 1939. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 9, 1941. Private practitioner, 1941-48+ [1], address: China Building 1941, 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Wong Hing-chuen 黄慶全 (1917)
MBBS, HKU May 30, 1916; registered to practice in Hong Kong on April 27, 1917; address in Hong Kong: #26 Wing Lok Street (1917), Des Voeux Road Central (1921)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 27, 1917, Notice #184.Wong Hok-nin 王鶴年 (1933-1941+)
(updated August 15, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 21, 1932. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 5, 1933. Residence, address 1: Top floor, #9 Breezy Terrace 1933; address 2: 1/F, #127 Robinson Road 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 5, 1933, Notice #317; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Wong Hok-tsung 黄學曾 (1941)
(updated August 15, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 14, 1940. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 16, 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 17, 1941, Notice #76; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Wong Kai-gee, Herbert 黃啟智 (1936-1941+)
(updated August 15, 2013) LRCP, LRCS, Edinburgh 1934. LMS, Glasgow 1934. MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. 1934. Registered to practice Hong Kong June 9, 1936. Residence: #8 Fung Fai Terrace, Happy Valley 1936, 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 12, 1936, Notice #538; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Wong Kam Hei, Stephen 黄錦熙(1941-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 4, 1941. Registered to practice Hong Kong July 11, 1941. Private practitioner 1941-48+ [1], address 1: #466, Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941; address 2: #242 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon 1948; address 3: 1/F, #252 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 11, 1941, Notice #844.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Wong Kwok-kun 黃國權 (1917-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 7, 1917. Registered to practice Hong Kong June 22, 1917. Ho Miu Ling Hospital 1917. Kwong Wah Hospital 1921. Private practitioner aft.1921-48+ [1], address: #337 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941, 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 22, 1917, Notice #29; May 9, 1941, Notice #5580.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Wong Man (1921)
MRCS, England (1919); LRCP, London; registered to practice in Hong Kong on August 12, 1921; address in Hong Kong: #3 Caine Road (1921)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 12, 1921, Notice #347.Wong Pak-fu 黄作符 /1890s
Wong Pun-cheuk 黄品卓 (1940-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 3, 1939. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 10, 1940. Private practitioner 1940-48+, address 1: 1/F, #562 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1940-41; address 2: 1/F, 442 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Wong, Reginald Jarp 黄仲敏 (1921-1948+)
(update August 17, 2013) MB, CM, Sydney Univ. 1918. Registered to practice Hong Kong October 28, 1921. Private practitioner 1921-48+ [1], address 1: #70 Queen's road Central 1921; address 2: 1/F, 65 Des Voeux Road Central 1941; address 3: #63 Des Voeux Road Central 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 28, 1921, Notice #439; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Wong Sai-yan 黃細恩 /1890s*
Wong Shing-hang 王盛衡 (1934-1948+)
(updated August 15, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 12, 1934. Registered medical practitioner Hong Kong June 1, 1934; re-registered May 13, 1938 [1]. Private practitioner 1934-48+ [2], address 1: #157 Wing Lok Street 1934, address 2: 1/F, #724 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1938-41, 1948.
[1] There had been no interruption in Wong's registration, reason for re-registration is unknown.
[2] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 1, 1934, Notice #431; May 13, 1938, Notice #389; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》Hong Kong Year Book.Wong Shiu-kong 黄紹綱 (1941-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 4, 1941. Registered to practice Hong Kong July 11, 1941. Private practitioner 1941-48+ [1], address: #68 Johnston Road, Wanchai 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 11, 1941, Notice #844. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Wong Shun-fong 黄順芳 (1936-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 4, 1936. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 10, 1935. Residence: address 1: Top floor, #251 Lockhart Road 1936; address 2: 2/F, #86A Lockhart Road 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 14, 1936, Notice #160; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Wong Sik-to 黄錫滔 (1921-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MRCS, England 1919. LRCP, London 1919. DOMS, RCS, England 1926. Registered to practice Hong Kong August 12, 1921. Private practitioner 1921-48+ [1], address: 2/F, Pedder Building 1941, 1948. Residence: #3 Caine Road 1921.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 12, 1921, Notice #347; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Wong Siong-cie 黄祥芝 (1938-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 7, 1917. Registered to practice Hong Kong June 10, 1938. Private practitioner, 1938-48+ [1], address 1: 1/F, #22 Des Voeux Road Central 1941; address 2: 1/F, #796 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1948. Residence: 2/F, #1 Ning Yeung Terrace 1938.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 10, 1938, Notice #461; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Wong Siong-hing 黄祥興 (1934)
MBBS, HKU (January 9, 1934); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 18, 1934; address in Hong Kong: #4 Breezy Terrace (1934).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 19, 1934, Notice #41.
Wong Tsz-chuen 王子傳 (1917-1941+)
(updated on August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 7, 1917. Registered to practice Hong Kong June 15, 1917. Ho Miu Ling Hospital 1917. Private practitioner, 1921-1941+, address 1: #66 Queen's Road Central 1921; address 2: 3/F, King's Theater Building 1941. Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA 1924, 1935. Midwives Board 1933-39, 1946.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 15, 1917, Notice #281; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Wong Tai-fong (1887)
[Wong placed the following advertisement in the China Mail:
Dentistry. First Class Workmanship, Moderate Fees: Mr. Wong Tai-fong, Surgeon Dentist, (Formerly Articled Apprentice and Laterly Assistant to Dr. Rogers) at the urgent request of his European and American patients and friends, has taken the office formerly occupied by Dr. Rogers, No. 2, Duddell Street, Consultation Free, discount to missionaries and families, sole address: 2, Duddell Street (next to the New Oriental Bank).]
Selected bibliography: The China Mail, Hong Kong: July 28, 1887, Business Notices.Wong Tung-ming 王通明 (1934-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) Igakuhakushi (MD), Tokyo Imperial Univ. April 27, 1929. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 25, 1934. Private practitioner, address: 1/F, #246 Nathan Road 1934, 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 25, 1934, Notice #418; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Wong Wa-kwan 黄華君 (1932-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 15, 1932. Registered to practice Hong Kong December 29, 1932. Private practitioner, 1932-1941+, address: 1/F, #495 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 30, 1932, Notice #815; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Wong Yan-kwong 黄恩光 (1929-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU January 3, 1929. Registered to practice Hong Kong February 18, 1929. Private practitioner 1929-48+ [1], address 1: Top floor, #316 Nathan Road 1929; address 2: #440 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941, 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 22, 1929, Notice #89; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Wong Yat-hung 黄日雄 (1941-EOP)
MBBS, HKU (June 4, 1941); registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 11, 1941; address in Hong Kong: #2 Yick Kwan Avenue, Causeway Bay (1941).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 11, 1941, Notice #844.Wong Yu-lung 黄裕綸 (1939)
MBBS, HKU (December 19, 1929); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 26, 1939; address in Hong Kong: @/F, #20 Jordan Road, Kowloon (1939).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87.Wong Fun 黃寬 (1860)
(updated August 29, 2013) b.1929, Xiangshan in Guangdong 廣東香山縣. Name variations: Kuan Huang, Wong Foon. Alias: Huang Jiechen 黃傑臣, Huang Chuoqing 黃綽卿. Edinburgh Univ., MB 1855; MD 1857. Hong Kong nlt.1860. HKGov., acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice John Ivor Murray absence on leave) December 15, 1860.
[Full story on the way]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 22, 1860, Notice #143.Woo Kai-fun 胡啟勳 (1931-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 19, 1930. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 14, 1931. Government Civil Hospital 1931.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 19, 1931, Notice #39; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Woo Loy-kung 胡來貢 (1919)
MBBS, HKU June 10, 1919; registered to practice in Hong Kong on July 18, 1919; engaged by Kwong Wa Hospital, Yaumati
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, July 18,1919, Notice #332.Woo Pak-foo 胡百富 (1941-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. 1938. LM, Rotunda Hospital 1939. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 9, 1941. Private practitioner 1941-48+ [1], address: 2/F, China Building 1948. Correspondence address: c/o Messrs. Woo & Woo 1941.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 10, 1941, Notice #46. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Woo Tin-po 吳天保 (1918)
MBBS, Edinburgh Univ. (December 19, 1915); registered to practice in Hong Kong on October 25, 1918; Vice President, HKCMA (1922); address in Hong Kong: #21 Bonham Road (1918)
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, October 25, 1918, Notice #420.
Arthur Woo |
Rotarian to Rejuvenate the Club after the War.
b. 1888 Hong Kong – February 1964 Hong Kong; attended Diocesan Boys' School in Hong Kong; studied Latin and French in England; trained at Middlesex Hospital and qualified with the Conjoint diploma (1913); MBBS, London Univ. (May 1916); LRCP, London (January 1913); MRCS, England (January 1913); FRCS; FICS Hon.; worked at military hospitals in Britain during WWI; studied in New York and Baltimore under a Rockefeller scholarship, including training at the Johns Hopkins Hospital; Assistant Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Peking Union Medical College 協和醫學院; Medical Advisor to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Transportation, ROC; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 9, 1919; address in Hong Kong 1919: #11 Old Bailey; private practice as a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, place of practice: China Building in Central, moved to Edinburgh House in early 1960s; Lecturer in Gynecology and Obstetrics and Internal Examiner, HKU; honorary consulting gynecologist to the Nethersole Hospital; established Babington Hospital 惠德頤養院 (his Chinese name "Wai-tak" was used to name the hospital) in Babington Path 巴丙頓道 , assume the post of Medical Superintendent; President, HKCMA 1924-25; Council, HKBMA; Justice of the Peace 1938; largely responsible for the re-establishment of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong 1945 (the Rotary was initially formed in 1932); internationally acclaimed postage stamp collector; honor: King George V Silver Jubilee Medal 1935, OBE 1954; Christian, member of the congregation of the Hong Kong Anglican Church; son of Dr. U I-kai 胡爾楷醫生; brother of Dr. Katie Woo 胡素貞博士, the late headmistress of St. Paul’s Girls’ School
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1919, Notice #205; May 4, 1923, Notice #206; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Woodford, Henry Benjamin (1884)
Came to Hong Kong to practice medicine before 1884; objected to register (in accordance with Ordinance #6 of 1884 of April 5, 1884) and was allowed to continue to practice; address in Hong Kong 1884: #5 D'Aguilar Street, Victoria
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 3, 1884, Notice.Woodman, William James (1915)
MRCS, LRCP, England; LSA, London; came to Hong Kong in or before 1915; assistant Medical Officer of Health wef. May 8 1915; acting Medical Officer of Health (vice W.W. Pearse) May 1 - June 4, 1923; lecturer in Hygiene, HKU 1921-23; Official Justice of the Peace 1922-24
[Woodman was involved in a malpractice lawsuit - T. Anderson vs. J.H. Sanders, in which Dr. James Herbert Sanders of the Matilda Hospital was sued for damages by Thorwald Anderson, a foreman of Hong Kong Wharf. Woodman was rebuked by the Chief Justice William Rees-Davis as being unprofessional during the trial on December 17, 1923 at which he testified as a witness.]
[Woodman's daughter Alice Marjorie Woodman married William Stone, son of P.E.F. Stone, a long time Hong Kong resident; address in 1920: #13 Knutsford Terrace, Kowloon.]
Selected bibliography: The China Mail, July 2, 1920, p.4, Local Wedding, Stone-Woodman. / The Hong Kong Daily Press, December 18, 1923, p.5, Local Doctor Sued for Damages. / The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 21, 1915, Appt. #222; May 19, 1922, Appt. #228. / Report of the Head of the Sanitary Department 1923Woods, Frederick Lindsay (1912)
MBBS, Cambridge Univ. 1905; registered to practice in Hong Kong on August 8, 1912
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette August 9, 1912, Notice #245.Woosnam, Richard /1840s
Wu Hung-tak 胡雄德 (1936-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 27, 1935. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 21, 1936. Queen Mary Hospital 1941. Private practitioner aft.1941-48+ [1], address: 1/F, Alexandra Building 1948. Avid photographer; Hon. FPSHK 1966. Residence: #4 Beautiful Terrace, Bonham Road 1936.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 23, 1936, Notice #95; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Wu Ki-lim 胡其廉 (1939-1948+)
(updated August 17, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 8, 1938. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 26, 1939. Private practitioner 1939-48+, address 1: #97 Jaffe Road 1939, 1941; address 2: 3/F, Bank of Canton Building 1948.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Wu Tai-piao (1939-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) Name variations: Wu Ta-piao. MBBS, HKU December 14, 1928. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 8, 1931. Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, HKCMA 1939. Residence: address 1: #8 Ashley Road 1931; Villa Ellenbud, Sasson Road 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1931, Notice #282; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Yamazaki, T (1914)
Dentist; came to Hong Kong in or before 1914; place of practice in 1914: #34 Queen's Road, Tel:1302
Selected bibliography: China Mail, January 5, 1915, p.5.Yang Ke 楊珂 (1937-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 20, 1937. Registered to practice Hong Kong December 29, 1937. Residence: 2/F, #47 Bonham Road 1937. Correspondence Address: c/o Dr. H.C. Ku, No.1 Chinese M.O. Quarters, Queen Mary Hospital 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 31, 1937, Notice #952; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Yang Lin 楊琳 (1931)
MBBS, HKU (December 21, 1928); registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 8, 1931.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 8, 1931, Notice #282.Yang Pao-chang (1934-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU July 26, 1929. Registered to practice Hong Kong February 19, 1934. Correspondence address: c/o Dr. N.K. Law, #57 Wyndham Street 1934.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 23, 1934, Notice #125; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Yaroogsky-Erooga, Mark Akim (1940-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 19, 1939. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 11, 1940. Queen Mary Hospital 1940-41.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 12, 1940, Notice #53; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.
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Michael Thomas Yarr, by Walter Stoneman, 1919 / Source: National Portrait Gallery, London |
(updated August 22, 2013) Ophthalmologist. b. October 17, 1862, Cloughjordan, Co. Tipperary – d. April 24, 1937, London. French College, Blackrock, Ireland. LRCP, Ireland 1882. LM, Ireland 1882. FRCS, Ireland 1894. AMD, Surgeon Captain January 1886, Surgeon Major January 1898. Hong Kong 1887. Acting Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital May 14, 1887 (seconded from AMD; vice Charles John Wharry, retired). Succeeded by another AMS surgeon, Henry Neville Thompson November 1, 1887. Member, Commission to Inquire into the Causes of the Fever Prevailing in the Western District, Hong Kong December 17, 1887. RAMC, Lieutenant-Colonel January 1906; Colonel 1915; temporary Surgeon-General 1916; Major-General December 1917; retired 1921. African War 1900-1901. The Great War 1914-1918. Publications: Manual of Military Ophthalmology, Etc., London: Cassell & Co., 1902. Honor: CB 1915; KCMG 1917; KStJ.
s/o Thomas Yarr, Justice of the Peace, of Rathgar, Dublin.
[Yarr was for a time physician to the Crown Prince of Siam, Maha Vajiravudh (later King Rama VI) while seconded for service under the Siamese Government 1895-1900.]
Selected bibliography: The British Medical Journal, November 10, 1900 , p.1376, Hospital Report. The British Journal of Ophthalmology, 1937, pp.333-334, Obituary. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 14, 1887, Notice #196; December 17, 1887, Notice #525. Hong Kong Government, Report of the Colonial Surgeon for the Year 1887. Royal Army Medical Corps Officers of the Malta Garrison › Yarr Michael Thomas [internet].Yeang Cheng-hin 楊清添 (1938-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 28, 1937. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 20, 1938. Queen Mary Hospital 1938.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 21, 1938, Notice #64; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Yeo Kok-cheung 楊國璋 (1925)
The first Chinese to be Appointed Director of Medical and Health Services.
name variations: Yeo Kok-cheang, K.C. Yeo; b. April 1, 1903, Penang - d. May 22, 2004, Battle, East Sussex; MBBS (1925), MD (1930), HKU; DPH, Cambridge Univ. (1926); DPM&H, London Univ. (1927); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 13, 1926; Government Civil Hospital (1926); Assistant Medical Officer of Health (1927); Chinese Health Officer, Senior Grade (1939); Deputy Director of Health Services, Health Adviser to Urban Council (1947); Deputy Director of Medical and Health Services (1950); Director of Medical and Health Services (1952-58), the first local civil servant to rise to the substantive position of a department director; first Unit Controller, Auxiliary Medical Service (1952); lecturer and examiner in Public Health (1928), lecturer in Public Health (1936-38), Chair Professor of Social Medicine (1952-57), HKU; President of HKCMA (1932); Official Justice of the Peace;(1938); Official Member of Legislative Council (1951-57); Vice Chairman of Urban Council; Senior Hospital Medical Officer (Psychiatry), St Ebbaís Hospital, Epsom, Surrey (1963); honor: CMG (1956); WHO Traveling Fellow (1948).
Christian; husband of Florence Ho-Tung 何孝姿 (m. March 24, 1933), daughter of Robert Ho-Tung 何東 and Clara Cheung Ching-yung 張靜蓉.
[Yeo, who lived until 101 years old, claimed himself the holder of the world record in sitting ups for his body weight for several years.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 15, 1926, Notice #25. / The Telegraph, November 13, 2004, Obituaries, K.C. Yeo [internet].Yeoh Cheang-hoe (1927)
MBBS, HKU (1926); registered to practice in Hong Kong on September 9, 1927; Government Civil Hospital (1927).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, September 9, 1927, Notice #516.Yeoh Guan-eng 楊源榮 (1932-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 25, 1932. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 31, 1932. Residence: #12 Hart Avenue, Kowloon 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 2, 1932, Notice #358; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Yeoh Hone Soo (1921)
MBBS, HKU May 1921; registered to practice in Hong Kong on June 24, 1921; address in Hong Kong 1921: St. Anthony's Church, Bonham Road
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 24, 1921, Notice #280.Yeung Wun-in, Cissy (née Wong) 楊黄蘊賢 (1937-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 22, 1936. Registered to practice Hong Kong November 25, 1937. Private Practitioner 1937-1941+, address: 5/F, China Building. Residence: #3 Bonham Raod 1937.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 26, 1937, Notice #868; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Yeung Tsaw-che 楊佐志 (1936-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 28, 1935. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 21, 1936. Government Civil Hospital 1936. Private practice aft.1936-1941+, address: 5/F, China Building 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 23, 1936, Notice #95; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Yeung Wai-wah 楊暳華 (1940-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 1937. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 10, 1940. Residence: address 1: 2/F, #2 Po Wah Street 1940; 2/F, #138 Caine Road 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Ying Kwan-to (1918)
MBBS, Edinburgh July 11, 1917; registered to practice in Hong Kong on May 3, 1918; address in Hong Kong 1918: #3 Arbuthnot Road
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 3, 1918, Notice #162.Yip Keung-ki 葉强基 (1930-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 28, 1927. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 9, 1930. Residence, address 1: #2B Pottinger Street 1930; address 2: #711 Shanghai Street, Mongkok, Kowloon 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Yip Tai-ching 葉大楨 (1930-1948+)
(updated August 18, 2013) MRCS, England 1928. LRCP, London 1928. MBBS, London Univ. 1929. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 9, 1930. Private practitioner 1930-1948+ [1], address: 4/F, China Building 1930, 1948. Residence: #18 Macdonnell Road 1941.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 9, 1930, Notice #296; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Yip Yuet-fong 葉粵芳 (1932-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 13, 1932. Registered to practice Hong Kong December 29, 1932. Private practitioner 1932-1941+, address 1: #20 Lan Kwai Fong 1932; address 2: G/F, #32 Yik Yam Street 1941..
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, December 30, 1932, Notice #815; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Yong Chong-chew 翁松洲 (1940-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 5, 1939. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 10, 1940. Queen Mary Hospital 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Yong Pung-fook 楊邦服 (1939-1948+)
(updated August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 22, 1938. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 26, 1939. Queen Mary Hospital 1941. Private practitioner aft.1941-48+ [1], address: China Building 1948. Residence: 1/F, #9 Kung Wo Terrace 1939.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 27, 1939, Notice #87; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Young, James Hume (1845)
Junior partner at Victoria Dispensary; Treasurer, CMCS; resigned from the treasurer post and CMCS membership in November 1845; husband of Margaret Hutchison
Young Kwan-tung 楊焜棟 (1941)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 14, 1940. Registered to practice Hong Kong January 16, 1941. Residence: 2/F, #185 Tung Choy Street, Mongkok, Kowloon 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 17, 1941, Notice #76; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Young, Peter F.H. (1843)
Surgeon in the East India Company's iron steamship Nemesis; arrived Hong Kong, dt/unk.; head, Hong Kong Seamen's Hospital, 1843-46; Colonial Surgeon, 1846-47 [1]; related to James Young
[1] Young was requested by John Francis Davis, the 2nd governor, after the sudden death of Francis Dill, to gave up his medical practice and become Colonial Surgeon, the third in a row local recruit. Both Davis and Young were unaware of the fact that the Home Government had decreed that the Colonial Surgeon's post should be filled by a London appointee. Young had to step down ten months after he was appointed to make way for William Morrison who arrived Hong Kong in mid 1847 as London’s appointee to take over his job.
Young, Richard (1871-1884+)
(updated August 29, 2013) FRCS, LRCP, Edinburgh April 16, 1866. Hong Kong nlt..1871. Private practitioner nlt.1871-1884+. HKGov., acting Surgeon Superintendent, Lock Hospital (vice John Ivor Murray absence on leave) January 19, 1871; Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital February 24, 1971 - September 1872, resigned. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 3, 1884. Residence: Woodville, 7 Arbuthnot Road 1872.
[Young was one of the first nine doctors who registered as medical practitioners in Hong Kong immediately following the enactment of the "Medical Registration Ordinance, 1884" that required all doctors to be licensed before they could treat patients for monetary reward.]
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 21, 1871, Notice #12; February 25, 1871, Notice #37; May 3, 1884, Notice.Young Tsze-sheung 楊子驤 (1938-1948+)
(updated August 18, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Kyusyu Imperial Univ., Japan March 31, 1923. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 20, 1938. Private Practitioner 1938-48+ [1], address 1: 3/F, China Building; address 2: Pedder Building 1948. Residence: 3/F, #14 Peking Road, Kowloon 1938.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 27, 1938, Notice #422; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Young Tsze-tow 楊子韜 (1937-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Kyusyu Imperial Univ., Japan March 31, 1923. Registered to practice Hong Kong November 10, 1937. Private Practitioner 1937-1941+, address: 3/F China Building. Residence: #1 Oriental Terrace, Tin Hau Temple Road, Causeway Bay 1937.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 12, 1937, Notice #830; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Young Wai-lam 楊偉林 (1940-1948+)
(updated August 18, 2013) MBBS, HKU June 1, 1939. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 10, 1940. Residence, address 1: 2/F, #19 On Lan Street 1940-41; address 2: #1 Garden Terrace, Robinson Road 1948..
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 10, 1940, Notice #536; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Young, William (1884-1889)
(updated August 2013) MD, CM, Bishop's College, Montreal April 11, 1878. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 27, 1884 through 1889. Residence: Woodville, Arbuthnot Road 1884.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 31, 1884; May 4, 1889, Notice #205.Yu Ah-li (née So) 余亞莉 (1938-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) Alias So Wah-cheung. Igakushi (MB), Tokyo Women Special Medical College, Japan March 23, 1937. Registered to practice Hong Kong August 24, 1938. Private practitioner 1938-1941+, address: 1/F, #225 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 26, 1938, Notice #666; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Yu Chiu-kwong 余朝光 (1930-1948+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 1929. Registered to practice Hong Kong July 30, 1930. Private practitioner 1930-48+ [1], address 1: 1/F, #225 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941; address 2: #477 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1948. Residence: #46B Bonham Road 1930.
[1] Further research is required to ascertain the status of the practice during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, i.e. active, inactive, went underground, dormancy, etc.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 1, 1930, Notice #48; May 9, 1941, Notice #5587. 《香港年鑑》香港:華僑日報 (Hong Kong Year Book)。Yu Siau-dong 虞小棠 (1938-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) Igakushi (MB), Tokio Women's Medical College, Japan March 23, 1929. Registered to practice Hong Kong February 24, 1938. Residence: #40 Haiphong Road, Kowloon 1938.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, February 25, 1938, Notice #170; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Yue Man-kwong (1942)
MBBS, HKU (1923); registered to practice in Hong Kong on April 11, 1924; Government Civil Hospital (1924).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, April 11, 1924, Notice #196.Yuen Mo-yin, Hilda 阮慕賢 (1932)
MBBS, HKU (December 21, 1931); registered to practice in Hong Kong on January 6, 1932; address in Hong Kong: #1 Third Street (1932).
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, January 8, 1932, Notice #17.Yuen, William 阮思聰 (1934-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU December 16, 1925. Registered to practice Hong Kong May 18, 1934. Private practitioner 1934-1941+, address: #17 Queen's Road Central 1934.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, May 18, 1934, Notice #394; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.Yule, John Alexander (1864-1866)
(updated August 29, 2013) d. April 10, 1866 at sea. FRCS, Edinburgh. RN, assistant surgeon October 20, 1859. Hong Kong nlt.1864. HKGov., Superintendent, Government Civil Hospital (vice John Dollman, new appointment Health Officer and Surgeon, Stone Cutters' Island Convict Hulk) June 21, 1864 - November 1864 resigned. Died on board the Euxine on the homeward passage from Hong Kong.
s/o John Yule, b.1851.
Selected bibliography: Dennys, N.B., King, Charles and Mayers, William Fred., The Treaty Ports of China and Japan: a complete Guide to the Open Ports of those Countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao, Hong Kong: A. Shortrede & Co., 1867. The Hong Kong Government Gazette, June 25, 1864, Notice #105. The London and China Telegraph, August 15, 1864 The Medical Times and Gazette: A Journal of Medical Science, Literature, Criticism, and News, Vol. #1 1866, London: John Churchill & Sons, 1866. RN Surgeons [internet].Zia I-ding 謝一亭 (1938-1941+)
(updated August 16, 2013) MBBS, HKU May 1922. Registered to practice Hong Kong November 3, 1938 Tung Wah Eastern Hospital 1938. Private practitioner aft.1938-1941+, address: 2/F, 56 Nathan Road, Kowloon 1941.
Selected bibliography: The Hong Kong Government Gazette, November 4, 1938, Notice #860; May 9, 1941, Notice #558.

Appendix I
Conventional Place Names Conversion
Amoy = Xiamen
Canton = Guangzhou
Ceylon = Sri Lanka
Chinkiang = Zhenjiang 鎮江
Chungking = Chongcing
Gold Coast = Ghana
Hongkong = Hong Kong
Hopei = Hebei
Kaulung = Kowloon
Kwangtung = Guangdong
Macao = Macau
Mukden = Shenyang
Peking = Beijing
Tientsin = Tianjin
Appendix II
Medical Institutions Existing in Hong Kong, 1841-1941
(updated on September 13, 2013)
Boards and Councils
Sanitary Board April 18, 1883, replaced by Urban Council 1936
Medical Board April 5, 1884
Midwives Board September 2, 1910
Dental Board August 1, 1914
Board of Examiners - Sanitary Council, Hong Kong Branch
Medical Advisory Board to the Governor
British Medical Association Hong Kong and China Branch November 15, 1890; recognized by Council of The British Medical Association 14 January, 1891
National Medical Association (of China) 中華醫學會, Hong Kong Branch 1915
Hong Kong Chinese Medical Association 中華醫學會 1920
Hong Kong Nurses and Midwives Association 香港護士及助產士會 1940
Government / Military Hospital
Naval and Military Hospital January-July 1841
HMS Minden (hospital ship) 1843-44
Government Civil Hospital 政府公立醫院 (國家醫院) ca.1849-1937
Lock Hospital 性病醫院 1858-94
The Sanatorium 1863-ca.1865
Smallpox Hospital 1871-73
Royal Naval Hospital 1873-1941
Lunatic Asylum 1875-85
Victoria Hospital for Women and Children 1897-1947
Kennedy Town Glass Works Hospital 1894
Bowen Road Hospital (British Military Hospital) 山頂陸軍醫院 1907-67
Kowloon Hospital 九龍醫院 1925-present
Haw Par Hospital (St. John's Hospital), Cheung Chau 聖約翰醫院 1934-present
Queen Mary Hospital 瑪麗醫院 1937-present
Lai Chi Kok Hospital 荔枝角醫院 1937-2004
Private hospitals
Hospital of the Medical Missionary Society 傳道會醫院 1843-ca.1853
Hong Kong Seamen's Hospital 1843-73
Victoria Hospital ca.1843
Tung Wah Hospital 東華醫院 1872 -present, became a government hospital 1991
Alice Memorial Hospital 雅麗氏利濟醫院 1887-present. Alice Memorial (together with its affiliate hospitals), the Nethersole and Ho Liu Ling Hospitals were amalgamated to become Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital 雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院 1954. The new hospital became a government hospital 1991.
The Peak Hospital 1889-1932
Nethersole Hospital 那打素醫院 1893-present
St. Paul's Hospital (a.k.a. French Hospital) 法國嬰堂醫院 1898-present
Tung Wah Smallpox Hospital (herbal treatment) 東華痘局 1902-38, converted to become the Government Infectious Diseases Hospital
Alice Memorial Maternity Hospital 1904, grouped under Alice Memorial and Affiliated Hospitals
Ho Miu Ling Hospital 何妙齡醫院 1906-present
Matilda Hospital 瑪鐵達醫院 1907-present
Majima Hospital 馬島病院 1908- December, 1941
Kwong Wah Hospital 廣華醫院 1911-present, became a government hospital 1991
Tsan Yuk Maternity Hospital 贊育醫院 1922-present, became a government hospital 1934
Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital 養和醫院 1922-present
Canossian Hospital (a.k.a. Italian Hospital) 1929-present
Tung Wah Eastern Hospital 1929-present, became a government hospital 1991
Babington Hospital and Sanatorium 惠德頤養院 1934-57
Sisters of the Precious Blood Hospital 寶血醫院 1937-present
St. Teresa's Hospital 聖德肋撒醫院 1940-present
Kam Wah Sanatorium 錦華療養院 -1968
Tai Wo Hospital (Babington Path) 太和醫院 巴丙頓道 -1956
Wanchai Eastern Maternity Hospital [n.d.]
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